• NYC: Pack of “Teens” Steal 67-Year-Old White Woman’s Cane and Beat Her with It

    Daily Stormer - Aug 30th 2019 8:00pm EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer August 31, 2019 Persons aged between 13 and 19 are the worst of the worst. Imagine how much safer our streets would be if we didn’t have to put up with people who are between the onset of puberty and maturity. ABC 7 NY: Police are looking for a group of […]

  • UK: Six Rotherham Pakis Found Guilty of Raping Teens

    Daily Stormer - Aug 30th 2019 8:00pm EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer August 31, 2019 Clockwise from top left: Abid Saddiq, Aftab Hussain, Sharaz Hussain and Masaued Malik. 6 down, 75,000 to go! Slow but steady wins the race war! Metro: Six men have been found guilty at Sheffield Crown Court of a string of sex offences relating to the sexual exploitation of […]

  • Jew Inspector General Says James Comey is a Leaker But Nothing Will Happen to Him

    Daily Stormer - Aug 30th 2019 12:37pm EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer August 30, 2019 Welp. The Inspector General is a Jew, Michael Horowitz. So in his report on the behavior of the globalist shill and terroristic traitor to America, he decided James Comey didn’t really do anything wrong – even though he illegally leaked all kinds of stuff. The report says: “Comey […]

  • UK: Crusader Who Cleared Out Mosque Will Van Takes Down Islam in Prison!

    Daily Stormer - Aug 30th 2019 12:26pm EDT

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer August 30, 2019 Dedicated readers will remember that in June of 2017, Darren Osborne drove a truck of welcoming and open-mindedness into a crowd of invader Moslem pedophile filth piling out of a mosque in London as revenge for the non-stop terror campaign that these nonces have unleashed on the native population […]

  • Nevada: Swoopening Continues! Innocent White Child Arrested in Nevada For Having Ammo!

    Daily Stormer - Aug 30th 2019 12:17pm EDT

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer August 30, 2019 I am not exaggerating anymore when I say that it is open season on young White men in this country. The evidence just keeps piling up. A mass Swoopening of White youngsters is being carried out by the police. NBC News: A Nevada college student who had a rifle […]

  • Boris is Successfully Forcing Through Brexit After Parliament Shutdown

    Daily Stormer - Aug 30th 2019 10:30am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer August 30, 2019 I didn’t think it was happening. But it looks like it’s probably happening. Boris Johnson has shut down the Parliament and the courts appear to be siding with him, just as the Queen did. Fox News: A Scottish court Friday rejected the first legal bid to block British Prime Minister Boris […]

  • Man Sues Popeye’s for Running Out of Chicken Sandwiches

    Daily Stormer - Aug 30th 2019 9:56am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer August 30, 2019 We need stricter laws to protect consumers. In 2020, I’m voting for Elizabeth Warren, who has vowed to pass the “no running out of chicken sandwiches” bill to protect our consumers. WFLA: A Tennessee man claims he spent “countless hours” finding something else to eat after Popeyes Chicken […]

  • Why You Should be Against War in China

    Daily Stormer - Aug 30th 2019 1:41am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer August 30, 2019 The right-wing of the US is now overrun with paid shills claiming that it is a good thing for the Jewish controlled US State Department to overthrow the government of China by instigating brutal terrorist riots in the Chinese province of Hong Kong. “Revolution now!” has been a […]

  • New “American Freedom” as an Internationally Distributed Export Good

    Daily Stormer - Aug 30th 2019 1:40am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer August 30, 2019 There is a modern problem relating to promoting agendas: if you want people to aggressively promote something, it has to be something that people are willing to fight for. Historically, America was a Christian nation, and people had families, so you could get them to fight in the […]

  • 20-Year-Old Iranian “Activist” Woman is Jailed for 15 Years for “Spreading Prostitution by Taking Off Her Hijab”

    Daily Stormer - Aug 30th 2019 1:20am EDT

    Pomidor Quixote Daily Stormer August 30, 2019 This is why some people want to bring Freedom and Democracy to Iran. Daily Mail: An Iranian women’s rights activist has been jailed for a total of 24 years – including a 15-year term for ‘spreading prostitution by taking off her hijab’. Saba Kord Afshari, 20, was handed the […]

  • Tranny to Compete Against Women in NCAA Division I Cross-Country

    Daily Stormer - Aug 30th 2019 1:10am EDT

    Lee Rogers Daily Stormer August 30, 2019 Juniper Eastwood is an empowered transgender woman set to make history. For the first time ever, a transgender woman will be competing in NCAA Division I cross-country athletics. AP: If Juniper Eastwood is feeling particularly motivated on a training day, she’s up at 6 a.m. She eats a […]

  • Australia: Tech University Lowers Entry Standards for Women

    Daily Stormer - Aug 30th 2019 1:00am EDT

    Spartacus Daily Stormer August 30, 2019 Falling bridges are a small price to pay for diversity. The Guardian: The University of Technology Sydney is trying to encourage more young women to study engineering, computing and construction degrees by adjusting year 12 entry scores for female applicants. The university has received approval from the NSW Anti-Discrimination […]

  • UK: Paki Prisoner Attacks Officers and Fellow Inmate with Makeshift Weapons, Shouts “Allahu Akbar”

    Daily Stormer - Aug 29th 2019 8:40pm EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer August 30, 2019 Aklakur Rahman. “I’m going to die for the cause.” What did he mean by this? Surely Moslems in the UK believe in the same cause as the rest of their fellow British people? Lincolnshire Live: A violent inmate is accused of launching a series of barbaric attacks on […]

  • Wetback Thief Gets 70 Years for Killing White Father and Daughter in Thanksgiving Crash

    Daily Stormer - Aug 29th 2019 8:40pm EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer August 30, 2019 Marcos Orozco. 70 years is a hell of a long time to keep a taco bender housed, fed and watered. Wouldn’t it be better if we shoved these colored convicts into gladiator pits and made them fight to the death for the public’s amusement? Just throwing out ideas […]

  • White Woman’s Burned Remains Found in Vacant Home in Detroit – Police Searching for Suspook

    Daily Stormer - Aug 29th 2019 8:40pm EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer August 30, 2019  Judging from the victim’s facial tattoo and the fact that she is brushing against the nappy hair of an unseen niglet (hers?), I’m gonna presume that this murder was the inevitable outcome of some serious mudsharking. The Detroit News: Detroit police are seeking tips to find a […]

  • Ethiopian Gent Stabs White Female Dog Walker to Death in DC

    Daily Stormer - Aug 29th 2019 8:39pm EDT

    Charles Martel Daily Stormer August 30, 2019 Eliyas Aregahegne. I did some research into the victim, and found this article from 2014. It seems Ms. Magill had a rather colorful life. She’d hitchhiked around India, worked in a haji camp in Turkey, lived with a negro tribe in Tanzania, and didn’t even own a bed because […]

  • New York: Gamers Rise Up Against Jewish Overlords! With Bricks!

    Daily Stormer - Aug 29th 2019 12:55pm EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer August 29, 2019 According to the Jewish media, New York is witnessing a full-on gamer revolution against the city’s Jewish overlords. Gamers are regularly smashing in the heads of Jews with rocks. New York Magazine: On Tuesday morning, an unknown attacker hit 63-year-old Rabbi Abraham Gopin with a paving stone while […]

  • More Arrests! Two Men Arrested at Nightclub For Yelling “White Privilege, White Power!”

    Daily Stormer - Aug 29th 2019 8:52am EDT

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer August 29, 2019 High-T confirmed.  This is verging on a full-scale round-up, lads. If they keep up this momentum, literally hundreds of young men will be arrested on Hate charges for being White by Christmas this year. Fox 5 Vegas: Two men were arrested at a Las Vegas nightclub after allegedly […]

  • Apple Apologizes for Passing Around Audio Recordings of You Having Sex

    Daily Stormer - Aug 29th 2019 8:28am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer August 29, 2019 It’s okay, Apple. I don’t care if you listen to me having sex. In fact, I’m honored by it. New York Post: Sorry we’ve been eavesdropping on your sex life. Apple on Wednesday apologized to its users for employing third-party contractors to listen to audio recordings picked up […]

  • RT Comes Out Strong Against YouTube Censorship

    Daily Stormer - Aug 29th 2019 8:14am EDT

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer August 29, 2019 I was pleasantly surprised to see RT finally going to bat for right-wing content creators who were de-platformed suddenly and unexpectedly by YouTube recently. They wrote a fair and balanced article about it. RT: YouTube is cracking down on “borderline content” that doesn’t quite break its rules, expanding […]

  • Duterte Has a Point! Baby-Killing Scandi-Wenches Need to STFU Forever

    Daily Stormer - Aug 29th 2019 7:52am EDT

    Roy Batty Daily Stormer August 29, 2019 Rodrigo Duterte decided to do White men a solid by pointing out that these hoes have no souls and don’t have a moral leg to stand on when they accuse anyone, anywhere of doing bad things when they go about casually murdering the unborn for kicks and giggles. […]

  • US State Department’s “National Endowment for Democracy” Responsible for Hong Kong Terrorism

    Daily Stormer - Aug 29th 2019 7:51am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer August 29, 2019 The terrorist riots in Hong Kong are explicitly and obviously an attempt by the US State Department to cause terrorist riots throughout China with the ultimate goal of overthrowing the government, breaking the country into pieces and ruling it from Washington and Tel Aviv. China is one of […]

  • Netherlands: More Grenade Attacks in the Past 18 Months Than in Previous 10 Years

    Daily Stormer - Aug 29th 2019 7:00am EDT

    Spartacus Daily Stormer August 29, 2019 Nobody knows why this is happening. You just can’t know. It’s impossible to know… And also illegal. Infowars: University researchers have determined that more hand grenade-related crimes have occurred in the past 18 months than the previous 10 years combined, with Amsterdam being a hotbed for such events. “In […]

  • Central European PHP Coding Conference Shut Down Because It was White Supremacist (Neo-Nazi)

    Daily Stormer - Aug 29th 2019 5:48am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer August 29, 2019 There was an annual PHP conference in Europe, PHP Central Europe developer conference (PHP.CE). This year’s event was scheduled to take place in October in Dresden, Germany, but has now been canceled. In fact, the whole thing is just canceled forever, because Karl L Hughes, a random pervert from […]

  • Bernie Sanders Engages is “Islamic Style” Gang-Rape of Uppity VICE Journalist

    Daily Stormer - Aug 29th 2019 5:05am EDT

    Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer August 29, 2019 .@BernieSanders isn’t going to tear down @ewarren. “That’s not what I do,” the Vermont senator tells @ElizLanders. Watch Sanders’ full interview on #VICENewsTonight at 7:30PM EDT on @HBO. pic.twitter.com/fuhb2ezEMc — VICE News (@vicenews) August 28, 2019 This headline is a part of a series of headlines intended to […]