• Diversity And Equality Create Malignant Narcissism

    Amerika.org - Nov 5th 2019 5:02am EST

    A positive view of humanity says that, while our current regimes are failing, this is part of a larger process by which we are emerging from a time of illusion. Specifically, we focused on symbols because those manipulate a group, and that caused us to ignore the underlying reality. From this comes an even more […]

  • Where All The Cowboys Have Gone

    Amerika.org - Nov 4th 2019 9:45am EST

    Ayn Rand famously had a character in Atlas Shrugged remark that nobody notices philosophers until they disappear. I take her meaning but would phrase the sentiment more directly. Nobody notices the absence of philosophers, mathematicians, leaders, et al, until one is required and nobody steps up like a gifted back-up QB. Then, struck with the […]

  • Periscope (November 4, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Nov 4th 2019 8:48am EST

    Outrage after AfD scorn mixed-race girl playing ‘Christ Child’ They are not wrong. Germans need to be ruled by the images of ethnic Germans, not foreigners. No matter how much time someone foreign in blood spends in Germany, they will never be a German. This is why back in the 1990s I opted, unlike many […]

  • Cuckpire

    Amerika.org - Nov 4th 2019 5:02am EST

    For most of my life, I loathed conservatives for the same reason I detested white people: they were clever morons, that is, people smart enough to manipulate the world but too dumb to have wisdom in it, and therefore they always replaced good things with ersatz inferiors. This cleverness really is the disease of white […]

  • For Now, South Africa Wins Rugby Matches, But It Will Not Last

    Amerika.org - Nov 3rd 2019 3:57pm EST

    The first time South Africa won the Rugby World Cup was in 1995, just one year after the country held “democratic” elections and appointed Nelson Mandela as President. Here is the team and their Manager: The second time South Africa won was 12 years later in 2007 when Thabo Mbeki was President: The third time […]

  • Pipe Meditations (November 3, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Nov 3rd 2019 8:46am EST

    It is difficult to orient oneself when the ground keeps slipping beneath you. That might well describe this time, where political activity seems chaotic because it reflects a cultural battle that began long ago, in the 1990s. During the previous decade, most of what had been happening with the culture wars went on hold. Carter […]

  • Why Broken Windows Policing Works

    Amerika.org - Nov 3rd 2019 5:02am EST

    You can imagine two genres of theory about how to run a society: one says that it is important to maintain individual freedom, and the other that it is important to have social order. Mainstream conservatives try to merge the two by arguing that freedom leads to order, which is simply solipsism; for them, freedom […]

  • Interview With A Reddit Insider About Social Media Censorship

    Amerika.org - Nov 2nd 2019 7:22pm EDT

    Social media censorship makes headlines of late because of the fear that our shared online space is crumbling under an onslaught of biased removals. To find out more about how these theoretically apolitical firms end up being election influencers and tastemakers, I reached out to a former Reddit administrator who saw the system from the […]

  • Periscope (November 2, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Nov 2nd 2019 9:20am EDT

    Sweden’s bomb squad called out to 100 blasts so far this year Add diversity, get social chaos. Leftists love the idea of “adversarial” systems, or those in which groups within society exist in constant conflict as a means of making choices, sort of like democracy itself. This way, society becomes useless and obsessed with fighting […]

  • Unity Through Collectivism, Destruction Through Diversity

    Amerika.org - Nov 2nd 2019 7:02am EDT

    I was raised up believing I was somehow unique Like a snowflake distinct among snowflakes, unique in each way you can see And now after some thinking, I’d say I’d rather be A functioning cog in some great machinery serving something beyond me – Fleet Foxes, Helplessness Blues Individualism is error. Radical individualism is terrorism […]

  • Why Upper Classes Are Less Emotional, And How You Benefit

    Amerika.org - Nov 2nd 2019 5:02am EDT

    Emotions present a paradox to us because they seem to have at least two dimensions. The first is something like a reaction, when one “falls” in love or rages with enmity, and seems to be equal parts instinctual bodily reaction and cerebral rationalization of strong impulses. In the other dimension, emotions serve as a kind […]

  • Nihilism is A Method, Not A Way Of Life

    Amerika.org - Nov 1st 2019 4:37pm EDT

    When I used to completely misunderstand Nihilism, I assumed it was the enemy: the Post-Modern, Existential, leering face of Satan. They give you The Black Pill, you take a dirt nap. That used to be the sum total of my comprehension of nihilism. It can still make my skin crawl, but I think of it […]

  • People Are Increasingly Realizing That Modern Society Has Failed Them

    Amerika.org - Nov 1st 2019 4:14pm EDT

    Humanity took over from nature and set about building a world around a single pivot point, the human point of view. This reduced complexity and streamlined complex social interactions into a single, easily-comprehensible symbolic reality used to mass mobilize humans. In a world of less, rather than more, domination and hierarchy, human freedom is limited […]

  • Periscope (November 1, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Nov 1st 2019 8:23am EDT

    Kentucky Supreme Court dismisses LGBT case against Christian printer over gay-pride shirts The conflict between the First and Fourteenth Amendments heats up as the court dismisses this case on a technicality but hints strongly that it would favor the first amendment: In a concurring opinion, Justice David Buckingham said that Hands On Originals had declined […]

  • Philo-Semitism

    Amerika.org - Nov 1st 2019 5:02am EDT

    For those of you who have never heard the term “philo-Semitism,” it refers to those who are apparently enamored of Jews or Jewishness, and it used by internet anti-Semites to criticize those that they feel are not harsh enough on Der Ewige Jude. Before we get into that, let us first talk about how to […]

  • Democracy As Revenge Of The Defective

    Amerika.org - Oct 31st 2019 9:31am EDT

    Human psychology and microeconomics can get pretty close to convergence. It happens when you take up the concept of Maslov’s Triangle. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. Needs lower down in the hierarchy must be satisfied […]

  • Running Away

    Amerika.org - Oct 31st 2019 9:28am EDT

    White flight divided America. Some saw it as bigotry, while others saw it as white people fleeing a group with high rates of crime and violence. As usual, the truth most likely lurks somewhere in the middle, but not as an average or compromise. Life is complicated like that. After the second world war, our […]

  • Periscope (October 31, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 31st 2019 8:10am EDT

    Survey: US businesses added slight 125,000 jobs in October Impeachment as a threat destroys the ability of businesses to plan for the future, so they stop growing. This shows us that the Leftist long plan has nothing to do with actually impeaching Trump, but that they hope to sabotage the economy and therefore make Trump […]

  • Await The Great Purge

    Amerika.org - Oct 31st 2019 5:02am EDT

    Dave Sunbeam skidded his bike into the rack, threw the lock between the steel rods designed for that purpose, and hustled into the cafeteria. Despite having made it to his junior year of high school, he still found himself rushing in every morning to complete the stuff he should have done last night. It was […]

  • Communists Demand A Capitalistic Pig

    Amerika.org - Oct 30th 2019 9:32pm EDT

    A common internet joke in Cuckservative circles goes like this: Q: How did socialists light their houses before they used candles or torches? A: Light Bulbs. Get it? Everything socialism touches is effected by the Bad Midas Faeces Touch. Socialism only leads to one place. Death. So why would people make that sort of a […]

  • Nemesis: The Jouvenelian vs. The Liberal Model Of Human Orders by C.A. Bond

    Amerika.org - Oct 30th 2019 8:00pm EDT

    Nemesis: The Jouvenelian vs. The Liberal Model Of Human Orders by C.A. Bond Imperium Press, 186 pages, $16 When living on the Right, one either indulges in the symbol-slinging of mass culture or ventures into where the Right really lives, which is in systematic analysis of the human condition and its needs through academic, literary, […]

  • How To Join The “It’s Okay To Be White” Protest This Halloween

    Amerika.org - Oct 30th 2019 3:02pm EDT

    Taking advantage of the American and now European tradition of dressing up in costumes that include masks on Halloween, the Alt-Right and associated groups are staging an “It’s Okay To Be White” postering campaign this October 31. Agenda for this protest includes: “It’s Okay To Be White” Poster Campaign October 31st The participation rules are […]

  • Periscope (October 30, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 30th 2019 9:12am EDT

    Jeffrey Epstein’s autopsy more consistent with homicidal strangulation than suicide Absolutely no one is surprised. Is Facebook censoring conservatives or is moderating just too hard? When a population is brainwashed in Leftist dogma, demoralized, and confused, it lashes out at any notice of problems. When you then hire the least successful members of that society […]

  • Loveless

    Amerika.org - Oct 30th 2019 5:02am EDT

    As the future of humanity reveals itself, history parts to show us two paths: love and totalitarianism. The latter seems familiar to us, but we have not been told much about what it actually is, since the Left needs to use it to slander the Right (with Hitler comparisons) while hiding the vast history of […]

  • Periscope (October 29, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 30th 2019 3:33am EDT

    The Democratic plan for a 42% national sales tax A 42% national sales tax (known as a valued-added tax) would generate about $3 trillion in revenue. But it would destroy the consumer spending that’s the backbone of the U.S. economy. A tax of that magnitude would be like 42% inflation, wrecking consumer budgets and the […]