Egalitarian societies sacrifice whoever is on top. Egalitarians want to make everyone “equal” — legally, politically, socially, economically — by taking from the successful to give to the unsuccessful, therefore creating at least a minimum equal status for everyone. This is an example of effect-as-cause thinking. Instead of cause-effect, they see an effect like “inequality” […]
Ironically, one of the more important conversations of our time has begun with insights from the Left, who have begun to be skeptical of social mobility as a liberator, and are seeing it as an enslaver instead: To greater and lesser extents, our economies are based around social mobility rather than the ability to live […]
Human history follows a pattern: a few create something good, and then everyone else arrives demanding their fair share, and soon the distinctive thing becomes the same thing as everything else. It happens to rock bands, civilizations, product brands, even philosophies. All gets torn down by the “needs” of the many. When the South was […]
Currently the Left is trying to whip itself into a frenzy over the January 6th riot anniversary. Simultaneously they are warning about “domestic extremism,” which is their way of saying opposition to inertia, namely that of the postwar drift toward Leftism once the West unified on human rights rather than ethnonationalism as it had before […]
After years of bemoaning overpopulation, the experts find themselves confronting a different problem: we may have too few humans to continue. In actuality, the problem remains the same; the poorest populations continue expanding but the first world is contracting, and this befuddles the experts, although the two conditions have the same cause. The first world […]
Nationalists will tell you that our concern is not other races and ethnic groups, but the preservation of our own ethnic group, which requires excluding all others. For us to live, we must be isolated from every other group, no matter their average IQ or how nice they are. Interestingly enough, other groups are willing […]
Continuing our exploration of Human Biodiversity, today we have a few links on the Italian Question, starting with a genetic sketch of Italians: Italian clusters separated into three main groups: Sardinia, Northern (North/Central-North Italy), and Southern Italy (South/Central-South Italy and Sicily); the first two were close to populations originally from Western Europe, while the last […]
For those who follow the diversity chronicles, it becomes important to note trace miscegenation among European populations, which in turn enables an ethnic Western European identity which is essential to Western Civilization and its preservation. Today, a brief look at Asiatic admixture among Slavs: The easterly Russians and Chuvash both show evidence (p Huns are […]
Ancient Anglo lore holds that the Irish are in fact a Semitic race who came in to Europe through Spain and ended up in Ireland because as far as northern Europe goes, Ireland is like California: easy living in a pretty place where everyone is so far zoned out that antisocial behavior is not noticed […]
Apparently, in American society if you want to make something go away, you label it “brat” and wait for it to fail and be moved on. It seemed to work wonders in banishing Kamala Harris in part because the pro-Harris campaign created something so unrecognizable It came to media notices because the handlers of Barack […]
Another day, another “modern miracle” goes down in flames as it turns out that like insurance, modern meds may simply be a loan that becomes due later with greater pain. On the chopping block today are Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) which sound like a hybrid between National Socialism and 1980s bathhouse culture, but in fact […]
In social situations, euphemism dominates because people are afraid of criticism, so will only participate in social events where hard realism gets neutered, sugared, and homogenized into platitudes which emphasize the notion that no one is at fault. All stupid decisions become misfortunes or evils. Similarly, in politics, people tone down realistic observations because they […]
by Arran Ryan, PhD On the fateful day of October 19, 2024, British OnlyFans darling Lily Phillips undertook the Herculean task of having sex with a hundred of her male subscribers in a single work day. Men have sailed the seas, conquered mountains, fought fire breathing dragons, but all of those adventures fail in sheer […]
May you all have a lovely end-of-year holiday, which you will note are perennial or endemic to all cultures and religious traditions, even if the exact dates and duration vary. Jul, Eid, Kwanzaa, Hannukah, Christmas, the Lantern Festival, and Diwali all celebrate the transition of years through winter. We assume they celebrate this stuff in […]
We use this one for the holidays: it is all-vegetable with no extra oils, and not very spicy, but has enough fresh flavor to liven up that turkey, beef, or pork so that people can gag it down while waiting for the dessert. Although it takes a little longer than your average gravy, this tomatillo […]
Very people realize: only extreme “racism” can save your society. The smart societies refuse to engage in imperialism, and similarly refuse to import labor. As a result, they have $29 sandwiches but last much longer because they have not imported foreigners. If you want your society to survive, be mono-ethnic. Every other path leads to […]
We know democracy is on its last legs because it across the world democracies are deeply in debt, experiencing social instability, suffering from falling birthrates, and cracking down on dissent. These things happen when a system is dying just like the Soviets faded away or the French Revolution obliterated itself. This means that alternatives from […]
One thing to know about humans: they act for short-term benefits, and then blame someone else when things go wrong as a result, rather than looking into what will work eternally, with a few exceptions (we call those aristocrats and tend to execute them because we are a monkey species). Almost no one wants to […]
Conservatives like to talk about America as a “Christian country,” but this seems to have fallen by the wayside under diversity, where any assertion of values that is not universal — applies to and is accepted by everyone — becomes rapidly unpopular. While the growth is not vast, a steady pattern can be seen of […]
by Arran Ryan, PhD The use of the technical term “fucking” in relation to the so-called “women problem”1, is not merely attention seeking, or to throw off the trail normie AI scrapers. As stated by Australian sexologist and social critic Bettina Arndt2, “Australian men are getting screwed in every way except the way they would […]
Although the Right turned things around with a landslide election, it should probably concern us that we lost for so long. During the postwar period, we basically lost most elections and achieved very little in the way of stemming the decline, mainly because Leftism was so popular. We should ask how it got that way. […]
Modern people create their own problems. They insist on egalitarianism, which engenders the state and its abuses, while transferring money away from the productive toward the useless. Then they end up living in poverty, corruption, and authoritarian rule, to which their solution is… more egalitarianism. Democracy represents a complete conquest of common sense by contrarian […]
Major cities across America have the same problem that the West has generally: in order to make diversity work, they adopted massive social programs and as a result, raised taxes to unsupportable levels, therefore have no “wiggle room” for actual real-world problems they encounter like repeated flooding. Houston has always been in the hurricane zone […]
Modernity centers around a simple idea: if you can convince most people to do something the same way, you can use economies of scale to make that cheap, and then take the profit to go hire bureaucrats who hide behind the aegis of altruistic motivation. However, the pocket of time between discovering a new method […]
From the Oh No! Anyway… department: Bashar Assad has been accused of running a Holocaust deathcamp in Syria. Assad previously denied both killing thousands of detainees at Sednaya as well as using a secret crematorium to dispose of their remains in 2017. Many detainees have revealed they were raped while imprisoned, and in some cases, […]
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