• Will Hemorrhagic Fever be the next pandemic?

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 13th 2022 3:11am EST

    I first met Li-Meng Yan in Hawaii on October 16, 2021. She’s the real deal. I consider her to be a highly credible source whose reputation has been deliberately attacked to try to discredit anything she says. I know what that’s like! According to her sources, the CCP is fully prepared to release a bioweapon […]

  • What we can learn from the smallpox mandates

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 13th 2022 1:10am EST

    This insight comes from one of my readers, A Midwestern Doctor who Writes A’s Newsletter (which was just launched 3 hours ago). I wanted to share it with everyone because the situation 135 years ago is very similar to what is happening now. The solution then was not trying to convince decision makers using rational scientific […]

  • MIT’s Technology Review owes me and apology and a retraction

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 12th 2022 4:48pm EST

    On October 5, 2021, MIT’s Technology Review published a “hit piece” in an attempt to both discredit my reputation and support the false narrative that the vaccines are “safe and effective.” I’m publicly requesting that Tech Review do the right thing and retract their article or at a minimum admit that they published a false […]

  • Is the world’s best female skier, Mikaela Shiffrin, vaccine injured?

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 10th 2022 5:16pm EST

    My followers sure think so. Here are the first 69 votes, but the percentages tend not to change much over time. Apparently, I am not alone in thinking that her mishaps in the Olympics are due to COVID vaccine injury.

  • Sara Cody won’t lift her useless mask mandate

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 10th 2022 4:23pm EST

    I live in Santa Clara County and this is happening in my county. It’s likely happening in your County as well. Consider the following 14 minute (with questions) press conference where our universally despised public healthy official Sara Cody effectively announces (effectively), “we don’t care what the state is doing, I’m in charge here and […]

  • Sweden declares the pandemic is over

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 10th 2022 2:00am EST

    No more restrictions in Sweden. Other nations will follow. The article says: Unlike other Europeans countries such as France and Spain which imposed draconian lockdown rules, Sweden’s COVID-19 death rate is comparatively better and the country is exiting the pandemic while other nations are refusing to lift restrictions for at least months more. Also of […]

  • Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors get an earful from the public

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 9th 2022 6:30pm EST

    Summary Here’s the video of yesterday’s Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors meeting (Feb 8, 2022) regarding COVID-19 (3:36 through at 5:29): The meeting featured public health officer Dr. Sara Cody. Public testimony came from the Santa Clara firefighters and others in the community who are all outraged about the draconian measures instituted in Santa […]

  • VSRF call this week: Global Virology Expert, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 9th 2022 1:08pm EST

    Summary Global Virology Expert, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche believes the COVID-19 Vaccines are a unique danger to humanity. Find out more on our show this Thursday. Register for this week’s VSRF Weekly Call, this Thursday, February 10th at 7pm Eastern The global threat to humanity is from our response to the virus, not the virus […]

  • US Navy F-35 crash: Was it vaccine related?

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 9th 2022 1:51am EST

    Summary The COVID vaccines are basically being forcibly thrust upon our military and nobody is allowed to ask questions, challenge the safety of the vaccine, look at what’s inside the vaccine, or challenge the wisdom of discharging soldiers who refuse to be vaccinated. It is troubling that standard military procedures for vaccines are being bypassed […]

  • How you can help persuade the FDA committee not to approve Pfizer for kids under 5

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 8th 2022 10:20pm EST

    Pfizer’s 2 Shot Vaccine Regimen for Children under 5 yo. has shown zero efficacy Next Tuesday, February 15th, the FDA will vote to authorize Pfizer’s COVID vaccine for “emergency use” in children 6 months to four years old. That’s over 19 million kids in the United States who have almost zero risk from severe Covid. […]

  • DHS: Here is a list of top COVID misinformation spreaders you should investigate ASAP

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 8th 2022 4:42pm EST

    Summary DHS is getting tough on COVID misinformation spreaders, i.e., people who spread information that “undermines public trust in government institutions.” Since DHS has finite resources to pursue all these perpetrators, as a public service, I have created a list of what I believe are some of the country’s top misinformation spreaders. I sincerely hope […]

  • Mainstream media reports a vaccine death

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 8th 2022 2:19am EST

    The headline says it all. This is the first time I’ve seen anything in mainstream news that acknowledges that the vaccine could have killed anyone. However, I’m sure the CDC will “study” this before making a determination. Twitter will probably ban all tweets to this story as misinformation. Let’s see.

  • Dr. Byram Bridle and colleagues challenge Canada’s three top health authorities to a debate this Friday

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 8th 2022 2:06am EST

    Read this article from Byram’s Substack challenging Canada’s top health officials to a debate. COVID Chronicles Doctors Supporting the Freedom Convoy 2022 to Convene Public Scientific Forum I am absolutely thrilled to let you now that a public invitation has been issued to three of the top public health officials that have been driving the […]

  • Negative vaccine efficacy example in the UK

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 8th 2022 1:19am EST

    Summary This example shows that triple vaccinated people in the UK are more likely to be hospitalized, not less likely. In other words, the vaccines are doing the opposite of what the health authorities claimed. Mandating vaccination is actually making the problem worse, not better. The FOIA request Consider the following FOIA request from Feb […]

  • Over half the deaths seen by this funeral director appear to be vaccine-related

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 7th 2022 6:29pm EST

    I had a chat with Richard Hirschman, the funeral director who was interviewed by Jane Ruby on the Stew Peters Show. At nearly 800,000 views on Rumble alone, it is one of the most popular episodes in Stew Peters Show history. I was originally introduced to Richard via one of my contacts who is a […]

  • If the COVID vaccines really worked, you’d only need one shot

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 7th 2022 3:25am EST

    I’ve pointed out in previous posts that the COVID vaccines aren’t suitable for anyone; they are neither safe nor effective: they kill more people than they save and vaccine efficacy goes negative after 90 days making you more likely to be infected. Here’s another obvious telltale sign that we are being sold a solution that […]

  • Did the COVID vaccine cause Heather McDonald to collapse on stage?

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 7th 2022 1:43am EST

    Here’s the article on Heather McDonald suffering a skull fracture after fainting on stage during her act. Here are the 6 key facts you should know: She was vaccinated 3 weeks ago with a booster She has no history of fainting ever The doctors could find NOTHING wrong with her after she went to the […]

  • Vinay Prasad exposes flawed CDC mask study and more …

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 7th 2022 12:36am EST

    I’m combining a few smaller topics in this mega-post: UCSF Professor Vinay Prasad is the only person in the US mainstream medical community who is courageous enough to call out the latest CDC mask study as deeply flawed International Grand Jury starts hearing testimony Why choosing the J&J vaccine may be a mistake if you […]

  • Banned from Twitter (again)

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 6th 2022 11:53pm EST

    Twitter permanently removed my account again today, Feb 6 at 7:11pm PST. Basically, they don’t like people who post information that could cause vaccine hesitancy. You can follow me on: Substack GETTR Gab Telegram Even better, tell all your friends to follow me on Substack. The tweet that got me suspended Here is the tweet […]

  • Criminal investigation opened in Sonoma on vaccine injury

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 6th 2022 1:27pm EST

    This is breaking news. I will have more on this later, but wanted to get this out now. This post is in two parts: a message from Michelle Ford and then a supplementary statement from an unknown source which may not be credible, but certainly worthy of discussion. What is odd to me is that […]

  • How to “red pill” your friends

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 6th 2022 12:40am EST

    To red pill a friend is very difficult to impossible Before I show you the email I received, here’s a little background about red pilling people (i.e., to snap people out of their mass formation psychosis that the vaccines are safe and effective). I’ve talked to psychologists that tell me that to “red pill” someone […]

  • Cancers coming back with a vengeance is very common after the COVID vax

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 5th 2022 10:27pm EST

    The DMED database shows the rate of cancer is up by 3X after the COVID vaccines rolled out. See ACT OF WAR: Thanks to COVID “vaccines,” the military’s cancer rate has more than TRIPLED In talking with Ryan Cole about this, he believes this is primarily due to accelerating existing cancers (ones people already know […]

  • Whose advice on how to treat COVID is better? Mine or the CDC’s?

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 5th 2022 9:55pm EST

    There are some people, such as Allison Neitzel MD (Twitter and Instagram), who claim that I am spreading misinformation. After she messaged me over 5 dozen times on Instagram (watch this 2 minute Rumble video for proof of that), I tried to call her via Instagram in order to respond to all her messages. She […]

  • This medical data from the US DoD is explosive. Mainstream media has been ordered to ignore it.

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 5th 2022 1:46pm EST

    The letter On February 1, 2022, US Senator Ron Johnson sent a letter to DoD Secretary Lloyd Austin on February 1 highlighting the dramatic rise in adverse events reported in the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) after the vaccines were rolled out to the military. If the vaccines are truly “safe and effective,” these increases […]

  • My statement at the Feb 4 ACIP meeting

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 4th 2022 2:52am EST

    About ACIP ACIP is the outside committee that advises the CDC on vaccines. It is chaired by Stanford Professor Grace Lee. None of the ACIP committee members will talk to me. They ignore everything I send, including my offer to donate $1M to a charity of their choice if they would just answer my questions […]