• MIT does not want to entertain the possibility that they may have made a huge mistake

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 27th 2022 3:01pm EST

    I tried to give a talk about the science behind the COVID vaccines and mask wearing in the auditorium at MIT that I funded for $2.5M. No dice. They won’t let me talk there. They suggested I give the talk at a different university. Stephanie Seneff is not an MIT faculty member A lot of […]

  • Is science dead?

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 26th 2022 4:55am EST

    Twenty four years ago (in 1998), I donated $2.5M to MIT. They named the auditorium in the EECS building named in my honor: the Kirsch Auditorium, Room 32-123. I’ve never asked to speak in the auditorium until now. I wanted to give a talk at MIT about what the science is telling us about the […]

  • Ontario data shows vaccines aren’t preventing COVID infection

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 26th 2022 1:09am EST

    From the Ontario, Canada public health website: In January 2022, when it was clear that the vaccines made things worse, the health authorities should have told people “stop getting vaccinated, it is increasing your chance of getting COVID.” What did they do? They said nothing. Now the latest data shows that vaccination status makes no […]

  • The great debate: PolitiFact vs. “the world’s top misinformation spreaders”

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 25th 2022 9:59pm EST

    Recently, I got an email from PolitiFact’s Editor-in-Chief, Angie Holan, requesting I remove the recording of my conversation with their so-called “fact checker,” Gabrielle Settles who was doing a fact check on VAERS. I refused their request and then raised the stakes: I challenged PolitiFact a debate to settle the matter once and for all […]

  • If you live in Florida or Pennsylvania, please read ASAP

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 25th 2022 1:06pm EST

    Florida residents only An important bill in Florida that will protect doctors who speak the truth needs your help. If you live in Florida, we need as many people as possible to email the House Speaker and the House Health and human services committee.  We made it easy: this link emails them all. Please do […]

  • VSRF call today: Fighting university COVID mandates

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 24th 2022 3:27am EST

    Of all the absurd lockdown and mandate policies in the US over the past two years, none outshine what American colleges and universities are doing to their students. 18-21 year olds remain one of the least at-risk demographic groups for severe Covid impacts, including hospitalization and death…  CDC COVID Data Tracker …yet have to live […]

  • Think vaccines work?

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 23rd 2022 6:18pm EST

    In every category, the vaccinated did worse.

  • 27 page rebuttal letter from 8 industrial hygienists complaining about flawed CDC mask guidance

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 23rd 2022 1:54am EST

    Eight industrial hygienists wrote a 27-page letter to the CDC, NIH, and other top US government officials that points out serious flaws in the CDC mask guidance. The key points in their letter The letter starts out with: They made four key points : Recommending N-95 type masks is inappropriate for the general population and […]

  • New JAMA paper show Ivermectin blows the COVID vaccines out of the water

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 23rd 2022 12:50am EST

    Remember that “horse dewormer” that the FDA, CDC, NIH, CNN, and Sanjay Gupta all told you not to use? A new paper recently published in the Journal of the AMA (JAMA) shows that Ivermectin works way better than the COVID vaccine in keeping you from dying from COVID. This was an open-label randomized trial done […]

  • How rare are vaccine side effects? Not very rare at all.

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 21st 2022 3:31am EST

    This article, by Wall Street Journal staff writer Jenny Strasburg (see Covid-19 Vaccines Were Deadly in Rare Cases. Governments Are Now Weighing Compensation) says: Serious side effects so far have been very rare—estimated at roughly one to 11 per 100,000 doses for some of the more serious harmful reactions identified by regulators in the most-affected […]

  • CDC admits it withheld data from the public because they didn’t want to create vaccine hesitancy

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 21st 2022 12:37am EST

    Here’s the story on the CDC withholding data in the Gateway Pundit. But blue pill people only read The New York Times. OK, fine. CDC admits it withheld unfavorable data Here’s the story in the NY Times which says: Kristen Nordlund, a spokeswoman for the C.D.C., said the agency has been slow to release the […]

  • Bangladesh study proves masks don’t work at all

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 20th 2022 12:43pm EST

    The Bangladesh mask study written by scientists from Stanford and Yale is now published in Science!!! So now nobody in mainstream medicine can attack the study. The nice thing is the study showed that masks don’t work, but you’d never know it from reading the paper. You’d only know it if you saw the actual […]

  • Short takes: truckers, clinical trial fraud, Scotland data, …

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 20th 2022 2:38am EST

    Some short takes on hot topics right now. Truckers: Canada is using force to clear the truckers out of Ottawa. People who help the truckers have had their bank accounts frozen. Watch this video and look at the sidebar for more videos. They’ve arrested the organizers. This isn’t over. We’re next. The support for the […]

  • Handy excuse list for ignoring the “misinformation spreaders”

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 19th 2022 5:10pm EST

    Here’s my list of excuses used by people for not believing people and/or data that goes against the official narrative (collected over the past 6 months from multiple sources): Generic excuses I don’t want to read it. I don’t have time to read it. It was too long to read. There was a typo in […]

  • COVID “Myth Buster” series

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 19th 2022 4:48pm EST

    I’ve known Marc since shortly after I realized the vaccines were bad new. He recently wrote 9 articles for his COVID “Myth Buster” series. You can see all of these on his COVID Myth Buster Series substack. Here are a few: Safety (3) What happens to those billions of NanoParticles you’ve become host to?Two Fundamental Mechanisms […]

  • Yet another paper shows all-cause mortality risk>benefit for the COVID vaccines

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 18th 2022 7:41pm EST

    I just got a new paper from Stephanie Seneff and Kathy Dopp. From the abstract: As of 6 February 2022, based on publicly available official UK and US data, all age groups under 50 years old are at greater risk of fatality after receiving a COVID-19 inoculation than an unvaccinated person is at risk of […]

  • My interview with Dr. Byram Bridle

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 16th 2022 8:08pm EST

    I first met Dr. Byram Bridle on the CCCA call on May 26, 2021. He was on the call talking about a biodistribution report he got under FOIA from the Japanese government that showed that the vaccines weren’t staying in people’s arms, but creating spike protein all over people’s bodies. At the time I remember […]

  • This gym owner in Maui is one of my heroes

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 16th 2022 7:32pm EST

    I first met Paul Rogers, owner of Makena CrossFit in Maui, on October 15, 2021 in Maui. At the time he impressed me as an intelligent, well-informed business owner who was concerned about all the COVID restrictions on Maui. We’ve been in touch on-and-off since that time with occasional phone calls. This time Paul had […]

  • VSRF call this week: The vaccine injured

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 16th 2022 6:41pm EST

    In this week’s VSRF call, we focus on the vaccine injured. Register for Thursday’s call at 7pm Eastern here Is the vax dangerous for kids? Check out this VSRF produced video: IS the COVID Vaccine Dangerous For Kids? (rumble.com) The COVID vaccines have killed more people than they’ve saved. The risk benefit ratio is even […]

  • Is it time to invest in crypto?

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 15th 2022 10:02pm EST

    I’ve been absolutely appalled by what has been happening to people on the right side of the false narrative. People I know have had bank accounts closed (Mercola), accounts frozen (Jessica Rose), or money confiscated (Truckers and Ernest Ramirez). There are now fast and efficient alternatives to using legacy financial rails, but most people aren’t […]

  • See the CDC corruption for yourself

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 15th 2022 1:19am EST

    Check out this paper published in JAMA written by a bunch of CDC authors including my favorite CDC misinformer, Dr. John Su. It’s super popular. Over 500,000 views. Here’s the key paragraph: Furthermore, as a passive system, VAERS data are subject to reporting biases in that both underreporting and overreporting are possible.38 Given the high […]

  • Cary Watkins confirms embalmer Richard Hirschman’s story about the telltale blood clots

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 14th 2022 7:35pm EST

    Overview Cary Watkins has been embalming people for over 50 years I interview long-time embalmer Cary Watkins in a short 5 minute phone interview Watkins confirms Hirschman’s story about unusual blood clots that started happening after the vaccines rolled out Hirschman is seeing these clots in 65% of his cases making this a leading cause […]

  • I’ll be live on Charlie Kirk Show in 3 minutes

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 14th 2022 2:05pm EST

    Here’s the live link if you want to watch it live (the title is a bit odd).

  • Earn $2,500 if you can explain any of these medical mysteries

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 13th 2022 10:23pm EST

    Here are three medical mysteries that if you are the first to solve them with clear and convincing evidence, I will reward you with $2,500. The DoD medical database (DMED) showed significantly elevated rates for a large number of symptoms after the vaccines rolled out. However, once this was brought to the DoD’s attention, they […]

  • Fact checks fail to explain away the telltale blood clots found by embalmers after the COVID vax rollout

    Steven Kirsch - Feb 13th 2022 3:21pm EST

    I’ve written 4 Substack articles on embalmers and clots that started appearing after the vaccines rolled out: News today: Embalmers confirming most everyone are noticing these telltale clots since Jan 2021 (posted on a private chat with 14,000 embalmers) (Feb 11) Over half the deaths seen by this funeral director were likely caused by the […]