Periscope (July 8, 2020) - Jul 8th 2020 6:34pm EDT~~~ Supreme Court upholds Trump exemptions to Obamacare contraceptive mandate The Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld the Trump administration’s broad exemptions to employers who raise religious or moral objections to providing free birth control coverage to workers, paving the way for more employers to opt out of a provision of the Obama-era health care law […]
Transitioning From Grandfather To Son - Jul 8th 2020 12:46pm EDTTalking to your son routinely runs the hazard of repeating yourself. That condition becomes exacerbated when you get cross at your wife for being irked with you for getting hot under the collar after repeating yourself four times. Maybe it has something to do with shifts in society over time. We frequently hear people talk […]
Bad Science Leads To Bad Things - Jul 8th 2020 12:29am EDTA scientist typically faces two questions. 1) Is this work accurate? 2) Is this work useful enough to pay for? Take the following example: Is there evidence of a Black–White disparity in death by police gunfire in the United States? This is commonly answered by comparing the odds of being fatally shot for Blacks and […]
Periscope (July 3, 2020) - Jul 8th 2020 12:00am EDT~~~ Dear Friends, Maybe there comes a day when we should just give up, pack it in, shrug and figure that this is just the way the arc of history bends, and go gently into that good night. We had a good run. When the party’s over, turn out the lights. I doubt it however. […]
Definition Of Conservatism - Jul 7th 2020 5:30pm EDTYou may wonder why anyone would identify themselves as a conservative. Our public conservatives seem to do nothing but preserve a few facets of the last generation against the next, and very few who are conservative seem to be able to articulate what it means. Explanations require understanding the problem of humanity itself: public politicians […]
Did The United States Provoke Its Entry Into The World Wars? - Jul 3rd 2020 5:16pm EDTMany joys await those who wake up to the sudden recognition that they are living in dying civilizations. For most of us in the West, the fact that our civilization basically hit rock bottom after WW1 has slowly become clear, leading us to want to go through the re-written history to filter out the lies. […]
Periscope (July 2, 2020) - Jul 2nd 2020 2:14pm EDT~~~ Haile Selassie: Statue of former Ethiopian leader destroyed in London park The damage to the bust was carried out by a group of around 100 people, according to an eyewitness. It appears to be linked to unrest in Ethiopia sparked after a popular singer, Hachalu Hundessa, was shot dead earlier this week. Now we […]
Interview With Richard Faussette - Jul 1st 2020 5:25pm EDTMany of you are familiar with Richard Faussette, author of the eye-opening Race and Religion: A Catholic View. He was kind enough to take the time to respond to our interview query and give his view on the current crisis of Western Civilization and how to resolve it. Can you tell us about your background […]
Periscope (July 1, 2020) - Jul 1st 2020 3:59pm EDT~~~ Canadians demand action as birth tourism operators go global Kerry Starchuk, a Richmond resident and anti-birth tourism activist, highlighted that some global operations have offices in Canada and the U.S., such as and One local business has even received an award from the City of Richmond for their business contributions. “It’s something […]
Addressing A Common Criticism Of Nihilism - Jul 1st 2020 8:02am EDTNihilism confuses people because it represents a fundamental paradigm shift not in how we think about the world, but how we perceive the world. It reverses the inherent solipsism common to high-intelligence creatures and forces us to think of the world outside ourselves. Not surprisingly, few understand nihilism beyond a media stereotype. The root of […]
You Are Here - Jun 30th 2020 8:02am EDTLet us review: our ancestors enforced eugenics by being nomadic, and only inviting those to join the caravan who were worthy, leaving behind groups of people who lived off the land where they were abandoned. Eventually, the nomads ran out of places to wander and settled down. When a civilization begins, its goals are entirely […]
How To Escape Leftist Social Media - Jun 29th 2020 11:12pm EDTHow funny it feels when an unannounced event sneaks up on us. Big Tech conducted its pre-election purge today, apparently coordinated across multiple platforms, removing any content related to populism that it could justify. Among other things, Stephan Molyneux, American Renaissance, and Richard Spencer got deplatformed from YouTube; a Twitch accounting belong to the Trump […]
Periscope (June 29, 2020) - Jun 29th 2020 12:18pm EDT~~~ Videos found in secret lair of Maddie McCann suspect Christian Brueckner It has emerged that Brueckner, who was 30 years old at the time of Maddie McCann’s disappearance, has prior convictions for “sexual contact with girls”. The mind control virus of equality has us assume that all people are equal, therefore only commit crimes […]
Why We Need To Censor Mass Media - Jun 29th 2020 8:02am EDTHistory entertains us with its perpetual epicycle: something exists which is so unknown or scary that no one wants to discuss it, therefore it exists as an invisible major problem while the society pursuits symbolic or smaller problems, until someone finally breaks taboo and ushers in a new era. Currently we — humanity; perhaps including […]
Periscope (June 28, 2020) - Jun 28th 2020 11:12pm EDT~~~ Chinese veterans of Korean War urge peace as tensions with US mount The 1950-53 conflict broke out 70 years ago on Thursday and just a few months later would see Chinese and US forces engaged in combat for the first time. Most American voters have no idea that this is the case. Our public […]
Satire Prompts Havoc - Jun 27th 2020 4:44pm EDTLast night, Death Metal Underground posted a satire of political correctness and perhaps the sensitivity of older, more established heavy metal bands to the new audience of millennials and woke zoombies. Sometime during the night, the article got picked up all over the place, shutting down the server with the heavy (metal) load. For kicks, […]
Why BLM Now? - Jun 26th 2020 8:12pm EDTThe obvious first-pass answer is to look at a graph where election years are on an X-Axis and BLM riots are the Y. Run it from say 2015 to 2020 and you’ll get two spikes that look like the sweet spot of some political Dirac Delta Function. These two spikes just coincidentally coincide with 2016 […]
Unnecessary Elites - Jun 26th 2020 10:02am EDTWhat do we get when just about everyone goes to college and gets educated? A generation full of people who would love to change the world while having nary the clue of how it works. What happens when there are five brilliant and highly educated saviors for every necessary slot? You get one person in […]
Inherence - Jun 26th 2020 8:02am EDTCombining conservatism and nihilism creates a worldview that confuses most people, since it seems to borrow relativism from the Left and realism from the Right. Those of us who are radical realists however see relativity as part of reality, and therefore relevant, leading us to nihilism. Nihilism has three parts: There are no universal truths. […]
Cancelism - Jun 25th 2020 6:58pm EDTTeaching Geometry way back in the day led me to somewhat of an unimportant yet fun epiphany. A point simultaneously exists while it does not. The point occupies a location, yet definitionally takes up no volume thereupon. It is, and it isn’t. It is because you can find it; it isn’t because there are no […]
Cancelism - Jun 25th 2020 6:58pm EDTTeaching Geometry way back in the day led me to somewhat of an unimportant yet fun epiphany. A point simultaneously exists while it does not. The point occupies a location, yet definitionally takes up no volume thereupon. It is, and it isn’t. It is because you can find it; it isn’t because there are no […]
Periscope (June 25, 2020) - Jun 25th 2020 1:04pm EDT~~~ Census shows white decline, nonwhite majority among youngest For the first time, nonwhites and Hispanics were a majority of people under age 16 in 2019, an expected demographic shift that will grow over the coming decades, according to figures released by the U.S. Census Bureau on Thursday. “We are browning from bottom up in […]
Periscope (June 25, 2020) - Jun 25th 2020 1:04pm EDT~~~ Census shows white decline, nonwhite majority among youngest For the first time, nonwhites and Hispanics were a majority of people under age 16 in 2019, an expected demographic shift that will grow over the coming decades, according to figures released by the U.S. Census Bureau on Thursday. “We are browning from bottom up in […]
GameJournoPros: The Sequel To JournoList - Jun 25th 2020 8:02am EDTUnlike the Right, the Left are inherently social creatures, and they tend to rapidly socialize and spread political activism through that portal. In addition, their philosophy centers around a simple symbol, equality, which makes it ideal for the trivial conversation required in most socializing. Their social focus causes Leftists to organize well so that they […]
GameJournoPros: The Sequel To JournoList - Jun 25th 2020 8:02am EDTUnlike the Right, the Left are inherently social creatures, and they tend to rapidly socialize and spread political activism through that portal. In addition, their philosophy centers around a simple symbol, equality, which makes it ideal for the trivial conversation required in most socializing. Their social focus causes Leftists to organize well so that they […]