• Human Biodiversity Principles At Amazon

    Amerika.org - Oct 11th 2019 6:02am EDT

    From an intellectual colonscopy of Jeff Bezos: When Bezos created Amazon in 1994, he set out to build an institution like the ones that had carried him through the first three decades of his life. He would build his own aristocracy of brains, a place where intelligence would rise to the top. Early on, Bezos […]

  • An Information Science Approach To Population Dynamics

    Amerika.org - Oct 11th 2019 5:02am EDT

    In the 1990s, people started to think in terms of patterns, driven by both software development and architecture. These abstractions made more sense than some of our existing fields of study because they looked at the mathematics and logic behind arrangements more than material form. Information science arose out of this to explain the understanding […]

  • How Trump Has Improved The Condition Of Normal Americans

    Amerika.org - Oct 10th 2019 2:52pm EDT

    Our media has carefully avoided mention of how bad the Obama economy really was, but it was a nightmare, unless you had a government job. Leftists share the same basic idea (equality) and so tend toward the same solutions, meaning that socialism is just a step away from “moderate” liberalism. Looking at the figures however, […]

  • Periscope (October 10, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 10th 2019 9:02am EDT

    Fox News Poll: Record support for Trump impeachment Fox News counted independents in new categories, “lean Right” and “lean Left,” in order to come up with some damning numbers, but this is no different than what we have seen in the past. Polls can be useful tools, but when the number of interviewees is too […]

  • How The Media-Political Complex Fools You Without Technically Lying

    Amerika.org - Oct 10th 2019 5:02am EDT

    When I was a child, television commercials baffled me. They seemed to promise all of these great things that could never be true in reality, like that drinking the right “light” beer would make women flock to you. How was it legal to lie like that? Adults, in that endlessly condescending tone they adopt when […]

  • Research Confirms That Diversity Destroys Social Trust

    Amerika.org - Oct 9th 2019 6:50pm EDT

    Previous studies from America, Israel, and Denmark found that diversity causes a loss of social trust, or the ability of people to interact freely and with an expectation of fair treatment. This follows many years of research indicating that diversity and community are incompatible, while strong culture makes strong communities and enhances the abilities of […]

  • Russian Election Interference Was Not Pro-Trump But Anti-America, And It Backfired

    Amerika.org - Oct 9th 2019 12:50pm EDT

    The Left made a big deal about Russian election interference, claiming that it was designed to help Trump in exchange for him going easy on Russia. They dropped the last part after Trump imposed heavy sanctions on Russia: Sanctions imposed over Russia’s invasion of Crimea in 2014 have not been lifted, Trump approved the sale […]

  • Pipe Meditations (October 9, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 9th 2019 12:20pm EDT

    We are setting the stage for 2020 now. The year starts in just three months, one business quarter, and this means that the time to the election shortens with every day. Like all big events, it will be upon us before we really know it. It shows us that we are well and truly entrenched […]

  • Periscope (October 9, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 9th 2019 11:15am EDT

    China is destroying Muslim graveyards where generations of Uighur families are buried and replacing them with car parks and playgrounds ‘to eradicate the ethnic group’s identity’ The West is projecting the failure of its own diversity program onto China, who is doing the right thing to the Uighurs: remove all minority groups if you can, […]

  • Finding The Shortest Distance Between Two Points

    Amerika.org - Oct 9th 2019 5:02am EDT

    Being alive in the present time shocks people. Like all of us, they sort of “wake up” into neurological maturity, at which point they finally recognize themselves as alive and capable of choice, and then must struggle to further awaken to recognize the reality of the situation. Once someone becomes capable of analysis independent of […]

  • Periscope (October 8, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 8th 2019 8:33am EDT

    ‘South Park’ Scrubbed From Chinese Internet After Critical Episode When Socrates wanted to prove that democracy was hypocritical, he asked questions and democracy murdered him (we should never forgive it, and never forget). Like most brave people, he knew that the chances were good that they would destroy him, but in doing so, he would […]

  • Class Warfare Demands Class Awareness From The Right

    Amerika.org - Oct 8th 2019 5:02am EDT

    When we look back through history, it becomes clear that societies have always died by class warfare. A new society values competence, and so those people rule it, but once it is established, clever humans assume that it will exist in perpetuity without effort, and so it begins to decay. Those clever humans always phrase […]

  • Sports Illustrated Gets Cordycepted And Self-Destructs

    Amerika.org - Oct 7th 2019 8:54am EDT

    The Left hates competition. It seems utterly meaningless to them and they suck at it. But that doesn’t mean they can keep their noses out of it and just mind their own stupid business. They have to make you care as much as they do. It’s totally for your own good. They promise with the […]

  • Periscope (October 7, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 7th 2019 8:20am EDT

    Italy presents plan to accelerate expulsion of migrants After the far Right rose on an anti-immigration platform, the moderates adopted it: “I do not believe that redistributing migrants to other European countries is the final solution”, 5-Star leader and Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio told a news conference. Note: five years ago, there would have […]

  • Position: End Public Education

    Amerika.org - Oct 7th 2019 5:02am EDT

    As we come out of the years when the solution to everything was more taxes, government, and bureaucracy, it makes sense to question some of our most cherished assumptions. For example, we should look at public schooling and assess whether it is actually a good thing. When it was first introduced, public schooling seemed like […]

  • We Do Not Need Immigrants For Economic Prosperity

    Amerika.org - Oct 6th 2019 5:02am EDT

    The West finds itself accepting change very slowly these days. In biological terms, the biggest influence shaping us now may be the shift in generations. The Baby Boomers are moving on, which means that governments need to come up with a big chunk of money for their end of life costs. Boomers found themselves naturally […]

  • Pipe Meditations (October 5, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 5th 2019 8:33pm EDT

    You will never hear it mentioned in public, but we are living through a really terrible time. This is what it looks like when a civilization fails, and everyone is lying about it because to admit that will force them to downgrade their own assessment of their own cleverness. After all, we were warned about […]

  • Why Immigration Acts Like An Invasive Species

    Amerika.org - Oct 5th 2019 5:02am EDT

    Invasive species always win. Since they are not adapted to their new home, they spend no time, energy, or mental concern on being specialized, and simply do what is easiest. This means that while they are not efficient, they are effective. If you take a handful of rats and pitch them on some random deserted […]

  • Populism Or Mass Mobilization?

    Amerika.org - Oct 4th 2019 7:51pm EDT

    Two roads diverge in our future: populism, where the spirit of the people expresses a dissenting view to that of its elites, or mass mobilization, where the underclasses are organized towards overthrowing the elites and replacing them with elites of its own. Populism relies on the idea of vox populi, or a “voice of the […]

  • Losing Star Wars

    Amerika.org - Oct 4th 2019 10:47am EDT

    The Nerd Force weakens. It really wasn’t particularly awesome to begin with, but at least in the Late 1970s, Hollywood could still crank out a halfway decent Western (or perhaps, a high fantasy with cowboy boots). Star Wars is much closer to epic fantasy than to Western. While there is certainly some broad influence from […]

  • Periscope (October 4, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 4th 2019 10:40am EDT

    US jobless rate fell to 50-year low of 3.5% No one really understands the Trump economy. Here is my formulation: long-term consumer confidence. People like having a masculine, aggressive, and realistic leader in charge, especially one from America’s historical founding group, the ethnic Western Europeans. Scots-German WASP Donald Trump shows us that he is looking […]

  • Is Christianity Irrational?

    Amerika.org - Oct 4th 2019 5:02am EDT

    At some level, we all like the idea of religion, but fear that it may simply be our own projection. Then it would join other human solipsistic behaviors like gambling, addiction, egotism, and other projections of our desires on the world as if they were real. In many academic circles, it is considered foolish even […]

  • Periscope (October 3, 2019 PM)

    Amerika.org - Oct 3rd 2019 12:09pm EDT

    Israel quietly lets in thousands of Gaza workers, in bid to ease tensions Now that Arabs control its elections, Israel is following the path that America pursued, which is Neville Chamberlain style appeasement. This will not work; it shows weakness, and those who are given an inch will take a mile, and then repeat. Brute […]

  • Swedes Experience The Great Replacement

    Amerika.org - Oct 3rd 2019 10:27am EDT

    So your local political bigshots have decided to deworsify your neighborhood. They want pliable, mystery-meat morons to help them pass all their euchastes and elect whatever detestable pervert they feel like trebucheting into power. Your civic authorities seem to have their eyes wide shut and their legs spread wide. What does the smarter brother do? […]

  • Periscope (October 3, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Oct 3rd 2019 10:16am EDT

    In Houston, a Rash of Storms Tests the Limits of Coping With Climate Change The New York Times continues lying. Here it tells falsehoods to obscure a few things, but the first is that urbanization is not our problem. Houston is a test case for what happens when you make a city that extends fifty […]