• Renowned Jewish MIT Scientist Richard Stallman Defends Epstein, Triggers Anti-Semitism in Female Mongrel Student

    Daily Stormer - Sep 15th 2019 5:55pm EDT

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer September 16, 2019 Selam Jie Gano Brave Science Woman Selam Jie Gano, who describes herself as “a polyglot, a polymath, and multiracial,” has had enough of men exercising their free speech in men-created fields such as science and technology. She’s now calling for “burning everything to the ground.” Daily Mail: An […]

  • Oy Vey, Swastika Spraypaint on Netherlands Graves – Who Gives a Shit?

    Daily Stormer - Sep 15th 2019 1:37am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 15, 2019 Look, kikes. Young people are really goddamn fedup with all of this infinity nigger invasion, all of this tranny shit, all of this anal sex everywhere, all of this stuff with these stupid whores running amok. And basically, everyone has figured out that if Adolf Hitler had won […]

  • So According to This Jew…

    Daily Stormer - Sep 15th 2019 1:08am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 15, 2019 New Rule — you can’t call yourself a law abiding gun owner if your response to a mandatory gun buyback is “come and get it.” Either you’d follow the law and turn it in (because that’d be the law), or you’re an irresponsible criminal who has no business […]

  • 44 Chopped Up Bodies Found in Mexican Well – White People to Blame

    Daily Stormer - Sep 15th 2019 12:39am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 15, 2019 The UN should have sent more health potions – but Donald Trump banned it. This is the saddest story. And the saddest part of all is that it’s white people’s fault. BBC: Forensic scientists in Mexico have managed to identify 44 bodies buried in a well in the […]

  • Man Burns McDonald’s Employee with Hot Coffee Because It was Too Watery

    Daily Stormer - Sep 14th 2019 11:33pm EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 15, 2019 I don’t really know what to say other than that we’ve all been there. Fox 17 Nashville: Metro Police arrested a man they say intentionally spilled hot coffee on a McDonald’s employee after getting angry over the coffee being “too watery.” Charles Prince, 59, allegedly ordered coffee at […]

  • It’s Amazing That People Aren’t Slaughtering Jews on the Street on an Industrial Scale

    Daily Stormer - Sep 14th 2019 10:34pm EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 15, 2019 So I was watching this clip of the Jewish economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman. He says: The craziness really comes from cultural, ethnic issues more than anything else because you have a, uh, a lot of the real craziness comes like from rural white Americans […]

  • Why Do White People Cling to Their Guns? Because They Have Small Penises.

    Daily Stormer - Sep 14th 2019 10:00pm EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 15, 2019 “Shocking video show “”””mobs””” of people beating victims senseless in downtown Minneapolis” NEVERRELAX https://t.co/05JDQrGpnp pic.twitter.com/pZtdnMngsx — Battle Beagle (@HarmlessYardDog) September 13, 2019 You don’t need a gun, this is a safe country. Get over those little dicks, whitey. People are dying out there in the Walmart.

  • Andrew Yang Says SNL Shouldn’t Fire Guy For Saying Hilarious Shit About Chinks

    Daily Stormer - Sep 14th 2019 9:44pm EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 15, 2019 So Saturday Night Live hired this guy who actually said some funny shit about chinks. I would have rathered he make fun of niggers, faggots, hajis, or literally any other race, but whatever – making fun of chinks is also funny. It’s just a lot less funny because […]

  • Murderous Woman: “I Battered My Husband to Death But I Still Love Him”

    Daily Stormer - Sep 14th 2019 9:30pm EDT

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer September 15, 2019 Sally Challen and her victim. She has that innocent look in her eyes. Women are never responsible for their actions, which is why we must have Equality and give them the same rights and pretend they’re independent. Daily Mail: The figure walking across the dark car park was […]

  • CNN Hires Elle Reeve – Big Ups, You Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Cunt

    Daily Stormer - Sep 14th 2019 9:00pm EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 15, 2019 CNN hired Elle Reeve, the criminal hoaxer who broke into Gentleman Jim’s home. We are thrilled to announce Elle Reeve @ElspethReeve is coming to CNN from @ViceNews as a correspondent. She reported “Charlottesville: Race and Terror,” the 22-minute documentary on the “Unite the Right” white nationalist rally & […]

  • Sweden: Two Nouveau Swedes Push Woman to Ground and Rape Her

    Daily Stormer - Sep 14th 2019 8:08pm EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer September 15, 2019 “Dark-skinned” + “rape” in Sweden usually means Somalis. Somalis do tend to do this sort of thing. Which, incidentally, is why Sweden needs millions more of them to survive. Voice of Europe: In the earlier hours on Thursday morning, police in Luleå received a call from a woman […]

  • Better That No One Calls You a Racist. Much Better to Simply DIE.

    Daily Stormer - Sep 14th 2019 8:01pm EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 15, 2019 This is one of the most important @NickJFuentes clips you can share with conservatives who don’t get it yet pic.twitter.com/ck4YHim186 — american nationalist (@NationalistTV) September 13, 2019 It’s just like David French says. No matter what happens to you – whether you be slaughtered, your family raped, your […]

  • Fourth Colorful Found Competent to Stand Trial for Murdering White Man During Home Invasion

    Daily Stormer - Sep 14th 2019 6:09pm EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer September 15, 2019 Anthony Harris II. Obviously, he’s not competent to stand trial – look at him! He’s a 75 IQ humanzee, just like the other three! We don’t put wild animals on trial when they kill a human – we just put them down. It should be the same with […]

  • Niggaroo Arrested for Raping and Stabbing Teenage White Girl to Death in 1980

    Daily Stormer - Sep 14th 2019 6:09pm EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer September 15, 2019 Alvin Ray Allen. Well I’ll be damned. It was a dindu this whole time. Fox 13 Memphis: A 19-year-old Alabama woman was found raped and stabbed to death on a dead-end Mobile street 39 years ago. On Tuesday, a day short of the grim anniversary of Sandra Cassidy […]

  • South Africa: Black Strangles and Rapes 55-Year-Old White Woman While She was Taking a Bath

    Daily Stormer - Sep 14th 2019 6:08pm EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer September 15, 2019 What is it with blacks choosing elderly women as their rape victims? This happens so often that it has to be some kind of weird sexual preference. South Africa Today: A woman (55) was attacked and raped on a farm in the Eastern Free State on thursday evening, […]

  • Edward Snowden Confirmed to Be a Soy-Faced Pooftah, Beta Male

    Daily Stormer - Sep 14th 2019 9:31am EDT

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer September 14, 2019 Edward Snowden is back in the news again, talking about he fears AI and facial recognition software. He’s also giving interviews with the sister flagship of Globo-Homo, The Guardian. Something is up with this guy. But you gotta read between the lines to see it. The Guardian: The […]

  • Zoe Quinn’s Exciting New DC Comics Project Announced!

    Daily Stormer - Sep 14th 2019 9:28am EDT

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer September 14, 2019 I assume, at this point, having seen how desperate these game developers are for second-rate puss, that comic book writers are pretty much the same way. It was only a matter of time before Zoe left for greener pastures. Bounding Into Comics: DC Comics announced that Zoe Quinn […]

  • CNN Responds to Beto’s Vow to Do Door-to-Door Gun Grabs: “Yo, Brah…”

    Daily Stormer - Sep 14th 2019 8:01am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 14, 2019 So Beto is just openly saying that he’s going to go door-to-door and steal your guns. Even my favorite CNN columnist Chris Cillizza is  like “WHOA WHOA WHOA THERE LAD.” CNN: Beto O’Rourke’s best moment on Thursday’s Democratic presidential debate — which also doubled as his best moment […]

  • Trump Fake Murders Osama Bin Laden’s Son for Stupid Publicity Stunt

    Daily Stormer - Sep 14th 2019 7:36am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 14, 2019 Of course, days after the 911 anniversary, the top headline is that Osama Bin Laden’s son has been murdered by Donald Trump. No need to provide any evidence. Fox News: President Trump has confirmed that Hamza bin Laden, the son of former Al Qaeda leader and 9/11 mastermind Usama bin Laden, […]

  • Bosnia: [REDACTED] US Ambassador Goes to Country’s First [REDACTED] Parade

    Daily Stormer - Sep 14th 2019 6:30am EDT

    Spartacus Daily Stormer September 14, 2019 “Freedom” and “man-on-man buttsex” are interchangeable terms, you stupid goyim. Life Site News: This weekend saw the first-ever LGBT “pride” parade in Bosnia, and U.S. Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Eric Nelson, was among the participants. Incredibly proud to have been part of the historic @BHpovorkaponosa #imaizać #bhpovorkaponosa pic.twitter.com/RrnLluWdEW […]

  • BBC Tells Primary Schoolchildren That There Are Over 100 Genders in “Teach” Video Series

    Daily Stormer - Sep 14th 2019 6:27am EDT

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer September 14, 2019 And he asked him, What is your gender? And he answered, saying, My gender is Legion: for we are many. Part of the beauty of Progress is that we’re continually discovering and learning new genders things. If we want to prepare the younglings to face The Real World […]

  • Queen Greta Thunberg, Protector of The Weather, Lays Siege to The White House!

    Daily Stormer - Sep 14th 2019 6:26am EDT

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer September 14, 2019  Greta’s epic ending speech followed by some black creature shaming whites next to a tranny wearing a choker. It was about time someone held Orange Man accountable for his attacks on the weather. Daily Mail: Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish girl who is criss-crossing the globe to […]

  • Turkey: Prehistoric Sites to be Flooded to Build a Dam for Worthless Eater Moslem Savages

    Daily Stormer - Sep 13th 2019 10:15pm EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 14, 2019 Oh, burying ancient history for some water dam to help absolutely worthless third world niggers who should have been wiped out by a biologically engineered virus 7o years ago? Is that what you just said to me? The Guardian: The ancient settlement of Hasankeyf will soon be submerged […]

  • This New Movie is Called “Cuck” and is About Evil Redpilled Goy

    Daily Stormer - Sep 13th 2019 10:10pm EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 14, 2019 So I watched this trailer a couple of times and I don’t really know what it is about, exactly. It seems like it’s a fat white guy who loses everything and his life is complete shit but then people on YouTube tell him it’s the fault of immigrants […]

  • Woman Who Killed Infant, Buried It in Yard will Face No Jail Time

    Daily Stormer - Sep 13th 2019 10:01pm EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer September 14, 2019 Women can do this sort of thing because they have vaginas. Holding them responsible for their behavior would be pure evil, because they possess the sacred goo-holes on their torsos. New York Post: The former Ohio high school cheerleader accused of killing and burying her newborn girl days […]