• Five nurses speak out about what is really going on in hospitals

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 17th 2022 6:50pm EST

    The nurses are from America’s Frontline Nurses. Hear first hand about the death threats, job dismissals, break ins, and shoddy treatment by the local police department. You’ll hear about how in the hospital patients were not fed for 9 days. You’ll learn why if you want to give a patient ivermectin it requires a court […]

  • Incriminating evidence

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 17th 2022 6:40pm EST

    A collection of evidence about the pandemic response. It is very important to educate all doctors. You can help us by bringing this document to your doctor’s attention. Ask her if she will help to clarify “misinformation” by discussing this evidence with us in a recorded video. We will be happy to compensate her generously […]

  • Troubling news from Germany, Washington DC, and Washington state

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 15th 2022 9:06pm EST

    The authorities are ramping up the pressure even more to get us to comply with what they want us to do “so that they can keep us safe.” How has the CDC guidance been working out? It’s obvious from this graph (which you won’t see on CNN): So when something isn’t working, what do you […]

  • Intracranial infection cases up 60-fold since vaccines rolled out

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 15th 2022 6:28pm EST

    A message from one of my followers. Sure, it’s an anecdote, but it is not an isolated incident. A 60-fold increase in intracranial infections (5/month vs. 1 per year). Nobody can figure out why. Only started happening after the vaccines rolled out. You won’t hear of this since the surgeons aren’t going to speak out […]

  • My exclusive 10 minute interview with Tony Fauci

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 15th 2022 12:50am EST

    OK, I didn’t really interview Tony. Here’s the idea. I hire Tyler Fischer who does a brilliant Fauci imitation to play Fauci in the “interview” scripted below. We promote it to go viral. The idea is to use humor to wake people up as this is one of the “tricks” to break the mass formation […]

  • The stunning increase in myocarditis rates after the vaccines rolled out

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 14th 2022 5:28pm EST

    I wrote this Tweet and it blew up really fast: over 100,000 views in the first 3 hours: Of course, there were many people who wrote something to the effect of “Um. Those are Google searches. That means people searching about it. It doesn’t mean anything.” Really?!? Nothing?!? I disagree. I think it does mean […]

  • Jessica Malaty Rivera says on CNN that Malone is spreading misinformation, but she won’t debate any of us

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 14th 2022 12:35pm EST

    Check this out. First watch this video clip of infectious disease expert Jessica Malaty Rivera on CNN claiming that Malone is spreading COVID misinformation: I then tweeted this in response to her tweet about the podcast: Jessica responded within minutes with her reply to my generous offer: Malone’s Rogan interview reached over 50 million people […]

  • Help us spread the word about Maddie de Garay and the Trusted News Initiative

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 13th 2022 3:54pm EST

    Here are a couple of videos that our team at VSRF have produced that I urge you to like and share with your networks. NBC says they are misinformation, but are likely to be effective (since they are true). Here’s the quote: Burgert warned these tactics could be effective. They even quote me in the […]

  • Robert Malone’s doctor had her license to practice medicine suspended

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 13th 2022 3:14pm EST

    Meryl Nass, who is a member of our team of scientists focused on spreading the truth about the COVID pandemic response, sent me an email 2 days ago: Here is what the board said: The Board concludes that the continued ability of Dr. Nass to practice as a physician in the State of Maine constitutes […]

  • How I would handle the pandemic

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 13th 2022 1:24pm EST

    The whole pandemic response has been absolutely ridiculous and indefensible. If you were to ask me for my advice (which nobody is going to do), it would be very simple: End all mandates, lockdowns, and stop all vaccines immediately. Only if there is safe, sterilizing vaccine that has been tested for over 2 years, and […]

  • Why Biden gets my vote as the worst President in US history

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 13th 2022 11:20am EST

    Biden’s approval rating has dropped to a new low of 33%. I think it’s going to go even lower. I think history will eventually judge him as the worst President in US history. Sure, Biden didn’t create COVID. But by enabling Fauci instead of firing him, he has turned a bad situation (COVID) into a […]

  • Meet Taylor Nichols, MD

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 13th 2022 11:07am EST

    Here’s Taylor Nichols’ Twitter profile: He’s an emergency medicine physician in Sacramento and co-founder of No License For Disinformation (NLFD), an organization dedicated to revoking the medical license of any doctor that tells the truth about the dangers of the vaccine, masking, and mandates. Basically, if you say anything against the narrative, NLFD will try […]

  • Do antigen tests work if you are asymptomatic?

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 13th 2022 1:38am EST

    Here’s what you need to know about antigen rapid tests: In general, each test brand will test for a specific antigen. They may or may not tell you which antigen they detect. Each brand has a different sensitivity. For low sensitivity tests, it will be fruitless to test if you are not symptomatic because it […]

  • Meet Dr. Ben Rein of Stanford University

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 13th 2022 1:17am EST

    First, read this article about an effort by a very small number of people to force Joe Rogan to never ask questions that could lead to an answer that doesn’t comport with their world view. Guess what the academic credentials of the guy who created the petition are? He’s a postdoc at Stanford in Psychiatry! […]

  • Everything you need to know about masks

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 13th 2022 12:13am EST

    Tyson Gabriel is the smartest guy I know when it comes to masks. He did an excellent video series on showing that masks don’t work which you can watch here: I spoke to him today and here are the key things you should know about masks. Cloth and surgical masks do absolutely nothing and N95 […]

  • Ernest Ramirez is our guest on Thursday’s VSRF call

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 12th 2022 10:59pm EST

    Please join us this Thursday, January 12th at 7pm Eastern for a Special VSRF Webinar with Ernest Ramirez Senior. He was a wonderful kid.  I was a single dad who never had a father.  Junior was a gift to me. When he was born, I took that on as a gift to me.  We did […]

  • New revelations in the US + what’s happening in Israel today

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 12th 2022 12:50pm EST

    I’ve said this many times before, the entire pandemic response has been an unmitigated disaster. If we had just told people about the Fareed-Tyson early treatment protocol back in March of 2020, COVID would have been a non-event: COVID hospitalization and death would be tiny. If you want to protect yourself from COVID, it’s simple […]

  • Top Israeli immunologist criticizes pandemic response in open letter

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 12th 2022 1:02am EST

    Professor Ehud Qimron (center) at Tel Aviv University (Haaretz) A top Israeli immunologist, Ehud Qimron who leads Tel Aviv University’s Department of Microbiology, has gone on the record in a candid message to the Israeli Ministry of Health: it’s time to call out what a growing number of experts inherently already know—the complete eradication of […]

  • Marc Girardot launches his substack

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 11th 2022 3:06pm EST

    My good friend Marc Girardot launched his substack a week ago entitled “Covid Myth Buster News.” Here are his most recent two articles that I think are worth checking out: Part 1 – A Broken Promise to Our Elderly… he shares why those most in need of a vaccine have been let down Part 2 – Much Ado […]

  • Who is the real misinformation spreader: RFK Jr or Sanjay Gupta?

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 11th 2022 2:53pm EST

    Have a look at this letter from RFK Jr. to Sanjay Gupta that first appeared on April 16, 2020 in which RFK Jr. defends his position on vaccines after being attacked as a misinformation spreader by CNN. It turns out that RFK Jr. was right At the time he wrote that article, he had no […]

  • Pope Francis calls for widespread vaccination

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 11th 2022 1:39pm EST

    The Washington Post reports: In a sweeping speech on the pandemic and other global issues, Pope Francis on Monday called for widespread vaccination in all countries and suggested the global coronavirus response was being complicated by “baseless information or poorly documented facts.” Countries that have widely used vaccines, the pope noted, have seen a reduction […]

  • Very clear thinking from an RCMP officer who is now on unpaid leave

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 11th 2022 1:44am EST

    Corporal Richard Mehner, has served in the RCMP for 21 years. He was forced to resign over the vaccine mandate. He penned an excellent letter explaining how he felt. I wanted to share a snippet with you because it puts everything into perspective: basically, the death rate hasn’t changed at all because people are dying […]

  • The California legislature is showing the nation what not to do

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 11th 2022 1:27am EST

    Five bad California State Legislature bills Here are five bills on the table in the current session of the California legislature. Wow. If you had to make a list of the worst possible 5 bills to pass, I don’t think you could do any better than this list: COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for K – 12 […]

  • Letter to the Washington State Board of Health

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 11th 2022 12:52am EST

    Here’s a link to Margaret Anna’s letter to the Washington State Board of Health which meets on January 12, 2022 to discuss issues like Proposed Policies to Involuntarily Detain People in a Quarantine Facility & Mandate COVID Vaccination in Schools. Her letter is long and comprehensive. You can adapt it to your local situation. Or […]

  • Pfizer CEO says two Covid vaccine doses aren’t enough for Omicron

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 11th 2022 12:09am EST

    What the Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said Here it is… an article in the mainstream media where the Pfizer CEO admits that the vaccine doesn’t work against omicron. He said a third shot will provide protection, but added that it wasn’t clear how long the protection will last. What the Pfizer CEO did not say […]