• My Take On SpencerGate

    Amerika.org - Aug 24th 2020 6:45pm EDT

    Some Black guy got lit up in Wisconsin for diving for a gun in his car while being restrained by cops. Everyone wants to either riot or scream racial slurs, but those of us in the middle — including extremist moderates like myself — are saying, “wait until the facts are in.” Similarly, we have […]

  • Richard Spencer Loves Big Brother

    Amerika.org - Aug 24th 2020 6:20pm EDT

    Richard Spencer has discovered competence. It’s said to mix like quinine with a shot of Victory Gin. He truly seems to admire the cut of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s jib. I plan to vote for Biden and a straight democratic ticket. It’s not based on “accelerationism” or anything like that; the liberals are clearly more […]

  • Blood Will Out (#2)

    Amerika.org - Aug 24th 2020 5:37pm EDT

    Texas A&M used to be a great school, but now it is an international school, with international scandals to follow: The complaint states that this access allegedly allowed Cheng to further his standing in China at Guangdong University of Technology and other universities. The charges further allege he held senior research positions there unknown to […]

  • Trump 2020

    Amerika.org - Aug 24th 2020 11:17am EDT

    When less experienced, to me politics seemed a dodge, a cheap stand-in for the real questions of our philosophy, culture, and social order. We were swapping around tokens, supporting candidates and slogans, instead of addressing real questions. Over time it became clear that the old saw was true and that to stand aside while political […]

  • Sapient Expurgation

    Amerika.org - Aug 24th 2020 8:02am EDT

    Later they would refer to the era as the “golden age of free-dried meals,” but to those who worked then and there, it was more of a gold rush: higher salaries, more benefits, longer lunches, and relaxed rules because the industry was both new and thriving. Mr. Lacigol arrived at the plant early, of course. […]

  • Blood Will Out (#1)

    Amerika.org - Aug 23rd 2020 10:38am EDT

    It turns out that our latest Russian spy worked for the special forces for three decades, giving information to the Russians for most of that time: Capt Debbins’ mother was born in the former USSR, the press release said, and partly for this reason he developed an interest in Russia, travelling there numerous times between […]

  • Before Slutwalk

    Amerika.org - Aug 22nd 2020 7:57am EDT

    From the San Francisco Chronicle, October 19, 1978 as quoted in Sudden Terror by Larry Crompton: The East Bay City’s Police Chief Chambers acknowledged yester-day that, unintentionally, he himself might have caused “frayed tempers” among “some would-be vigilantes” and “feminists.” The angry reaction followed a talk by the police chief when he warned against women […]

  • Consequences of Leftist Rule

    Amerika.org - Aug 21st 2020 5:22pm EDT

    EAR/ONS (East Area Rapist/Original Night Stalker) was sentenced today. From Michelle McNamara’s book about the murders, I’ll Be Gone in the Dark, a disturbing revelation about America: US crime rates show a steady rise in violent crime throughout the 1960s and 70s, peaking in 1980. Taxi Driver came out in February 1976; the bleak and […]

  • Roots of the European Union

    Amerika.org - Aug 21st 2020 8:02am EDT

    Winston Churchill, the half-American and therefore deracinated Brit, wrote of the history of world federalist movements and the argument for a European federalism based in human civil rights: Yet all the while there is a remedy which, if it were generally and spontaneously adopted by the great majority of people in many lands, would as […]

  • Political Realism

    Amerika.org - Aug 21st 2020 8:02am EDT

    Humanity has two tendencies: we either adapt to the world, which requires that we change, or we expect the world to adapt to us, which requires that it changes. The former is natural selection, the latter solipsism, and all of our political and social inclinations flow from those. Those on the side of natural selection […]

  • Escaping Non-Biological Frameworks

    Amerika.org - Aug 20th 2020 8:02am EDT

    When humans create civilizations, they invent Systems, or procedures for getting things done. The more System you have in your world, the less reality you will have, so these eventually self-destruct. This shows us typical human solipsism: exclude all but the human, then get whacked in the face by reality. Our modernity society grew around […]

  • Personhood

    Amerika.org - Aug 20th 2020 8:02am EDT

    Proles whine about “corporate personhood,” not realizing that such a thing is necessary for corporations to be subject to our laws. If you listened to proles, they would create an anarchy with ten million rules, none of which cooperated with the others. That is why our ancestors suppressed them. In reality, personhood both establishes participation […]

  • Blood Will Out

    Amerika.org - Aug 19th 2020 3:15pm EDT

    Despite all of the Conservative Inc palaver about “assimilation,” it turns out that people have loyalty to their people over the economic, political, and pop cultural “values” of America, as we see in the case of Alexander Yuk Ching Ma: Court documents said 67-year-old Alexander Yuk Ching Ma of Honolulu was charged with violating U.S. […]

  • Legitimate Rape

    Amerika.org - Aug 19th 2020 3:08pm EDT

    CNN has raised some hackles by reporting that women can rejected unwanted sperm: A sperm’s swimming motion, speed and viability are affected by the level of genetic compatibility between a female’s cervical mucus and the male’s sperm, found a new study that published Wednesday in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B journal. A prior […]

  • Exploring Realism

    Amerika.org - Aug 19th 2020 8:02am EDT

    A friend once said, “Realism sounds like one of those made-up works where you just add an ‘ism’ to the end.” He has a point, and most people have no idea what “realism” means, but the short answer is that it means assessing actions by their effects in reality and not what people think about […]

  • Google Finally Admits That It Is Spying on Right-Wingers

    Amerika.org - Aug 18th 2020 12:54pm EDT

    If you have been wondering why whenever an election approaches, Right-wing accounts get deleted across multiple services, wonder no further: Big Tech social media collaborates not only with law enforcement but coordinates its censorship through an industry NGO. It turns out that since 1996 at least, Big Tech has been doxxing Right-wingers who oppose the […]

  • Asiatic Communism

    Amerika.org - Aug 18th 2020 8:02am EDT

    Apparently Bertrand Russell knew more than we give him credit for, since he was able to identify the Asiatic origins of Communism: In 1947 Bertrand Russell, the British scientist, philosopher and pacifist leader, saw the monopoly as the world’s only opportunity for preventing the Soviets from working their will on much of the globe. Noting […]

  • AirBnB Adopts Orwellian Anti-Discrimination Policy

    Amerika.org - Aug 17th 2020 7:31pm EDT

    Hipster quasi-hotel AirBnB decided to go full “woke” with its response to people not wanting to rent to minorities: Earlier this summer, we announced Project Lighthouse—an initiative to uncover, measure, and overcome discrimination when booking or hosting a home on Airbnb. The project will start in the US on August 31, and we’d like to […]

  • Marcus Garvey

    Amerika.org - Aug 17th 2020 9:35am EDT

    Happy birthday to one of history’s greatest nationalists, Marcus Garvey, who was born on August 17, 1887. Garvey was famous for arguing that Black liberation required Black independence, notably by moving to Africa and setting up a major empire there. His ideas remain controversial because they offend the democratic ideal of equality and the socialist […]

  • Democracy Fears That H.P. Lovecraft Was Right

    Amerika.org - Aug 17th 2020 9:24am EDT

    Any time we confront writers from the past who clearly far exceed our present crop, the crypto-Communist regime must begin agonizing over their opinions that conflict with the crypto-Communist ideal of genetic equality, or that all races, social classes, and ethnic groups are the same in ability and potential. H.P. Lovecraft peered into the darkness […]

  • How Communism Became Hip

    Amerika.org - Aug 17th 2020 8:02am EDT

    We have no memory now, in part because of a neurotic compulsion to stay current because our society is unstable and therefore, routinely makes unpredictable moves, and he who gets the new last loses. Yet since history repeats itself, much can be learned from the past. For example, most people now do not remember the […]

  • Atlantis

    Amerika.org - Aug 16th 2020 2:09pm EDT

    The Atlantis myth comes to us from Plato, who wrote about the streams from the heavens that periodically obliterate human societies: The fact is, that wherever the extremity of winter frost or of summer does not prevent, mankind exist, sometimes in greater, sometimes in lesser numbers. And whatever happened either in your country or in […]

  • Black Lives Matter Admits Its Actual Agenda: Give Us Your Stuff

    Amerika.org - Aug 15th 2020 5:39pm EDT

    To review: Leftism is a form of Crowdism, or what happens when an organization succeeds and social factors take over from realistic concerns, at which point the group panders to the System and the need of each individual to be free from attack by the others. That tendency causes inversion where the group censors difficult […]

  • Why American Toilets Are Terrible

    Amerika.org - Aug 15th 2020 8:57am EDT

    The Australians have discovered that American toilets are terrible: Melanie opined: “I gotta say, how is it that that this nation can get a man to the moon but can’t design a toilet that doesn’t block every second flush?” However, as with all things modern, government has replaced culture, so this is not a cultural […]

  • Fact-Check: USPS is Funded by Tax Dollars

    Amerika.org - Aug 15th 2020 5:58am EDT

    Leftists are just groupthinkers. They want to believe in the group because it is an alternative to reality. Groupthink gives them power as individuals because that way people cannot force them to obey the obvious reality and they can do whatever they want, Garden of Eden style. Right now, the groupthinkers are raving on about […]