Anti-Food - Aug 14th 2020 8:02am EDTWhen I first read Laura Wood’s stunning and hilarious invective against pizza, it puzzled me with its extremity: In the town were I live, there are as many pizzerias as gas stations and pizza is the gastronomic equivalent of Regular Unleaded. These outlets sell the exact same product, which arrives on the table with pools […]
Affirmative Action Begins Its Descent - Aug 13th 2020 7:21pm EDTApparently the changes wrought over the past four years are finally filtering down the ground level because the Justice Department made a first strike against affirmative action in college admissions: The Department of Justice found Yale discriminates based on race and national origin in its undergraduate admissions process, and that race is the determinative factor […]
Security Theater - Aug 13th 2020 8:02am EDTA friend writes: So I was sitting outside with my neighbor last night, having a few beers and discussing the Soviet state of the US when this older man walks up in a hot pink shirt. I think, “who the hell is THIS guy?” He also has a mask on. He hands us some print-outs […]
Joe Biden Just Chose Darius Sessoms As His Running Mate - Aug 12th 2020 5:55pm EDTThere are cynical, hardened individuals who believe that Democratic Presidential nominee Joseph P. Biden is entirely too old to properly appreciate everything Senator Kamala Harris could spread before him as a potential Vice President. Well, the blue pill apparently comes in several forms. Take this you hating haters! The news of Joe Biden’s Vice-Presidential pick, […]
Tales from New Wuhan, Southern United States - Aug 12th 2020 5:46pm EDTThis absurd mask theater is symbolic nonsense. I often eat at a small restaurant that is located downtown in the small city where I work. They are locally-owned, have reasonable prices, good food, and quality staff. I always sit facing the windows and the entrance door so that I can watch people. It looks like […]
Conservatives Need To STFU About Kamala Harris - Aug 12th 2020 11:46am EDTDemocracy has made people honest-to-God stupid, not just in the sense of being unable to make logical connections, but in having zero knowledge or drive toward understanding the world. Consequently nearly everything out there is propaganda for idiocy. This week the conservatives have fired up their latest easy money campaign because Joe Biden picked Kamala […]
2 + 2 = 5 - Aug 12th 2020 11:01am EDTThe Patriarchy scares me, Daddy. It expects correct answers and I don’t always get them. This makes me have to deal with failure and then doesn’t even give me my alcohol for free. We should just abolish the concept of correct answers. If I feel like 2 + 2 doesn’t have to equal 4, I […]
Osiris Akkebala On the False Reparations of Looting, Democrat Payouts - Aug 12th 2020 10:33am EDTAlso, Black Afrikans are being conditioned to accept profane lies about Reparation as being True without qualification, I shared with you this will happen, a confusion will be spawned to distract Black Afrikans away from the Divine Truth concerning the issue of not Reparation/Repatriation but to get Black Afrikans to be bombarded with a different […]
White Flight II: Exodus To Whiteopia - Aug 12th 2020 8:02am EDTRight now, the market has gone a bit giddy with real estate speculation: Record-low mortgage rates have added fuel to the fire as homeownership is now more affordable for buyers. “We have this market imbalance tipped pretty solidly in favor of sellers at this point,” says Hale. “Yet many homeowners believe that now is still […]
Short-Term Versus Long-Term Goals - Aug 11th 2020 8:02am EDTFrom a post about running tobacco companies a surprising insight: Mac Baren is a family-owned business, rather than one with shareholders anticipating quarterly returns. “When you have to perform every quarter,” says Per, “sometimes the decisions you make are not the best for the future, because you need to show immediate profits. We don’t have […]
Fentanyl Vs Hydroxychloroquine - Aug 10th 2020 10:35pm EDTDrugs are interesting. They can tell me many things. {Insert punchline here.} This is true even when you aren’t using them. How so? They reveal things about those who use them and those who allow them to be legally used. Two drugs commonly discussed in the now are Fentanyl and Hydrochloroquine. Let’s look at what […]
Fixing - Aug 10th 2020 10:26pm EDTPeople wonder what will go in the near future, so here are a few ideas. Revelations Bureaucratic democracy is incompetent, not because its leaders are bad, although many of them are, but because bureaucrats are helpless with anything but a narrow range of problems and “solutions.” Globalism and diversity are the same idea, namely ending […]
Fixes - Aug 10th 2020 2:17pm EDTIf you are the average person, you opened the newspaper this morning to headlines like Looting and Chaos Erupt in Downtown Chicago, With Widespread Damage and Shots Fired: Looters were captured on video in multiple locations, with merchandise taken and storefronts vandalized. Officers were told to respond wearing helmets and there were multiple reports of […]
Rambo: Last Blood (2019) - Aug 10th 2020 9:00am EDTCinema from this era will be remembered for its pattern: a long emotional lead up to a violent conclusion with all of the variation of inertia. Once the decision is forced upon the characters, who present themselves as lambs for the slaughter, they act without thought, morality, or emotion. Rambo: Last Blood may show us […]
Anti-Life - Aug 10th 2020 8:02am EDTTed Kaczynski hit on many things with Industrial Society and Its Future, but perhaps his most devastating hit was describing the effect of progress on the individual: the more society determines its accepted methods for doing things, the less the individual must define himself by choice. We saw this take over during the 1980s. Previously, […]
Letter To A Journalist - Aug 8th 2020 8:02am EDTSometimes it pays to leave seeds that can later give rise to chaos and from that, growth. Even if one thinks that a certain group is the enemy, the dialogue with them — including the ultimately inevitable choice to separate — starts with clear ideas and expressions of choice of alternate futures. A journalist who […]
Humdrum - Aug 7th 2020 8:02am EDTEat, sleep, go to work repeat. Eat, sleep, go to work repeat. This was the mantra that guided Average Joe’s everyday life. And he was comforted by the repetitiveness of his days, because there were never any surprises, never any hiccups to his day, for he always knew that the next day would come and […]
Levels of Leftist Power - Aug 6th 2020 10:22am EDTSocialism has a fundamental problem. Over a long enough time period, it will always lead to death. Equality occurs at only one place. The Zero. Nobody wants to be the zero. Everyone who is stuck there wants to suck in others so they can’t be any better off. It is a crab-bucket, reductionist, and materialist […]
Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil (ANFO) - Aug 6th 2020 10:03am EDTMost people have no idea that one of the most powerful explosives of the modern era is made from a common fertilizer. In fact, many types of nitric acid compound can be used to similar effect, including urea. Ammonium Nitrate/Fuel Oil (ANFO) mixtures provide a stable and powerful explosive that you can easily make in […]
Periscope (August 6, 2020) - Aug 6th 2020 8:52am EDT~~~ Misery Ranking Will Show U.S. Getting Worse Versus Rest of World America fell 25 spots, from the No. 50 spot to No. 25, on Bloomberg’s Misery Index, which tallies inflation and unemployment outlooks for 60 economies. With any of these statistics, take out the insane and hopeless, and the ordinary person here does OK […]
Camouflaged Dictatorship - Aug 6th 2020 8:02am EDTAs Mexican democracy cratered yet again in the 1980s, Mario Vargas Llosa made a prophetic statement about Late Stage Democracy: The perfect dictatorship is not communism, not the Soviet Union, not Cuba, but Mexico, because it is a camouflaged dictatorship. It may not seem to be a dictatorship, but it has all the characteristics of […]
Joker (2019) - Aug 5th 2020 10:51pm EDTTo understand this film, one needs a bit of context and even more patience. We live in a post-Revolution time, so all of our “cultural” works are pop culture, or those which glorify “the people” over the constraints of external reality. This makes them both emotional and inward-facing, dealing more with the change in internal […]
Periscope (August 5, 2020) - Aug 5th 2020 5:07pm EDT~~~ Coronavirus: Sweden’s economy hit less hard by pandemic Sweden, which avoided a lockdown during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, saw its economy shrink 8.6% in the April-to-June period from the previous three months. The European Union saw a contraction of 11.9% for the same period. Individual nations did even worse, with Spain seeing […]
Disappearing the Afrikaner (and the European) - Aug 5th 2020 8:02am EDTThe idea that something can be “disappeared” merely points to the avoidance of unwanted/undesired topics and people, as if it/they do not exist. Sometimes employees talk about a supervisor looking “over” them i.e. ignoring them without firing them. In such a case, even a firing would have been preferred by the victim. When this happens […]
Osiris Akkebala And New Thought - Aug 4th 2020 5:55pm EDTTo be created is to imply there comes into being from Nothing to become something, when in fact there is no such a presence as Nothing, the Divine Presence of the Infinite Universe which is the Perfect Night in perpetuity, no beginning. no ending, and just as the Universal Darkness, Energy Intelligence it is, and […]