• Outliers (#69)

    Amerika.org - Sep 14th 2019 9:21am EDT

    How being a white person became a crime Whereas black studies celebrates black writers and black history, and gay studies brings out gay figures from history and pushes them to the fore, “whiteness studies” is “committed to disrupting racism by problematizing whiteness,” according to Syracuse University professor Barbara Applebaum, who wrote Oxford’s definition. This is […]

  • Periscope (September 14, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 14th 2019 8:05am EDT

    Ministers under fire after announcing ‘mega jail’ to be built in Yorkshire despite thousands of objections The Left tells us that what is needed are not more jails, but fewer prisoners; that translates to “relax standards” as the Left always does. In reality, diversity plus social breakdown has produced more people committing criminal acts. If […]

  • Misunderstanding The Medieval

    Amerika.org - Sep 14th 2019 5:02am EDT

    We rewrite history and never are quite sure why. Most of it seems designed to make us feel as if our present time is the best of all possible options, a “fiction absolute” that we rationalize by only mentioning the bad about other eras. Some of it certainly comes from political animus. We cannot praise […]

  • Periscope (September 13, 2019 PM)

    Amerika.org - Sep 13th 2019 4:02pm EDT

    Reuters asks judge to release secret Propecia documents The modern time comes to a close in a flurry of debunked lies: The investigation found that hundreds of thousands of Americans have been killed or seriously injured over the past couple of decades by allegedly defective products — drugs, cars, medical devices and other products — […]

  • “Scientific Decency” Is Destroying The West

    Amerika.org - Sep 13th 2019 1:15pm EDT

    So let’s say you wake up one morning believing Proposition X. You don’t just factually accept it. As Karl Marx once put it: the idea “tastes good.” This will typically drive anyone who buys into Proposition X to defend it vociferously. It’s now the mental equivalent of a free cheeseburger. Now let’s say further that […]

  • Periscope (September 13, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 13th 2019 6:16am EDT

    Trump’s immigration crackdown starts to gain traction Trump denied Bahamian emergency immigration, got support from the Supreme Court on deportation policy and using military funds to build the wall, got Mexico on-board, deployed troops to the border, and is constructing 450 miles of wall. The Left was able to stage resistance, as usual, but ultimately […]

  • Pipe Meditations (September 13, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 13th 2019 5:02am EDT

    Immanuel Kant kicked off the revolution in European philosophy that took it beyond universalism, even as he clung to it in part. With universalism, we could assume per The Enlightenment™ that a universal faculty of reason and perception in all people allowed us to posit an objective reality. Without universalism, we have an objective world, […]

  • Periscope (September 12, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 12th 2019 1:12pm EDT

    450 miles of border wall by next year? In Arizona, it starts Looks like we are getting the national symbol for “diversity did not work, we are full, go back home.” World losing area of forest the size of the UK each year, report finds We have more trees but less forest. A forest is […]

  • Exploring The Conservative Mentality

    Amerika.org - Sep 12th 2019 5:02am EDT

    Very few people understand conservatism, least of all conservatives. For most on the Right, their beliefs amount to tacit folkways, conventional wisdom, tradition, and a gut feeling that life should be kept as simple as possible and based on what has worked well in the past. We can outline conservatism with the simple formula of […]

  • Why You Can’t Remember 9/10

    Amerika.org - Sep 11th 2019 3:35pm EDT

    Bin Ladin won. He won at least a major battle, if not the whole war. No, The Taliban didn’t overrun New York. Ocasio Cortez would have a much better set of manners if he’d put her and all like her, back in their cave. But Bin Ladin did change Amerika in ways that greatly empowered […]

  • Periscope (September 11, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 11th 2019 7:03am EDT

    18 years later, America vows to ‘never forget’ 9/11 Is that so? We clearly never learned anything from it. The point of 9/11 was that political unity alone cannot make a nation. We tried; we failed. In fact, even leading up to 9/11, the cracks were evident. Diversity wandering around us, including terrorists who wanted […]

  • Pipe Meditations (September 11, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 11th 2019 5:02am EDT

    What has gone wrong with the human experiment? A species that should be far above its roots now seems to be descending into them. On the surface, of course, we can point to equality as the means of our demise. This symbol makes people obsessed and they lose all ability to differentiate sense from nonsense, […]

  • Periscope (September 10, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 10th 2019 1:00pm EDT

    Boris Johnson tells parliament: You can tie my hands, but I will not delay Brexit We have now learned how to defeat the system which seemed unbeatable. You have to find your objective and charge toward it, realizing that the system is so encrusted in laws and procedure that they will come up with a […]

  • New Data Suggests Genetic Differences Between Races In Intelligence

    Amerika.org - Sep 10th 2019 6:21am EDT

    War raging across the sciences concerns a simple question: are our traits mostly nature, or genetic in origin as Darwin argued, or is nurture — including indoctrination and socioeconomic status — a bigger factor? Nature continues winning, as one might expect from having observed animal species. Recent research points to genetic differences in intelligence between […]

  • Periscope (September 9, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 9th 2019 7:46pm EDT

    Tariffs are no longer China’s biggest problem in the trade war The decoupling push is quite different than any U.S. efforts to get China to open up more of its economy to American companies. Instead, it focuses on reducing America’s extremely heavy reliance on China for so much of its manufacturing needs. We have been […]

  • Turbulent Skies Over A Senescent West

    Amerika.org - Sep 9th 2019 4:13pm EDT

    When you get in an automobile accident, time suspends for the duration of events. You remember having been in a state of completely normal activity, then something went wrong, and after that, your brain was concerned with survival. In the days and months after the event, you replay it through your head more an algebra […]

  • Periscope (September 8, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 8th 2019 9:49am EDT

    NOAA assailed for defending Trump’s Hurricane Dorian claim Apparently, our media is so stupid that it has no idea when it is being played. They managed to convince a bunch of people to come out and talk about how “politics is manipulating science” because the NOAA affirmed Trump’s statement, which was essentially that the hurricane […]

  • How The Right Can Learn From The “Yellow Vests” Protests

    Amerika.org - Sep 8th 2019 5:02am EDT

    When the “yellow vests” protests gained momentum, it excited many people because it looked like an idealized a populist revolution where an angry crowd chases out an corrupt government. Instead it should have been a lesson on why an angry crowd will never ever inflict meaningful change. Those on the Right can learn a great […]

  • Reflections On The Religion Question

    Amerika.org - Sep 7th 2019 5:02am EDT

    When Western Civilization encountered Christianity, it did to it the same thing it did to gunpowder and pyjama pants, namely making it more powerful through study and the injection of the “Western spirit” into its use. In other words, they saw a better method than the paganism that was indigenous to the many tribes of […]

  • Pipe Meditations (September 6, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 6th 2019 7:36pm EDT

    On the front page of the latest catalog mailed, along with a bunch of other seemingly pointless spam that somehow generates money, they advertise a “pumpkin spice” pipe tobacco. This makes me want to set the world on fire, but not for the reasons most would expect. Some would point out that pumpkin spice is […]

  • Freedom And Domination

    Amerika.org - Sep 6th 2019 2:35pm EDT

    The narratives around “freedom” have reached the pidgin stage where the meaning of the term freedom has become inverted. This tells us that whatever “freedom” means, we are not free, since we are talking around the issue. This obvious void in communication tells us that instead of experiencing freedom, we are experiencing domination by a […]

  • Outliers (#68)

    Amerika.org - Sep 6th 2019 1:45pm EDT

    Why Originalism Is the Best Approach to the Constitution Of course, some suggest that originalism leads to bad results because the results inevitably happen to be politically conservative results. Rubbish. Originalism is a theory focused on process, not on substance. It is not “Conservative” with a big C focused on politics. It is conservative in […]

  • Osiris Akkebala On The Need For Ethnic Autonomy

    Amerika.org - Sep 6th 2019 11:24am EDT

    Renowned African Nationalist Osiris Akkebala has published a series of videos in which he describes the necessity of nationalism, or ethnic autonomy and autonomous self-determination, as well as the need for population separation. He also describes a natural order theory of divine truth which resembles the Traditionalism of Rene Guenon and other thinkers in every […]

  • Remembering Robert Mugabe (1924-2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 6th 2019 11:05am EDT

    Nationalists worldwide remain divided because we confuse instance with principle. The principle of nationalism has always been that each ethnic group gets its own nation, since ethnic group and culture and identity are linked. With this in mind, we can approach the complicated issue of Zimbabwe. Formerly a loose association of tribes, it became part […]

  • Periscope (September 6, 2019)

    Amerika.org - Sep 6th 2019 10:35am EDT

    Asteroid That’s Nearly the Height of the World’s Tallest Building Is Flying by Earth Soon Why is this important? Let’s ask Fred Nietzsche: Once upon a time, in some out of the way corner of that universe which is dispersed into numberless twinkling solar systems, there was a star upon which clever beasts invented knowing. […]