Houellebecq Returns With Serotonin
Amerika.org - Nov 11th 2019 1:48pm ESTAnti-liberal author Michel Houellebecq (previous reviews here, here, and here) returns with Serotonin, a new novel about the collapse of the West: Michel Houellebcq has chronicled the deracinated state of modern France, as he sees it. Made selfish by the generation of ’68, detached from morality by easy access to pornography, alienated from its history, […]
Dan Crenshaw Exits The Presidential Race
Amerika.org - Nov 11th 2019 1:21pm ESTConservatives fail because they do not understand conservatism. Most intuit that it is something like defense of the majority viewpoint and the recent past, but in doing so, forget that they are defending a society which is half or more outright Leftist. (A more sensible definition says that conservatives conserve, which means that they preserve […]
End Of The Nation-State Signals The End Of Liberal Democracy
Amerika.org - Nov 11th 2019 9:11am ESTModern citizens find it hard to believe that there was a time before modernity. Most cannot separate this time from technology, but modernity is more than that: the idea of societies united around control by symbol, administered by bureaucracy, in the name of individualism. Francis Fukuyama wrote a convincing tome about the end of history […]
Periscope (November 11, 2019)
Amerika.org - Nov 11th 2019 8:25am ESTCancel culture taints The Linux Foundation, developer publicly disinvited from event over political opinions Linux developer wears MAGA hat in humorous photo, and then the usual neurotics agitate for his removal from a conference. Conference gives in, and now the echo chamber is complete. Red China’s paid accomplices in the U.S. China sponsors “experts,” then […]
Lest We Forget
Amerika.org - Nov 11th 2019 5:02am ESTToday’s article will be appearing at 11:11 for obvious reasons. It is an important one; another crack in the wall of the great evil that grips our time has shown itself, and it requires a somber moment for contemplation.
What Are Ends-Over-Means And Means-Over-Ends Approaches?
Amerika.org - Nov 10th 2019 5:02am ESTIn life, we end up with a series of goals. Some are practical, some long-term, and some are moral. While the everyday stuff requires relatively little thought, the latter two categories present a challenge in that we have to decide how serious we are. A long-term goal, like having a civilization, does not strike us […]
Amerika Makes It Into The Daily Dot
Amerika.org - Nov 9th 2019 11:45am ESTWhen word got out that the Iron March forum user database had leaked, I reached out to former members to see if they wanted to upgrade from the relatively mainstream National Socialist position to something truly radical like the restorationist trad futurist Ult-Right, and many took advantage of this and signed up to our mailing […]
Individualism Influences Choice
Amerika.org - Nov 9th 2019 5:02am ESTBig-brained humans like to think that we consider decisions in terms of their universal effect, sort of like the golden rule. In reality, the Iron Rule applies: every thing (object, person, group, idea, gene) acts only in its own self-interest alone. We saw this crop up locally with a proposed noise ordinance. It intends to […]
Periscope (November 8, 2019)
Amerika.org - Nov 8th 2019 11:26am ESTTrump adviser warns China exporting tech authoritarianism A theme for the twenty-first century appears: independence from “tech authoritarianism.” We might see this as part of a bigger picture, which is independence from symbolic control, by which some group of people rules over us through manipulating the masses with symbols of “good” (=) and “bad” (≠). […]
Goodwill And Fear Of Losing It
Amerika.org - Nov 8th 2019 5:02am ESTEquality reduces everyone to the same starting point, which if you think about it, means a very low level. This shows how equality always serves as a negative sanction, not a growth in the good. It stops some from rising above the rest and triggering them. This means that we depend on social goodwill, or […]
Writing On The Wall
Amerika.org - Nov 7th 2019 4:38pm ESTMene, mene, tekel, parsin. The writing is on the wall, so we must not lose hope nor heart. In the book of Daniel, chapter 5, we witness a King who believes himself to be outside the boundaries of decency and goodness who is forced to face a moment that he could never see coming. He […]
Medicare For All Means Society Will Own You
Amerika.org - Nov 7th 2019 2:53pm ESTElizabeth Warren knows one big thing. She is your typical midwit affirmative action hire bureaucrat that doesn’t know much else. She does not have to. She’s the squirrel who found the right nut. It is seeing her through the lifelong winter of her own pathetic, lukewarm mediocrity. Elizabeth Warren knows that democracy is based upon […]
Periscope (November 7, 2019)
Amerika.org - Nov 7th 2019 12:01pm ESTIllegal immigrant population inside US surged 550,000 in 2019 The Left operates by the simple principle of defeating the opposition by pointing out exceptions to rules. If you say that life treats everyone fairly, they find some guy living in an outhouse and claim you are wrong and evil, then use that to demand that […]
How Diversity Ended
Amerika.org - Nov 7th 2019 5:02am ESTWe stand at a point in history where a lot of parentheses are being closed. Whenever humans try something new, we open a parenthesis in our minds, since we know that we will have to watch the results of this action to see what happens, especially in the long term, because only at the end […]
Pipe Meditations (November 6, 2019)
Amerika.org - Nov 6th 2019 8:14pm ESTSlotting oneself on the political spectrum proves more difficult than people think. First because most people measure it incorrectly, and second because it rarely applies in the strict categorical ways that people want it to. For those who view politics as a clash of philosophies, it is clear that you have two groups, the egalitarians […]
Amerika Needs To Decide Whether It Is A Cartel Or A Nation
Amerika.org - Nov 6th 2019 11:05am ESTCartels consist of really bad, mean, evil and viscious people. They sell bad and unpleasant things at ridiculous rates, they own a coercive monopoly, and they charge people a protection fee just to maintain what property they consider their own. The ill-gotten gains of this activity are then spread about to buy continued coopertion in […]
Periscope (November 6, 2019)
Amerika.org - Nov 6th 2019 8:18am ESTTucson voters soundly reject ‘sanctuary city’ initiative 71.4% of voters in Tucson decided not to participate in the symbolic resistance to those who want to prevent America from being overrun with illegal immigrants. Perhaps they realized that all of the sanctuary cities out there seem to be having massive problems. Kansas City votes to remove […]
Methods Of Your Enslavement: Property Taxes
Amerika.org - Nov 6th 2019 5:02am ESTUnder rule by the workers/proles, we declare ourselves “free,” but since that term means nothing without an object (“free from x“) it becomes mere marketing, and we realize now that we are simply enslaved to something new, and unlike the feudal order, it does not see us as important. In the realm of equality, we […]
Periscope (November 5, 2019)
Amerika.org - Nov 5th 2019 8:58am ESTTrump presses Mexico on security after nine Mormon women and children killed American Mormons discover that Mexico is not such a great place to settle since it is wracked by violence because its only functional industries appear to be the sale of illict drugs, and tourism. This makes for an ordinarily unstable third world nation […]
Diversity And Equality Create Malignant Narcissism
Amerika.org - Nov 5th 2019 5:02am ESTA positive view of humanity says that, while our current regimes are failing, this is part of a larger process by which we are emerging from a time of illusion. Specifically, we focused on symbols because those manipulate a group, and that caused us to ignore the underlying reality. From this comes an even more […]
Where All The Cowboys Have Gone
Amerika.org - Nov 4th 2019 9:45am ESTAyn Rand famously had a character in Atlas Shrugged remark that nobody notices philosophers until they disappear. I take her meaning but would phrase the sentiment more directly. Nobody notices the absence of philosophers, mathematicians, leaders, et al, until one is required and nobody steps up like a gifted back-up QB. Then, struck with the […]
Periscope (November 4, 2019)
Amerika.org - Nov 4th 2019 8:48am ESTOutrage after AfD scorn mixed-race girl playing ‘Christ Child’ They are not wrong. Germans need to be ruled by the images of ethnic Germans, not foreigners. No matter how much time someone foreign in blood spends in Germany, they will never be a German. This is why back in the 1990s I opted, unlike many […]
Amerika.org - Nov 4th 2019 5:02am ESTFor most of my life, I loathed conservatives for the same reason I detested white people: they were clever morons, that is, people smart enough to manipulate the world but too dumb to have wisdom in it, and therefore they always replaced good things with ersatz inferiors. This cleverness really is the disease of white […]
For Now, South Africa Wins Rugby Matches, But It Will Not Last
Amerika.org - Nov 3rd 2019 3:57pm ESTThe first time South Africa won the Rugby World Cup was in 1995, just one year after the country held “democratic” elections and appointed Nelson Mandela as President. Here is the team and their Manager: The second time South Africa won was 12 years later in 2007 when Thabo Mbeki was President: The third time […]
Pipe Meditations (November 3, 2019)
Amerika.org - Nov 3rd 2019 8:46am ESTIt is difficult to orient oneself when the ground keeps slipping beneath you. That might well describe this time, where political activity seems chaotic because it reflects a cultural battle that began long ago, in the 1990s. During the previous decade, most of what had been happening with the culture wars went on hold. Carter […]