• Juneteenth Marked by Mass Shootings Across America

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 20th 2023 1:38am EDT

    Listen Chris Menahan                 This year’s Juneteenth celebrations were marked by yet another series of mass shootings across America leaving dozens injured and multiple dead. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: The shooting at MLK and Chambers that injured six as Milwaukee’s Juneteenth celebration was ending Monday was caught on camera. https://t.co/KBHgs8lHm1 […]

  • Colin Kaepernick Says He Partnered with Marxist Editors Because ‘Black Liberation Simply Isn’t Possible Under Capitalism’

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 19th 2023 9:00pm EDT

    Listen Warner Todd Huston Former NFL second-string quarterback and professional social justice warrior Colin Kaepernick now claims he had to team up with avowed Marxists to edit his new black studies anthology book because “black liberation simply isn’t possible under capitalism.” The national anthem protesting former player is promoting the new book, Our History Has Always […]

  • Woke Child-Mutilating Elites Will Throw DeSantis Fundraiser in D.C.

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 19th 2023 6:36pm EDT

    Listen Charles Downs DeSantis is being embraced by the worst of the worst… The DeSantis hypocrisy tour marches on, this time to an elite fundraiser in Washington D.C., hosted by woke Marc Lampkin. It is important to note that host committee members must raise $50,000 for the DeSantis campaign. Lampkin is a proud Bush supporter […]

  • Fox News claims Juneteenth is the same as 4th of July

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 19th 2023 6:25pm EDT

    Listen Well today is Juneteeth the day in which Black people use to hate on White people under the veil of it being a day about slavery. And since Lincoln had an R next to him Con inc is going to celebrate it as well since anything R is good and D is evil and […]

  • Self-Help Sunday: You Must Forgive Your Boomer Parents

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 18th 2023 8:37pm EDT

    Listen Andrew Anglin June 17, 2018 This is a Special Father’s Day Self-Help Sunday for all my Millennial and Gen X bros with Baby Boomer parents. A boomer, for those younger amongst you who do not exactly know the specifics, is a person who was a teenager in the period between the mid sixties and […]

  • Eight Homilies Against The Jews

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 16th 2023 4:34am EDT

    Listen Eight Homilies Against the Jews is a book by John Chrysostom. The author was a crucial Early Church Father who served as archbishop of Constantinople. He is known for his preaching and public speaking. The post Eight Homilies Against The Jews appeared first on Mind’s Eye Mag.

  • With the Crusaders in the West

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 16th 2023 1:00am EDT

    Listen Background: Signal was a twice-monthly propaganda publication by the Nazis that appeared in numerous languages. This interesting article appeared in August 1944 and reports conversations with English and American POWs in France. The standard German argument was that the superior quality and will of German soldiers, however outnumbered they might be, could overcome the greater numbers […]

  • On Hitler

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 15th 2023 11:00pm EDT

    Listen “I knew I would not live to see the victory which I would make possible, but I would not die before I had made that victory certain.” – George Lincoln Rockwell George Lincoln Rockwell dedicated his autobiography This Time The World to Adolf Hitler: “Like spiritual giants before you — you were cursed and driven to […]

  • An Interview with Codreanu

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 15th 2023 9:00pm EDT

    Listen Our car soon leaves the curious-looking centre of Bucharest behind: a collection of small skyscrapers and very modern buildings, chiefly of a ‘functional’ type, filled with exhibit halls and art studios reminiscent of Paris and America – the only exotic feature here being the many astrakhan hats worn by the local officials and bourgeoisie. […]

  • Popular Front in the Street

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 15th 2023 7:00pm EDT

    Listen From: Visions of Excess: Selected Writings, 1927-1939 Comrades: I will speak on the question of the Popular Front. However, I do not want to equivocate. We are not politicians. We want to express ourselves on the question of the Popular Front. It is necessary for us to define our position in relation to a […]

  • Never Work

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 15th 2023 5:00pm EDT

    Listen 1963 Source: Oeuvres. Gallimard, Paris, 2006; Translated: for marxists.org by Mitchell Abidor. In 1953 Debord painted on a wall on the Rue de Seine the slogan “Ne travaillez jamais,” “Never Work.” He considered this bit of graffiti of tremendous importance throughout his life, including it in his autobiography, Panégyrique. The three words contain an […]

  • The Soul of Man Under Socialism

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 15th 2023 3:00pm EDT

    Listen 1891 The chief advantage that would result from the establishment of Socialism is, undoubtedly, the fact that Socialism would relieve us from that sordid necessity of living for others which, in the present condition of things, presses so hardly upon almost everybody. In fact, scarcely anyone at all escapes. Now and then, in the […]

  • There’s Something About Henry

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 15th 2023 9:00am EDT

    Listen Part I: Sympathy for the Devil (Portrait of an MK-ULTRA Assassin?) Part II: The Myth of the Serial Killer Part III: Seven Degrees of Henry Lee Lax treatment afforded America’s serial killers Part IV: Seven More Degrees of Henry Lee The suspicious deaths of key players during the trials of various killers & the suspicious deaths of […]

  • The October Revolution And The Tactics Of The Russian Communists

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 15th 2023 7:00am EDT

    Listen 1924 I. The External and Internal Setting for the October Revolution Three circumstances of an external nature determined the comparative ease with which the proletarian revolution in Russia succeeded in breaking the chains of imperialism and thus overthrowing the rule of the bourgeoisie. Firstly, the circumstance that the October Revolution began in a period […]

  • Nick brought back on Dlive What Da?

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 15th 2023 5:13am EDT

    Listen For the oldheads out there Nick Fuentes got banned on “free-speech” site Dlive after being present at Jan 6. This of course signed the end of the site since all the AF people left and the site died while Nick was building his own platform cozy.tv which surpassed Dlive ever since. Well Dlive has […]

  • White Revolution

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 15th 2023 5:00am EDT

    Listen Before going further, let’s briefly review what we’ve already covered In the first twelve chapters of WHITE POWER, I have presented the thesis that: Western society is sick, rotten, and dying but most of its citizens don’t seem to care. (Chapter 1- “Death Rattle”) Our people, especially our youth, are spiritually lost -empty. (Chapter […]

  • “Don’t Call It A Skip” – Fed ‘Pause’ Prompts Wild Swings Across All Assets

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 15th 2023 1:00am EDT

    Listen Tyler Durden A ‘pause’ in rate-hikes and a far more hawkish dot-plot than expected spooked markets and then Powell monotonously meandered through his press conference, seemingly providing something for doves to cling to (though we are not sure what). Powell emphasized that the inflation fight is still a priority: “Without price stability, the economy doesn’t work for anyone.” […]

  • Brandon Promotes “Israel Model” for the Ukraine! HA!

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 14th 2023 10:00pm EDT

    Listen Andrew Anglin I thought the Ukraine was already on the “Israel model.” They are a Jewish controlled country trying to steal other people’s land. But seriously: this is an entirely new narrative, that comes after the fall of Bakhmut and then this lunatic “counteroffensive” that is seeing all American equipment just destroyed on sight, […]

  • Jewish DHS Extends Protection Status for Invader Scum

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 14th 2023 7:00pm EDT

    Listen   The Jewish Department of Homeland Security will be extending a temporary protected status for over 300,000 invaders. The Department of Homeland Security announces an 18-month extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designations for four countries. https://t.co/6SVAMDGSkd — ABC News (@ABC) June 13, 2023   The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the extension of the […]

  • Anti communism is when you lust for Trannies

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 13th 2023 10:38pm EDT

    Listen Con inc always seems to amaze me on how they rally against the Troon mobs and then accept them and even now post gay fantasies on their Twitter. Jesse Kelly describes himself as the “first anti-communist” and wrote the anti communist manifesto which is the usual hyper capitalism good workers right bad. To him […]

  • Building 7 Is Not A Magic Bullet

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 13th 2023 2:00am EDT

    Listen Or: why you cannot truth-bomb Normies into Awakeness Back in the days when I was still considered safe enough to have my own ‘Me’ column in the Spectator, my brother Dick bumped into one of my more red-pilled fans at a party and got a bit of feedback. “Tell your brother he’s right on […]

  • Genuine Americanism IS Fascism

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 12th 2023 10:00pm EDT

    Listen Clement Pulaski December 10, 2013 Hail! Patriotic Americans are becoming increasingly aware that our nation is facing a serious crisis. In order to successfully deal with our problems, we need to have a clear understanding of the essence of Americanism, of the true American spirit. In order to arrive at this understanding we must […]

  • Reasons, Not Excuses

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 12th 2023 7:00pm EDT

    Listen We have ourselves to attest to the fact that no one has to submit to the tyranny that today reigns. Who and what did it for us? The answer is no one and nothing. We did it ourselves, individually. We did it even though our backgrounds at that early time were practically identical to […]

  • Run, Sheep, Run

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 12th 2023 4:00pm EDT

    Listen THE CITY OF WASHINGTON, which should now be called Tel-Aviv-on-the-Potomac, had long been the crime capital of the United States, at least since 1860, when it was occupied by the gangsters called the Republican Party, but their crimes were perpetrated in the Federal government and almost never involved violence. (1) Washington was a city […]

  • The Doctrine of Higher Forms

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - Jun 12th 2023 1:00pm EDT

    Listen Since the war I have stressed altogether five main objectives. The true union of Europe; the union of government with science; the power of government to act rapidly and decisively, subject to parliamentary control; the effective leadership of government to solve the economic problem by use of the wage-price mechanism at the two key-points […]