• More strange events (athletes dropping, hepatitis in kids): is it the vax?

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 18th 2022 2:06am EDT

    Consider the following recent headlines: 769 Athletes Collapse from Cardiac Arrest Since Covid Vax Rollout What’s Causing A Sudden Outbreak Of Hepatitis In Kids In Europe And The US? Hepatitis detected in children in US, UK; Cause of mysterious, severe virus unknown, officials say The articles on the athlete collapses point the finger at the […]

  • Why is is so critical that people like me (and my friends) are all silenced

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 17th 2022 11:29pm EDT

    Want to know why they are so intent on censoring us? It’s because if there is a truth teller in a group, the false narrative collapses. Here’s the full story: Igor’s Newsletter Vaccine Skeptics are the True Critical Thinkers This post is the first in my future series, on how governments and shady non-governmental players […]

  • MIT’s Dean of Science needs to step up or step down

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 16th 2022 5:14pm EDT

    Today I am making a formal request to MIT’s Dean of Science Nergis Mavalvala to either: step up and accept the responsibilities of your position as Dean of one of America’s top institutions of Science and a world champion for science or step down by resigning your position as Dean of Science. In particular, A […]

  • How I would have handled the pandemic

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 16th 2022 2:07am EDT

    That’s it. No lockdowns, no mandates, no social distancing, no masks, no vaccination, no lies, no deception. And only do a test if you have symptoms. This is the right approach but they are never going to figure this out, are they?

  • A simple way to end censorship on social media

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 16th 2022 1:51am EDT

    Today’s social media companies are the new town square. Shouldn’t we be able to post messages to our own followers on these platforms? Of course! Those followers are our followers because they opted in to hear our opinions. So why are the social media companies stepping in to “protect” our followers from the very people […]

  • MIT’s Dean of Science responds to me: She’s NOT interested in looking at the data!

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 15th 2022 7:49pm EDT

    Steve Kirsch (left), MIT Dean of Science Nergis Mavalvala (right) Summary The Dean of Science at MIT believes open discussion to resolve differences of scientific opinion should be encouraged. That’s the good news. However, when I asked her whether she would publicly call for such a discussion for the vaccines, her answer was “No.” That’s […]

  • Masks fail their latest test

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 14th 2022 9:05pm EDT

    Summary There have been only two randomized trials to test whether public policy using masks to mitigate the spread of SARS-CoV-2 can reduce the spread. The first one, in Denmark, showed that masks don’t work. But the second one, in Bangladesh, showed they did. Nature called it a “rigorous study” and Stanford and Yale promoted […]

  • VSRF call April 14 at 7pm EST: Talk with some of the DTM speakers

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 14th 2022 1:59am EDT

    Register at VacSafety.org for tomorrow’s call at 7pm Eastern. Defeat the Mandates was a great success.  The LAPD estimated that at its peak (it was an 8 hour event) there were over 25,000 people in attendance.  The Los Angeles Times claimed there were hundreds of people in attendance.  What do you think? Several of our […]

  • These people deserve the credit for the deaths of nearly a million Americans

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 13th 2022 7:47pm EDT

    The members of COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel of the NIH apparently doesn’t seem to place any value on human life. In this article, I will show several examples of this. Unfortunately, they aren’t accountable to anyone, so they will never have to defend their recommendations. Nearly a million people have died in the US due […]

  • The CDC has perfected their fear and intimidation techniques over the years

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 13th 2022 1:34pm EDT

    In response to my latest whistleblower request, I received the following message from a doctor which I wanted to share with you. It echoes comments I’ve heard from others I work with: I have had some contact with people who would fit your search – however, it appears they are unwilling to share information because […]

  • The WHO pandemic power grab

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 13th 2022 1:06pm EDT

    The deadline for commenting on the WHO power grab has now passed. If you already filed a comment, thank you! Regardless of whether you filed a comment or not, please read this message from Tess Lawrie on the video call she had this morning with the WHO. It’s very troubling. If you thought things couldn’t […]

  • In New Zealand, forcing police and the military to get vaccinated violates their Bill of Rights

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 12th 2022 8:53pm EDT

    This story reports that the New Zealand high court struck down vaccine mandates for police and the military. In America, we have different standards. We discharge service members for refusing to take an experimental vaccine. Watch the video of Marine pilots at 7:31:30 to see how we treat our servicemembers.

  • URGENT!!! Comment on the WHO treaty **NOW**

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 12th 2022 2:00pm EDT

    This is really important. If the changes the US wants go in, then all nations will be governed by what the WHO says the pandemic response should be and we will all be screwed. Instructions to comment This will take you less than 2 minutes. If you’re fast, you can do it in < 60 […]

  • What I think of the Bryan Ardis video, Watch the Water

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 12th 2022 1:09am EDT

  • Senator Chris Murphy: I have easy way for you to earn $1M that you can use for your re-election campaign

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 12th 2022 12:54am EDT

    The thing about risking money is that it forces someone’s hand. It works in poker. It works in real life. That’s why I like it as a tool. It’s a truth forcing function. It’s faster and more effective than a court proceeding. Check out this comment from one of my readers who wrote US Senator […]

  • UCLA physician reveals how the Dean of the School justified his decision on the vaccine mandate

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 12th 2022 12:29am EDT

    I wandered the crowd at the Defeat the Mandates rally on Sunday April 10 talking to people. I struck up a conversation with a doctor at UCLA who was being forced to leave due to the vaccine mandates. I asked her, “Did you talk to your Dean about the science? Surely he must realize these […]

  • An open letter to Nergis Mavalvala, the Dean of Science at MIT

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 12th 2022 12:13am EDT

    Dear Dean Mavalvala, I’ve written to you before but never got a response. I donated $2.5M to MIT nearly 25 years ago; the Kirsch Auditorium is named in honor of my gift. Recently, I asked if I could give a speech in that auditorium to talk about COVID vaccine science that is being censored by […]

  • My speech at Defeat the Mandates, Los Angeles, April 10, 2022

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 11th 2022 10:27pm EDT

    Here’s the video of the entire event. The Highwire did an amazing job filming the event for us. Our carpet cleaner, Tim Damroth, appears at 5:34:05. Tim is just 39 years old and was perfectly healthy before the the shot. He had just one shot, got a heart attack 2 minutes later, and since then, […]

  • Does any Uber or Lyft executive believe their own mask policy?

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 11th 2022 1:16pm EDT

    I’m writing this in the back of a Lyft. Both Lyft and Uber require passengers and drivers to wear a mask. What for? There is no science that justifies this. The science says masks are nonsensical. My $1M bet. What do you have to lose? I’m willing to bet any Uber or Lyft executive $1M […]

  • Defeat the Mandates livestream link

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 10th 2022 4:01pm EDT

    The HighWire @HighWireTalk TODAY is the day! #DefeatTheMandates Rally: Downtown Los Angeles, Grand Park. Be there for History! LIVE coverage all day from noon at TheHighWire.com/watch April 10th 2022 79 Retweets158 Likes

  • My $100K challenge to NYC Mayor Eric Adams: “Let’s have a discussion on the science behind the NYC mandates”

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 10th 2022 1:58am EDT

    NYC firefighter Sophy Medina met with me at the Pasadena Hilton today to suggest that I (along with 5 of my team members) challenge NYC Mayor Eric Adams along with his team of medical advisors (and as many helpers as they want) to a 3-hour debate on the science behind the NYC mandates. Both sides […]

  • Vax injured person gets appalling care at Glendale Adventist Hospital

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 9th 2022 1:41am EDT

    Amanda Damian is vaccine injured. She is also one of the key people organizing the Defeat the Mandates rally in Los Angeles (April 10, 2022). Amanda had a seizure shortly after midnight on April 8. She was taken by ambulance to Adventist Health Glendale Hospital. The quality of care she received at the hospital is […]

  • You need to be boosted every 30 days to stay protected

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 8th 2022 3:44am EDT

    New Israeli study: 2 million people. Fourth dose vaccine wears off against Omicron after 3-4 weeks and protection is pretty much gone by 8 weeks. So you’ll need a new “booster” around every 30 days to be “safe.” Watch this Dr. Mobeen video Here are a few comments on the video on YouTube: My friend […]

  • More COVID insanity

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 7th 2022 1:15am EDT

    Before I get into the insanity parts, I do have two pieces of good news: I just met with a member of the California legislature who is a critical thinker: Senator Josh Becker. I’ve known Josh for years. What a rare treat to find someone who hasn’t “lost it” after they get elected to office. […]

  • Pierre Kory is my guest in studio on the VSRF call Apr 7 at 7pm EST

    Steven Kirsch - Apr 6th 2022 11:57pm EDT

    Thursday, 7pm EST. Register here. This Thursday, April 7th at 7pm Eastern, the VSRF Call will be LIVE FROM LA with Dr. Pierre Kory. The call will preview the Defeat the Mandates Los Angeles Rally on Sunday, April 10th at noon at Grand Park, L.A. Dr. Kory will be speaking about treatment  for the vaccine […]