• Periscope (September 28, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 28th 2019 8:16am EDT

    Brexiteer jailed for inciting racial hatred In the West, we have now ended up at the usual place that societies go when they die: repression for symbolic reasons. Every society oppresses someone, usually people like child pornography fans and advocates for random violence, but we are now throwing people in jail for words they used […]

  • Ideology Creates A False Sense Of Unity

    Amerika.org - Sep 28th 2019 5:02am EDT

    Conservatives got blindsided by the Left because we did not understand the symbols that they used. Take “equality,” for example. To a conservative, this means no preferential treatment. Everyone gets in a line, waits their turn, and when they get to the front, they each get the same thing that every other individual gets. The […]

  • Periscope (September 27, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 27th 2019 7:56am EDT

    Shares rise as trade optimism muffles impeachment noise The Left believed that it could hold the Trump presidency hostage with impeachment talk, but it turns out that few people were convinced. Markets consist of people, and people panic when there is talk of changing who is in power, since chaos always interrupts business and daily […]

  • How Generalists Displace Native Species

    Amerika.org - Sep 27th 2019 5:02am EDT

    Humans see the world in context of immediate problems, which have a “first mover advantage” in that they come to us, instead of us seeking their underlying questions. Sort of like a thesis looking for data (cherry picking) instead of data looking for a thesis (the “scientific method”) this process resembles a begging-the-question fallacy, in […]

  • A Legal Coup

    Amerika.org - Sep 26th 2019 1:24pm EDT

    If you can stand (((Mark Levin))), then you can learn more about why Corporate Conservatives are stupid. They are compromised by being part of a corrupt system. They have an interested stake in getting what impeachment is wrong. In service of this fundamental corruption, Levin has taken out his Ouija Board and again made contact […]

  • Periscope (September 26, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 26th 2019 7:20am EDT

    Anti-immigration conservative set to win back power in Austria People are tired of the constant failure brought on by diversity, and they want to see something else from our future besides the toxic brew of consumerism, bureaucracy, and globalism that became the new boring endless normal in the 1990s. We want to escape modernity. Beating […]

  • Stress And Rationalization

    Amerika.org - Sep 26th 2019 5:02am EDT

    In every kitchen, there is a miscellaneous drawer, and it usually has more items than any other drawer although they are smaller. These are things which do not categorize easily, including stuff of unknown function, at least in ours. Every few months one of us has to clean the thing out, which results in the […]

  • Periscope (September 25, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 25th 2019 11:06am EDT

    Trump asked Ukraine leader to look into why investigation of Biden’s son ended, text of call shows The hype over this one has blown past all reason. Trump was asking Ukraine, in the context of sending them foreign aid, whether they were facing an ongoing corruption problem regarding the Biden investigation; he asked why it […]

  • Pipe Meditations (September 25, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 25th 2019 5:02am EDT

    Nietzsche praised aggression and aggressive men, but we have forgotten what the word means. In our pacifistic time, “aggression” means mindless violence, when in reality, it refers to a state of mind that is necessary to do good. An aggressive person, in this definition, is one who doggedly pursues a goal and uses any and […]

  • Periscope (September 24, 2019 PM)

    Amerika.org - Sep 24th 2019 6:43pm EDT

    Pelosi announces formal impeachment inquiry The Left has decided to take the gamble despite Trump having done nothing illegal or wrong. This sets up the conditions that will lead to civil war. Donald Trump dared to resist the Establishment, and so they are going after him so that their parasitism will not be interrupted again. […]

  • Greta Thunberg, Empowered Prole

    Amerika.org - Sep 24th 2019 3:26pm EDT

    A media darling plucked from obscurity by the greatest propaganda machine in history, Greta Thunberg — like David Hogg before her — comes from a long history in democracy of finding members of vulnerable groups to become magical spokespeople to dispel the ignorance of the rest of us. In the same way that this society […]

  • Periscope (September 24, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 24th 2019 8:37am EDT

    More Dems back impeachment action amid reports Trump ordered Ukraine aid frozen Conservatives operate by goals, Leftists operate by pretexts. That is, they find something that they can use to argue for their own greater power or ability to change things, and use that to open the door and start taking over. This follows the […]

  • Woo

    Amerika.org - Sep 24th 2019 5:02am EDT

    Democracy reduces political dialogue to an implicit question, “Would you like it if someone did that to you?” Of course no one wants to lose benefits, be arrested for a crime they may or may not have committed, or face consequences for errors. They vote consistently against any kind of social order or power that […]

  • Periscope (September 23, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 23rd 2019 7:35am EDT

    Chinese theft of trade secrets on the rise, the US Justice Department warns Other groups come here to conquer, period. They have no choice: they must either reject their origins and hate themselves, or subconsciously hate us and work to conquer us. Benevolent xenophobia is the only sane policy toward other groups. Police: Teens fatally […]

  • Why Constitutions Fail

    Amerika.org - Sep 23rd 2019 5:02am EDT

    Amerikans are fed a nice, quaint theory about democracy. “The people get to have the power to change anything they don’t like.” They get another quaint theory about democratic governance. “The Constitution, via the separation of powers, and its masterful rules of order, will vouchsafe our democratic republic from the empassioned ignorance of the baying […]

  • Interview With DissentWatch

    Amerika.org - Sep 22nd 2019 6:10am EDT

    As social media continues its twisting descent into self-destruction, new forms of media arise to replace it. Perhaps signaling that this event is in its early stages, DissentWatch appeared with a mission of chronicling that which social media removes. Fortunately, we were able to get a few moments with the team behind DissentWatch to talk […]

  • When California Banned IQ Testing

    Amerika.org - Sep 22nd 2019 5:02am EDT

    We live in a time of duality created by social pressures. On the surface, we have to endorse a universal belief in human goodness; in private, we acknowledge that many if not most people are crazy, bad, broken, and parasitic. This duality persists in all that we do because it serves as the foundation for […]

  • Periscope (September 21, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 21st 2019 7:29pm EDT

    Department of Homeland Security strategy adds white supremacy to list of threats DHS is stepping up its focus on what McAleenan called “targeted violence,” in which an attacker selects the target in advance, driven by hate. Racism and anti-Semitism have fueled recent attacks on African-American churches, synagogues, and public places in California and Texas, he […]

  • Creating One Grey Race Will Fail To Eliminate Hierarchy And Conflict

    Amerika.org - Sep 21st 2019 5:02am EDT

    A common argument for diversity and the inevitable racial mixing suggests that once we achieve one world grey race, the conflicts between races will erase themselves. This parallels pacifism and the argument for egalitarianism, which is that when all are equal, causes for disagreement will vanish. To an experienced mind, this makes no sense, since […]

  • Periscope (September 19, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 20th 2019 10:16am EDT

    Trump Job Approval 43%; Ties Party Polarization Record People belong to either the future or the past now that we have reached a branching stage. Those who belong to the past are still bleating out Leftist dogma, since for the past couple centuries doing that was all that was required to be in the “in” […]

  • Twenty-First Century Conservatism

    Amerika.org - Sep 20th 2019 5:02am EDT

    Conservatism finds few fans in the underground. To them, conservatives are the people who in the name of a symbolic platform — defense, abortion, business, Judeo-Christianity/rapture — sold the nation for twenty pieces of silver. They have a point, but the fault lies not with conservatism, but democracy. Few understand that democracy is advertising: whoever […]

  • Periscope (September 19, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 19th 2019 2:19pm EDT

    Judge won’t free extremists who attacked protesters at white nationalist rally in Charlottesville Prosecutors said the group members’ hatred for Jews, blacks and feminists motivated them to attack counterprotesters. Nonsense. In Charlottesville, the police steered the Right into Antifa lines, knowing that violence would result, and those who defended themselves on the Right were prosecuted. […]

  • South Africa Reached Its Endgame In 2012

    Amerika.org - Sep 19th 2019 5:02am EDT

    The Real South Africa (RSA) was finally born in 2012 when the state entered its final stage. For years it had been in descent, owing to its fundamental division along racial lines, but with the total dominance of the diversity state, it descended fully to third world levels. The recent 2019 South African Crime Report […]

  • Watching The Great Replacement In Action

    Amerika.org - Sep 18th 2019 4:24pm EDT

    Leftism depends on compliance. Someone sets up a universal rule of what methods are nice and which are not, and the masses are intended to act according to the former and avoid the latter. This bureaucratic method seems to work to humans who are clever but not thoughtful. A smarter person sees the destruction of […]

  • Outliers (#70)

    Amerika.org - Sep 18th 2019 2:59pm EDT

    It’s a New America: don’t talk to the police When dealing with the post 9/11 Orwell State, the best strategy is to minimize your dealings with them. Everyone has done something illegal. The laws have deliberately been written to make that so. Voluntary cooperation with them only hastens your demise. Larry Kummer explains how this […]