• Periscope (October 28, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 28th 2019 2:01pm EDT

    Christmas meal treats ‘under threat’ Its chief executive, Nick Allen, told the BBC that wrapping cocktail sausages in bacon was done by hand. He said the job was “fiddly and hard to mechanise”. The people who survived the Blitz, the Norman invasions, rationing, the Cold War, and the perfidious French will do something that workers […]

  • Gender Differences Are More Than Skin Deep

    Amerika.org - Oct 28th 2019 5:02am EDT

    We like to consider certain personality traits as our core, like our preferences, hobbies, behaviors, and aesthetic likes and dislikes. Other things we consider “skin deep” like social class, race, sex, and sexual preference. Science increasingly discovers that we have it backwards. The supposed “core” are the result of behavioral traits, most of which are […]

  • Personal Agency in a World of Pure Chaos

    Amerika.org - Oct 27th 2019 1:28pm EDT

    To have true agency in a world full of chaos, to have any sort of authority to command even the most trivial moments in life, a person must understand that authority comes from above, even if that is nature or logic and not a metaphysical deity. True authority comes from understanding where we fit within […]

  • Vulgar Culture: Men Menstruate In New Thinx Commercial

    Amerika.org - Oct 27th 2019 10:47am EDT

    We’ve begun to raise daughters more like sons… but few have the courage to raise our sons more like our daughters. – Gloria Steinem Individuals perceive entirely different realities. We may all view the exact same thing, yet we are oblivious as to how or why the other person has such a contrary view. Where […]

  • Outliers (#71)

    Amerika.org - Oct 27th 2019 10:24am EDT

    Democracy is a Lie I have come to understand that bi-partisanship is a great evil not a great good. It is portrayed as the defusing of an explosive political issue. In reality it is a way to disguise the fact that issues are not being debated. That the big decisions are all made in secret […]

  • Why White Ethnostates Are Inevitable

    Amerika.org - Oct 27th 2019 5:02am EDT

    To the Left, everything was going along swimmingly until suddenly these difficult people like Nigel Farage and Donald Trump showed up to wreck it. To observers with more of a time-scale, the bigger picture reveals that this resentment has been building for two decades. We barely got through the Cold War before the Left, enraged […]

  • Periscope (October 26, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 26th 2019 10:58am EDT

    Amid protests for democracy, Hong Kong’s ethnic minorities strive to be heard Everywhere it is tried, diversity fails. In Hong Kong, diversity merely fans the flames of the riots and provides other groups to whine about their self-interest, fragmenting any drive toward an actual solution. The whole setup is so stupid that you have to […]

  • Artificial Narratives

    Amerika.org - Oct 26th 2019 5:02am EDT

    When people tell you things, if they have to also tell you how to think about them, it is an artificial narrative. Consider the badly-told joke. It must be explained to be funny. Even worse, sometimes it requires you to assume that certain things are good and bad for it to be funny, so you […]

  • Pipe Meditations (October 25, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 25th 2019 8:09pm EDT

    Looking over the events of this week, it became clear that the postwar order has well and truly ended. America was able to bind itself together with a fusion of its founding ideals and the liberalism it had picked up during the Great Depression. That meant that we moved the center to the Left, oriented […]

  • Periscope (October 25, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 25th 2019 10:58am EDT

    Poll: Majority of Americans Want First Amendment Rewritten They want to make “hate speech” illegal, apparently not realizing that they have then created a broad exception which can be used to punish any non-regime speech, defeating the point of the rule. However, indoctrination works, especially with young people who live in the consumer bubble, and […]

  • Taxes

    Amerika.org - Oct 25th 2019 5:02am EDT

    A friend of mine sold a property in town. His comment, when I congratulated him, was that he would have asked more if he had known about the taxes. Property taxes, capital gains taxes, licensing fees, and then income taxes on any rental he was paid before he sold. Taxes make people greedy. When you […]

  • Periscope (October 24, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 24th 2019 7:20am EDT

    Poor toilet hygiene behind E. coli superbug spread Back in the early 2000s, we were spreading the Third World USA trope (verbal meme) as a way of describing what happened after Bill Clinton took over. Standards relaxed; interpretations relaxed. Everyone got liberalized. This meant that “anything goes” replaced “do it right the first time” as […]

  • Re-Uniting New Conservatives With Social Conservatism

    Amerika.org - Oct 24th 2019 5:02am EDT

    The Right prides itself in being a big tent where anyone who is not following the unrealistic path to egalitarianism can hang out. We are not united by one big ideal, like “equality,” as the Left are; instead we have gut instincts, common sense, history, and an ideal of being both realistic and reaching for […]

  • Desolation Of Innocence: Rendering The Foundation Lawless

    Amerika.org - Oct 23rd 2019 3:01pm EDT

    Where destruction is the motive, unity is dangerous. For example, if I have evil intent and I galvanize that evil intent with many others, the capacity to destroy is immense. Where goodness is the motive, unity is phenomenal and actually has some good issues to it.- Ravi Zacharias On June 26, 2015, the US Supreme […]

  • Periscope (October 22, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 23rd 2019 6:55am EDT

    Nature’s Solution to Climate Change People are only beginning to understand ecosystemics, which is a way of thinking about events as polycausal, both giving and getting, and over the iterations of time that make simple, direct acts less effective and indirect, mutually beneficially acts enduring. For example, whales take a lot from the oceans, but […]

  • Periscope (October 23, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 23rd 2019 6:55am EDT

    Nature’s Solution to Climate Change People are only beginning to understand ecosystemics, which is a way of thinking about events as polycausal, both giving and getting, and over the iterations of time that make simple, direct acts less effective and indirect, mutually beneficially acts enduring. For example, whales take a lot from the oceans, but […]

  • Why Automation Will Be A Necessary Disaster

    Amerika.org - Oct 23rd 2019 5:02am EDT

    Candidates nervously discuss automation. Inevitably, it means that jobs will be replaced — the usual metaphor is that you do not see many buggy whip makers anymore — but even more, there is the fear that we will not have enough jobs for people to move to from what they do now. On the other […]

  • Existential Realism: Examining Programming And Mystery

    Amerika.org - Oct 22nd 2019 12:23pm EDT

    Watching television is like taking black spray paint to your third eye. – Bill Hicks What do you believe? And from where did it come? All which we believe may indeed depend upon our environment in which we grew up with addition to whether we rejected or accepted that environment, of which has the potential […]

  • Periscope (October 22, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 22nd 2019 7:00am EDT

    Herman Mashaba: Johannesburg’s black mayor resigns over DA race row Black politician resigns white party after it elects politician who praises “some” aspects of colonialism. This shows South Africa recognizing, as the rest of the world is, that multi-racial and multi-ethnic societies cannot function because they have paradoxical goals: they either try to keep everyone […]

  • Toynbee On The Impossibility Of Diverse Or Ideological States

    Amerika.org - Oct 22nd 2019 5:02am EDT

    Every civilization needs a mission statement to hold it together. The best mission statements, ironically, turn out to be those which are not language at all, but genetic similarity leading to a similar interpretation of culture. Some prefer the idea of the ideological state, where citizens are united by their pursuit of a particular political, […]

  • Succession Failures May Be A Blessing In Disguise

    Amerika.org - Oct 21st 2019 1:02pm EDT

    Choosing the next King of an Empire has been a thorn in organizational stability across the ages.  Nature abhors a vacuum, as the saying goes, which explains why succession remains an enduring problem even in business: The relationship between succession planning and successful succession has shown mixed results, with some authors finding a positive relationship ( […]

  • Periscope (October 21, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 21st 2019 8:00am EDT

    Air pollution is now a ‘health emergency’, head of NHS England warns It turns out that our modern inventions — petrochemical motors, agricultural chemicals, and dense urban areas — are killing us. What should we do? We could go back to living in smaller communities, having tighter bonds, and using less stuff, or we could […]

  • Democracy Sleepwalks Its Way To An Infrastructure Crisis

    Amerika.org - Oct 21st 2019 5:02am EDT

    In the theory of modern society, a “social contract” exists between government and citizens, whereby government protects the citizens and citizens pay taxes to government. Critical thinking offers a different look: government offers pleasant notions that citizens pay taxes to support. For example, we had the New Deal and Great Society programs, both of which […]

  • Mind Matters by Marguerite Iwersen

    Amerika.org - Oct 20th 2019 2:40pm EDT

    Mind Matters (1981) by Marguerite Iwersen 116 pages, DeVorss, $6 We might view history as a great lattice of paths, with some coinciding in nexuses where certain ideas reach clarity, sort of like how learning staggers from plateau to plain and then repeats that pattern at a higher level. Mind Matters explores where hermeticism, German […]

  • Periscope (October 20, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 20th 2019 8:14am EDT

    China has destroyed large areas of one of Tibet’s biggest Buddhist sites, satellite images reveal Control is addictive. If you understand cause and effect, you change cause to shape the world toward what you intend; this does not allow you to get exactly what you want, have it apply uniformly to all cases, or happen […]