• Pornhub Blocks Access in Texas After State-Mandated Digital ID Law

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 14th 2024 10:42pm EDT

    Image Source Christina Maas In response to a Texas state law mandating digital ID age verification, Pornhub, a highly trafficked adult content website, has ceased operations in the state as of Thursday. Visitors to the site are now met with a detailed message from Pornhub criticizing the new legal requirement. The message denounces the measure […]

  • Ben Shapiro: It’s an ‘Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theory’ to Say Congress Banning TikTok for Israel

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 14th 2024 10:30pm EDT

    Image Source Chris Menahan It’s an “anti-Semitic conspiracy theory” to quote the Wall Street Journal and members of Congress themselves stating that they’re banning TikTok to silence criticism of Israel, according to The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro. Shapiro hailed the proposed ban/forced divestment on Thursday as a rare moment of “bipartisan sanity.” Ben Shapiro stands against free […]

  • Jews in the Apartheid South

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 14th 2024 12:43am EDT

    An important myth about the position of Jews in the American South during the slavery and Jim Crow eras continues to heavily influence common perceptions about the role of Jews as victims of hatred and bigotry. Fundamental to the popular legend is the belief that Jews in the South were somehow outsiders in a peculiarly […]

  • 12 Hospitalized After Boeing Plane Suffers “Technical Event”

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 13th 2024 4:52pm EDT

    Image Source There was yet another incident involving a Boeing airplane the other day. This one occurred during a Boeing Dreamliner flight between Sydney and Auckland. A “technical event” of some kind caused the airplane to do some wacky shit resulting in the hospitalization of 12 people. NEW: 12 hospitalised after LATAM flight LA800 — […]

  • No Christian Culture Without Christ

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 12th 2024 1:05am EDT

    Image Source Thomas Cross Some look at the cultural implications of Christianity and praise them while divorcing them from the God of Christianity. But proposing Christian patriarchy and heteronormativity as good for society while simultaneously denying the Christian God ignores the important link between that God and us humans. It is in the Christian West […]

  • No Bail for NY Man Charged in Dismemberment Murder

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 12th 2024 12:31am EDT

    Image Source New York’s bail reform releases another perp suspected of killing and dismembering a man amid Democrats’ attempts to curb the state’s violent crime. Sheldon Johnson, 48, is charged with murder, manslaughter and criminal possession of a weapon, according to a report by ABC7. Human remains — a torso and arms — were discovered inside […]

  • Israeli President Faces Protests at Amsterdam Holohoax Museum

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 12th 2024 12:19am EDT

    Image Source Israeli President Issac Herzog was in Amsterdam for the opening of a new Jewish Holohoax museum. Numerous pro-Palestine protesters showed up to give him a piece of their mind. Palestine solidarity protesters decried the visit of Israeli President Isaac Herzog to the opening of Amsterdam’s new Holocaust museum, citing his support for Israel’s […]

  • Why Libertarianism Doesn’t Work

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 11th 2024 7:04pm EDT

    Stephen Summani Ten years ago, a professor of mine in my Introduction to Asian Studies course, was describing the anti-Asian riots of Vancouver which broke out in 1907, and he brought up the issue of ghettoisation of people based on ethno-cultural origins. He related it to the city’s North Central neighbourhood – a heavily Indigenous […]

  • Marine Corps Evacuates US Embassy Staff From Haiti

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 11th 2024 6:43pm EDT

    The United States Marine Corps used helicopters to conduct a nighttime operation to evacuate most US Embassy staff and deploy more US Marines to guard the embassy. The Prime Minister of Haiti has fled to Puerto Rico and a warlord called “Barbeque” is said to be the most powerful man in Haiti right now. Original Article The […]

  • The Hunger Killing Gaza’s Children Has A Clear Cause That Few Are Willing To Name Out Loud

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 11th 2024 6:16pm EDT

    Eva Bartlett Following the February 29 Israeli slaughter of at least 115 starving Palestinians lined up for food aid, there was little or no outrage by the same Western media which would have howled if the perpetrator were Russia or Syria. According to the Gaza Health Ministry, early morning on Thursday, February 29, Israeli forces […]

  • File Drop: The Sigxty Nine

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 11th 2024 6:00pm EDT

    The Gatalog Presents: The Sigxty Nine A design by: UberPoor Join the community at thegatalog.com Download Here Original Article  The post File Drop: The Sigxty Nine appeared first on Mind’s Eye Mag.

  • Germany: The Fight Against The Tesla Gigafactory

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 11th 2024 5:58pm EDT

    For several years now, locals, anarchists, environmentalists, and others have been engaged in a struggle against a Tesla “gigafactory” in the small town of Grünheide, only five kilometers southeast of Berlin. This is the biggest factory producing electric cars for Tesla in all of Europe. Many important issues converge in this conflict: the struggle between […]

  • WSJ: Fmr Activision CEO Bobby Kotick Working With Sam Altman to Buy TikTok as U.S. Govt Threatens Ban

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 11th 2024 2:58pm EDT

    Image Source Chris Menahan The US government is moving to ban TikTok over pro-Palestine content outperforming pro-Israel content and force the sale of the Chinese-owned company to a group of Zionist investors headed by former Activision CEO Bobby Kotick. From The Wall Street Journal, “TikTok Crackdown Shifts Into Overdrive, With Sale or Shutdown on Table”: Legislation that would […]

  • Global Hunger Isn’t The Worst Food-Related Threat To Humanity

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 11th 2024 2:49pm EDT

    Robert Bridge World Obesity Day was marked this week and, with over a billion people afflicted worldwide, obesity is now considered more dangerous to global health than hunger. The numbers are staggering. Sometime in the mid-20th century a cameraman captured an unforgettable black-and-white photo depicting thousands of American sunworshippers crowded onto Coney Island, New York City. […]

  • Humanum Genus: Pope Leo Xiii On Freemasonry

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 11th 2024 2:39am EDT

    This is the full text of Pope Leo XIII’s famous encyclical condemning the Freemasons, who have hated and persecuted Catholics across the world for centuries now. To the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, and Bishops of the Catholic World in Grace and Communion with the Apostolic See. The race of man, after its miserable fall from God, […]

  • Meltdown

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 11th 2024 2:38am EDT

    Nick Land [[ ]] The story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off. Logistically accelerating techno-economic interactivity crumbles social order in auto-sophisticating machine runaway. As markets learn to manufacture intelligence, politics modernizes, upgrades paranoia, and tries to get a grip. The body count […]

  • The Great Replacement Loophole: Illegal Immigrants Score 5-Year Work Benefit While “Waiting” For Deporation, Asylum

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 11th 2024 2:35am EDT

    Tyler Durden Over the past several months we’ve pointed out that there has  been zero job creation for native-born workers since the summer of 2018… … and that since Joe Biden was sworn into office, most of the post-pandemic job gains the administration continuously brags about have gone foreign-born (read immigrants, mostly illegal ones) workers. And while the left might find […]

  • “America First” Speech (23 April 1941)

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 10th 2024 3:03am EDT

    Prior to the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, a debate raged across America over the possibility of intervention in the war. The Germans had invaded France and Britain seemed on the verge of defeat at the hands of Hitler, but a strong isolationist impulse remained in the United States. “America First,” a prominent anti-interventionist organization, believed that […]

  • Moral Effects Of Language

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 10th 2024 3:02am EDT

    This arises chiefly from these three causes. First. That we take an extraordinary part in the passions of others, and that we are easily affected and brought into sympathy by any tokens which are shown of them; and there are no tokens which can express all the circumstances of most passions so fully as words; […]

  • Charles Lindbergh’s Epic Voyage: The World’s First Solo Nonstop Transatlantic Flight Through Old Photos, 1927

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 10th 2024 3:00am EDT

    In the year 1927, a new chapter was written in the history of human flight. In a time when aviation was still a fledgling endeavor, Charles Lindbergh dared to imagine and achieve what had long eluded even the most intrepid pilots. Setting off from Roosevelt Field in New York, his world’s first solo flight across […]

  • India’s Powerplay: The Tide Is Turning In The Indo-pacific

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 10th 2024 12:28am EST

    Image Source Aaryaman Nijhawan The Indian Navy on Wednesday commissioned its new base INS Jatayu at Minicoy Island of Lakshadweep to bolster its operational capabilities in the strategically important Indian Ocean Region (IOR). The naval base will also enhance operational reach, and support the Indian Navy’s efforts in anti-piracy and anti-narcotics operations in the Western Arabian Sea, […]

  • ADL to Honor Jared Kushner With ‘Major Award’

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 6th 2024 6:32pm EST

    Chris Menahan The Anti-Defamation League is planning to honor Jared Kushner this week with a “major award” to show that supporting Donald Trump is “now kosher,” according to The Jewish Daily Forward. From The Forward: By honoring Jared Kushner, ADL suggests Trump is now kosher — and betrays its founding values A second Trump term would […]

  • Who Will Prevail In World War 3? Exploring The 7 Key Battlefields

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 6th 2024 6:04pm EST

    Image Source Authored by Nick Giambruno via InternationalMan.com, Total war between the world’s largest powers that reshuffled the international order defined the previous world wars. Total war between the largest powers today—Russia, China, and the US—means a nuclear Armageddon where there are no winners and only losers. That could still happen despite nobody wanting it, […]

  • Leaked Files Expose Influential Transgender Healthcare Group That Pushes Pseudoscientific Sex Change Experiments on Children and Vulnerable Adults

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 5th 2024 5:28pm EST

    Debra Heine Newly leaked files from a leading transgender “healthcare” organization show that doctors are aware that children and adolescents do not always comprehend and thus cannot consent to the hormonal and surgical transitions they champion. They also admit privately that the experimental procedures often have devastating and permanent side effects, including cancer and sterility. […]

  • The Collapse of the American Empire, Part I And 2: Demographics And Economics

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Mar 5th 2024 4:38pm EST

    Image Source Eric Striker The Collapse of the American Empire, Part I: Demographics As much as neo-conservative/Zionist ideologues like Robert Kagan write about the exceptional inevitability of the American world order, there is a general sinking feeling among the people of the United States that this country does not have a future. Is this impression justified? Students […]