• Green Tea Linked to Decreased Risk for Dementia

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 22nd 2022 11:31pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE In a study, people who drank green tea one to six days a week had less mental decline and a lower risk of dementia than non-tea drinkers The epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) in green tea is a powerful antioxidant responsible for body-wide health benefits such as blood pressure and weight maintenance, lowered risk of certain […]

  • Dr. Mercola and Dr. Varady on Fasting

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 22nd 2022 4:46pm EDT

    Fasting has a number of health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, reduced cancer risk, gene repair and increased longevity. Research shows you can get most, if not all, of the same benefits of severe calorie restriction through intermittent fasting, when you feast on some days and cut calories on others. One of the primary mechanisms […]

  • Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Rudi Moerck on Omega 3

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 22nd 2022 4:46pm EDT

    Even though the medical establishment for decades has advised you to consume vegetable oils (omega-6 PUFAs) to prevent heart disease, human trials have conclusively demonstrated that vegetable oils DO NOT decrease atherosclerosis or decrease your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. Most people consume far too many omega-6 fats and relatively few omega-3 fats, which […]

  • The Psychology of Totalitarianism – Interview with Mattias Desmet

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 22nd 2022 4:46pm EDT

    Professor Mattias Desmet, a Belgian psychologist with a master’s degree in statistics, gained worldwide recognition toward the end of 2021, when he presented the concept of “mass formation” as an explanation for the absurd and irrational behavior we were seeing with regard to the COVID pandemic and its countermeasures. Mass formation is a form of […]

  • What Really Caused the Obesity Epidemic?

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 22nd 2022 1:02am EDT

    This article was previously published September 20, 2015, and has been updated with new information. Most people believe losing weight follows a simple equation: eat less, move more. But this simply isn’t true, and Zoe Harcombe’s book, “The Obesity Epidemic: What Caused It? How Can We Stop It?” is the most comprehensive document I’ve ever […]

  • Google Engineer Claims AI Computer Has Become Sentient

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 22nd 2022 1:02am EDT

    According to Google engineer Blake Lemoine, a Google artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot application called LaMDA, short for Language Model for Dialogue Applications, has achieved sentience, or independent self aware consciousness.1 LaMDA is a chatbot system based on advanced large language models that mimic human speech by analyzing text from the internet. Large language models can […]

  • Mask Mandates Linked to Increased COVID Death Rates

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 22nd 2022 1:02am EDT

    Fiona Lashells is an 8-year-old second grader who lives in Florida. She made the local1 and national news2 when she was suspended an outrageous 38 times for standing up for her right to do something that isn’t supported by data or science in a school system — wearing a mask. The New York Post described […]

  • The Latest Tragedy: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 21st 2022 11:33pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE In recent weeks, media outlets around the world have started highlighting a medical phenomenon called “sudden adult death syndrome,” or SADS, in what appears to be a clear effort to obscure the reality of COVID jab deaths. Sad on steroids indeed Underlying factors for SADS include undiagnosed myocarditis, inflammatory conditions and othe… Read […]

  • Ergothioneine: The Mushroom’s Stealth Ingredient

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 21st 2022 11:32pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Mushrooms are high in ergothioneine and glutathione, both powerful antioxidants. Ergothioneine may hold the key to linking healthy soil to healthy food and therefore to healthy people Regenerative farming practices produce plants with higher levels of ergothioneine and livestock from regenerative farms had lower ratios of omega-6 to omeg… Read more Powered by […]

  • The Science Is Screaming: Don’t Make This Trendy Mistake

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 21st 2022 11:31pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Even though the medical establishment for decades has advised you to consume vegetable oils (omega-6 PUFAs) to prevent heart disease, human trials have conclusively demonstrated that vegetable oils DO NOT decrease atherosclerosis or decrease your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease Most people consume far too many omega-6 fats and … Read more […]

  • 40% of IVF Treatments Are Unnecessary

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 21st 2022 9:11pm EDT

    Your entire body takes direction from your hormones. Hormones are secreted by your endocrine system and are responsible for telling your organs what to do and when to do it.1 They are essentially chemical messengers that travel throughout your bloodstream, working slowly over time to affect processes like growth and development, metabolism and reproduction. Sometimes, […]

  • Can toothpaste cause osteoporosis?

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 21st 2022 9:11pm EDT

    Osteoporosis is a condition of the bones in which bone mass is lost; this increases the risk of fracturing your wrists, hips and spine.1 Osteoporosis affects men and women. More than 53 million people in the U.S. already have the condition or are at risk for developing it. Risk factors are either fixed or modifiable. […]

  • Introduction to Dysphagia: A Throat and Esophageal Disorder With Many Underlying Causes

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 21st 2022 9:11pm EDT

    Swallowing is a complex biological action that comprises more than 31 muscles and five cranial nerves1 all working together to facilitate nutrition. Its two main goals are to push food from the mouth into the stomach and to protect airways from foreign objects.2 The Process Model of Feeding was created to help people understand how […]

  • Green Tea Linked to Decreased Risk for Dementia

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 21st 2022 1:02am EDT

    This article was previously published April 23, 2015, and has been updated with new information. Aside from water, tea is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world.1 In the U.S., black tea is by far the most popular, but green tea (which accounted for just 14% of the tea consumed in America in 20152) […]

  • Millions Face New Fluoridation Threats

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 21st 2022 1:02am EDT

    The published science over the past decade has taught us a lot about water fluoridation, about both the very real and significant side effects inflicted on the public, but also about the credibility of those who continue to vouch for its safety. At this point, the question we must ask isn’t whether the overwhelming risks […]

  • The Lies Behind Lab-Cultured Fake Meat

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 21st 2022 1:02am EDT

    As reported by Organic Insider,1 the GMO industry — which is funded, propped up and defended by the tech and chemical industries — is now seeking to replace animal products such as beef, poultry, dairy and fish with synthetic biology, cultured meat, precision fermentation, cellular-based and gene edited foods. Companies involved in creating these kinds […]

  • The Psychology of Totalitarianism

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 20th 2022 11:33pm EDT

    Download Interview Transcript | Download my FREE Podcast STORY AT-A-GLANCE Mass formation is a form of mass hypnosis that emerges when specific conditions are met, and almost always precede the rise of totalitarian systems Four central conditions that need to exist in order for mass formation to arise are widespread loneliness and lack of social […]

  • Wild Alaskan Salmon Is a Powerhouse of Nutrition

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 20th 2022 11:31pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Research suggests that eating oily fish once or twice a week may increase your lifespan by more than two years, and reduce your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 35% Compared to those in the lowest percentiles, those with omega-3 blood levels in the highest 20% were 27% less likely to die […]

  • The Psychology of Totalitarianism – Discussion Between Mattias Desmet & Dr. Mercola

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 20th 2022 4:22pm EDT

    Read more

  • FLCCC Treatment Protocol for Vaccine Injured

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 20th 2022 4:22pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE COVID-19 is clearly no longer an emergency. The real emergency now is the continued use of the COVID “vaccines,” because they’re creating injuries on a level that is truly alarming and unprecedented. VAERS data reveal the COVID jabs have caused more harm in 18 months than all other vaccines on the market, combined, […]

  • One in Three People Has This Eye Parasite

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 20th 2022 4:22pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Toxoplasma gondii is the parasite responsible for the infection toxoplasmosis. If the parasite reaches the retina, it causes ocular toxoplasmosis, with symptoms including lesions on the retina, blurry vision and possible vision loss The Busselton Health Aging Study showed that 66% of Australians are likely infected and 0.67% have symptom… Read more Powered […]

  • The Science Is Screaming: Don’t Make This Trendy Mistake

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 20th 2022 4:17pm EDT

    This article was previously published November 11, 2011, and has been updated with new information. The science is loud and clear: The correct balance of fatty acids is essential if you want to be the healthiest you can be. That means that maintaining a healthy ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is important for optimal health. […]

  • Ergothioneine: The Mushroom’s Stealth Ingredient

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 20th 2022 4:16pm EDT

    Mushrooms have been used in traditional medicine for decades. But it wasn’t until 1970 that mushrooms were officially distinguished from flora and recognized in their own biological kingdom.1 Researchers have discovered fungal threads that exist below the surface of the soil play a key role in promoting healthy foods.2 Those threads are called mycelium and […]

  • The Latest Tragedy: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jun 20th 2022 4:16pm EDT

    In recent weeks, media outlets around the world have started highlighting a medical phenomenon called “sudden adult death syndrome,” or SADS, in what appears to be a clear effort to obscure the reality of COVID jab deaths. SADS is also short for “sudden arrhythmic death syndrome,”1 which was first identified in 1977. Underlying factors for […]