• Population Control

    Amerika.org - Nov 24th 2019 9:25am EST

    The early twentieth century saw a drastic decline of infant mortality rates among European-descended peoples, which had concerned many for almost a hundred years prior. With rates slashed in half in the United States and Europe, a new baby boom soon followed in the rest of the world and the population saw an increase like […]

  • OK, Boomer

    Amerika.org - Nov 22nd 2019 9:09am EST

    When a junior politician responded with “OK, Boomer” to an older member of the political body, it shocked a good many people when the rallying cry was taken up by others. They found it appalling that they could be totally disregarded so casually. Boomers and others do not understand that they are disregarded because they […]

  • Periscope (November 22, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Nov 22nd 2019 7:30am EST

    Borat actor: Facebook, Google, YouTube and Twitter are ‘the greatest propaganda machine in history’ for hate groups As usual, the Left cries out as they strike you. Social media created the greatest propaganda machine in history because it made mainstream news stories seem like word-of-mouth recommendations from your “friends” online. However, it also backfired because […]

  • Periscope (November 21, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Nov 21st 2019 2:30pm EST

    Census: Number of ‘majority Hispanic’ US counties doubles Third world people are the ones who eat the seed corn. Genetically, this is hardwired into them, because anyone who refused to go along with this got killed off or exiled long ago, although occasional exceptions pop up and are sacrificed so that the group can feel […]

  • Periscope (November 19, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Nov 19th 2019 9:57am EST

    China signs defence agreement with South Korea as US angers Seoul with demand for $5bn troop payment The good news is that Korean reunification is happening. The bad news is that it will happen as a conquered territory owned by China, something China has desired for many centuries. Trump made good on his campaign promise […]

  • Eat The Bugs, Bigot

    Amerika.org - Nov 19th 2019 5:02am EST

    The ongoing debate about utilizing insect protein for human consumption in the West is a revealing process that displays all sorts of neurotic pathologies on the Left as well as on the Right. The left advocates for bug burgers to save the climate and feed more of the underclass and third world, while the right […]

  • Four Horsemen: Part I – The Power of Government

    Amerika.org - Nov 18th 2019 7:49pm EST

    I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a […]

  • Periscope (November 18, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Nov 18th 2019 10:15am EST

    Anger of yellow vests still grips France a year on We are in a paradox loop in the West, which means that our assumptions are wrong but we cannot seem to connect the dots and fix them. More government means higher prices and lower wages; the entitlements programs that benefit the poor, ensure retirement, make […]

  • 1980s Counterculture Opposed Conservatism

    Amerika.org - Nov 18th 2019 5:02am EST

    Past times remain unknown lands to generations whose frame of reference begins with more recent events, so we memorialize them in literature, song, and histories so that the feeling of each time is preserved, giving us a highest abstraction point from which to interpret facts of those eras. In the 1980s, the Left successfully mobilized […]

  • China Threatens Amerika

    Amerika.org - Nov 17th 2019 4:29pm EST

    Back when television shows were still allowed to be racially honest, an episode of “The Little Rascals” did something that today would get them hooted out of Hollyorc. Spanky and Alfalfa read somewhere that 25% of the babies born in the last year were Chinese. They then noticed one of their mothers was pregnant. They […]

  • Culture

    Amerika.org - Nov 17th 2019 5:02am EST

    “Intellectuals” serve little purpose, but observing reality has never failed. One can learn a great deal for example from a pair of cats and a dog. This even applies to politics. When you allow the public to discuss anything, terms take on a new life based on what the crowd finds useful to discuss, and […]

  • Why The Media Leans Left

    Amerika.org - Nov 16th 2019 5:02am EST

    We sometimes find ourselves wondering aloud why our “free” media suspiciously resembles something to come out of the Soviet Union, since not only does it nearly invariably lean Left, but the many different independent companies seem to agree on the same narrative. This leads us to look for a conspiracy, but we should first ask […]

  • Periscope (November 15, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Nov 15th 2019 9:30am EST

    Ousted ambassador appears in Trump impeachment probe So far, Peach Mints Day Two has not fallen apart. It has not, however, managed to deliver what it needs to, which is a strong and credible case for removing Trump from office, and that has its supporters worried. Early viewing of the people out there in the […]

  • Urbanization Mirrors The Worst Of The Internet

    Amerika.org - Nov 15th 2019 5:02am EST

    Cyberspace captured the imagination of the public, but for those who read the early classics like Neuromancer, Shockwave Rider, and Naked Lunch it was clear that our internet could not approximate cyberspace. At the end of the day, the internet consists of physical things: servers, lines, electricity. These require humans to maintain them. Those individual […]

  • Periscope (November 14, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Nov 14th 2019 9:33am EST

    McCarthy claims Democrat told him, ‘This is not the party I know’ White people are clever morons who take things at face value. The Democrats say that they believe in improving the lives of the poor, and so people believe them. This is hysterical! No one in their right mind would accept the words of […]

  • How Irish Immigration Provided The Template For Demographic Replacement

    Amerika.org - Nov 14th 2019 5:02am EST

    Ideology as a pathology escapes our minds because we do not view it as a psychology, but one of many political offerings that we take at face value. More accurate assessments reveal that “altruism” serves as a cover for a naked power grab by those who want individualism to prevail over the principle of civilization. […]

  • Periscope (November 13, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Nov 13th 2019 1:43pm EST

    Far-right German lawmaker ousted as committee head over anti-Semitism Brandner was castigated by politicians from other parties for tweeting that popular singer Udo Lindenberg got a “Judas Reward” when he was awarded a federal medal. The term, referring to the disciple who betrayed Jesus, was widely interpreted as being anti-Semitic and, his critics said, showed […]

  • Capitalism Can Be Neither An Enemy Nor A Goal

    Amerika.org - Nov 13th 2019 5:02am EST

    We all want an enemy that we can seize, squeeze, and exterminate. We all want to find the root of what went wrong in the West, rip it out of the ground, and stomp on it like a weed. If we could just get our fingers around its throat… we would unlimber all of the […]

  • How Individualism Creates Self-Consuming Societies

    Amerika.org - Nov 13th 2019 5:02am EST

    Most find my contention that the third world is the most individualistic place on Earth to be suspect because they have been taught by American conservatives that conservatism supports individualism, and individualism means being self-reliant and independent. This mistakes the nature of individualism as an ism, which means a prioritization, in this case of the […]

  • Peach Mints

    Amerika.org - Nov 12th 2019 7:51pm EST

    If one can dream, here is how I hope that Trump will handle the upcoming impeachment dramahearings: at six in the morning tomorrow, indictments will be unsealed for the entire Obama-Clinton gang and their various cohorts in the deep state, leading to their arrests. Since government is slow, it will churn on with the hearings […]

  • America Reveals Its Future: A Hot Bucket Of Diarrhea

    Amerika.org - Nov 12th 2019 7:39pm EST

    America started as a land that produced great agriculture, industry, and culture. Now we mostly produce WTF. A case in point might be this excretory horror which graced the news feed this morning: Heidi Van Tassel said she was about to drive home from a Thai restaurant near the famed tourist area in April when […]

  • No Leftist Fails Unless They Lose Power

    Amerika.org - Nov 12th 2019 12:29pm EST

    Bolivia offers us a very rare and glorious spectacle. Here is a Leftist who actually failed at the task of being a Leftist. Your rational mind rejects that statement. After all, Leftists fail all the time — that’s what you call it when their societies fall apart, right? Do you really believe Robert Mugabe won […]

  • Periscope (November 12, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Nov 12th 2019 8:45am EST

    Supreme Court will allow Sandy Hook families to move forward in suit against gunmaker Remington The Left was thwarted on gun control by District of Columbia v. Heller, so now they have a dual-pronged assault: first, red flag laws will seize guns from anyone who is not a good conformist and eventually, a Democrat; second, […]

  • How Class Warfare Brought You Ted Bundy

    Amerika.org - Nov 12th 2019 5:02am EST

    Serial killers probably existed before the modern time, but they seemed to bloom into view as society broke down. Where in the past a strong social order reduced the opportunities for casual interaction, the jeans-and-flip-flops culture of the 1960s opened everything up. This brought out the parasite-predators. They could fit in with the endless herd […]

  • As Liberal Democracy Cools, The Fire Rises

    Amerika.org - Nov 11th 2019 2:22pm EST

    To many it appeared that the Alt Right was dead. There were no more mass mobilized protests, no mobs of civilian militants looking to beat the hell out of Antifa in the streets. The majority of its leaders and most charismatic figures were purged off of social media and YouTube, and “e-celeb” became a dirty […]