Media: Jews are the Real Victims
Daily Stormer - May 16th 2021 1:40pm EDTThis is a real headline from The Telegraph: The real victims are the Jews and their ice cream parlors. You can go read the article if you care. I’m going to assume you don’t care enough for me to quote it. It’s just a long thing about how Palestinians are terrorizing innocent Israelis. Meanwhile… Of […]
UK: Poll Shows That Virtually No One Supports Wokeism (Only 13% Support Child Trannies)
Daily Stormer - May 16th 2021 10:48am EDTThe Daily Mail this week polled people on their support for various “woke” agendas. “Don’t knows” were not included in the numbers, and I think it is safe to say that anyone who supports one of these agendas is going to let you know they support it. All of those positions are supported, institutionally, by […]
China Lands a Spacecraft on Mars for the First Time
Daily Stormer - May 16th 2021 6:21am EDTChina is now the only country after the US to have ever successfully landed on Mars. It is unclear how they managed such a feat without making Diversity their strength. AP: China landed a spacecraft on Mars for the first time on Saturday, a technically challenging feat more difficult than a moon landing, in the […]
Rice Has Plastic, The Air Has Plastic, Tap Water Has Plastic, Your Poop Has Plastic, You Have Plastic
Daily Stormer - May 16th 2021 3:00am EDTPictured: the amount of plastic a person eats in a year, according to a WWF study. The Guardian has published an environmental investigation about microplastics that paints a grim picture: there is no escape. Plastic is everywhere. It’s even inside of you right now. The Guardian: As much as the idea might be unpalatable, all […]
WHO Tells Richer Countries Not to Vaccinate Kids, Give Vaccines to Poorer Countries Instead
Daily Stormer - May 15th 2021 11:44pm EDTVaccinating kids, at the moment, goes against the World Health Organization’s recommendation. Not because of concerns about safety, but because they want all “vulnerable groups” in the world vaccinated first. At least that’s what they say. They could be secret Hitlerists trying to kill the poor. The Guardian: The WHO has urged wealthy countries to […]
Germany: Judge Offers African Rape Gang Suspended Sentences if They Admit to Gang Rape
Daily Stormer - May 15th 2021 8:02am EDTOf course, a slut is a slut. But the law is also the law, and in Germany, the law is that you’re not allowed to do a gang-bang on a drunk 17-year-old. Africans are above the law. Free West Media: The offer of a judge at the Berlin Regional Court caused outrage on Wednesday. The […]
Italy: Judge Throws Out One of Salvini’s Migrant “Kidnapping” Trials
Daily Stormer - May 15th 2021 2:00am EDTThe reporter is a descendant of a Holocaust “survivor” Charging the leader of Italy with “kidnapping” migrants by refusing to let them get off a ship onto Italian soil is not one of the weirdest things we’ve seen recently. The weirdest things pretty much all relate to trannies and the virus hoax. However, the kidnapping […]
Seychelles: Most Vaxxed Country in the World Sees Huge Spike in Deaths, More New Cases Than Any Other Country
Daily Stormer - May 15th 2021 1:20am EDTHow do the vaxx believers even begin to explain this? Of course, they cannot explain it, so they just don’t talk about it. It’s literally not in the news at all. Free West Media: Due to the enormous increase in the number of infections in the Seychelles, Corona measures are being tightened. The current vaccination […]
Sunday Times: What’s The Point Of The Labour Party?
Occidental Dissent - May 9th 2021 12:29pm EDTIn three headlines from the UK, we can see the future of both conservatism and the Republican Party and woke progressivism and the Democrats in the United States. The Guardian: “Anti-fascist campaigners have been celebrating a dismal performance by far-right candidates in elections around the UK, from Scotland to council polls in England. Their disastrous […]
How Labour Lost The Working Class
Occidental Dissent - May 8th 2021 1:52pm EDTI’m experiencing déjà vu. It is almost like we are talking about the same class of people who have taken over the Democratic Party in this country and who are steadily transforming into what used to be the old Republican Party. Alexei Arora: “As council elections take place in the UK, one by-election in a […]
First Tranny Olympian Confirmed! Bio-Frontholes Told to Keep Their Faceholes Shut!
Daily Stormer - May 8th 2021 1:55am EDTDaily Stormer: nothing but tranny news, 24/7. All the latest on Big Tranny – and how you can stop it. Actually, we have no idea how to stop it. And the only reason we’re covering it so much is that this is what is in the mainstream media now. Approximately 87% of major news stories […]
UK to Allow People Under 40 to Choose Pfizer or Moderna Coronavirus Vaccines Over AstraZeneca’s
Daily Stormer - May 7th 2021 8:56am EDTMobile vaccination center. The only thing that matters is that everyone gets vaccinated, so the benevolent government of the United Kingdom will allow young people to choose whether to get the AstraZeneca mystery liquids or the Pfizer or Moderna ones. See? We still have freedom. The Guardian: People under 40 will be offered an alternative […]
UK: Tranny Pedophile Released from Prison Despite Attacking Guards
Daily Stormer - May 7th 2021 1:00am EDTThis is a woman. Got that, bigot? Well, to be fair, he was probably acting like this because he was so oppressed by the CIS patriarchy. Breitbart: Marcia Walker, a male-to-female transgender child rapist in one of Britain’s maximum-security prisons has been freed despite admitting to attacking guards after they took her razors, preventing Walker […]
Sweden: Medical Experts Sign Open Letter Against Mass Vaccination, Say Only Old and Sick People Should Get It
Daily Stormer - May 7th 2021 12:54am EDTYou won’t find any mentions of this in Western media in the last 5 years or so We always mock Sweden for their feminism and anti-racism, but for whatever reason, this is a country that has been more on the ball than any other Western shithole regarding this virus hoax – by a lot. Sputnik […]
China Responds to G7 Statements on “Taiwanese Independence”
Daily Stormer - May 6th 2021 6:42am EDTIt will be interesting to see if China has some kind of plan here. Surely, they must understand that no matter what they do, the West is just going to keep pushing? RT: The Chinese Foreign Ministry has issued a stern rebuke of the G7 communiqué which reaffirmed the group’s support for Taiwanese independence; Beijing […]
UK: After Magical Disappearance, Flu and Pneumonia are Back! Now Killing More Than Coronavirus
Daily Stormer - May 6th 2021 2:14am EDTPreviously in the UK: The Flu Magically Disappears, Cases Plummet by 95% as Totally Unrelated Coronavirus Rises Hey! Vaccines are working! We told you so! Nowadays, everyone’s dying from the flu. These are totally obviously not the same deaths that were blamed on coronavirus before. Now we’re getting closer to truly fixing this mess. We only […]
Mali: Black Woman Gives Birth to 9 Hungry Black Children at Once
Daily Stormer - May 5th 2021 7:53am EDTYou know what the world needs more of? Blacks! Nobody knows why exactly, but we all know we need more of them*. The Guardian: A woman in Mali has given birth to nine babies – two more than doctors had detected inside her womb – according to the country’s health ministry, joining a small pantheon […]
Sweden: Invaders Avoid Deportation by Refusing Covid Tests
Daily Stormer - May 4th 2021 11:00pm EDTSweden has a long, proud history of craving black cock. Now this is thinking with your dick if I ever saw such a thing. Breitbart: Migrants scheduled for removal from Sweden have found that if they refuse to undergo a test for the Wuhan coronavirus, they can not be deported. Mikael Holmgren, acting head of […]
Iran Releases Video Depicting Its Army Destroying US Capitol Building and Marching On Jerusalem
Daily Stormer - May 4th 2021 1:34pm EDTToday pre-Khamenei talk,Iran state TV aired this clip depicting an IRGC attack on #Congress Yes, it’s propaganda. But it shows the anti-US ideology of #IRGC,which is rising in power Should the #US give #Iran billions in sanctions relief before addressing the challenge of IRGC? — Kasra Aarabi (کسری اعرابی) (@KasraAarabi) May 2, 2021 Iran […]
Weird: Second Highest Ranking Swiss Embassy Official Falls to Her Death from Tehran Tower
Daily Stormer - May 4th 2021 9:00am EDTHow often do people fall out of buildings? How often do embassy employees die? How suspicious is it when anyone involved with or related to Iran dies? RT: The Swiss government has confirmed media reports that a 51-year-old woman who died after she fell from a residential building in the wealthy Tehran suburb of Kamraniyeh […]
Riot Games to Start Recording Valorant Players’ Voice Chat to Combat “Hate Speech
Daily Stormer - May 3rd 2021 3:34pm EDTThe absolute state of mainstream gaming. This is what happens when you lose a war – like we lost Gamergate. Niche Gamer: Riot Games have announced they will begin recording players using voice chat in Valorant, in order to tackle harassment and hate speech. The announcement explains that “In order for us to take action […]
Israeli Jews Whine About Chinese Embassy Tweet That Hurt Their Feelings
Daily Stormer - May 2nd 2021 2:51pm EDT“If the United States brought ‘democracy,’ it would be like this.” There are two things in this life that are certain: death and Jewish whining. Jerusalem Post: The Chinese Embassy in Japan last Thursday tweeted an antisemitic cartoon and then deleted it at the behest of Israel’s Foreign Ministry. The cartoon featured an image of the Grim […]
Berlin: More Than 50 Police Persons Injured and More Than 250 Antifa Detained in May Dddsaay Riots
Daily Stormer - May 2nd 2021 2:11pm EDTAntifa rolled in hot and heavy on Berlin on Saturday, to celebrate communism with violence. As night falls in Europe on May Day, German #antifa in Berlin start a fire in the street. — Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) May 1, 2021 What do they want? What are their demands? Just everything the same as […]
SAGE Begins Trial of Daily Stick-Up-The Head Coronavirus Testing
Daily Stormer - May 2nd 2021 10:22am EDTThese niggas tryin’ ta test me… The Guardian: Daily testing of the contacts of people who test positive for Covid is to be trialled, the government has announced, in a effort to reduce the need for people to self-isolate unnecessarily. People who test positive for Covid and their close contacts currently have to self-isolate for […]
UK: 12-Year-Old Girl Sues School for Requiring Students to Wear Coronavirus Masks
Daily Stormer - May 1st 2021 3:10pm EDTThis is a stock photo because the 12-year-old suing her school remains anonymous for now, but it illustrates how insane it is to see a kid wearing a mask. This is so, so much better for society and so, so much braver than anything Greta Thunberg ever did. Daily Mail: A schoolgirl is suing a […]