• Trump Should Have Said He Assassinated Soleimani for the Poor Quality Memes He Posted

    Daily Stormer - Jan 4th 2020 2:54pm EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer January 4, 2020 Look. I’ve been the number one person bitching about Trump and his Jews trying to start a war with Iran. But I’m going to tell you right now: if Trump had Qasem Soleimani killed, and then came out and said “I had to do it, his memes were […]

  • Real Boomer Energy: Trump Rallies Evangelicals, White and Mexican Alike

    Daily Stormer - Jan 4th 2020 1:00pm EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer January 4, 2020 Trump did an interracial evangelical event with whites and Mexicans. The church is billed as a “bilingual megachurch.” Did you know that most – or at least some huge portion – of the Mexicans coming across the border become evangelicals? That’s one of the reasons all the major […]

  • Retarded Old Congress-[REDACTED] Maxine Waters Falls For Russian Prank Callers Imitating Greta

    Daily Stormer - Jan 4th 2020 9:50am EST

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer January 4, 2019 We really do need to have IQ checks for politicians because this is just getting embarrassing. However, until we do something about the abysmally low intellectual capital of our politicians, the menace of Russian prank callers will continue unabated. Which is a positive thing, all considered. RT: US […]

  • England’s MOSLEM Population Passes the 3 MILLION Mark, Christian Population Continues to Decline

    Daily Stormer - Jan 4th 2020 9:08am EST

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer January 4, 2019 Soon? Three million MOSLEMS are a lot of MOSLEMS. The United Kingdom should increase censorship to prevent any of those MOSLEMS from hearing mean things about Islam, because you know what happens when they hear mean things about Islam. Daily Mail: The Muslim population of England has passed […]

  • UK: [REDACTED] Drugged and Raped White Student at New Year’s Eve Party

    Daily Stormer - Jan 4th 2020 9:06am EST

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer January 4, 2020 Melody Maxwell and Obi Forgive. She’s now reminding others that it’s possible to “move on” from such an ordeal. Well, yes, it is. But advice on how to prevent it from happening in the first place is much more helpful, no? And that advice is, and always has […]

  • Anti-Semitic Apple Watch Forces Jewish Man to Admit He Lied About Being Stabbed

    Daily Stormer - Jan 4th 2020 9:04am EST

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer January 4, 2019 Sean Sammit Has anything that Jews say that happened ever really happen? Daily Mail: A Jewish man who claimed he was stabbed in an anti-Semitic attack has been arrested after his Apple Watch revealed that he was fabricating the story. Sean Sammit, 26, claimed he was attacked by […]

  • South Africa: 25 Confirmed Black-on-White Attacks in December

    Daily Stormer - Jan 4th 2020 9:04am EST

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer January 4, 2020 South Africa Today has compiled a list of all the black-on-white attacks (many of them fatal) that occurred in December. Unsurprisingly, SA’s national media – and certainly the international media – continue to cover up this slow and 100% deliberate genocide. It’s only thanks to the work of […]

  • Body of White Woman Who Went Missing After Leaving Bar with Two Blacks is Found in Shallow Grave

    Daily Stormer - Jan 4th 2020 9:04am EST

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer January 4, 2020 Paighton Houston. Remember the woman who went missing after leaving a bar with two colorful gentlemen? You’ll never guess how she ended up… Fox News: Investigators searching for a missing Alabama woman who texted she could be in trouble after leaving a bar with two strange men last […]

  • Inner City American Arrested for Shooting Death of White Man

    Daily Stormer - Jan 4th 2020 9:04am EST

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer January 4, 2020 Brian Christopher Lewis. Well. A nigga’s gotta shoot sumthin’. Abilene Reporter News: Police arrested a man Sunday in connection with the shooting death of Chandon Dakota Dalvin. Brian Christopher Lewis, 35, was taken into custody about 1 a.m. in the 100 block of East Sixth Street on a […]

  • Boomer and Jew Congressmen Unite to Draft Bill Condemning Russia For Rise of Anti-Semitism in US!

    Daily Stormer - Jan 4th 2020 9:03am EST

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer January 4, 2019 We are so beyond the pale now that every day you have a headline that makes your head spin. Congress lives in a weird parallel universe that they share with low-information Boomers. They don’t even try to appeal to any other demographic – no one who isn’t brain-damaged […]

  • Greta Thunberg Is Now 17 Years Old and Still Breastless!

    Daily Stormer - Jan 4th 2020 7:06am EST

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer January 4, 2019 Greta Thunberg is now 17 and full of joy. She celebrated her birthday along with her climate minions. But her breasts were nowhere to be found. As always though, she produced a good range of weird facial expressions. Will 2020 be the year puberty finally hits her? Daily […]

  • Donald Trump’s Reelection May Hinge on His Ability to Fulfill His Campaign Promise to Start a War with Iran

    Daily Stormer - Jan 4th 2020 1:00am EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer January 4, 2020 In 2016, failed casino magnate and successful game show host Donald Trump pulled off a surprise victory and became president of the United States. His campaign spoke directly to Middle America, as he made promises to increase opioid deaths and suicides, increase homelessness, open the Mexican border to […]

  • Will Tucker Carlson Finally Get Kicked Off Fox News for Not Supporting Trump’s War?

    Daily Stormer - Jan 4th 2020 12:55am EST

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer January 4, 2019 I hope you’re ready for war because the media is abuzz with predictions that crazy nibbaa Donald Trump really might go through with the Iran war at the behest of his Jewish handlers, Jared Kushner, Bibi Netanyahu and Sheldon Adelson. On Thursday night, immediately after the assassination of Quds […]

  • The True Crimes of Qasem Soleimani (Abridged List)

    Daily Stormer - Jan 4th 2020 12:52am EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer January 4, 2020 The world was shocked when the intrepid investigative journalist Jack Posobiec AKA “Agent Poso” revealed on Twitter that newly assassinated Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani planned the Benghazi attack. Did You Know: Soleimani planned the 2012 attacks in Libya because he knew about the gun running to Syrian rebels that […]

  • Serbia: Fake Country of Monte[REDACTED] Fixin’ to Steal Orthodox Church Property!

    Daily Stormer - Jan 4th 2020 12:50am EST

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer January 4, 2019 The war against Serbia is a war against anyone who stands up to ZOG. Even if they’re not standing up now, the potential of formerly rebellious nations to rise up has to be preemptively stopped. NATO and the Jews weren’t content to just destroy Serbia and create made-up criminal states, […]

  • Paying for Dead Migrants: America Does Corpse Storage, Autopsies, and Identification

    Daily Stormer - Jan 4th 2020 12:49am EST

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer January 4, 2020 American taxpayers aren’t just getting terribly abused by living “asylum” seekers — dead ones are also draining their pockets. Breitbart: One Texas border county medical examiner’s office faces the overwhelming task of storing, autopsying, and identifying the remains of migrants who die while or after crossing into the U.S. […]

  • South Africa: Authorities Concerned That Blacks Are Dumb as Hell and Can’t Learn Math

    Daily Stormer - Jan 4th 2020 12:44am EST

    Adrian Sol Daily Stormer January 4, 2020 Turns out this doesn’t work so well when all the students are Black. The problem with replacing your entire population with Blacks is that Blacks are really stupid and can’t do anything right, outside of the entertainment industry. This isn’t a theory – it’s a fact. It’s been […]

  • I Don’t Even Know What is Going On, lol

    Daily Stormer - Jan 3rd 2020 2:59pm EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer January 3, 2020 So, I don’t know what is going on with this war situation, and I haven’t been able to find anyone on the internet who knows what’s going on with it. Just as a refresher, here is the series of events that have unfolded over the last week: An […]

  • GREAT NEWS: Israel Stands with the United States in Their Terrorist Campaign!

    Daily Stormer - Jan 3rd 2020 10:34am EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer January 3, 2020 We’ve got great news. The entire world is certainly opposed to Trump’s play to launch a proxy war with Iran in Iraq, but the only country that matters in the whole world supports us. Always, our greatest ally. Times of Israel: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday praised […]

  • Iranian Supreme Leader Appoints New Quds Commander After Disgusting Murder of Qasem Soleimani

    Daily Stormer - Jan 3rd 2020 10:15am EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer January 3, 2020 RIP This tweet touched me. Brigadier General Qa’ani has been appointed new Commander of IRGC Quds Force. The strategy of the Quds Force will be identical to that during the time of Martyr General Soleimani pic.twitter.com/a2zjhp90QP — Khamenei.ir (@khamenei_ir) January 3, 2020 “Martyr” is the appropriate word for […]

  • Trump Follows Up Brutal and Cowardly Assassination with Weird Tweet

    Daily Stormer - Jan 3rd 2020 8:15am EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer January 3, 2020 After his cowardly assassination of the Iranian military hero Qasem Soleimani, US President Donald has tweeted out a weird thing. Iran never won a war, but never lost a negotiation! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 3, 2020 What does that mean? That he assassinated this guy in order […]

  • No, This War Isn’t a Distraction from Impeachment

    Daily Stormer - Jan 3rd 2020 8:06am EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer January 3, 2020 #feelingcute The normally brilliant commenter and Congressbulb Ilhan Omar had a pretty cold take on the incoming TRUMP WAR. So what if Trump wants war, knows this leads to war and needs the distraction? Real question is, will those with congressional authority step in and stop him? I […]

  • US Occupiers Assassinate Iranian Leader in Iraq! Awesome New War Coming!

    Daily Stormer - Jan 3rd 2020 6:10am EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer January 3, 2020 As we face down the impending threat of a full-on invasion of the United States by Iraq or Iran or whatever, the brave president of America, Donald Trump, is standing tall and has begun ordering the assassination of high-level Iranian military officials. RT: US President Donald Trump authorized […]

  • Kim Jong-Un Rides a White Horse Up a Sacred Mountain to Visit His Father’s Birth Place

    Daily Stormer - Jan 3rd 2020 2:49am EST

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer January 3, 2020 This is real life. When was the last time that you went to a mountain on horseback with your fantasy movie-like party composed by trusted friends, loyal followers and beautiful women? When was the last time that a Western leader did anything this epic, for that matter? Our […]

  • Men Who Exercise Regularly Have Better Quality Semen Than Sedentary Ones, Study Suggests

    Daily Stormer - Jan 3rd 2020 2:00am EST

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer January 3, 2020 Who would have thought that men who exercise regularly have better quality semen than men who don’t? Ben definitely has better quality breast milk though. Truly a shocking development. Reuters: Healthy young men who exercise regularly may have better quality semen than their sedentary peers, a study of […]