Louisville: Sheboon Breaks Into White Man’s Home, Strangles Him to Death and Steals His Sail Foam
Daily Stormer - Oct 22nd 2019 5:49pm EDTCharles Martel Daily Stormer October 23, 2019 Michelle Sarvis. She stole his credit card, too. I think she intended to buy more sail foams with it. WAVE: One week after a Louisville man was found dead inside his home in Louisville’s Klondike neighborhood, an arrest has been made in the case. Police didn’t release many […]
Two Juveniles Admit to Their Role in Shooting Death of White St. Louis Policeman
Daily Stormer - Oct 22nd 2019 5:49pm EDTCharles Martel Daily Stormer October 23, 2019 Justin Mathews, left, and Jalynn Garner. It’s not right to put these poor children on trial like this. Everyone makes mistakes. Besides, they wouldn’t have even done it if the white man’s racism hadn’t been keeping them down. St. Louis Post-Dispatch: The second of two teens accused in […]
Man Pretending to be a Woman Cyclist Breaks Another (Female) World Record
Daily Stormer - Oct 22nd 2019 1:45pm EDTSpartacus Daily Stormer October 22, 2019 “There’s this stereotype that men are stronger than women…” Anything a woman can do, a man can do better. Even a man so insane that he thinks he’s a woman. Breitbart: Transgender Cyclist Rachel McKinnon continues to smash women’s cycling records, the latest being a “world record” in the […]
Watch: Woman Sexually Assaults Cop During Arrest
Daily Stormer - Oct 22nd 2019 3:58am EDTPomidor Quixote Daily Stormer October 22, 2019 It’s time to talk about the uncomfortable fact that women are the greatest sexual assault perpetrators in the history of sexual assault. Daily Mail: A new video of a woman being arrested is going viral as it appears to show the arrestee grinding on the police officer as […]
Aladdin Squeaks by in Canadian Election
Daily Stormer - Oct 22nd 2019 3:09am EDTAndrew Anglin Daily Stormer October 22, 2019 Who died and made you Robin Williams? This isn’t simply a triumph for the LGBTQ+ community, but it is a triumph for everyone who likes to get fucked in the ass. It’s also a triumph for people who fuck animals and small children. It proves that even in […]
Depression Rates Are Twice as High Among [REDACTED] Teens, Study Finds
Daily Stormer - Oct 22nd 2019 2:53am EDTPomidor Quixote Daily Stormer October 22, 2019 The fact that LGBT loonies are more likely to be depressed and to commit suicide has nothing whatsoever to do with their healthy sexuality. Nothing whatsoever. Daily Mail: Researchers found that the rate of depression among teens who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual remained almost unchanged […]
Nigga Don’t Roll With No Knife, Nigga Be Rolling With Samurai Shiet, Stab Vest and Shiet
Daily Stormer - Oct 22nd 2019 2:53am EDTDaily Stormer October 22, 2019 It appears that East London niggers might have a thing or two to teach South Chicago niggers. If you catch my drift, m8. Daily Mail: A man travelling on an East London bus flees from undercover police after he’s spotted by revenue inspector’s carrying a Samurai sword in Fare Dodgers: At […]
“Deus Vult” Warcry Possibly Banned By Swedish Paradox Studios!
Daily Stormer - Oct 21st 2019 11:00pm EDTRoy Batty and Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer October 22, 2019 What in God’s name are these video game journalists up to this time? Dare I say it? Folks, this feels like Gamergate. Gamergate 2.0 even. Ethics are being violated once again. Please, someone needs to get Sargon of Akkad on the line ASAP – he […]
UK Police Unveils Plan to Terrorize White Tots In Kindergartens!
Daily Stormer - Oct 21st 2019 10:30pm EDTAndrew Anglin and Roy Batty Daily Stormer October 22, 2019 The British cops have put out a video portraying a white toddler “being racist” towards another more vibrant toddler as part of their “hate crime awareness week” cop program. Devon & Cornwall police posted the cartoon on their official Twitter account, showing a blonde haired, […]
Experts Say Too Much Reading Makes Children Short-Sighted, Recommend Kids Go Play Outside
Daily Stormer - Oct 21st 2019 10:15pm EDTPomidor Quixote Daily Stormer October 22, 2019 Bad idea. Nowadays, children are raised by tablets and venomous school teachers while their moms empower themselves clicking Excel sheets in an office and their dads contemplate suicide as they run the child support and alimony numbers in the quietness of their toilet sanctuary. Contrary to what anyone […]
Tortured Assange Can’t Remember His Name and Age
Daily Stormer - Oct 21st 2019 10:05pm EDTAndrew Anglin Daily Stormer October 22, 2019 Julian Assange has been tortured, like all political dissidents get tortured in Western countries. Everyone knows that this behavior is the result of torture, but we’ll all just pretend it isn’t. Reuters: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange appeared confused at a London court hearing on Monday, struggling to recall […]
Bernie Rallies Around in Defense of Tulsi After Vicious Clinton Conspiracy Attacks
Daily Stormer - Oct 21st 2019 5:10pm EDTAndrew Anglin Daily Stormer October 22, 2019 Hillary & her gang of rich, powerful elite are going after me to send a msg to YOU: “Shut up, toe the line, or be destroyed.” But we, the people, will NOT be silenced. Join me in taking our Democratic Party back & leading a govt of, by […]
Texas: Australian Father of Two Dies Protecting His Family from Two [REDACTED] Burglars
Daily Stormer - Oct 21st 2019 5:05pm EDTCharles Martel Daily Stormer October 22, 2019 Move to America, get murdered by feral coons. Sounds about right for 2019. Houston Chronicle: Fort Bend County Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward of $25,000 for information on the shooting death of an Australian man who died protecting his family during a home invasion in the […]
The ADL is Reporting People to Feds and Getting Them Arrested for Shitposting
Daily Stormer - Oct 21st 2019 8:17am EDTAndrew Anglin Daily Stormer October 21, 2019 Just so you understand, the filthy kikes of the Anti-Defamation League are trawling the internet and looking for people to report to the FBI. They have an unlimited budget and they are in all of your chatrooms. Don’t be a retard. POLITICO: At least 12 white supremacists have […]
Beijing Calls Out the Real [REDACTED]s Behind Fake and Gay Hong Kong Revolution
Daily Stormer - Oct 21st 2019 7:32am EDTAndrew Anglin Daily Stormer October 21, 2019 At this point, everyone understands the thing. Anyone who pretends not to be aware that the US is behind every fake revolution on earth is either lying or such a drooling retard that they can’t really be considered human. RT: Beijing has taken a not-so-subtle swipe at Washington, […]
Bangladesh: 4 Dead and 100 Injured in Riots Over Facebook Post About Pedophile Prophet Muhammad
Daily Stormer - Oct 21st 2019 7:23am EDTSpartacus Daily Stormer October 21, 2019 This is not the first time I’ve written about deadly riots in Bangladesh caused by a Facebook post, and it’s probably not gonna be the last either. This is a thing they do. Breitbart: Police say at least four people have been killed and dozens injured after security forces in […]
Witnesses Say Two UFOs “Battled” in Australian Outback Before One Made an “Emergency Landing” and Crashed Into a Tree
Daily Stormer - Oct 21st 2019 7:16am EDTPomidor Quixote Daily Stormer October 21, 2019 A new type of UFO has been added to the list of UFOs we’re currently reading about in the news. Two brothers tell the story about the time they saw the Glowing Blob of Light UFOs. Daily Mail: Twin brothers have stood by their claims they witnessed two […]
Trump BETRAYAL? Rumor is Orange President May Leave 200 Troops in Syria
Daily Stormer - Oct 21st 2019 7:05am EDTAndrew Anglin Daily Stormer October 21, 2019 It doesn’t matter if it’s 2,000, 200 or 20 troops – the entire concept of leaving American troops in Syria is to prevent the Assad government from being able to unite the country. These troops serve as a physical barrier, because obviously, they cannot be bombed. They are […]
STORMER CORRECTIONS: Mikhaila Peterson is Not THAT Much of a Mess
Daily Stormer - Oct 21st 2019 7:02am EDTDaily Stormer October 21, 2019 Here at the Daily Stormer, we strive for absolute accuracy, but like all papers, we sometimes get things wrong. When we do get things wrong, we get our corrections out as soon as we’ve been made aware of these troubles. A recent article here on the Stormer about Mikhaila Peterson leaving […]
Police Twitter Bots Will Predict Where Crime Will Take Place After Brexit Deadline Day
Daily Stormer - Oct 21st 2019 7:00am EDTPomidor Quixote Daily Stormer October 21, 2019 The internet also has surveillance cameras. Police in the United Kingdom are going to use artificial intelligence to hunt down the evil and hateful bigots that haven’t accepted the fact that they should just die and let browns and blacks take their places. Coincidentally, chances are the hateful […]
Chief Warren is Extremely Concerned About Illegal Mexican Trannies
Daily Stormer - Oct 21st 2019 5:45am EDTAndrew Anglin Daily Stormer October 21, 2019 Trans migrants and asylum seekers are particularly vulnerable. We must end unnecessary detention and enforce strict standards to keep trans migrants and asylum seekers safe—and I’ll continue holding our government accountable when they fail to do so. https://t.co/erHH1ieD2s — Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) October 19, 2019 What a… strange […]
WATCH: Patriarch Kirill Believes Liberalism is a Sin, Elites Need to Repent!
Daily Stormer - Oct 21st 2019 5:00am EDTRoy Batty Daily Stormer October 21, 2019 Patriarch Kirill, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, is pretty much the only prominent Christian leader left in the world. Literally no one else comes to mind. Kirill is certainly the only religious figure that has ever inspired any confidence in me or anyone with my politics. I’m […]
BREAKING: Canadians are Rude to Little Retard Girl
Daily Stormer - Oct 21st 2019 2:44am EDTAndrew Anglin Daily Stormer October 21, 2019 Rude to a little retard? This gives new meaning to the phrase “how dare you?” Daily Mail: Greta Thunberg joined thousands of protesters marching in Canada’s energy heartland Alberta yesterday as a smaller counter-rally led by a truck convoy of oil and gas workers also converged on the provincial […]
Creepy Bastard Mitt Romney Whines About Kurds, Admits to Fake Twitter Account
Daily Stormer - Oct 21st 2019 2:00am EDTAndrew Anglin Daily Stormer October 21, 2019 Mitt Romney is the most pompous prick, with the stupidest beliefs of all. He is an anti-racist Kurd defender. The niggers will be fine, Mitt. So will the Kurds. They have enough big white mommies caring for them that they do not need you. New York Post: Sen. […]
Watch: Woman is Knocked Out by Man After She Spat At His Friends
Daily Stormer - Oct 20th 2019 9:21pm EDTPomidor Quixote Daily Stormer October 21, 2019 All feminists worldwide should be celebrating this. Daily Mail: This is the shocking moment a woman was knocked out by a single punch from a man after she spat at his friends. The female was involved in a sweary altercation with a group of men before the […]