• How to Remove Warts With Duct Tape

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 23rd 2022 11:31pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Warts are a benign skin growth triggered by a viral infection. Research finds covering the wart with duct tape and replacing the tape every six days is more effective than cryotherapy or salicylic acid treatments, less painful and more cost effective Warts are triggered by the human papilloma virus (HPV); although some sexually […]

  • Why BA.5 Is the King of Coronavirus Variants

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 22nd 2022 11:33pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Rapid mutation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was expected and predicted, as vaccinating against any highly mutable virus, such as the coronavirus, pressures the virus to adapt. Omicron initially arose in “fully vaccinated” patients, raising suspicions that the mass vaccination campaign itself was driving the rapid mutation of the virus One of … Read […]

  • Could Fixing Your Gut Health Help Treat Your Depression?

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 22nd 2022 11:32pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE For the first time, a randomized controlled trial demonstrated that high-dose probiotic supplementation is beneficial for people with depression An improvement in mood was noted among all of the patients, but those in the probiotic group had significantly greater improvements, along with an increased abundance of beneficial Lactobacillus… Read more

  • Artificially Sweetened Drinks Can Lead to an Early Grave

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 22nd 2022 11:31pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE In a study analyzing data from 451,743 people from 10 countries over 20 years, researchers found that those who drank artificially sweetened drinks suffered a higher all-cause mortality — specifically from circulatory disease — while those drinking sugar-sweetened drinks had a higher risk of death from digestive disease These association… Read more Powered […]

  • Advertising Business Linked to Deaths and Greenwashing

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 21st 2022 11:33pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Advertising agencies wield great power over public opinion, and prosecutors are increasingly starting to look at PR firms’ roles in cases where corporations are accused of serious malfeasance or fraud Hundreds of climate-related court cases are now looking at the role advertising firms played in greenwashing We’re seeing a similar trend h… Read […]

  • Less Than 7% of US Have Good Cardio Metabolic Health

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 21st 2022 11:32pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Researchers from Tufts University found just 6.8% of over 55,000 people studied had good cardiometabolic health in 2018 and the data showed a striking reduction in health from the data gathered in 1999 Optimal health is not just the absence of disease, but a balance of all aspects of health including physical, social, […]

  • The Science Behind Exercise’s Mood-Lifting Effects

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 21st 2022 11:31pm EDT

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  • Julia Schiffman Discusses Tapping for Insomnia

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 21st 2022 9:15pm EDT

    EFT practitioner Julie Schiffman discusses how emotional freedom technique (EFT) or tapping can help relieve problems from not sleeping properly. Subscribe for the latest health news: http://bit.ly/2CEBM8j Visit our website: http://bit.ly/2KhnpuS Listen to our podcasts: http://bit.ly/34XeLcW Find us on Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doctor.health MeWe: https://mewe.com/p-front/dr.josephmercola Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drmercola Twitter: https://twitter.com/mercola

  • Dr. Mercola Interviews Belisa Vranich About Breathing

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 20th 2022 11:39pm EDT

    Another near-universal breathing abnormality is breathing vertically rather than horizontally. This is something clinical psychologist Belisa Vranich points out in her book “Breathe,” which details her breathing program. Vertical breathing makes you feel a bit taller on the in-breath, as it raises your chest and shoulders. The problem is that this kind of breathing actually […]

  • Big Pharma Wants to Put an End to Vitamins and Supplements

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 20th 2022 11:33pm EDT

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  • Does Facebook Have Your Medical Records?

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 20th 2022 11:32pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Facebook’s Meta Pixel was found on 33 hospital websites, sending Facebook information linked to an IP address, which identifies individual computers and may be traceable back to an individual or household The pixel tracks what doctors are searched for and health-related search terms added to search boxes or selected from dropdown menus Th… […]

  • The Gut’s Role in Parkinson’s Disease

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 20th 2022 11:31pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Intestinal hyperpermeability may trigger alpha-synuclein protein aggregation around enteric nerves, resulting in gastrointestinal symptoms long before the neurological symptoms of Parkinson’s disease appears Increased expression of alpha-synuclein proteins inhibits the release of neurotransmitters, but at normal levels the proteins accel… Read more

  • Julie Schiffman Discusses EFT for Depression

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 20th 2022 10:39pm EDT

    Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) — EFT is a form of psychological acupressure that has been shown to be quite effective for depression and anxiety. For serious or complex issues, seek out a qualified health care professional who is trained in EFT to guide you through the process. That said, for most of you with depression […]

  • Dr Mercola’s Interview with Robert Whitaker on Mental Health (Part 1 of 7)

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 20th 2022 10:08pm EDT

    In 2010, I interviewed medical journalist and Pulitzer Prize nominee Robert Whitaker about the use of psychiatric drugs, as he has written two books on this topic. I’ve included that interview again for your convenience. In it, Whitaker details the science showing antidepressants don’t work — and what actually does. Subscribe for the latest health […]

  • How Pfizer Profited From the Pandemic

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 19th 2022 11:33pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE The COVID-19 pandemic has been a real boon to Pfizer. Not only has it doubled Pfizer’s annual revenue, it has also given the drugmaker unique weight in determining U.S. health policy — something that concerns even staunch vaccine-pushers like Dr. Paul Offit Pfizer’s revenue in 2021 was $81.3 billion — approximately double that […]

  • How Two US Ports Devastated a Global Supply Chain

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 19th 2022 11:32pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE More than 80% of global merchandise trade by volume is carried by ships, which means disruptions to ports can lead to major economic disruption The Container Port Performance Index ranks 370 ports that had a minimum of 20 ports of call within the 12-month study period Coming in second to last and last […]

  • Eight Signs You Might Be B12 Deficient

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 19th 2022 11:31pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Eight signs that you might be B12 deficient include fatigue, anemia, nausea, digestive issues, weakness, skin infections, mental confusion and nerve problems Areas of your body that function optimally when B12 levels are adequate reveal how vital this vitamin really is, especially because it’s responsible for producing red blood cells an… Read more […]

  • How to Prepare for Coming Crises

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 18th 2022 11:33pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Food, energy and economic crises are being fabricated according to a predetermined plan, just as the COVID pandemic plan was foretold during Event 201. In a recent Children’s Health Defense “Good Morning CHD” interview, I discuss how to prepare for these imminent crises The Rockefeller Foundation has been a prominent player in putting […]

  • Vitamin D Combats Viral Infections and Boosts Immune System

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 18th 2022 11:31pm EDT

    Download Interview Transcript | Download my FREE Podcast STORY AT-A-GLANCE GrassrootsHealth conducted a review of an observational study involving 212 patients who had COVID-19, identifying a correlation between vitamin D levels and disease severity. Those with the mildest disease had the highest vitamin D levels, and vice versa A second study found those … Read […]

  • Will 100 Million Die From the COVID Vax by 2028?

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 17th 2022 11:33pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE David Martin, Ph.D., presents evidence that COVID-19 injections are not vaccines, but bioweapons that are being used as a form of genocide across the global population The spike protein that the COVID-19 shots manufacture is a known biologic agent of concern Martin believes the number that may die may have been revealed back […]

  • This City Pays $60K Per Tent Supporting Homeless and Crime

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 17th 2022 11:32pm EDT

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  • Could You Have a Heart Attack and Not Know It?

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 17th 2022 11:31pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Although there are several common symptoms of a heart attack, some experience unusual symptoms they may overlook, leading to a more severe and potentially life-threatening second heart attack Learn to identify some of the more uncommon symptoms of a heart attack, including tightness in your arm, tingling on your left side, upper back […]

  • How to Secure Your Water Supply for Emergencies

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 16th 2022 11:33pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Even more important than stocking up on nonperishable foods is to make sure you have a supply of potable water. Many are so used to having running tap water on demand, they forget that source can vanish overnight If you live in a house, collecting rainwater is an excellent long-term solution A gravity-fed […]

  • Leading Cause of Knee Replacement, Infertility, Liver Failure

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 16th 2022 11:32pm EDT

    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Rates of obesity are skyrocketing around the globe, bringing with them associated health problems like infertility, liver failure and knee osteoarthritis leading to an increase in knee replacement surgery Obesity is associated with an increased risk of undergoing knee replacement surgery Women in the most severe obese category (class 3) w… Read more […]

  • The Great Statin Debate — Why Cholesterol Is Misunderstood

    Dr. Joseph Mercola DO - Jul 16th 2022 11:31pm EDT

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