• 9/11

    Amerika.org - Sep 11th 2020 11:21am EDT

    They say that challenges in life do not change you so much as reveal you. Your response to those challenges shows how you are growing, meaning improving in the quality of your response more than choosing some radical new idea that no one thought of. Life is a fairly well-known quantity. 9/11 showed what had […]

  • Status Signaling

    Amerika.org - Sep 11th 2020 8:02am EDT

    People around here drive slow as heck on the weekends. They probably do everywhere. Like so many human things, this reflects a communication toward others rather than a desire in itself. Driving slowly says, “I’m on my own time, and not in a hurry, just having a good time.” You see it a lot in […]

  • Ecocide Is the Pollution Downstream From Demotism

    Amerika.org - Sep 10th 2020 10:48pm EDT

    Poor human governance is creating hell. It is creating hell because the Managerial State is not husbanding the necessary resources to properly and adequately pay for all the goodies that it hands out to pay for the votes that keep it in power. The fresh steaming hell is what Northern California gets for breakfast this […]

  • Periscope (September 10, 2020)

    Amerika.org - Sep 10th 2020 10:37pm EDT

    ~~~ Americans splurged over Labor Day weekend. That’s the good news The upturn may be a sign that consumer confidence is returning alongside a fall in new coronavirus infections. Or it could be a one-time bright spot in a slow economic recovery that remains challenged by massive joblessness and a persistent health crisis, one many […]

  • Burning In Hell

    Amerika.org - Sep 9th 2020 9:40pm EDT

    Let us assume for a moment that the Christian mythology is literal and that after death, we face Judgment, and some go to the heavens while the bad are shifted straight into Hell, where they will lurk in flames, attended to by sadistic demons who grinning sodomize them. Who would go to Hell? First up, […]

  • Periscope (September 9, 2020)

    Amerika.org - Sep 9th 2020 9:24pm EDT

    ~~~ Hair salon had to remove job ad for ‘happy’ stylist because it is ‘discriminatory’ against unhappy people And the advertisement stated, “This is a busy, friendly, small salon, so only happy, friendly stylists need apply.” But on Wednesday, Birch says she received a call from her local job center informing her they could not […]

  • Abyssal

    Amerika.org - Sep 9th 2020 6:49pm EDT

    Dr. Gordon Demaret was finding Al-Herat an unusually difficult and expensive place to dig. Superstition could play a role in archeology. Like any other breed of stupidity, it could attack and damage just about anything not properly clad in mail. Whether you dug for Native American ruins in West Virginia or older cultures in The […]

  • Genetic Backflow Into Africa

    Amerika.org - Sep 9th 2020 8:02am EDT

    As we learn more, a complex genetic history emerges which details backflow into Africa by European populations: Two results stood out from the rest. One was for modern-day Sardinians, who are known to be the closest living relatives to the earliest farmers. The other was for members of the so-called LBK culture in Germany, early […]

  • Periscope (September 8, 2020)

    Amerika.org - Sep 8th 2020 2:21pm EDT

    ~~~ ‘MLK/FBI’ Doc Draws Disturbing Parallels With the Current Moment “We felt it was important to really look at how King was looked at from the perspective of J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI, that they considered him a very dangerous man,” says Pollard, who is best known for editing Spike Lee’s films. “They were […]

  • No, Conservatism Is Not Individualism

    Amerika.org - Sep 8th 2020 8:02am EDT

    Conservatism faces the most risk not from the other side, but from its own incompetence. Specifically, public conservatives in democracy edit the message to fit the audience, and in doing so, change it into a sad and lonely form of Leftism which collapses from internal contradictions. This includes National Socialism and Fascism as well as […]

  • Brave New World

    Amerika.org - Sep 7th 2020 8:02am EDT

    Watching modernity dawn, Aldous Huxley realized that a civilization dedicated to the self would rapidly become a witless place of self-centered, oblivious people. In Brave New World, he wrote about the danger of positive reward systems in creating a Utopia-Dystopia where human illusions dominated. “And that,” put in the Director sententiously, “that is the secret […]

  • Periscope (September 6, 2020)

    Amerika.org - Sep 6th 2020 7:55pm EDT

    ~~~ A Coded Word from the Far Right Roils France’s Political Mainstream The word “ensauvagement” has been a favorite dog whistle of France’s far right in recent years, used to suggest that the nation is turning savage. With its colonial and racist overtones, it has been wielded in discussion of immigration and crime to sound […]

  • Solipsism

    Amerika.org - Sep 6th 2020 6:39pm EDT

    When the series of writings that became this present site started, those original works aimed to communicate a painful truth: humans, by virtue of our big brains, suffer from solipsism, or the tendency to consider our perceptions — and those we share through social tokens like language — to be reality. Looking into the roots […]

  • Operation Portlandia

    Amerika.org - Sep 5th 2020 6:09pm EDT

    Imagine the following. Whoever winds up winning Election 2020 wakes up angry one cold, sleeting January morning in 2021. The Antifa Lives Matter and Covid-Karen whack-jobs have stretched their 15 minutes of fame into triple overtime and both remain locust plagues on our nation’s commonweal. Enough is more than enough, and it’s now time to […]

  • Noble Savages

    Amerika.org - Sep 4th 2020 10:55pm EDT

    Science has been crucifying a number of sacred taboo myths recently. The latest to fall is the idea of the “noble savage,” since it turns out that Mongolian immigration to the New World produced an ecocidal holocaust of ancient creatures: The discovery of at least 200 mammoth skeletons near Mexico City may help explain why […]

  • Periscope (September 4, 2020)

    Amerika.org - Sep 4th 2020 10:47pm EDT

    ~~~ For a nostalgia bonus: the origins of Periscope. ~~~ They are a scavenging people: Declassified tapes reveal Richard Nixon’s hate for Indians He then condemned Indians as a whole, his voice oozing with contempt, “They are a scavenging people.” In reply, Mr. Kissinger sweepingly explained: “They are superb flatterers, Mr. President. They are masters […]

  • Suckers and Losers

    Amerika.org - Sep 4th 2020 1:49pm EDT

    Why do people cuck? Not just in a political sense, but in private life, people are always looking for a chance to act against their own interests. It is as if the aimless impulse to destroy extends even to themselves. This occurs when people live through symbolic gestures where the symbol matters more than the […]

  • Transcendent Order of Nature

    Amerika.org - Sep 4th 2020 8:02am EDT

    Many of us have learned to be wary of terms that are assumed and not clearly defined, much as a snake oil salesman relies on our mental image of what a product will do instead of making explicit promises. “Conservatism” lacks a clear definition for most of the public. Breaking it down to its roots, […]

  • Free

    Amerika.org - Sep 3rd 2020 8:02am EDT

    If we could abolish one word from the modern lexicon, it might be free. We hear a lot about free things. Free will, free government money, free markets, free love, freedom. Everything is “free,” but they never tell us from what. From consequences? Unlikely, even if we get a little time before the consequences touch […]

  • Either We Go To The Stars Or We Die Fighting “Inequality”

    Amerika.org - Sep 3rd 2020 12:02am EDT

    A quick reminder from history: you have to choose between advancement and equality, since the two are viewed as exclusionary: Maher says the Apollo space program divided Americans among supporters who thought it would energize a country that had gotten lost, and those who believed that it represented a huge waste of money that instead […]

  • Periscope (September 2, 2020)

    Amerika.org - Sep 2nd 2020 11:37pm EDT

    ~~~ Half of people in Japan feel healthier due to coronavirus outbreak Nearly half of people in Japan feel they are healthier now than before the spread of the novel coronavirus due to adopting improved lifestyles after the virus-induced curbs on going out, according to a private survey released Wednesday. Instead of living the modern […]

  • How Toxic Modern Food Will Destroy Your Descendants

    Amerika.org - Sep 2nd 2020 10:16pm EDT

    Modernity presented itself as a miracle: using technology, we could beat back the limitations imposed on us by nature, and live in luxury with minimal risk. Primarily that failed because now we spend all our time doing useless stuff for the System, but it failed another way. Our modern solutions turn out to have a […]

  • How Democracy Replaces Race

    Amerika.org - Sep 2nd 2020 8:10pm EDT

    Democracy makes us think in ideological terms instead of realistic ones: its first concern, above all else, is that all voices are represented equally, because this is how democracy makes decisions; “one person, one vote” is the primary rule. This means that we naturally think in terms of “on my ideological team” or “not on […]

  • When A Civilization Just Gives Up

    Amerika.org - Sep 2nd 2020 7:03pm EDT

    Have we come to the end of the line? For the current System, it appears so. The outbreak of incompetence during the COVID-19 pandemic, the continued prole race riots, and general breakdown of an ability to produce anything of importance suggests doom written on the wall. Even further, we find ourselves in a dead-end cycle. […]

  • We Have to Have That Difficult Conversation About “Primitive” Peoples

    Amerika.org - Sep 2nd 2020 8:02am EDT

    In a Leftist time, history becomes converted to ideological talking points, and so people lose sight of the biggest and most important facts and focus instead on the tangential. This enables them to bypass all of the difficult aspects and focus on the emotional ones. When our ancestors found the New World, they discovered the […]