• Jew vs. Greek: The Real Holocaust

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 9th 2023 10:00am EDT

    Listen Joe Badoglio July 7, 2014 The Jewish legacy is one of mass murder. And they dare project that on us. International Jewry and their allies have been perpetrating Holohoax lies since 1897 (1). These have been thoroughly debunked here on the Daily Stormer, and many other places. The Jewish role in the genocide of […]

  • Anti-Jew Does Not Mean Pro-White

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 9th 2023 8:00am EDT

    Listen Andrew Anglin As the Jew has for two-thousand years proven himself to be the eternal racial enemy of our White European people, it is taken for granted that any person who is Pro-White must necessarily be an antisemite; what often goes unacknowledged, however, is that this does not go both ways: every person who […]

  • How To Be Invisible

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 9th 2023 6:00am EDT

    Listen Goodreads From cyberspace to crawl spaces, new innovations in information gathering have left the private life of the average person open to scrutiny, and worse, exploitation. In this thoroughly revised update of his immensely popular guide How to Be Invisible , J.J. Luna shows you how to protect yourself from these information predators by […]

  • On St. Joan of Arc

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 9th 2023 4:00am EDT

    Listen Pope Benedict XV’s Papal Bull Divina Disponente, 16th May 1920. By disposition of divine clemency, after a long period of time, while the terrible war produced so many evils, those miracles offered a new sign of the justice and mercy of God which, worked through the intercession of the Maid of Orleans, definitively sanctioned […]

  • The Original British Skinhead Subculture In Photographic Portraits, 1970-1990

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 9th 2023 2:00am EDT

    Listen The skinhead subculture was born in England in the late 1960s as an offshoot of the mod culture. Skinheads were distinct from other British subcultures due to their uniform of boots, jeans, braces (suspenders), and the trademark shaved head.Their style was an exaggerated version of the traditional unskilled laborer. One of the first scholars […]

  • Tradition and Revolution

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 9th 2023 12:00am EDT

    Listen In a recent polemic, there was a key issue that was touched upon and which may be dealt with here without entering into the merits of the already exhausted discussions. The issue is this: what is the relationship of a revolutionary regime with the past of the nation where the revolution itself has been […]

  • Mexican Neo-Nazi Slaughters Whites in Allen Mall Shooting

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 8th 2023 6:33pm EDT

    Listen The white race is saved! Finally, someone killed a white family for the sacred swastika. If every Mexican did this, world peace would somehow be ours. The Independent: Investigators in Texas are looking into possible neo-Nazi and white supremacist beliefs of the gunman who killed eight in the mass shooting at a shopping mall […]

  • On Freemasonry

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 8th 2023 4:56pm EDT

    Listen Below is a passage from Mussolini’s autobiography My Rise. Let us not forget that the Masons of Italy have always represented a distortion, not only in political life, but in spiritual concepts. All the strength of Masonry was directed against the papal policies, but this struggle represented no real and profound ideal. The secret […]

  • Towards A Natural Socialism

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 8th 2023 3:21pm EDT

    Listen being an attack on Egalitarianism, and an application of the NATURAL ORDER in Political Science. Joe Badoglio July 8, 2014 Cambodia 1975. Egalatarian Communist system forces all higher classes of the Social Hierarchy into the “lowest” rung of the Hierarchy. The result – DEATH. We see the NATURAL ORDER having been established by, in, […]

  • Purpose in Life

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 8th 2023 3:03pm EDT

    Listen What the lack of any national purpose is doing to America as a nation is painfully evident to everyone willing to see. It may be less evident, however, what the lack of a meaningful purpose in life is doing to millions of the best men and women of our race as individuals. That is […]

  • Czech president says the west must accept the outcome of Ukraine losing.

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 8th 2023 9:48am EDT

    Listen The conflict of Ukraine is pretty much going to an end and the outcome is not going to be the one the Great Satan wanted from it which was Ukrainian victory and Russian regime change. Rather Russia is going to force Ukraine to give back Russian lands to Russia and end its fake color […]

  • Jewish lobby group moment

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 7th 2023 11:52pm EDT

    Listen I knew the moment when the shooter wasn’t going to be their preferred villain they are still going to blame White people. So now since everyone knows he isn’t the villain they wanted him to be they are still gonna claim that the brown shooter still did it because he is an evil “White […]

  • The Myth of Gen X Leadership: Is There A Future For the GOP?

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 6th 2023 1:33am EDT

    Listen And a message for Peter Thiel. Peter Thiel in 2008 (photo courtesy of Esther Dyson) Peter Thiel admits he’s not doing nearly enough. On this he’s right. That’s the takeaway from the Weiss-Thiel interview. Yes, for my sins I listened to the podcast between Bari Weiss and Peter Thiel the other day. I had once […]

  • NATO prepares to expand eastward with office in Japan

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 6th 2023 1:17am EDT

    Listen NATO is seeing that the Ukraine situation has been a complete failure and that their monopoly over European affairs is falling apart as Russia is rising up and forming its own sphere of influence in the region. And with their main objective mostly falling they have to resort to the next target which is […]

  • The Challenge of Every Great Philosophy

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 6th 2023 1:14am EDT

    Listen A traveller who had seen many countries and peoples and several continents was asked what human traits he had found everywhere; and he answered: men are inclined to laziness. Some will feel that he might have said with greater justice: they are all timorous. They hide behind customs and opinions. At bottom, every human […]

  • “Transgender” Toddlers as Young as 2 Undergoing Mutilation/Sterilization by NC Medical System, Journalist Alleges

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 6th 2023 1:10am EDT

    Listen Sayer Ji “Gender-Affirming Care” and the so-called ‘Transgender Agenda’ is running rampant in North Carolina, according to a recent investigative report which details how the medical-industrial-complex in that state is targeting toddlers as young as two years of age for surgical sex changes, hormone blockers, and sterilization. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated situation, as dozens […]

  • French And English Revolution

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 5th 2023 12:08am EDT

    Listen He felt some concern that this strange thing, called a Revolution in France, should be compared with the glorious event commonly called the Revolution in England; and the conduct of the soldiery, on that occasion, compared with the behavior of some of the troops of France in the present instance. At that period the […]

  • Black Suffering

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 4th 2023 6:28pm EDT

    Listen Richard Knight The media are anti-racist, so you might think that they would deplore racism, at least against black people, but they love it. Their belief that black people are ceaselessly mistreated is so short of supporting evidence that if a case occurs they seize on it with glee. If no case occurs, they […]

  • Trump says you need to elect him to destroy Iran for Israel

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 4th 2023 6:55am EDT

    Listen I think that Trump and the Jews that control him are utterly shitting themselves on how Israel and America lost so much power in the middle east in the span of 2 years. They see a rising Iran that is making peace with countries that couldn’t because DC had them by the balls and […]

  • 1 step towards Total War: Ukraine assassination attempt on Putin

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 3rd 2023 9:43am EDT

    Listen At approximately 7:50 AM EST we were getting reports from sources that there was an incident at the Kremlin in which a Ukrainian drone tried to assassinate Putin, unluckily for them, Putin was not in the Kremlin this morning (since it was 3-4 am in Russia when the attack occurred judging from the night […]

  • Greece and the White Racial Soul

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 3rd 2023 3:18am EDT

    Listen Joe Badoglio March 31, 2015 The racial soul is a concept from the religion of the conquerors of ancient India. They held that soul has a racial, physical basis. The purpose of this article is not to explain ancient Aryan metaphysics, but to explain the idea based upon my reading of “The Mythos of […]

  • Practical Strategies for the White Resistance

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 3rd 2023 3:11am EDT

    Listen Shaun DeMoray September 9, 2014 How do we get to here? We live underneath an oppressive, anti-White system that is intent on the genocide of the White race; so our people, unless nationalists manage to seize total political power in our homelands, are in danger of extinction. It’s as simple as that! What, then, […]

  • Ohio Man Imprisoned For Stealing Seized Bitcoin

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 2nd 2023 2:24pm EDT

    Listen An Ohio man was sentenced to 51 months in federal prison for stealing over 712 bitcoin that was subject to forfeiture in the Helix admin’s case. Gary James Harmon According to the DoJ, the bitcoin that 31-year-old Gary James Harmon of Cleveland stole, had been seized during the investigation of his brother, Larry Dean […]

  • DeSantis Will Never Be DePresident

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 2nd 2023 3:35am EDT

    Listen Hunter For Daily Kos Staff $lave’s Note: Even the libs see how lackluster Ron is.  There have been multiple pre-postmortems on Ron DeSantis’ still-unannounced presidential campaign, and the most complete one might be David Lurie’s piece in Public Notice. Mother Jones is also weighing in. The proximate cause of these new pieces was DeSantis’ utterly cringeworthy […]

  • France Goes All Out May Day

    Mind's Eye (Ramona Leone) - May 1st 2023 7:18pm EDT

    Listen They’re still going at it. These frogs are relentless. Washington Post France’s traditional May Day parade celebrating workers’ rights and achievements drew larger crowds than usual this year against the backdrop of fierce public rejection of a law increasing the retirement age. In what began as a festive atmosphere — and amid rain in […]