• Bilyana Martinovski – Wanted to Help Gang Rape Victims: Targeted by Taxpayer Funded Far-Left Pressure Group & Harassed by Swedish Police – Hour 1

    Red Ice TV - Oct 21st 2019 4:55pm EDT

    Former Associate Professor at Stockholm University, Bilyana Martinovski joins Henrik to talk about her work trying to help victims of gang rape in Sweden. She shares her story of how she became interested in helping expose the Swedish state and legal system who have turned their back on victims of gang rape, letting criminals off […]

  • Moving Forward Despite More Censorship & Fake News – FF Ep48

    Red Ice TV - Oct 18th 2019 4:54pm EDT

    Henrik and Lana go over some of the important events and stories of the past week. Topics:* Support for Red Ice after YouTube ban has been a morale booster* “Consolidation price” from the Swedish King to Greta Thunberg for not winning the Nobel peace prize* Lefties want to take Handke’s Nobel Prize for siding with […]

  • YouTube Deleted Us

    Red Ice TV - Oct 17th 2019 3:56pm EDT

    ** Starts at 7:00 ** Yes, today they did it. YouTube deleted our channel without notice. There are a few places that you need to bookmark and follow: redice.tv / redicemembers.com / bitchute.com/redicetv / dlive.tv/redicetv / youtube.com/redicemedia / twitter.com/redicetv / facebook.com/redicecreations/ instagram.com/redicemedia / gab.com/redicetv / minds.com/redicetv / t.me/redicetv Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream […]

  • Frodi Midjord – Antifa Chaos in Copenhagen, Danish Police Concede – Hour 1

    Red Ice TV - Oct 16th 2019 4:58pm EDT

    Frodi Midjord joins Henrik to talk about the recent debacle in Copenhagen with Antifa creating havoc at the Scandza event and the Danish police backing down to allow it. A video version of this show is available here. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or […]

  • Liberal White Woman Tells White Men They Don’t Get To Have An Opinion On Diversity

    Red Ice TV - Oct 14th 2019 2:25pm EDT

    White progressive female and Oak Park official Susan Buchanan, had a meltdown over White men on the council asking questions regarding the new Oak Park “diversity” statement. This is clip from Weekend Warrior Ep116, watch the full show at redicemembers.com Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our […]

  • The United Nations Claims They Are Running Out Of Money

    Red Ice TV - Oct 14th 2019 2:15pm EDT

    Extinction Rebellion activists are being paid £400 a week to lead protests. Apocalyptic rock group Radiohead, one of the biggest donors. Also Extinction Rebellion documents show that they think they are to White and middle-class and have done outreach to poor people and non-Europeans to join their ranks. This is clip from Weekend Warrior Ep116, […]

  • Extinction Rebellion: ‎£400 A Week To Protest, Bourgeoisie Climate Alarmism

    Red Ice TV - Oct 14th 2019 1:45pm EDT

    Extinction Rebellion activists are being paid £400 a week to lead protests. Apocalyptic rock group Radiohead, one of the biggest donors. Also Extinction Rebellion documents show that they think they are to White and middle-class and have done outreach to poor people and non-Europeans to join their ranks. This is clip from Weekend Warrior Ep116, […]

  • EU Court Rules In Favor of Global Censorship

    Red Ice TV - Oct 14th 2019 1:01pm EDT

    EU court opens door to worldwide social media censorship. This is clip from Weekend Warrior Ep116, watch the full show at redicemembers.com Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1800 programs, including radio shows, videos, TV segments & our exclusive show Weekend […]

  • Hate Speech Used More by Minorities

    Red Ice TV - Oct 14th 2019 12:58pm EDT

    University of Cornell decided to build an AI system in order to identify “hate speech” but it turns out minorities use hate speech at “substantially higher rates” than Whites. This is clip from Weekend Warrior Ep115, watch the full show at redicemembers.com Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to […]

  • Racist Math is Oppressing POC

    Red Ice TV - Oct 14th 2019 12:56pm EDT

    Progressive Seattle, WA is launching “Math Ethnic Studies” in public schools, literally teaching 2+2 isn’t 4. This is clip from Weekend Warrior Ep115, watch the full show at redicemembers.com Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1800 programs, including radio shows, […]

  • Trans-formation of Norms, PG&E Wildfires in CA & Who is Siding With China? – FF Ep47

    Red Ice TV - Oct 11th 2019 3:58pm EDT

    Henrik and Lana talk about the recent news and important stories from the week. Topics Covered: * FILSAN Tweet Thread “Let’s all actually fuck off back to our own countries and let the White people suffer”* Instagram to Ban OK Hand Symbol For “Hate Speech”* News Anchor Matt Lauer Anally Raped a Woman* Transgender Black Person […]

  • Morgoth’s Review – Extinction Rebellion, Our Future of Bugs & Pods – Hour 1

    Red Ice TV - Oct 10th 2019 9:01pm EDT

    Morgoth’s Review joins Henrik to talk about the many issues facing the United Kingdom. We begin on the Extinction Rebellion, a new weapon the globalist are using to get us to give us power, influence, money and rights for the sake of the climate. We talk about the promotion of bug eating and pod living. […]

  • Thierry Durolle – France: Muslim Convert Kills 4 Paris Cops, Jailed For Sharing Video & Rouen Chemical Fire – Hour 1

    Red Ice TV - Oct 9th 2019 4:28pm EDT

    Thierry Durolle joins Henrik from France to talk about some of the latest news. Four police officers were killed by a deaf radicalized muslim cop in Paris and Alain Soral is facing jail for 2 years for sharing an anti-Rothschild rap video. In the second part we talk about a massive chemical fire at a […]

  • Banned By Payment Processor For Selling A T-Shirt Quoting the Dalai Lama

    Red Ice TV - Oct 7th 2019 11:31pm EDT

    The payment processor Braintree told Lana to remove “hate clothing” from her store or be banned from using the app. ⭐ THEY HAVE TO GO BACK T-SHIRT ⭐ NOW ONLY $20!Men’s White: lanasllama.com/they-have-to-go-back-lightMen’s Black: lanasllama.com/they-have-to-go-back-boldWomen’s White: lanasllama.com/they-have-to-go-back-women80’s Style: lanasllama.com/they-have-to-go-back-80s Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or […]

  • Flashback Friday – Ep46 – The Baby Eating Question, NYTimes: Kill Free Speech & Huwyte Hysteria

    Red Ice TV - Oct 7th 2019 11:31pm EDT

    ** This video has been blocked twice, based on copyright claims from TED Talks, we have removed both of these but it took YouTube over 8 hours to process the file. You can now watch it on YouTube but in the future remember that it will be available at bitchute.com/redicetv and redicemembers.com  ** Henrik and Lana talk about the recent news and important stories […]

  • Sweden To Strip History From Curriculum For Cultural Marxist Brainwashing

    Red Ice TV - Oct 7th 2019 11:31pm EDT

    Forget learning about the history of your Viking ancestors or any European civilizations. Lefties in Sweden only want subjects like immigration is good, Muslim holidays, “norm-challenging,” critical theory, liberal values, gender roles, colonialism bad, nationalism bad and White people bad. This is clip from Weekend Warrior Ep114, watch the full show at redicemembers.com Sign up for a membership […]

  • Red Ice Videos Banned From YouTube

    Red Ice TV - Oct 7th 2019 11:31pm EDT

    Here is a partial list of some of the shorter videos that have been banned from YouTube. This does not include the interviews and longer shows that have been banned. Go Back To EuropeLana responds to anti-Whites who tell White Americans to “go back to Europe,” but would they be allowed in? First published: Jun 16, 2017   Why I […]

  • The Consequence of Cowardice

    Red Ice TV - Oct 7th 2019 11:31pm EDT

    The consequence of Cowardice. “But as they pursued those that fled to their camp they witnessed a most fearful tragedy; the women, standing in black clothes on their wagons, slew all that fled, some their husbands, some their brethren, others their fathers” ~ Plutarch On the Cimbri Plutarch’s words give us a powerful insight into […]

  • Notre Dame Lights a Fire

    Red Ice TV - Oct 7th 2019 11:31pm EDT

    Beginning the process of rebuilding doesn’t require ideal conditions. The rebuilding of the west, the restoring of all that’s best and brightest within us, starts from the *inside* out… it starts with awakening a collective will to again look upwards. Everything is downstream from this, including politics and culture: when the internal world is properly […]

  • Harshit Tiwari – The Truth About Kashmir & Trump/Modi Alliance

    Red Ice TV - Oct 7th 2019 11:31pm EDT

    In India, Harshit is a student of International Corporate Law and Accountancy. He also writes columns in local publications and speaks on pro-Hindu and pro-Christian issues. We’ll discuss the untold story regarding the Hindu/Muslim conflict in Kashmir but also about nationalism, mass immigration into the west and the outsourcing of American jobs. A video version of […]

  • Doug Hilton – What Living in Russia Is Really Like

    Red Ice TV - Oct 7th 2019 11:31pm EDT

    What is it about Russia that globalist elites fear? Doug Hilton, an American writer who has been living in Russia for 20 years, talks about life in Russia as it is not as western progressive media says it is. A video version of this show is available here. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com. Get full access to our extensive archives, watch […]

  • Sarah Dye – Antifa Harass Family Farm At Public Market

    Red Ice TV - Oct 7th 2019 11:31pm EDT

    Organic farmer Sarah Dye joins Lana to tell the story of how her family is being harassed and threatened by violent far leftists at the Bloomington, Indiana farmers’ market and how the mayor supports it. A video version of this show is available here. Sign up for a membership at redicemembers.com and watch or listen to the second part of this […]

  • Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition – Hour 1

    Red Ice TV - Oct 7th 2019 11:31pm EDT

    Professor Emeritus of Psychology California State University, Long Beach, Kevin MacDonald joins Henrik to discuss his latest book “Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition: Evolutionary Origins, History, and Prospects for the Future.” We talk about the Indo-European invasion, the Roman Empire, the Protestant reformation, the 1960’s hippie revolution, the rise of liberalism and more. A video version […]

  • Adam Green – PewDiePie Trolls the ADL, Pulls Donation to Censorship Organization – Hour 1

    Red Ice TV - Oct 7th 2019 11:31pm EDT

    Victory! The MadLad really did it! PewDiePie trolled the ADL (well …possibly!). Henrik speaks with Adam Green from Know More News about why PewDiePie pulled his pledged $50K donation to the ADL. Everyone that spread the truth far and wide about ADL’s dirty activities, should be proud of a job well done. We highlight just […]

  • Devon Stack – 9/11, Media Propaganda, Pewds $50K ADL Donation, YouTube & Israel – Hour 1

    Red Ice TV - Oct 7th 2019 11:31pm EDT

    Devon Stack AKA Black Pilled joins Henrik to talk about some of the recent news. We begin on the upcoming 9/11 anniversary, Bolton fired, media propaganda, CIA, Mossad, lies and conspiracies. We also discuss PewDiePie’s $50K donation to the ADL. It’s disappointing, to say the least, that the biggest YouTuber is supporting the primary force […]