• Sweden: 90% of 2015’s “Syrian Refugees” Are Living On Welfare

    Daily Stormer - Oct 7th 2019 6:39am EDT

    Spartacus Daily Stormer October 7, 2019 They’re just collecting the welfare Swedes won’t collect. Breitbart: Just under 90 per cent of the asylum seekers who came to Sweden at the height of the migrant crisis and have gained permanent residency are unemployed. Of the 40,019 migrants with permanent residency status who are eligible to work, […]

  • Navy Pilot Says “Dark Mass” Emerged From Ocean and SWALLOWED TORPEDO!

    Daily Stormer - Oct 7th 2019 6:38am EDT

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer October 7, 2019 (Start at 5:21) What is going on in the oceans? UFOs are not just flying things. Apparently, there’s also submerged, swimming ones. Daily Star: A high-ranking US Navy pilot has claimed a chilling “dark mass” was seen coming up from the depths of the ocean moments before a […]

  • 8chan Says They’re Coming Back as 8kun

    Daily Stormer - Oct 7th 2019 6:06am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer October 7, 2019 Early Monday morning, 8chan’s official Twitter posted a video with an “8kun” logo, implying that this was some rebranding of their site which is ready to return. pic.twitter.com/9AF35nSKUz — 8chan (8ch.net) (@infinitechan) October 7, 2019 However, Hot Wheels threw some cold water on their plans, saying that they […]

  • New Zealand’s Most Recent Convert to Islam Opens Borders to Refugees!

    Daily Stormer - Oct 7th 2019 6:00am EDT

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer October 7, 2019 There is no greater menace that faces us now than the Mum Occupation Government. Jacinda is angling to be it’s leader and to steal the crown from Angela Merkel, who struggles to keep her skin suit on for extended periods of time and is therefore not going to […]

  • AOC [REDACTED]-Baits, Says Trump is Anti-Semitic Against Satanic Rodent Adam Schiff

    Daily Stormer - Oct 7th 2019 4:23am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer October 7, 2019 I guess this is the final sign that Alexandria has been absorbed by the Jewish Congressional machine. She is engaging in the sacred ancient US government ceremony of saying that she exists to protect Jews while the other party is planning to do them wrong. “We swore an […]

  • Texas: Jew Cop Killer’s Execution Postponed After He Calls the Judge an Anti-Semite

    Daily Stormer - Oct 7th 2019 3:59am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer October 7, 2019 Regular readers will remember the story of the judge that was attacked for setting up a trust that only paid out to his kids if they are in a heterosexual marriage with someone of the same race. Well, that judge, Vic Cunningham, who scandalized the Jewish media when […]

  • UK: Police Searching for [REDACTED] That Surprise Sex’d Woman in Grassy Area

    Daily Stormer - Oct 7th 2019 2:35am EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer October 7, 2019 Hard to imagine a black gentleman doing such a thing. But such a thing he apparently did. The Bolton News: Detectives investigating the rape of a young woman have released CCTV images of a man they believe is in Bolton and urgently want to trace as part of […]

  • Mulatto Found Guilty of Murdering His Mudshark Mother and His [REDACTED] Girlfriend

    Daily Stormer - Oct 7th 2019 2:35am EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer October 7, 2019 Brandon Lee. While I relish all coalburner deaths, there’s something uniquely satisfying about a devilish half-breed exacting revenge on the slut who spawned him. WTVD: A Wake County jury on Thursday found Brandon Lee guilty of first-degree murder of both his mother and his girlfriend. The defense had pushed […]

  • Memphis: Four Youths Indicted for 12-Day Crime Spree That Included Murder of White Woman

    Daily Stormer - Oct 7th 2019 2:35am EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer October 7, 2019 When four white teenagers get together, they play sports or online video games. When four black teenapers get together, they terrorize the city with a violent and impulsive crime spree. WMC: Four Memphis teens have been indicted on a first-degree murder and multiple other felonies after a 12-day […]

  • Police Capture Bonobo Responsible for Killing White Woman and Fellow Primate

    Daily Stormer - Oct 7th 2019 2:35am EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer October 7, 2019 Demetrick Doctor. We’re not being told what kind of relationship (if any) this woman had with either of the nogs. Judging from her Goybook, though, she doesn’t seem to be a coalburner, and appears to have a white child. WIS: Police have caught a man they believe is […]

  • Accomplished British High Culture Rapping Artist Gone Done Get Stabbed at the Event

    Daily Stormer - Oct 6th 2019 9:09pm EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer October 7, 2019 It’s truly a sad day and a bad time when a fine musician of the fine arts of the fine nation of Britain can’t go to the fine TV studio without getting his fine black ass stabbed up. Shaking my damn head, what a world. What. A. World. […]

  • UFO Organization May Have “Physical Evidence,” Experts Wonder if Humans Are Prepared for “Alien Life” Announcement

    Daily Stormer - Oct 6th 2019 7:12am EDT

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer October 6, 2019 When the ayy lmao realizes he’s been deceived by the Jews too. If powerful governments had some kind of secret agreement with ayy lmao factions, why would UFOs keep showing themselves everywhere to make normal people notice them? We should assume at least some ayy lmao groups are […]

  • Joker Wins Big: Coppers on High Alert, Incel Movie Breaking Box Office Records!

    Daily Stormer - Oct 6th 2019 5:58am EDT

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer October 6, 2019 Breaking News! Boomers and femoids are freaking out about Joker! Daily Mail: Joker is continuing to stir controversy on its opening weekend, after some fans stormed out of theaters around the world saying the movie was too disturbing and ‘triggering‘. Others find the movie inspiring. Like DLive’s #1 streamer, […]

  • BREAKING REPORT! Mass Shooting in America!

    Daily Stormer - Oct 6th 2019 5:44am EDT

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer October 6, 2019 First things first: no, Joker is not to blame for this shooting. We have one of them on the reg every month like a woman’s period in America. Does this have anything to do with America becoming a hagocracy and allowing wahmen to vote? It’s improbable, but not impossible. But […]

  • 851,000 Illegal Border Crossings During Fiscal 2019: Highest Number in 12 Years

    Daily Stormer - Oct 6th 2019 5:40am EDT

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer October 6, 2019 Future Americans America loves breaking records. This is just another achievement. Washington Examiner: Border Patrol agents working along the United States-Mexico border took into custody approximately 851,000 people in the U.S. government’s fiscal 2019, marking the highest number of arrests since 2007, according to federal data exclusively obtained […]

  • LEAKED: Mike Pompeo Tells Aide He’s Planning to Put Iraq on “Double Secret Democracy”

    Daily Stormer - Oct 5th 2019 10:01pm EDT

    Daily Stormer October 6, 2019 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has publicly said he is “deeply concerned” about the rising death toll in Iraq; however, in private, he’s been found to be talking about installing a “double democracy” in the fledgling Middle East Democracy. Iraq is currently in chaos, probably at the beginning of a […]

  • Massive Rally in Edinburgh For Scottish Independence Is Pointless, Gay

    Daily Stormer - Oct 5th 2019 9:00pm EDT

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer October 6, 2019 This is as pointless and gay as the whole Catalonia thing that happened a couple of years ago that everyone has forgotten about since. No, Scottish independence will not change anything. Yes, this is a futile and pointless exercise. They already had a vote, and every Boomer collecting […]

  • Dirty Snitches Rat Out Their Daughter to Cops For Having Pipe Bomb Collection

    Daily Stormer - Oct 5th 2019 8:00pm EDT

    Adrian Sol Daily Stormer October 6, 2019 America really has a huge problem with snitches these days. Just a few days ago, rapper (or whatever he does) Tekashi 69 was caught snitching. Even the kikes of the New York Times were disgusted with him for squealing like a pig. And now, we have this disgusting […]

  • UK: [REDACTED] Jailed for Stabbing Couple, Filming Himself Dancing with the Murder Weapon on Snapchat

    Daily Stormer - Oct 5th 2019 6:46pm EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer October 6, 2019 Javone Meade. People of all races are capable of stabbing others. The dancing on film with the incriminating weapon part though – that’s a jiggaboo thang. Mirror: An 18-year-old filmed on Snapchat dancing with the knife he had just used to stab a couple has been jailed. Javone […]

  • NYT Very Concerned About IRAQ CHAOS :))))))))))))

    Daily Stormer - Oct 5th 2019 11:31am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer October 5, 2019 You know what I think Iraq needs? Democracy. Oh right – we invaded them and brought that to them 15 years ago. Well then – you know what they need? DOUBLE DEMOCRACY. Right, Alissa J. Rubin of the New York Times? RIGHT? They probably have some friggin, like, […]

  • Kamala Harris Asks Own Crowd If America is Ready for Her, Crowd Responds in the Negative

    Daily Stormer - Oct 5th 2019 11:05am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer October 5, 2019 Yikes. Kamala was doing her fake black thing in front of a black audience in Reno, Nevada. (She is not a real black person, she is an East Indian cop who has a whore mother who fucked a non-American African.) She asked the audience if America was ready […]

  • Russia Finally Hit By Body Positive Movement, Ugly Wahmen Are Mobilizing!

    Daily Stormer - Oct 5th 2019 3:43am EDT

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer October 5, 2019 Everywhere you look, the Hyperborean peoples are losing control of their women, who are becoming nasty, fat and vindictive whores. Things are accelerating in Russia because you have a bunch of Westernized sluts and Jews migrating back to the motherland to spread their newly acquired STDs and Jewish […]

  • Is Bernie’s Campaign over?

    Daily Stormer - Oct 5th 2019 3:37am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer October 5, 2019 Surprise it took this long for the guy to give himself a heart attack, what with the yelling and shaking about.  Yeah I think we all got the point when they said he had emergency heart surgery. LA Times: Bernie Sanders suffered a heart attack this week, his […]

  • Incel Revenge Fantasy Comes True After Obese Man Loses the Weight and Hits the Gym

    Daily Stormer - Oct 5th 2019 2:38am EDT

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer October 5, 2019 Before: During: After: It’s never too late to lose the weight and reclaim your human form. Daily Mail: A fast food addict who was rejected by girls throughout his teenage years for being obese has undergone a fat-to-fit transformation – and now has the same women asking him out […]

  • Planned-Parenthood Secretly Built Death Star-like Megaproject to Kill More Babies

    Daily Stormer - Oct 5th 2019 2:30am EDT

    Adrian Sol Daily Stormer October 5, 2019 Sometimes, you just gotta build a massive death facility. It’s nice to know that some people in our society still have a sense of scale and ambition. I, for one, would love it if we could pool our resources and build stuff like orbital launch ramps, huge space […]