• Support independent journalism. Support Unreported Truths.

    Alex Berenson - Jul 24th 2024 4:27pm EDT

    I need your help. Once upon a time you could (basically) believe elite media outlets like The New York Times. (I know, I worked there for a decade.) Yes, a few topics were off-limits, and the reporters were overwhelmingly Democrats. But the paper wanted to present the world in a truthful, accurate way. The Times […]

  • As vice president, Kamala Harris had one job. She failed.

    Alex Berenson - Jul 24th 2024 12:09pm EDT

    After last night’s piece about media efforts to whitewash the end of Joe Biden’s Presidential run, one Unreported Truths reader offered a fascinating email on why Kamala Harris must answer for helping hide Joe Biden’s cognitive decline. Harris has never been a top Biden advisor. After he became President, he promised weekly lunches with her […]

  • Do NOT let the media lie about Joe Biden

    Alex Berenson - Jul 23rd 2024 6:33pm EDT

    Once again, the elite media is trying to rewrite history in real time. Not even 24 hours after a Democratic and public rebellion forced President Joe Biden to give up his desperate quest for a second term1, the spinning and gaslighting began. Biden is an “American hero,” one New York Times opinion piece claimed yesterday. […]

  • URGENT: It’s been almost 24 hours since he quit his Presidential campaign, where is Joe Biden?

    Alex Berenson - Jul 22nd 2024 12:39pm EDT

    I am not a conspiracy theorist. In 2021, I didn’t say the mRNA jabs had nanoparticle trackers or were a depopulation conspiracy or whatever. I said they had serious side effects and were failing quickly. True. Now. Today. I am not saying Joe Biden has been forced to drop his Presidential candidacy unwillingly1. Most likely, […]


    Alex Berenson - Jul 21st 2024 3:13pm EDT

    President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. ended his disastrous attempt to run for a second four-year term in ignominy today. Just before 2 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, Biden released a one-page letter explaining that “it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on […]

  • The last (presidential) days of Joe Biden

    Alex Berenson - Jul 19th 2024 2:47pm EDT

    Whatever. Anyway. What-evah. Lately, Joe Biden has sounded more like a stoned, lisping Valley Girl than the President of the United States. Alas. He’s not stoned. (Words I never expected to write about him, or anyone.) Biden’s word-finding and cognitive processing appear to have become so poor that he is regularly unsure of what he’s […]

  • Oh the irony: Covid will be the final nail in Joe Biden’s (political) coffin

    Alex Berenson - Jul 18th 2024 10:46am EDT

    Three-and-a-half years ago, Joe Biden promised he would solve the problem of Covid by getting enough people vaccinated.1 Turns out he had it backwards. Covid’s gonna solve the problem of Joe Biden, jabbed and all. On Saturday night, after Donald Trump was shot, I posted on X that The second-order fallout from this is that […]

  • The media hits ANOTHER new low in covering the Trump assassination attempt

    Alex Berenson - Jul 15th 2024 3:33pm EDT

    The images and sounds are stunning: Crack-crack-crack! Crack-crack-crack-crack-crack! Eight shots ring out. Thousands of people dive and scatter. On the podium before them, a presidential candidate drops to the ground and the Secret Service mobs him. And here’s what CNN tells its viewers: — Yes, CNN eventually changed its headline. But how could anyone with […]

  • Let’s (try to) put politics aside and ask the most basic question: Is Joe Biden fit to be President?

    Alex Berenson - Jul 13th 2024 11:53am EDT

    The question the world should be asking is not if Joe Biden can defeat a Democratic insurrection and remain his party’s Presidential nominee. Nor is it if he can defeat Donald Trump in November, an outcome betting markets suggest is possible, if unlikely. Those issues are fascinating, of course. Maybe Biden can use the power […]

  • The Biden campaign considers its options: a leaked memo*

    Alex Berenson - Jul 11th 2024 6:54am EDT

    A memo from Jennifer O’Malley Dillon, Joe Biden’s campaign manager, to Uncle Joe himself about how to salvage Joe’s campaign just popped in my inbox. Apparently Dillon accidentally sent it to me.1 Turns out she’s a Unreported Truths reader, who knew?2 Anyhoo, this thing is gold. I’ve reproduced it in full, no edits. TO: Big […]

  • The hypocrisy and creeping authoritarianism of Joe Biden

    Alex Berenson - Jul 10th 2024 5:14pm EDT

    His decline is so obvious even he has admitted it, but Joe Biden will not release his full health records or take an independently administered cognitive test. Instead Biden has demanded his party fall into line behnd his reelection bid, despite the fact most voters, including his supporters, say he is too old to be […]

  • Striking while the truths are hot

    Alex Berenson - Jul 9th 2024 10:56am EDT

    Yesterday, I asked you to sign up as paid subscribers for Unreported Truths – or reup, if you already are. Your response was strong and heartening. But I’m going to make one more appeal today. I want to explain why. — (Less than 20 cents a day. For reporting that moves the needle. Even if […]

  • In stealing my story today, the New York Times committed a serious breach of journalistic ethics (yes, that’s a thing)

    Alex Berenson - Jul 8th 2024 7:19pm EDT

    After this I’m getting back to my job, which is breaking the news that outlets like The New York Times would rather hide unless I give them no choice. But I want to explain why what Times reporters Peter Baker and Emily Baumgaertner did today in stealing my Saturday scoop about the visits by a […]


    Alex Berenson - Jul 8th 2024 1:45pm EDT

    UNREPORTED TRUTHS, SATURDAY: — (PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, PLEASE – I NEED YOUR HELP TO KEEP MAKING THEM WRITE THE STORIES THEY DON’T WANT TO) Subscribe now — THE NEW YORK TIMES, TODAY: Breaking news, huh? It sure was. You read it HERE two days ago. By the way, the right number is eight, not nine – […]

  • Join me, support me, stand with me!

    Alex Berenson - Jul 8th 2024 12:35pm EDT

    Unreported Truths has had a very big two weeks. And much more is coming. On Saturday, I broke the news that a neurologist who specializes in Parkinson’s disease had visited the White House NINE times between July 2023 and March, The Guardian, The Telegraph, and The Free Press are now among the outlets that have […]

  • From a physician: Parkinson’s disease might be Joe Biden’s BEST diagnosis

    Alex Berenson - Jul 6th 2024 3:30pm EDT

    After this morning’s article about the repeated visits by a Parkinson’s disease specialist to the White House resident medical clinic since last summer, a physician emailed me to argue that the specifics of Biden’s diagnosis matter less than the fact his symptoms are now so visible. He consented to have his email published, on the […]

  • VERY URGENT: A Parkinson’s disease specialist has visited the White House residence medical clinic at least nine times since July 2023

    Alex Berenson - Jul 6th 2024 9:51am EDT

    Dr. Kevin R. Cannard, a Parkinson’s disease specialist, has visited the White House at least nine times in the last year, official White House visitor logs show. The logs show Dr. Cannard traveled to the White House residence medical clinic each time. He met either with the president’s personal physician or the naval nurse who […]

  • What did reporters who cover the White House know, and when did they know it?

    Alex Berenson - Jul 5th 2024 11:44am EDT

    The greatest loser from Joe Biden’s catastrophic meltdown during his debate last week with Donald Trump is not Biden himself. Somewhere deep inside, Biden may actually be relieved for the chance to be free of the obligation to perform (or pretend to perform) the world’s most important job. No, the greatest loser is the media, […]

  • From the depths of hell they come for vengeance*

    Alex Berenson - Jul 3rd 2024 12:35pm EDT

    Even if you don’t like Joe Biden, the headlines and articles are almost painful. In the aftermath of last week’s Presidential debate, the elite media has gone from carrying water for Biden to turning the firehose on him. The New York Times: Biden’s Lapses Are Said to Be Increasingly Common and Worrisome Politico: ‘We’ve all […]

  • A neurosurgeon diagnoses Joe Biden

    Alex Berenson - Jul 1st 2024 4:18pm EDT

    Following my post today, a neurosurgeon and Unreported Truths reader (yes, some of you are actually brain surgeons) wrote in. For obvious reasons, he did not want his n1ame used, but his email and answers to my follow-up question speak for itself. I’d urge you to read to the end, for the prediction he makes. […]

  • If our choice is Biden v Trump, I will be voting for Donald Trump

    Alex Berenson - Jul 1st 2024 9:51am EDT

    I was planning to leave my ballot blank. Again. This isn’t about policies. I’ve gotten more conservative over the years, but I’m still basically centrist. I agree with Republicans on the borders and Israel, with Democrats on Ukraine and abortion (the issue is awful, but if you put a gun to my head and made […]

  • Joe Biden is not fit to be President

    Alex Berenson - Jun 28th 2024 11:17am EDT

    In the late 1980s, the Soviet Union was toast. Even the secret police barely bothered to get out of bed. It survived selling oil and AK-47s. But it wasn’t just bereft economically. Something vital in it had snapped loose. The sand had run out of the hourglass. It had no reason to exist except that […]

  • On the coercive power of government

    Alex Berenson - Jun 27th 2024 2:33pm EDT

    Last month, my rights were violated up close and personal. I was driving home from New York City. 2 a.m. Sunday morning. Four-lane divided highway. Empty. I was exhausted, alone, and sober. Ahead I saw a police sedan’s flashing lights. A drunk driving checkpoint. State troopers, not local cops. I slowed, pulled up, lowered my […]

  • The Supreme Court has ruled for the Biden Administration in a major social media censorship case; Berenson v Biden now stands alone.

    Alex Berenson - Jun 26th 2024 8:49pm EDT

    The Supreme Court has swept aside a legal effort to stop the Biden Administration’s social media censorship schemes. By a 6-3 vote, the court found Wednesday that two states and five private plaintiffs had not shown they were personally damaged by federal efforts to make companies like Facebook suppress Covid skeptics. Because they could not […]

  • URGENT: I have just posted a story on X about Pfizer and the White House conspiring to censor mRNA critics in 2021

    Alex Berenson - Jun 24th 2024 3:56pm EDT

    Read it here: https://x.com/AlexBerenson/status/1805325255990460927 Thanks Alex