• DiversityWatch (July 26, 2024)

    Amerika.org - Jul 26th 2024 9:35pm EDT

    ~~~ Dem Rep says ‘antisemitic far left’ is trying to block Kamala Harris from choosing Josh Shapiro as VP Normies remain oblivious to the facts of life. Diversity is doing what it always does, namely create a virtuous victim lower-IQ group and a series of enemies in the higher average IQ camp. Jews are thought […]

  • We Are Not Going Back

    Amerika.org - Jul 26th 2024 9:04am EDT

    Go on a camping trip or a long orienteering hike, sail a boat, climb a mountain, or even just spend a night in the woods. You will be reminded that from weather to creatures, nature wants to kill you. It is also full of hidden pitfalls from delicious toxic mushrooms to quicksand. That is why […]

  • DiversityWatch (July 25, 2024)

    Amerika.org - Jul 25th 2024 10:11pm EDT

    ~~~ We’re in a ‘buffalo’ market, Bank of America says. Here’s what that means for investors Sea change feels like this: the market is discarding speculative and experimental buys in favor of a focus on infrastructure. Similarly our societies have seen the Leftist dream fail, and they want to return to what functions. Conservatives win […]

  • What Is Wrong With Liberals?

    Amerika.org - Jul 25th 2024 6:35pm EDT

    You encounter them in public. They seem so self-assured, so convinced that they are right. They are pretentious, haughty, arrogant, but they do so indirectly, the “humble brag” type of arrogance where they assert something as right through their good intentions, and dare anyone to challenge them. And yet, what they advocate is… just not […]

  • DiversityWatch (July 24, 2024)

    Amerika.org - Jul 24th 2024 5:15pm EDT

    ~~~ Monday is the hottest day recorded on Earth, beating Sunday’s record, European climate agency says Climate scientists are more grifters looking for government money. What has risen in parallel with the disturbances in weather? Urbanization, globalization, and population. Humanity is digging its own grave through excess humanity, and Leftism seems to exist to rationalize […]

  • On the Dodging of the Obvious and Parallelism

    Amerika.org - Jul 24th 2024 9:26am EDT

    For years a problem bedeviled me: The Republic, instead of being read as it was argued, was interpreted incorrectly as some kind of Utopian plan. The modern people projected their own framework of thought onto something entirely different and… somehow everyone seemed okay with this, despite it being obviously wrong. And yet every week some […]

  • DiversityWatch (July 23, 2024)

    Amerika.org - Jul 23rd 2024 10:25pm EDT

    ~~~ Bibby Stockholm migrant barge to be closed In Europe as in the US, the Left wants migrants, the tax-and-spend socialist economy needs migrants and Chinese labor, and industry wants the third world as a place to dispose of its oopsies and technological waste. However, no one knows what to do with the flood of […]

  • Epic Purge

    Amerika.org - Jul 23rd 2024 4:01pm EDT

    Let us establish where we are in history: Crowdism has seized our society. Crowdists are individualists who form into groups to extend mutual equality so that they can all be individualistic, face no consequences, and make someone else pay for it. Crowdism kicks off because humans run away from real issues. Any big important issue […]

  • DiversityWatch (July 22, 2024)

    Amerika.org - Jul 22nd 2024 11:33pm EDT

    ~~~ The ‘Merits’ of the Inflation Reduction Act Is Another Fiction Being Unmasked Was anything in the Biden administration real? It turns out to be Carter the reprise: lots of stimulus, regulations to create fake jobs, tons of immigrants, and complete ineptitude at every level. Nothing was real. It was all just an excuse to […]

  • Denial of Darwinism Assumes Postmodern Form

    Amerika.org - Jul 22nd 2024 7:32am EDT

    We humans find ourselves caught between symbolism and naturalism at all times; the former makes us feel better as individuals, the latter helps us understand our world. Our dilemma comes from having understood the world enough to be masters of it with our captured fire, but not enough to understand its subleties that make long-term […]

  • DiversityWatch (July 19, 2024)

    Amerika.org - Jul 19th 2024 4:13pm EDT

    ~~~ New report confirms what many suspected: ‘shrinkflation’ is real — and it’s shrunk some products by up to 25% Costs went up to the providers and stores, so those costs are being passed down directly to the consumer. Insurance went up after the riots; stimulus diluted the value of currency; regulations imposed new hiring […]

  • How The Far-Left Took Over

    Amerika.org - Jul 19th 2024 12:02pm EDT

    The internet melted down and normies are foaming over it. Apparently something called “CrowdStrike,” which is a moron management tool (MMT) which allows centralized control of Windows computers so the morons cannot wreck more than their own data, in fact went full moron and ate half the internet. Crowd… Strike. Two of my favorite things. […]

  • DiversityWatch (July 18, 2024)

    Amerika.org - Jul 18th 2024 7:05pm EDT

    ~~~ Haliey Welch, Our “Hawk Tuah” Girl of the Year When culture is gone, like when it is murdered by diversity, you get endless ephemeral trends of no substance. The 4-Day School Week: It’s a Trend Across America … Despite Questionable Results No one can admit that public schools are a daycare program for diversity […]

  • Obvious

    Amerika.org - Jul 18th 2024 10:38am EDT

    When telling a story, you leave out the obvious. Your audience already knows how people brush their teeth, use the bathroom, make an omelette, and drive a car. But to a reader from another age, these things might be mysteries and the solutions to those needs presumed to be some kind of magic. We ignore […]

  • DiversityWatch (July 17, 2024)

    Amerika.org - Jul 17th 2024 7:02pm EDT

    ~~~ Wales’ FM Gething denies wrongdoing as he resigns Another diversity candidate falls with corruption accusations. Romanian expats send home a record amount of money Romanians send home the equivalent of 2% of the GDP in their native land; this shows us why immigration is popular in the third world: the West is keeping their […]

  • Why Democracy Is Doomed

    Amerika.org - Jul 17th 2024 7:32am EDT

    As part of recognizing that we live in an Age of Symbolism that has lasted for thousands of years, we face the fact that humans tend to project or make assumptions using categorical logic and rationalize for those, making a self-deluding species. It turns out that not only are we self-deluding, but in groups we […]

  • DiversityWatch (July 16, 2024)

    Amerika.org - Jul 16th 2024 5:28pm EDT

    ~~~ Amber Rose at RNC: “You Know In Your Heart It Was Not Like This Under Donald Trump” “We were safer, wealthier, and stronger.” Translate: safer = more unity, wealthier = more productive, stronger = more organized. You cannot have that under the individualism of the Left. The Dissidents are gathering in the streets of […]

  • Why Houston Is Still Without Power

    Amerika.org - Jul 16th 2024 7:32am EDT

    The sheer ineptitude of media never slams home until you hear them reporting one thing when you see another happening in front of you. This first occurred during Hurricane Katrina, where NPR and other stations were running full-on pity parties for the refugees that we could see bringing a crime wave to our communities. Lots […]

  • DiversityWatch (July 15, 2024)

    Amerika.org - Jul 15th 2024 6:56pm EDT

    ~~~ Republicans celebrate Trump’s decision to name JD Vance as his veep: ‘Proven conservative’ Trump picks another Amy Coney Barrett or Mike Pence; J.D. Vance, an Establishment conservative of Evangelical Christian background, has an Indian wife and is partially non-White. However he makes all the right noises about equality, Israel, and Jesus, which makes him […]

  • Ancient Cults

    Amerika.org - Jul 15th 2024 7:32am EDT

    1802 In a wood-paneled, brass-fixture adorned smoke-filled room somewhere near New York. Voice 1: “The fix is in. The Irish will vote with us.” Voice 2: “And what do they demand for this loyalty?” Voice 3: “The same as always. A share of the commonwealth, a few jobs, some positions on the board.” Voice 2: […]

  • Bastille Day

    Amerika.org - Jul 14th 2024 11:25pm EDT

    Centuries ago, the West switched to democracy, only to see now that it has become impossible. It happened on July 14, 1789, in France, when the revolutionaries stormed the jail where they were often kept. Now we have reached a situation where the Left, who are completely unmoored from reality as the rest of us […]

  • DiversityWatch (July 14, 2024)

    Amerika.org - Jul 14th 2024 12:30pm EDT

    ~~~ After Trump Shooting, America Reverts to Blaming the Other Side CNN runs headline of “Secret Service Rushes Trump Offstage After He Falls at Rally” and somehow it is a Right-wing conspiracy to notice that the Left has been lying and gaslighting us for the entire duration of the movement. This means that the Kings […]

  • Indie-European Music

    Amerika.org - Jul 13th 2024 7:32am EDT

    There is a darkness engulfing your country. It has been there for a long time. You have greeted it good morning every day and said good night every evening. It fills up the empty space between you and the different screens you use to communicate with anyone who is not yet infected. It is a […]

  • DiversityWatch (July 12, 2024)

    Amerika.org - Jul 12th 2024 5:33pm EDT

    ~~~ It Was the Last Slave Ship to Reach the U.S. Or Was It a Hoax? Another diversity teachable moment turns out to be fraudulent. No one is really surprised, more like annoyed at the inconvenience in losing such a simplistic and gratifying narrative. RFK Jr. Would Cut Donald Trump’s Lead over Kamala Harris: Poll […]

  • Leap Into Life (#25): Everyone Wants Totalitarianism

    Amerika.org - Jul 12th 2024 12:23pm EDT

    Watching any human group shows you how easily people are manipulated. The Talisman-Scapegoat Dichotomy asserts itself early on: there are some things that people like, which they believe in like gods, and the opposites of those, which they fear like silent contemplation. If you are speaking to a group, you manipulate them by appealing to […]