• Salvini Makes fun of Pedo Pope, Proves Other Catholics Can Too!

    Daily Stormer - Jan 3rd 2020 1:47am EST

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer January 3, 2019 It is almost as if you can be pro-family and a lady’s man. You can also be a devout Christian and a right-wing populist politician. It also turns out you can be a Catholic and make fun of the Pope. I finally have proof because Matteo Salvini is […]

  • “Pope” Francis Says Any Form of Violence Inflicted Upon a Woman is a Blasphemy Against God

    Daily Stormer - Jan 3rd 2020 12:15am EST

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer January 3, 2020 The “Pope” has already apologized for attacking an innocent Asian woman. He should now apologize for blaspheming against God. Breitbart: “Every form of violence inflicted upon a woman is a blasphemy against God, who was born of a woman,” said Pope Francis in his New Year’s Day homily […]

  • Black Woman Asked By Hotel Not to be Noisy, So She Sued for $300K

    Daily Stormer - Jan 3rd 2020 12:00am EST

    Adrian Sol Daily Stormer January 3, 2020 This is a Black “party” – no wonder hotels don’t want them. Whenever the ambient concentration of Black people reaches a certain threshold – which we’ll call the “Black critical mass” – a powerful natural phenomenon occurs. This phenomenon has been given many names: “peaceful protest,” “chimpout,” “nigger […]

  • Sweden Offers Migrant Females Free Arabic-Language Driving Lessons

    Daily Stormer - Jan 2nd 2020 11:45pm EST

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer January 3, 2020 This is fantastic. Arab migrant females will now be able to do Truck of Peace terrorism too! Sweden truly is a feminist country. Breitbart: Newly arrived immigrant women in the Swedish municipality of Oskarshamn are set to receive free driving lessons in Arabic in a bid to help make […]

  • Joe Biden Declares That American Culture is European and “Not From Some African Nation”

    Daily Stormer - Jan 2nd 2020 11:30pm EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer January 3, 2020 Biden proclaims the ‘European’ identity of America: “Our culture is not imported from some African nation.” pic.twitter.com/mG1ys8fzWB — ᏔმƦ𝔢ჳ (@mooncult) 2020年1月2日 At a recent campaign event, Joe Biden proclaimed that American culture is European culture, and denounced the idea that this country has anything to do with Africa. […]

  • Will Donald Trump’s New Desert Wars Meet the Expectations of Fans of the Beloved Franchise?

    Daily Stormer - Jan 2nd 2020 7:26am EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer January 2, 2019 Game Show Host Donald Trump was considered a wild choice to take over the Desert Wars franchise. But many fans believe he could deliver the most exciting entry yet. A long time ago, in a Central Asian opium field far, far away, a magical journey began when George […]

  • Fourth Quarter Presidential Earnings are In! Why is This Legal???

    Daily Stormer - Jan 2nd 2020 6:41am EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer January 2, 2019 Best freedoms is big time choices. This system is just so corrupt and insane. Why are they allowed to raise money? Why doesn’t the government itself simply provide them with advertising and a stage on television? That would allow any person to run for office. Instead, you have […]

  • British Comedian Makes Joke About Greta Getting Fingered

    Daily Stormer - Jan 2nd 2020 6:19am EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer January 2, 2020 We live in a porno culture, so it takes a minute to figure out why this would be offensive. At least, if you haven’t been paying attention, it might. RT: British comedian Rosie Jones has provoked a mass clutching of pearls on Twitter after she took aim at […]

  • Black Guy Accidentally Shoots Girlfriend During New Year’s “Pop Off” Ceremony

    Daily Stormer - Jan 2nd 2020 6:05am EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer January 2, 2020 This is what we call “black fireworks.” It’s a sacred tradition of their unique cultural heritage. WOIO: Illegal celebratory gunfire turned deadly just after midnight on New Year’s Day, according to Cleveland police. Detectives are investigating the death of a 31-year-old woman who was shot in the 5900 […]

  • There is No Point to Beautiful Women

    Daily Stormer - Jan 2nd 2020 12:15am EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer January 2, 2020 I am now trying my best to be a good Christian, and avoiding sex entirely. It is not just a good idea for Christian reasons, mind you – like all things one does for Christian reasons, it is good for the mental health. However, I’ve had some good […]

  • Marvel Studios President Says Transgender Character and Gay Superhero Are Coming “Very Soon”

    Daily Stormer - Jan 2nd 2020 12:05am EST

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer January 2, 2020 If there’s one thing that all the fans of movies and comics everywhere have asked themselves at some point in their lives, it undoubtedly is “why doesn’t one of these characters chop off his dick and try to make the wound look like a fake vagina?” The answer […]

  • US Soldiers are Tear-Gassing Iraqis, Last Line of Defense From an Iraqi Invasion of America

    Daily Stormer - Jan 1st 2020 10:01am EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer January 1, 2020 Donald Trump is a real man, and he tackles the real issues with strength. The biggest problem facing the American people in 2020 is Iranian-backed protesters in Iraq. If we don’t fight them over there, they’ll fight us over here. When you’ve got a brigade of Iranian-backed Iraqis […]

  • University of Wisconsin Professors Fight to Legitimize “Fat Studies”

    Daily Stormer - Jan 1st 2020 8:47am EST

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer January 1, 2020 Laurie Cooper Stoll (left) and Darci Thoune Most Americans will be obese soon enough, so they could just call this “American Studies.” The College Fix: Two professors at a midwestern university are working to develop and legitimize the field of “fat studies,” a discipline that examines the cultural and […]

  • As We Celebrate 20 Glorious Years of Middle East Wars, Trump Looks Forward to Another 20 Years

    Daily Stormer - Jan 1st 2020 7:58am EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer January 1, 2020 It was in 2001 that we kicked off the glorious wars in the Middle East, which led our country to the heights of prosperity, and earned us the respect of the entire world. Now, as we are entering the period of the 20th anniversary of the invasions of […]

  • Star Wars Fans Upset That [REDACTED] Star Warrior Planning to “Lay the Pipe” on White Bitch

    Daily Stormer - Jan 1st 2020 7:30am EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer January 1, 2020 Everything is an interracial porno now. I don’t know how anyone could take issue with this particular incident without taking issue with the entire society. Daily Mail: John Boyega tangled the Star Wars fans Wednesday over a remark he made about the Finn and Rey characters on social […]

  • 2020: Welcome to the Future, [REDACTED]

    Daily Stormer - Jan 1st 2020 6:55am EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer January 1, 2020 It’s 2020 now and in a few short months, CyberPunk 2077 the video game will be released. What you might find interesting is that this is based on a 1988 tabletop game that was called “CyberPunk 2020.” Because in 1988, people thought that we would be living in […]

  • Why Do Blacks Hate Jews? Let’s Look at the “Worst Landlords in New York City” List

    Daily Stormer - Jan 1st 2020 3:22am EST

    Andrew Angin Daily Stormer January 1, 2020 Every year, a brave black fighter for justice, Letitia James, makes a list of the 100 worst landlords in New York. Here’s the top twenty on her 2017 list. She keeps a running tally on her website, landlordwatchlist.com. In current year, there are a few on there that are […]

  • UK Grooming Gangs: Nearly 19,000 Girls Sexually Exploited in a Year

    Daily Stormer - Jan 1st 2020 2:44am EST

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer January 1, 2020 People should look at this as a kind of homework from schools’ sexual education curricula. Breitbart: The scourge of sexual exploitation of children has reached “epidemic” levels in the United Kingdom, as nearly 19,000 children were sexually groomed over the past year. Local authorities have reported over 18,700 […]

  • Donald Trump Calls On People of Iraq to Rise Up Against Iranian Oppression!

    Daily Stormer - Jan 1st 2020 12:30am EST

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer January 1, 2020 Donald Trump is deebly goncerned about the situation in Iraq and the growing menace of Iran! Glad to know that he’s monitoring the situation over there very closely. There was a US embassy storming that we reported on earlier today. Both the recent guerrilla attack on mercs and […]

  • People Eat a Spoonful of PLASTIC Every Week, Study Finds

    Daily Stormer - Jan 1st 2020 12:08am EST

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer January 1, 2020 This isn’t some new vegan supplement aimed at easing the transition into an infertile androgynous humanoid. This is people being unable to escape the ubiquity of plastic. Reuters: Microscopic pieces of plastic have been discovered in the most remote locations, from the depths of the ocean to Arctic […]

  • UK: Kids as Young as 4 Are Sexting

    Daily Stormer - Jan 1st 2020 12:01am EST

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer January 1, 2020 Almost a year ago, Russian Orthodox Church leader Patriarch Kirill warned that smartphones foretell the coming of the Antichrist. Now we’re hearing about primary school children being investigated for sexting. Daily Mail: Hundreds of primary school children have been investigated by police for sexting in less than three years, including […]

  • UK: Julian Assange Being Drugged in Prison, Says He’s Struggling

    Daily Stormer - Jan 1st 2020 12:00am EST

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer December 31, 2019 Poor guy. Nothing more horrific than being taken in alive by the Good Guys. RT: Julian Assange sounded like a shell of the man he once was during a Christmas Eve phone call, British journalist Vaughan Smith told RT, noting the WikiLeaks founder had trouble speaking and appeared […]

  • New York: Rando Jews Just Getting Smashed on the Streets Left and Right

    Daily Stormer - Dec 31st 2019 9:20am EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer December 31, 2019 I found disturbing footage of chair throwing & assault on Chassidic Jew Tue on Albany & Lincoln. Victim is uncomfortable reporting due to the discovery reform (attacker may know his identity). Same group assaulted someone later that night on Union Kingston. @NYPD77Pct @NYPD71Pct pic.twitter.com/f5jEAL5SkR — Yaacov Behrman (@ChabadLubavitch) […]

  • Grimy 61-Year-Old Slut Sharon Stone Deemed Fit for Sex by Bumble

    Daily Stormer - Dec 31st 2019 8:39am EST

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer December 31, 2019 Imagine being one of the 20% of 60+ starlets whose plastic surgery didn’t go totally south and then being blocked from cock by a patriarchal technocracy.  Just because the bitch is famous doesn’t mean she don’t need dick from strange men like any other 61-year-old woman. How dare […]

  • Australia: Fire Demon Continues Rampage, Acquires Sentience

    Daily Stormer - Dec 31st 2019 8:12am EST

    Adrian Sol Daily Stormer December 31, 2019 Everyone thinks they can escape the consequences of their sins – until the fire demons start showing up. Australians, in their hubris, thought they could continue their streak of shitposting forever without ever coming to justice. For decades, the entire internet has been continuously beaten, battered and humiliated […]