• Dr. Shankara Chetty on what is really going on

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 10th 2022 2:30pm EST

    This is an interview of Dr Shankara Chetty of South Africa. He’s successfully treated thousands of patients with COVID, saving them from hospitalization and death. I thought he did a great job of explaining what is going on here which is why the video has nearly 150,000 views so far. I don’t personally agree with […]

  • “80% of airline pilots aren’t going to take the booster”

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 10th 2022 2:08pm EST

    I interviewed Latane Campbell who is a pilot for a major US airline. Watch it on Rumble: Key points: He knows about 100 pilots and 80% are not going to take the booster. They’ll quit if they are forced to take it. Virtually all of the pilots know that masks are completely useless. The pilots […]

  • Has the virus been isolated? Yes.

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 9th 2022 5:43pm EST

    I didn’t major in virology in college, so I rely on expert opinions of people who I trust and they all tell me that the virus has been isolated which means you can photograph it (above) and physically buy it (at ATCC and EVAg)and, if you have a BSL3 lab, expose it to animals and […]

  • If the vaccines are “safe and effective,” then why do they need liability protection?

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 9th 2022 3:36pm EST

    I’m sure you’ve all been wondering, if the vaccines are so safe and effective, then what’s the scientific reason that vaccine manufacturers need liability protection whereas other products (including drugs) don’t need that? Here is the complete scientific rationale justifying the liability waiver: < this space intentionally left blank> The history of vaccines and the […]

  • Early treatment book is now available on Amazon

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 9th 2022 2:27pm EST

    COVID is a very treatable disease if it is treated early using an early treatment protocol. There are lots of such protocols that are highly successful. This new book documents one such protocol. Since March of 2020, Brian Tyson and George Fareed, two physicians with impeccable credentials, have been treating COVID patients of all ages […]

  • New big data study of 145 countries show COVID vaccines makes things worse (cases and deaths)

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 9th 2022 12:13am EST

    The next time you see you county health officer, President Biden, or Boris Johnson why not ask them if they can find a mistake in this study by Kyle A. Beattie entitled Worldwide Bayesian Causal Impact Analysis of Vaccine Administration on Deaths and Cases Associated with COVID-19: A BigData Analysis of 145 Countries (the PDF […]

  • Have you seen Schizer’s latest TV ad?

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 8th 2022 10:22pm EST

    I never thought I’d see the day. A totally honest TV ad from a major drug company. Watch it now. This has earned a spot on my humor page.

  • 56 German doctors cite 7 excellent arguments against mandatory vaccination

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 8th 2022 9:31pm EST

    Here’s what a group of 56 German doctors wrote to the German Parliament (use Google Translate to read it in English). These doctors are very smart and their arguments are excellent. All their arguments are based on science and make perfect sense. They are consistent with the positions of thousands of scientists in Austria, Switzerland, […]

  • The best case scenario

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 8th 2022 4:03pm EST

    100% vaxxed. 100% remote and quarantined. All members must be vaccinated and tested BEFORE they can enter the station. Guess what happened? 2/3 got infected with COVID. But don’t worry. It isn’t serious. This is a perfect example of how well vaccines work. For more info, see this tweet or read this article “Antarctic station […]

  • Over 1,000 studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals say the vaccines are dangerous

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 8th 2022 3:51pm EST

    Here’s a link to over 1,000 studies published in peer reviewed medical journals documenting the risks of the COVID vaccines. Hmmm…. Shouldn’t these be part of informed consent? If you have any blue pillers who you are trying to persuade, ask them if they’ve read any of the studies and have them explain to you […]

  • There are 3,142 public health officers in the US. Can you name one who follows the science?

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 8th 2022 3:37pm EST

    <this space intentionally left blank>

  • UK ITU Doctor Confronts UK Health Secretary about Mandatory Vaccinations

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 8th 2022 2:03pm EST

    The UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid is confronted with facts from an Intensive Therapy Unit (ITU) doctor Steve James. Dr. James told the Health Secretary that his ‘natural immunity’ after contracting coronavirus was far superior to any booster. That is what the science says. It’s unambiguous. Dr. James is absolutely right. However, Javid, who has […]

  • Mandatory vaccination coming soon in Marin. Your town is next.

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 8th 2022 1:27pm EST

    Here is synopsis of Marin Health meeting from 2 nights ago (from a parent). Basically, the public health officers do whatever the hell they want, they refuse to answer questions from the audience, and none of this is based on solid science, and nobody can stop them. Welcome to 2022. Coming to your town soon […]

  • An open letter to the Austrian Parliament from retired Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Diether Schönitzer

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 8th 2022 12:56pm EST

    Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Diether Schönitzer, a blood specialist, weighs in on the proposed Austrian Covid 19 mandatory vaccination law planned for February 1, 2022. Below, I’ve translated the original comment to make it easier to read. Basically, he says the vaccines harm people and shouldn’t be mandated. He calls out experts who look the […]

  • Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan Announces Defeat the Mandates – March on Washington: Jan. 23

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 8th 2022 2:31am EST

    American Homecomimg @dchomecoming Dr. Robert Malone announces DC Rally on January 23 on Joe Rogan today! Happy New Year! Join us! DefeatTheMandatesDC.com #DoNotComply December 31st 2021 1,640 Retweets3,689 Likes Our goal is to demand new policies to eliminate the state sanctioned discrimination by vaccination status. We will begin at the Washington Monument at 11:30am and […]

  • Jan 23, 2022 is free speech day for doctors and other healthcare providers

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 8th 2022 1:51am EST

    Mass formation can continue only so long as the authorities can censor the truth tellers. What has allowed this nonsense to continue for so long is three-fold: Trust in authority. People trust their doctors Restricting the free speech of medical authorities. The 30% of doctors who have “broken the code” and realize the COVID interventions […]

  • El Camino Hospital CMO admits that 57% of their hospitalized COVID patients are fully vaccinated

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 7th 2022 7:58pm EST

    In an internal memo sent by El Camino Hospital CMO Mark Adams to hospital staff, he disclosed three things that nobody is supposed to know and that the mainstream press is just never going to cover. But hey, I’m not in the mainstream press, so I will cover it. Here are the three key admissions: […]

  • We can’t depend on the US Supreme Court to figure this out

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 7th 2022 7:20pm EST

    Check out this article: During oral arguments on the Biden administration’s mandate on private businesses for employees to be either vaccinated or frequently tested, Sotomayor drastically overstated the number of young people who have fallen severely ill from coronavirus. “We have hospitals that are almost at full capacity with people severely ill on ventilators. We […]

  • There is no stopping condition

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 7th 2022 1:48pm EST

    Remember Jacob Clynick, the 13-year old from Minnesota who died of cardiac arrest on June 20, 2021, just 3 days after his second Pfizer shot? I sent an email to everyone at the CDC who was involved in the investigation of his death asking them what the stopping condition was for these vaccines. How many […]

  • Welcome to the new normal: 13-year-olds dying from cardiac arrest

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 7th 2022 4:24am EST

    Before the COVID vaccines, cardiac arrest = very rare Before the COVID vaccines, it was very rare for a healthy 13-old-year to die from a heart attack. After the COVID vaccines, cardiac arrest = not so rare Now, with the rollout of the COVID vaccines, it is becoming commonplace. Remember Jacob Clynick, the 13-year old […]

  • What to do if you child gets infected with COVID

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 7th 2022 2:24am EST

    Dr. DeMello in India has treated over 12,000 patients. If the patients are treated early, he’s had zero hospitalizations and zero deaths. Notice how there is no mention of early treatment protocols such as the Fareed-Tyson Protocol? That’s because the CDC says they don’t work. Has the NIH, CDC, or FDA ever contacted Dr. DeMello? […]

  • Australia shows the world the wrong way to keep the virus under control

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 7th 2022 1:55am EST

    It’s hard to find a country that takes COVID more seriously than Australia. Their strict protocols are producing “extraordinary” results (spoiler alert: I’m being sarcastic). They are super strict about COVID with measures that include: mandatory vaccinations, mandatory mask use requiring the unvaccinated to isolate at home, Density limits at indoor areas of hospitality venues […]

  • Hospital tacitly admits that their vaccination mandate was NEVER about patient safety

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 6th 2022 2:48pm EST

    Today I wanted to acknowledge Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego for their tacit admission that the vaccine mandates were never about patient safety. Here’s a screenshot of messages sent between a nurse at the hospital who was terminated for not getting the vaccine (in grey) and another nurse (in green). Today, the nurses at […]

  • ICYMI: CDC just published a paper that admits that VAERS is underreported by at least 6.5X

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 6th 2022 11:04am EST

    It’s hard to keep up with all the data coming out of the CDC, but I try my best. And sometimes, you strike gold every now and then. Here’s one such paper that was brought to my attention by Dr. David Wiseman. It was written by authors from the CDC and FDA. So you can […]

  • How to tell if someone famous died from the vaccine

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 6th 2022 2:10am EST

    This isn’t a definitive methodology, but it usually gets the right answer. Telltale signs include: Person was recently vaccinated. Company the person works for recently enforced vaccination or face job loss. The person is young with no health conditions. The cause of death is not revealed or unknown (or is cardiac arrest, bleeding in the […]