• The German government admits hundreds of thousands of people have had severe side effects following mRNA shots

    Alex Berenson - Jul 20th 2022 4:28pm EDT

    This morning, the German Federal Ministry of Health posted a stunning tweet, admitting that 1 out of every 5,000 Covid jabs cause “serious side effects.” This figure is likely a sharp underestimate, given the fact that side effect reporting systems for drugs and vaccines are largely voluntary. Nonetheless, it implies that almost 300,000 Americans and […]

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Alex Berenson - Jul 17th 2022 4:05pm EDT

    I don’t want to make a regular practice of kissing readers’ rear ends. Whether it’s the vaccines, the Ukraine, or Donald Trump, I figure you’ve signed up to hear what I think, even if it’s not what you might like. I realize this stance qualifies as radical in today’s siloed media world, but so be […]

  • We need to talk about Australia

    Alex Berenson - Jul 16th 2022 5:57pm EDT

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  • Stunning official Canadian data show vaccines now RAISE the risk of death from Covid

    Alex Berenson - Jul 15th 2022 9:13am EDT

    Vaccinated people are now more likely to be hospitalized or die from Covid, even after adjusting for fact they’re older than the unvaccinated, according to official government estimates from the Canadian province of Manitoba. In May, the most recent month for which figures are available, only 9 percent of Covid deaths and 14 percent of […]

  • The sublime cynicism of the press for “Omicron-specific” Covid vaccines

    Alex Berenson - Jul 14th 2022 12:13pm EDT

    Since May, public health authorities and media outlets have started pushing a new generation of mRNA Covid booster shots, theoretically reformulated specifically against the Omicron variant. The new jabs supposedly fix the minor fact that the original mRNA jabs have proven all-but-useless against Omicron – which, at least for now, is the only variant of […]

  • How anti-Covid vaxxers will save the world from Donald Trump (and Joe Biden)

    Alex Berenson - Jul 12th 2022 5:56pm EDT

    At this point Joe Biden is a walking corpse – politically (maybe medically too, diagnosis at a distance is always tricky). The DEMOCRATS are begging him to promise he won’t run again. It’s only a matter of time before his approval rating falls into the 20s. He is the most ineffective President since at least […]

  • The price of fear (Vol. 2)

    Alex Berenson - Jul 12th 2022 11:28am EDT

    (Second in a series) Yesterday, I asked you to send in first-person stories of the way Covid and vaccine restrictions changed your lives. The stories continue to flood in – your honesty and willingness to share these painful moments is amazing. As I mentioned last night, because of their length, I am going to group […]

  • The price of fear

    Alex Berenson - Jul 11th 2022 7:10pm EDT

    Earlier today on Twitter I asked you for your own stories of how lockdowns and travel restrictions and vaccine mandates have touched your lives. So many of you have emailed already, and I must admit that the intimacy of these stories stuns me. Some of my closest friends are friends no longer, so I understand […]

  • The Pandemic’s Wrongest Man: an occasional series

    Alex Berenson - Jul 10th 2022 11:10am EDT

    The Economist, July 9, 2022: “The damage from shutting down schools has been worse than almost anyone expected…” The Pandemic’s Wrongest Man, April 10, 2020 (yes, 2020): This has been The Pandemic’s Wrongest Man: an occasional series. Subscribe now

  • I know what you did last summer (and fall)

    Alex Berenson - Jul 8th 2022 12:18pm EDT

    We’ve all blocked the malign forces that started to swirl around this time last year, haven’t we? The jabbed and the purebloods too, we’ve all just decided to pretend it never happened. Let me remind you. Because it’s important that we never forget. (A since-deleted tweet from Matthew Yglesias, founder of Vox, Bloomberg columnist, firm […]

  • Why the Berenson v Twitter settlement may open the door to claims from other banned users

    Alex Berenson - Jul 7th 2022 3:23pm EDT

    I can’t talk about my settlement with Twitter beyond yesterday’s three-sentence statement. I take that obligation seriously. My lips are sealed. But I can talk about what the settlement may mean. To recap: I sued Twitter in December in federal court in San Francisco, Twitter’s preferred venue. In April federal Judge William Alsup rejected Twitter’s […]

  • “He was an isolated stoner who completely lost touch with reality”

    Alex Berenson - Jul 6th 2022 2:52pm EDT

    Funny how that happens. Crimo was known at least locally in what’s called the lofi rap community – and there are enough pictures of him online from the last several years that anyone who cares to look can see the change in him. Not the tattoos, those are obvious, I mean the way his eyes […]

  • Alternate first post-reinstatement tweets

    Alex Berenson - Jul 6th 2022 11:40am EDT

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  • @alexberenson

    Alex Berenson - Jul 6th 2022 11:27am EDT

    Let’s get the official statement – the reinstatement statement – out of the way first: The parties have come to a mutually acceptable resolution. I have been reinstated. Twitter has acknowledged that my tweets should have not led to my suspension at that time. Unreported Truths is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and […]