• ‘I Want All The White People Dead’: Two Teen Girls ‘Stabbed in Anti-White Hate Crime’ in NYC

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 27th 2023 2:27am EST

    Image Source Chris Menahan Steven Hutcherson, a 36-year-old black male with 17 prior arrests, was arrested once again on Christmas morning for allegedly stabbing two teenage girls at Grand Central Terminal while shouting “I want all the white people dead.” WATCH: From WABC New York, “2 teen tourists stabbed at Grand Central; suspect charged with attempted […]

  • ZOG Shills Predicting Major Terrorist Attack on US in 2024

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 27th 2023 2:15am EST

    Image Source On CBS’s Face the Nation, Catherine Herridge predicted that there’d be a major national security event to occur in 2024. She specifically predicted a “black swan” type event and went on to say that this event would benefit countries like Iran, China etc.. .@CBS_Herridge predicts in 2024, the U.S. may have “a national security […]

  • The Guardrails That Once Prevented Wars Are Failing

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 27th 2023 2:07am EST

    Image Source Authored by Abishur Prakash via Politico.eu, The Israel-Hamas war is an ominous message to the world: The guardrails that long stopped wars from breaking out are now effectively failing. Of course, Ukraine was the first sign of this. After Russia invaded the country, it quickly became the worst conflict in Europe since World War […]

  • A Christmas Carol

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 25th 2023 9:18pm EST

    If I had my way, every idiot who goes around with Merry Christmas on his lips, would be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart. Merry Christmas? Bah humbug!’ Introduction and Afterword by Joe Wheeler To bitter, miserly Ebenezer Scrooge, Christmas is just another day. But all […]

  • Now More Than Ever We Need a True Philosopher of Civilization

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 23rd 2023 2:43am EST

    Pepe Escobar TURKISTAN – As geopolitical insanity zooms off the charts at the end of 2023, let us seek solace in a brief Silk Road magic carpet ride. This comes to you from a northern strand of the Ancient Silk Roads in Kazakhstan, from the Ili valley in Western China through the Dzungarian Gate all […]

  • The Cost of Insouciance Is Death

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 23rd 2023 2:33am EST

    Image Source I received an email Christmas greeting from the Warden of my Oxford College. She tells me that the money and postage the college saves on mailing Christmas cards will be donated to charity. This is a noble thing to do. But look what it tells us: It tells us that we now see […]

  • The Best of Attack and National Vanguard

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 23rd 2023 2:24am EST

    Image Source Every editorial, article, and feature of lasting value in this classic, large-format, long out-of-print book is reproduced from all the original 85 tabloids, first from Attack!, then from its successor National Vanguard. With a few exceptions due to space constraints, the articles appear in chronological order and provide an outstanding picture of the first dozen years […]

  • WashPo Investigation: Israel Lied About Hamas Tunnels Connecting to al-Shifa Hospital

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 22nd 2023 12:12am EST

    Chris Menahan Israel lied about Hamas tunnels connecting to al-Shifa Hospital to justify their attack on the medical facility, according to a Washington Post investigation. From The Washington Post, “The case of al-Shifa: Investigating the assault on Gaza’s largest hospital”: JERUSALEM — Weeks before Israel sent troops into al-Shifa Hospital, its spokesman began building a public […]

  • Blacks Unleashed: It’s Black Rapists All the Way Down

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 21st 2023 11:29pm EST

    Image Source  Tobias Langdon Got Blacks? Then you’ve also got bestial behavior. As the late great Larry Auster once said: “To import a black population into a previously all-white country is to consign a large number of whites in that country, year after year, generation after generation, to violent death at the hands of blacks.” Faced with […]

  • Who Can Afford Children These Days?

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 18th 2023 5:31pm EST

    By Jeffrey A. Tucker The large data sets on the cost of living and the cost of children are instructive. But nothing compares with the anecdotes you hear from people who once thought they were prosperous but now wonder if they can really get by while completely ruling out the idea of having and raising children. It’s a […]

  • Do Blacks Get Longer Jail/Prison Sentences?

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 18th 2023 4:50pm EST

    The website Law of Averages put together a collection of statewide studies on criminal sentencing for a large majority of the states. A few of the states with the smallest Black populations, they could not find any studies on this issue. Study after study shows that Black are NOT given longer sentences than Whites. However, in some cases […]

  • Israel Should Make Gaza ‘Resemble Auschwitz,’ Israeli Town Leader Says

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 18th 2023 4:46pm EST

    Chris Menahan “Israel should be sending Palestinian Gazans fleeing the fighting to refugee camps in Lebanon, with the entire Gaza Strip being emptied and leveled and turned into a museum like the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, Metula Council head David Azoulai told 103FM,” The Jerusalem Post reports. From The Jerusalem Post, “Israel should make Gaza […]

  • ‘It Is Terrorism’: Pope Condemns Israel Assassinating Christian Mother And Daughter in Gaza Church

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 18th 2023 4:41pm EST

    Chris Menahan Pope Francis on Sunday condemned Israel for assassinating a Christian mother and daughter with a sniper rifle while they were taking refuge at a Catholic church in Gaza. At the Angelus, Pope Francis says the attacks by the IDF on the Catholic Parish of Holy Family in Gaza, which resulted in the assassination […]

  • Chicago School Board Targets School Choice To Fight “racism”

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 18th 2023 4:35pm EST

    With the support of Chicago’s left-wing teacher’s union, the Chicago School Board has voted in favor of a resolution that many believe will lead to dismantling the district’s “selective choice” program. This is where students can apply to a selective choice school over their local neighborhood school.  Chicago has eleven selective choice High Schools. Nine […]

  • The American Political Crisis

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 18th 2023 4:21pm EST

      The GEOFOR editorial board asked Paul Craig Roberts, Chairman of the Institute for Political Economy (USA), a PhD in Economics and US Undersecretary of Treasury in the Reagan administration, to give his assessment of the political situation in the US and whether a candidate other than Biden could result in a more reasonable US […]

  • Ukraine Politician Throws Hand Grenades In Town Meeting, Wounding 26

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 16th 2023 11:44pm EST

    Image Source Tyler Durden A contentious meeting to discuss a Ukrainian village’s 2024 budget turned to carnage on Friday morning when a politician aligned with President Volodymyr Zelensky dropped hand grenades on the floor, wounding 26 attendees, including himself. The incident took place in the western village of Keretsky — population 4,000 — in mountainous territory near the […]

  • IDF Killed 3 Israeli Hostages While They Were Shirtless, Shouting ‘Help’ in Hebrew and Waving White Flag

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 16th 2023 11:44pm EST

    Image Source Chris Menahan Israeli Defense Forces shouted “terrorists!” before unloading on three escaped Israeli hostages in Gaza on Friday who were shirtless, shouting “help” in Hebrew and waving a white flag. They only realized their mistake because one of the hostages they shot was a redhead. From The Times of Israel, “Initial IDF probe: 3 […]

  • Economic Angst in the Heartland

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 14th 2023 11:36pm EST

    Image Source Bidenomics is failing America, infecting the land with a persistent and intensifying cynicism, despite attempts by the White House and a partisan press to impose misleading narratives on the electorate. For example, the media rushed to heap praise upon last week’s modestly constructive jobs report. The actual numbers reveal a mixed bag – not […]

  • Will the Corrupt US Department of Justice Be Held Accountable?

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 14th 2023 11:13pm EST

    Image Source It is a paradox that Jack Smith, who in my opinion has less integrity than the infamous Stalinist prosecutor Andrey Vyshinsky who prosecuted Stalin’s show trials of the Bolsheviks, was appointed director of the Justice (sic) Departments Office of Public Integrity.  Perhaps recognizing Smith’s lack of concern with justice, Merrick Garland, the worst Attorney […]

  • Jewish Spying on the John Birch Society

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 12th 2023 7:28pm EST

    1963: Dr. Revilo P. Oliver speaks at a John Birch Society gathering. The John Birch Society (JBS), before it was completely neutered by Jewish infiltration and control, was seen early on by the Jewish power structure as a locus of resistance to the changes they were making to American society. As such, the Society became […]

  • These Fascinating Photos Capture the Everyday Life of Toronto in the 1960s

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 12th 2023 6:58pm EST

    One of the most captivating ways to delve into Toronto’s bygone days is through this remarkable collection of photographs that chronicle the everyday life of the city in the 1960s. These images, taken by gcosserat on Flickr, offer a unique glimpse into a bygone era, showcasing the people, places, and moments that defined the city during this […]

  • Washington Post: Eliminate The First Amendment to ‘Fight Antisemitism’

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 11th 2023 3:17am EST

    Image Source Chris Menahan America must scrap the First Amendment to protect the feelings of pampered Jewish Ivy League college students, so says University of Pennsylvania law professor Claire Finkelstein in the Washington Post. From The Washington Post, “To fight antisemitism on campuses, we must restrict speech”: Claire O. Finkelstein is Algernon Biddle professor of law and […]

  • How Christians Misuse ‘The Good Samaritan’ To Promote False Universalism Of The Gospels

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 11th 2023 3:05am EST

    The Good Samaritan [Note: we have updated and expanded this previously published essay with improved links and explanations.] Here we present Chapter 10 of Charles Weisman’s book Is Universalism Of God?, which demonstrates how ignorance of who the Samaritans were — both biblically and historically — is misused by Christian ministers to promote modern Marxist ideas of racial […]

  • How Kiev Wanted to Expand the War to Belarus

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 9th 2023 4:54am EST

    Image Source Authored by Pepe Escobar, Well, Kiev – literally – never sleeps. This document – attached, and verified at the highest level, is a report on several recon operations on the Ukraine-Belarus border conducted four months ago. Several Ukrainian Special Ops groups had been engaged in deep recon previous to a possible Hail Mary-style plan: launching an […]

  • Bitcoin: The Gold Standard For A Digital Age

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Dec 8th 2023 8:23pm EST

    Image Source Michael Matulef The nature of money is tragically one of the most unexamined and vital questions in modern society. Over the course of history, different monetary systems have risen and fallen as technology progressed and new forms of money emerged that were superior to what came before. To help us understand money, we […]