• How Dr. Brian Tyson “persuaded” CVS to fill his ivermectin prescriptions

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 6th 2022 1:41am EST

    I talked to Brian Tyson today. He says life is good in Twitter heaven. Brian was permanently banned from Twitter on December 20; apparently, Twitter believes that doctors who save people from dying from COVID using early treatments are a danger to society. Here’s Pierre’s tweet about it: I asked Brian if he was getting […]

  • Milestone: Over 1M adverse event reports in VAERS from the COVID vaccine

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 5th 2022 10:42pm EST

    On the Dec 24, 2021 release of the VAERS data, we passed an important milestone: over 1M adverse events reported in VAERS. Oddly, the mainstream media didn’t cover this at all. I just can’t figure out why. In short, these vaccines have more adverse reactions than all vaccines combined in the 30 year history of […]

  • How did India control COVID?

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 5th 2022 10:28pm EST

    On Thursday, January 6th @7pm EST, I’m going to talk with one of the leading Indian frontline doctors treating tens of thousands of patients with Early Treatment protocols.  An American citizen who practiced here in the US for decades, Dr. Darryl DeMello is pro-vaccine and pro-early treatment.  I’ll be asking softball questions like: You’ve treated […]

  • Gaslighting from the WHO

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 5th 2022 2:07pm EST

    Here’s the WHO Facebook post of November 23, 2021: Here are a few of the comments: Gerald Rogers  (883 likes) This is what propaganda looks like… and look at This is what propaganda looks like… and look at the 8,500 comments of people who share story after story after story of serious to lethal side […]

  • How to verify for yourself that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the COVID vaccines

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 5th 2022 3:42am EST

    Executive summary This is the data we use in our computation: Known rate of anaphylaxis from JAMA paper published on March 8, 2021: 2.47 per 10,000 doses (A) Number of people who had at least one dose before April 1: 97.5M (see below) (B) Number of anaphylaxis cases on dose 1 in VAERS before April […]

  • There are now 4 myocarditis cases at Monte Vista

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 5th 2022 1:41am EST

    I’ve written earlier about Monte Vista Christian school. I just heard that there’s another case of myocarditis at the school, so now there are now 4 cases in 285 vaccinated boys (estimate), bringing the incidence rate to 1 in 70, assuming all the cases are boys. This is not rare. This is a disaster. Furthermore, […]

  • Booster efficacy (or lack thereof) visualization

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 4th 2022 3:36am EST

    One thing that the vaccine mandates seem to accomplish is to make it easier for the virus to infect you and to prolong the pandemic. This of course is exactly the opposite of what we are being told. This video provides a nice visualization of the effect of the booster shots over time. I’m not […]

  • My interview with Dr. Ted Kreitzman

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 4th 2022 1:21am EST

    We live in a new world. It’s not about science anymore. It’s about following policy. My most recent interview is with Dr. Ted Kreitzman who is an anesthesiologist in Arizona for 29 years. He’s already had COVID so he’s no risk to anyone. But he’s locked out of working anywhere based on hospital policy at […]

  • Why Dr. James Thorp is a hero, but will soon lose his license to practice medicine forever

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 3rd 2022 6:41pm EST

    Last night, January 2, I had the honor to interview Dr. James Thorp, an ObGyn Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist in Gulf Breeze, Florida who has chosen to honor his duty to his patients and tell them the truth about the safety of the COVID vaccines. The full Thorp interview can be found here. Here’s the […]

  • Unprecedented: Deaths in Indiana for ages 18-64 are up 40%

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 3rd 2022 10:22am EST

    Start by reading this story, “Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64.” Read the whole thing now. Note: In the event this story “disappears” from view, I kept a backup. You can’t be too careful nowadays. This is big. Really big. And I’m not the only one that thinks […]

  • If you work at an insurance company, I need your help ASAP

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 3rd 2022 8:41am EST

    I think I found a way to end the debate about vaccine safety. It turns out, the stats from insurance companies are devastating. If you work at an insurance company, I need your help ASAP. Please read this article. Thanks.

  • Pandemic of the unvaccinated?

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 2nd 2022 2:32pm EST

    You can see it for yourself: vaccination drives hospital admissions. For more info, see the full Analysis by Joel Smalley My survey of healthcare providers Also, see my survey of healthcare providers where I asked the same question. Click the image below to get the full PDF, including what they said about myocarditis rates. In […]

  • The differences in censorship methods used in US today vs. China

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 2nd 2022 1:05pm EST

  • How Elsevier manipulates peer-reviewed science to match the narrative

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 2nd 2022 4:18am EST

    Jessica Rose and Peter McCullough wrote a paper on myocarditis rates caused by the vaccine. It was published in the journal “Current Problems in Cardiology.” And then, for no reason at all, the publisher of the Journal, Elsevier, caused it to just “disappear” for no reason. Here is the PubMed link. Here’s the paper in […]

  • The misinformation from the CDC keep on coming

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 2nd 2022 3:23am EST

    Sometimes, the crap coming out of the CDC is too egregious to ignore and litigation is required to fix it. This is one such case. And credit goes to Del Bigtree, ICAN, and Aaron Siri for both doing the analysis and threatening legal action if they don’t withdraw the paper. This is what I meant […]

  • How bad is my batch?

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 2nd 2022 2:24am EST

    Did you get a jab from a “bad batch?” There are two ways to find out: Option 1: Created by Craig Paardekooper How Bad is My Batch Option 2: Created by Albert Benavides “How To” video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/lAd325e6nF6n/ Dashboard: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/alberto.benavidez/viz/WelcomeTheEaglesVAERSDashboardDec24/LotSearch Are these sites accurate? I haven’t written about this because some people who I rely on […]

  • How Google manipulated “Mass formation psychosis” search results after the Malone interview

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 2nd 2022 12:16am EST

    I recorded this on video just now for everyone to see how we are being manipulated. Google has hand manipulated the “mass formation psychosis” search results so that a YouTube video from a gamer who knows nothing at all about the topic is ranked #3 in the search results. The comments on that video are […]

  • My secret plan to end the vaccine madness

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 1st 2022 6:27pm EST

    There is no one thing that ends the madness. Each activity contributes to moving the ball forward. The good news is that people in healthcare are getting really upset now and many are sacrificing their jobs to speak out. So I think this will end sooner than later. As always, our biggest “convincer” is the […]

  • Five things you might be able to help me with that could make a huge difference

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 1st 2022 2:21pm EST

    A very short list of things you might be able to help me with. If you can help me with just one person, that can be extremely valuable. The first item is the easiest. Ask a healthcare provider you know who believes in free speech to join a special substack. If you know any healthcare […]

  • Dr. Robert Malone hits it out of the park on Joe Rogan today

    Steven Kirsch - Jan 1st 2022 1:20am EST

    Right before my friend Dr. Robert Malone left on a plane for Austin for his Joe Rogan interview, he was permanently de-platformed from Twitter. He had 512K followers. He may have lost 512K followers, but with Joe Rogan interview he’ll likely reach 100X as many with a 3 hour message. It wouldn’t surprise me if […]

  • Is Omicron putting kids in the hospital?

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 31st 2021 2:17pm EST

    Consider this December 31 Bloomberg story, Kids’ Covid Hospitalizations Hit Record in U.S. Omicron Surge: The story reads: Pediatric Covid-19 hospitalizations have risen to record levels as omicron races across the U.S., amplifying the urgency to get boosters and vaccines cleared for children.  While the variant so far doesn’t appear more severe than other versions […]

  • Proof of bozos at the CDC, NY Times

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 31st 2021 3:38am EST

    Summary For 5 to 11 year-olds, the numbers in the CDC report translates into a death rate than is 10X higher than a sane stopping condition. The myocarditis rates in boys are 6X normal. The CDC report is more evidence that the vaccines should be stopped immediately. I just saw this NY Times headline, “Covid […]

  • One person in the US may have died from Omicron

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 30th 2021 10:54pm EST

    On my weekly vaccine team call, I asked the group the question, “How many people in the US have died from Omicron?” Everyone thought it was zero. Two deaths worldwide from Omicron. It’s panic time. They were wrong. Apparently there might be one death, but it isn’t clear if they were killed by Omicron itself […]

  • Myocarditis rates in kids is “off the charts”

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 30th 2021 2:49pm EST

    I just read a comment on my private “healthcare providers only” substack. A 150X elevation in rate of myocarditis, but nobody will learn of it since cardiologists aren’t going to speak out for fear of retribution His comment was a private conversation he had with a pediatric cardiologist. The cardiologist is never going to say […]

  • I need a “red pill” forensic pathologist near Oneida, NY to do an autopsy on Dec 30

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 29th 2021 8:43pm EST

    Send me your ideas in the comments. Please do not clutter up the comments with speculation. I need names and phone numbers of people who are willing and able to drop everything and do this. Please help me out and verify they can do it before submitting the name. More on this later. For now, […]