• Germ Jihad – Licking, Spitting, Coughing And Posting!

    Tommy Robinson - Apr 5th 2020 5:27pm EDT

    ISIS asked Allah to increase the coronavirus torment of non-believers. Germ Jihad – Licking, Spitting, Coughing And Posting! Historical Germ Warfare It was the year 1343, Muslim Mongols besieged a port city called Caffa on the back of tensions with Italian traders at the time. Caffa (now Feodosija, Ukraine) was a thriving cosmopolitan city that […]

  • The Majority Of Type 1 Child Rape Offenders Are MUSLIM!

    Tommy Robinson - Apr 2nd 2020 6:36pm EDT

    Faima Bakar is a Metro “journalist” who lies by omission. Faima – The Majority Of Type 1 Child Rape Offenders Are MUSLIM! Not Diverse – Perverse Generally, those who are ideologically left-wing, Muslim, or both, typically downplay the extent and the causation for the majority of child rape gangs here in the UK. The very […]

  • Follow Tommy On Social Media – TikTok!

    Tommy Robinson - Mar 31st 2020 9:53am EDT

    Twitter banned him; Facebook cancelled him, YouTube limited him, and the UK media hate him. Follow Tommy On Social Media – TikTok! Relying On Communists We still live in Orwellian times, Tommy Robinson, the enemy of the British state, is banned, censored, slandered, de-platformed and censored all across western social media platforms. Who would have […]

  • Breaking News – Police Update Tommy – Gangsta’s Charged!

    Tommy Robinson - Mar 27th 2020 6:22pm EDT

    Every now and then, when the planets align, and someone in charge uses common sense, a result is possible. Breaking News – Police Update Tommy – Gangsta’s Charged! Sign the petition – Deport Omar – Click HERE. Tommy Robinson – HERO! The British people are recognised for their sense of community, for their wartime spirit, […]

  • Press Promote Tommy – From “Nazi” To “Passer-By”

    Tommy Robinson - Mar 26th 2020 7:14pm EDT

    Tommy Robinson could find a cure for cancer; however, UK presstitutes would still spin a negative headline. Press Promote Tommy – From “Nazi” To “Passer By” Journalism Is Dead We do live in Orwellian times. The globalist corporatist media are nothing but an extension of the global political elites of this world. Tommy Robinson, being […]

  • Deport Omar The Plastic Shankin Gangsta Fam!

    Tommy Robinson - Mar 24th 2020 9:48pm EDT

    Tommy witnessed an elderly couple who were coughed at, spat at, abused and then assaulted by Hitchins finest. Deport Omar The Plastic Shankin Gangsta Fam! Rewind And Remember Fam You may remember an article and video we put out on the 21st of March, it went viral, and for good reason. Tommy witnessed an abusive […]

  • Tommy Robinson Stops Coronavirus Attack In The UK!

    Tommy Robinson - Mar 20th 2020 8:54pm EDT

    Where is the British spirit? Where is the British sense of community? Tommy Robinson Stops Coronavirus Attack In The UK! #CoronaCriminals #GermJihad Youthful Degeneracy And Disrespect A couple were walking down the road when a group of male degenerates targeted them. The male degenerates thought they would “purposefully” cough and spit, directing their “cough” and […]

  • Australian SAS Soldier Allegedly Killed Unarmed Afghan

    Tommy Robinson - Mar 17th 2020 6:30pm EDT

    Cast your minds back to December 2013 when Royal Marine Sergeant Alexander Blackman was sentenced to life imprisonment. Australian SAS Soldier Allegedly Killed Unarmed Afghan. A War Crime? Back in September 2011, Royal Marine Sergeant Alexander Blackman responded to a patrol base that had come under small arms fire from two Taliban insurgents. The Taliban […]

  • Communist China’s Coronavirus Calamity – Politics Before Lives

    Tommy Robinson - Mar 17th 2020 10:30am EDT

    A worldwide pandemic was born in East Asia; the cover-up has caused a global panic. Communist China’s Coronavirus Calamity – Politics Before Lives. Epicentre Of Censorship The coronavirus can be traced back to a wild animal market in Wuhan central China (allegedly). Wuhan is the site of Chinas first and only biosafety level 4 laboratory […]

  • TR.News EXCLUSIVE – Would-Be Jihadi Finally Charged!

    Tommy Robinson - Mar 16th 2020 1:37pm EDT

    Do you remember Ali Dawah’s friend Abdul Basir, the man who threatened to kill Tommy? TR.News EXCLUSIVE – Would Be Jihadi Finally Charged! Anti-English Would Be Jihadist Abdul Basir, the friend of Ali Dawah, sent threatening messages to Tommy and his family on YouTube. Abdul threatened to cut Tommy’s “fucking neck off” which is in […]

  • Anti-White Racism And Woke Revolutionary Zealotry

    Tommy Robinson - Mar 16th 2020 10:45am EDT

    Disliking people based only on melanin and immutable characteristics shaped by their parents DNA is bigoted. Anti-White Racism And Woke Revolutionary Zealotry. The White Devil – Less Than Human Tribal animosity drives inequality. An intense focus to dislike, disparage, denigrate and discriminate based purely on skin colour is by definition – bigoted moronic racialism. Here […]

  • Home Office – Release The Child Rape Report!

    Tommy Robinson - Mar 13th 2020 8:38am EDT

    Conservative MP Sajid Javid ordered a review back in July 2018 into the decade’s old child grooming epidemic. Home Office – Release The Child Rape Report! Denied For Decades The abhorrent rape, molestation, pimping, beating and abuse of vulnerable British children by predominantly Muslim gangs has been covered up by the political and media establishment […]

  • Exclusive Update – Lawfare Conducted By Slippery Snakes

    Tommy Robinson - Mar 12th 2020 3:36pm EDT

    Tommy went to court today; Mohammed Akunjee represents the Syrian refugee who is suing him for defamation. Exclusive Update – Lawfare Conducted By Slippery Snakes! Unethical Lawfare Tommy had to attend court today because a Syrian refugee is attempting to sue him for defamation in another civil case designed to crush him financially. To support […]

  • Pro-Paedophile Policing – Or Just Plain Negligence?

    Tommy Robinson - Mar 6th 2020 12:05pm EST

    Tommy received a call from Detective Sergeant Hancock on Wednesday. Pro-Paedophile Policing – Or Just Plain Negligence? Pro-Paedophile Political Policing On Wednesday Tommy received a call from Detective Sergeant Simon Hancock. DS Hancock (collar number 157) is a nearly thirty-year Police veteran serving with Bedfordshire Police force; he works in their “serious and complex crime […]

  • Behind The Scenes In Russia – The Rape Of Britain

    Tommy Robinson - Mar 4th 2020 10:34am EST

    Behind The Scenes In Russia – The Rape Of Britain A look at what went on behind the scenes in Russia with Tommy and the crew. Click HERE to watch the 6pm premiere on the TR.News YouTube channel. Alternatively click HERE to watch the 6.30pm premiere on Tommy’s channel. The post Behind The Scenes In […]

  • Greek Border Police Shoot Dead Illegal Migrant

    Tommy Robinson - Mar 2nd 2020 11:32am EST

    Reports say more than 30,000 migrants have amassed along the Turkish-Greek border. Greek Border Police Shoot Dead Illegal Migrant. Erdogan And The March Of Migrants Turkeys President Erdogan opened up its frontier into Europe sparking a new migrant crisis. Millions of migrants are fleeing Syria because of tensions between Russian backed Syrian forces and Turkish […]

  • Transgender Agenda – Stop Abusing Our Children!

    Tommy Robinson - Mar 2nd 2020 8:30am EST

    Tommy has joined up with Hearts of Oak – a new free speech populist alliance. Transgender Agenda – Stop Abusing Our Children! Hormonal Harmony? The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust is the only part of the NHS that deals with cases of child gender dysphoria (children who have issues with their birth sex). In […]

  • Fighting For Free Speech – Hearts Of Oak

    Tommy Robinson - Feb 28th 2020 11:55am EST

    Tommy Robinson has joined a brand new free speech populist Alliance. Fighting For Free Speech – Hearts Of Oak. Transphobia Or Truthphobia? “Parents are scared to object to this state-endorsed abuse of their children as they will be silenced as transphobic bigots and accused of hate speech”. Speaking on the inevitable accusations of bigotry, transphobia […]

  • Donald Trump Visits India

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 24th 2020 6:48pm EST

    To celebrate Trump’s visit to India I wanted to make a video to show how in my warped mind it will go……USA and India united! pic.twitter.com/uuPWNRZjk4— Sol ? (@Solmemes1) February 22, 2020 https://t.co/UNd3cUGWhz pic.twitter.com/moveFYzKDq— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 24, 2020 “America loves India, America respects India, and America will always be faithful and loyal […]

  • Tommy Robinson Interviewed On Russia Today

    Tommy Robinson - Feb 23rd 2020 7:06am EST

    Tommy Robinson Interviewed On Russia Today By Oskana Boyko On The Worlds Apart Programme. The video speaks for itself. Tommy brilliantly deconstructs the counter-narratives used to protect Islam from criticism, especially concerning the topic of Muslim child rape gangs. Tommy also talks about the damage caused by uncontrolled, unfettered immigration policies of the UK. The […]

  • Extreme Islamisation – The Corruption Of Luton Town

    Tommy Robinson - Feb 20th 2020 5:14pm EST

    Kent Ekeroth is a member of the Swedish Democrats; he flew over from Sweden to meet Tommy Robinson. Extreme Islamisation – The Corruption Of Luton Town. The Defilement Of A Town Our good friends at Rair Foundation USA have kindly translated Kent Ekeroth’s documentary about Tommy Robinson and his beloved hometown Luton. Kent allows Tommy […]

  • Trump Administration Mulls Renewing Effort To Oust Maduro

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 20th 2020 2:27pm EST

    This makes sense. Juan Guaidó was a guest of honor at the 2020 State of the Union Address. It is too much to ask of Washington to focus on rebuilding our own country. Bloomberg: “Trump administration officials are discussing whether to renew their unsuccessful campaign to oust Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro by persuading some ruling party […]

  • Apocalypse Now: Is Wuhan Virus the Opening Shot in World War III?

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 18th 2020 4:58pm EST

    BREAKING: Russia bans Chinese citizens from entering the country due to coronavirus – Interfax— BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) February 18, 2020 UPDATE: 88 new cases of coronavirus on cruise ship in Japan, raising ship’s total to 542 https://t.co/eUoE2b20hL— BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) February 18, 2020 I don’t trust any of the numbers about the coronavirus coming out […]

  • To Russia With Love – The Rape Of Britain

    Tommy Robinson - Feb 13th 2020 4:27pm EST

    Tommy gives a quick update as to what has been going on behind the scenes. To Russia With Love – The Rape Of Britain. Rape Jihad Is An International Issue Tommy gives a quick update as to what he’s been up to behind the scenes, as usual, he’s been busy, busy preparing for a trip […]

  • Vladimir Putin Rules Out Legalizing Gay Marriage In Russia

    Occidental Dissent - Feb 13th 2020 3:28pm EST

    Reminder: Vladimir Putin is an evil authoritarian dictator. Reuters: “MOSCOW (Reuters) – President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday Russia would not legalize gay marriage as long as he was in the Kremlin. He made clear he would not allow the traditional notion of mother and father to be subverted by what he called “parent number […]