• Sweden decides against vax for kids 5 to 12

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 27th 2022 12:41pm EST

    Here’s the Reuter’s article on Sweden and the COVID vaccines: Sweden couldn’t find any benefit of the COVID vaccines since the rates of serious disease are so low. Here in the US, we can’t find any benefit either, but that doesn’t matter. In fact, the risk-benefit analysis is strongly negative. Here’s the risk benefit analysis […]

  • Hear from participants at the Stop the Mandates rally

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 25th 2022 8:55pm EST

    Hear directly from participants at the rally Defeat the Mandate rally speakers on Jan 23, 2022 Here is the victim video that was played at the march. Here is the panel the day after: Senator Johnson COVID-19 A second opinion panel on Jan 24, 2022

  • The best breathable facemask

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 25th 2022 7:24pm EST

    Note: This post is a special reward for all my paid subscribers. Part of this post is free, but the punchline is only available to paid subscribers. Face masks don’t work at all as I’ve written in previous posts: surgical, cloth, and N95 masks have proven to do absolutely nothing in large randomized trials or […]

  • Proof of asymptomatic spread?

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 25th 2022 12:28pm EST

    SurfAir is requiring me to be tested prior to their flights, even if I’m asymptomatic. I asked them for the scientific evidence of asymptomatic spread. You know, like a randomized trial that might look something like this: You have 20 groups of people who have tested negative on an antigen and PCR tests. You put […]

  • It’s time to end the mandates

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 24th 2022 11:32pm EST

    Boris Johnson recently declared an end to the COVID restrictions in the UK. He said, “We will trust the judgment of the English people.” Why can’t we do that in the US? Isn’t it time to trust the judgment of the American people? Whether you ask a red or blue pill person, it’s clear that […]

  • People who could help break the mass formation psychosis that the vaccines are “safe and effective”

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 24th 2022 9:09pm EST

    No single person on this list can single-handedly “break” the mass formation psychosis. This is just a list of people who can “move the needle” if they speak out and let people know that they haven’t been told the truth about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. Some of the people on my list […]

  • There is no masking requirement in the US Senate Building!

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 24th 2022 8:51am EST

    Apparently, there is no difference in the rate of COVID infections among the Republicans vs. Democrats in the Senate building. How do they explain that?? For those asking about the Senate hearing today, the livestream URL for the Ron Johnson hearing today is Livestream link is here.

  • Opportunity to debunk the primary people spreading “misinformation”

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 24th 2022 7:23am EST

    Senator Johnson will hold a hearing today Jan 24 at 9am to noon EST in the Senate building. This is an opportunity for any qualified pro-narrative scientist or doctor to debunk us all live. If you are interested in doing so, please email: [email protected] with your contact info and we’ll arrange to get you live. […]

  • My speech at “Defeat the Mandates” march today

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 23rd 2022 8:47am EST

    Intro: Steve Kirsch is a former high tech executive from Silicon Valley who left his job in order to devote full time to fighting the mandates.  Hi. I’m Steve. I am not a doctor. I’m worse. I’m an engineer with two degrees from MIT. I look at data. I make decisions based on what the […]

  • 100 questions they don’t want to answer

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 23rd 2022 1:40am EST

    Here’s a list of questions that you can ask your doctor, local, state, and federal lawmakers and health authorities. I haven’t had any luck getting any of these questions answered on camera so I can share the answers with you. Perhaps you will have better luck. There aren’t 100 questions here yet, but there will […]

  • 100 questions they don’t want to answer

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 23rd 2022 1:40am EST

    Here’s a list of questions that you can ask your doctor, local, state, and federal lawmakers and health authorities. I haven’t had any luck getting any of these questions answered on camera so I can share the answers with you. Perhaps you will have better luck. There aren’t 100 questions here yet, but there will […]

  • Nebraska protects healthcare providers from censorship by state medical boards

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 21st 2022 2:02pm EST

    Sit down. Prepare yourself. You will not believe what I am about to tell you. In Nebraska, they value freedom of speech for doctors and other healthcare providers If you are a doctor, you can prescribe ivermectin to a patient and you will not have your license to practice medicine revoked. Yes, that was not […]

  • Do you know why they NEVER want a live debate?

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 20th 2022 6:36pm EST

    Christine Massey writes this huge open letter to debate me (in this case about whether the virus has been “isolated.” I respond to her and I offer a live, 5 hour zoom call with all my experts so she can whip our collective asses in one meeting. If she’s done early, she can simply leave […]

  • Watch our latest vaccine victim video before Vimeo censors it

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 20th 2022 4:48pm EST

    Vimeo doesn’t want you to see this video we put together, so watch it now before it just “disappears” just like the vaccine victims. Vimeo is cooperating in the US government directed censorship of vaccine events. You are not supposed to know this. Please share widely.

  • My email to Congresswoman Anna Eshoo’s staff

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 20th 2022 3:28pm EST

    I will let you know if I hear back. I expect to hear Silence, just like in the video.

  • An Open Debate Challenge to the 270 “experts” who signed the Spotify letter challenging Robert Malone

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 20th 2022 1:29pm EST

    The challenge To the 270 scientists, medical professionals, professors, and science communicators who signed the letter to Spotify complaining about medical misinformation: We challenge every Professor and medical doctor (MD) who signed the Open Letter to a live recorded Zoom debate at 10am PST on January 28, 2021 for 3 hours. The purpose is to […]

  • Santa Clara County to mandate vaccination by Jan 24, 2022

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 20th 2022 3:27am EST

    Dr. Sara Cody is mandating that pretty much everyone involved in healthcare in Santa Clara County get boosted without citing a single study showing the long-term impact of her mandate. All the studies I’ve seen all show the opposite. WHERE’S THE SCIENCE SARA? My phone has been lighting up recently. People in healthcare are livid […]

  • True or false? Reuters “fact check” of the Denmark study showing negative VE

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 20th 2022 1:39am EST

    I wrote earlier about the Denmark study showing that vaccine efficacy against Omicron goes negative after 90 days: There is a Reuters “fact check” that says that the author claimed that the vaccines are fine and that the negative vaccine efficacy reported in the paper was simply due to a “bias.” Oh really??? Here’s why […]

  • The narrative is falling apart, piece by piece

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 19th 2022 2:07am EST

    Here are some narrative pieces that have been falling apart that were recently brought to my attention. Here are the four new truths: The vaccines make you more likely to get COVID: It was supposed to make things better, but we’re basically mandating you get a shot that makes you more likely to get infected. […]

  • Gavin Newsom tweeted he had Guillain-Barre after getting the booster

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 18th 2022 11:33pm EST

    I just talked to a friend of mine who mentioned that she follows Gavin Newsom and shortly after he got boosted, he tweeted he had Guillain-Barre. No doubt about it. He deleted the tweet soon after that. I was just wondering, does anyone else recall seeing his tweet? Just curious.

  • Testimony for Senate hearing Jan 24, 2022

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 18th 2022 10:01pm EST

    The pandemic response has been a disaster. Had the NIH simply responded to George Fareed and Bryan Tyson who had developed an effective early treatment protocol for COVID, this pandemic would be a complete non-event. The CDC could have simply advised doctors to prescribe the protocol for anyone with COVID symptoms. Instead, the complete range […]

  • My “name your price” offer to the members of the FDA and CDC outside committees

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 18th 2022 4:14pm EST

    It’s unfortunate that Congress isn’t holding the government agencies or the outside committees accountable for their actions. So the burden falls on the citizens of the US like me to hold the government accountable. Unfortunately, I lack jurisdiction over them to compel them to answer, so I must rely on incentives. Here’s the email I […]

  • Observations from an experienced nurse about the COVID vaccines

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 18th 2022 1:57pm EST

    Among all the vaccines I have known in my life (diphtheria, tetanus, measles, rubella, chickenpox, hepatitis, meningitis, flu, and pneumonia, and tuberculosis) I have never seen a vaccine that forced me to wear a mask and maintain my social distance, even when you are fully vaccinated. I had never heard of a vaccine that spreads […]

  • DEFEAT THE MANDATES…less than one week away!

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 18th 2022 2:52am EST

    If you are as pissed about what is happening in America as I am and you want to send a message to the lawmakers in Washington, DC, please register for our event in Washington DC by clicking the image below so we know how many people will be at the event! Starts at 11:30am at […]

  • My interviews with Stew Peters

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 17th 2022 8:22pm EST

    I love Stew Peters. He’s not afraid to talk about what is really happening in America. One of the topics we discuss is “why is this happening?” I think that there are multiple agendas here and not a single mastermind. I think most people involved are simply misguided and believe the vaccines are safe and […]