• VSRF weekly call features Ryan Heath

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 29th 2021 7:59pm EST

    This week we’re going to have Arizona Attorney Ryan Heath, Founder of The Gavel Project for the full hour to walk us through what’s happening with all the vaccine mandate litigation and how the Supreme Court’s big decision in January could impact not only our economy but also our basic liberties. The Gavel Project is […]

  • NEW: I’m posting a few hours before I trigger the email notifications… not a bug

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 29th 2021 12:41pm EST

    Several people wondered why they haven’t gotten my recent posts in their email. This is not the fault of your email provider; this is just a new style for me. Here’s the story… I often write posts at 10pm to 3am PST. Normally, I’d set publication for the next morning. I’ve switched to: publish immediately […]

  • 360X increase in the rate of adenopathy after vaccination

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 29th 2021 5:27am EST

    I can’t say much more than this because the radiologist is a sole breadwinner and doesn’t want to lose his job. I note this result so that others can be aware of this. The biopsy of these cases all revealed there was no metastatic disease, no lymphoma, and it was “non-specific.” So for now, an […]

  • How the game is really played

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 29th 2021 5:12am EST

    To: World leadersFrom: Tony FauciSubject: Ground rules for the health and safety of the world NEVER allow a proper autopsy by people who are capable of making a vaccine determination. If an autopsy can’t be avoided, make sure the coroner is under staffed, lacks the proper skills and tests, and doesn’t have the time to […]

  • Over 10,000 vaccine deaths in South Korea shortly after vaccination

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 29th 2021 4:06am EST

    Today’s story comes via my friend Sid Mehta who worked for me at Mouse Systems nearly 40 years ago. He sent me this Zerohedge article which appears not to have gotten much attention by the mainstream media in the US for some reason… I can’t imagine why. It it details over 10,000 deaths shortly after […]

  • Was Jean-Marc Vallée killed by the vaccine?

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 29th 2021 2:38am EST

    A lot of relatively young people are dying of heart attacks. Let’s start first with an Editor of The New York Times, a newspaper which is never going run a story that implicates the vaccine no matter how obvious it is. Carlos Tejada dies at 49. NYT doesn’t talk about he died 1 day after […]

  • Was Omicron a natural evolution of the virus? Or did it come from a lab?

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 28th 2021 10:17pm EST

    One of my followers, The Space Worm, just posted an interesting article entitled, “Omicron Origin: How Is This Not Being Discussed?” The gist of it is that: It looks like Omicron is man-made and that Four diplomats from China came to Botswana to spread Omicron so it would “look like” it originated in Botswana. Let […]

  • Fact checking Professor Glen Pyle’s fact checks

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 28th 2021 10:01pm EST

    Unlike most fact checkers, Glen Pyle actually has legitimate credentials. I first ran into Glen after my friend Professor Byram Bridle was attacked for his views by Professor Pyle and others at the University of Guelph. Pyle and others at the university, when challenged to debate the facts, refused to respond. Apparently, they can dish […]

  • How the Biden administration could end vaccine hesitancy in just 4 hours (if they wanted to)

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 28th 2021 7:45pm EST

    Debate us. I’ve asked the FDA yet again. They (again) ignored the offer.

  • How you can help us end the vaccine madness for just $25

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 28th 2021 5:13pm EST

    I’m funding a study at UCSF that is being done by Professor Aditi Bhargava. Her study will proactively contact people and find out what the ACTUAL adverse event rates are for all symptoms. No more guesswork. I’m writing this to invite you to join me in funding her study. Professor Bhargava spoke at the Ron […]

  • A rare opportunity to reset your immune system if you’ve already been jabbed

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 28th 2021 4:35pm EST

    If you’ve been reading my substack, you know that every time you get jabbed, you damage your immune system even more. Basically, the COVID vaccines are bad news and you should avoid them at all costs. Getting “boosted” will work for 30 days, but then leave you with an immune system that is even worse […]

  • Evidence of harm in children caused by the vaccines

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 28th 2021 4:09pm EST

    He is looking for papers he can cite showing any of the following: COVID-19 vaccines are not safe in children The risk-benefit ratio is completely upside down for children. More children will die from COVID-19 vaccines than will be saved He already knows about: the Kostov paper the Toby Rogers risk-benefit analysis (my commentary; Toby’s […]

  • Why is Japan crushing COVID?

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 28th 2021 12:45pm EST

    I cannot recall a time in American history where the medical boards would go after you for prescribing an approved drug off-label for a condition that is supported by over 60 positive studies and multiple peer-reviewed systematic reviews and meta-analyses which is the highest level of evidence-based medicine. Can you? Is there a cost-benefit analysis […]

  • Bhakdi/Burkhardt pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 28th 2021 12:03pm EST

    Summary The vaccines are bad news. Fifteen bodies were examined (all died from 7 days to 6 months after vaccination). The coroner or the public prosecutor didn’t associate the vaccine as the cause of death in any of the cases. However, further examination revealed that the vaccine was implicated in the deaths of 14 of […]

  • My conversation with Al Ozonoff: Round 2

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 28th 2021 12:28am EST

    As I wrote in my article on mass formation, there are basically 3 types of people: Red pill: see what is really going on Blue pill: see what they are told to see (“in the matrix”) People “in between” Al is a #3. He can be convinced, but requires “traditional” methods. For example, he believes […]

  • What really happened at Simpsonwood and why it matters today

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 27th 2021 11:35pm EST

    If you read my story about RFK Jr. and how he became an anti-vaxxer, it mentions the Simpsonwood transcripts. There is a book, “Evidence of harm” that talks about what happened there in detail. Some people think the author wasn’t sure who was telling the truth. That’s not true. The book author takes an objective […]

  • Estimated 1 in 95 boys diagnosed with myocarditis in a California private school

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 27th 2021 9:32pm EST

    According to this Reuters Fact Check published a few days ago, Dr June Raine, chief executive of Britain’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), said that myocarditis and pericarditis remain a “very rare potential risk” with Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Seriously?!? A rare potential risk, eh? Are you kidding me?!? Look, just because she […]

  • America’s doctors and nurses should be allowed to share their experiences without censorship or intimidation, right?

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 27th 2021 8:46pm EST

    Executive summary Restricting the free speech rights of healthcare workers is a terrible idea. But that’s what we have today. If you disagree with the government, you can get fired or have your license revoked. This doesn’t lead to the best outcomes. If you are a healthcare worker who believes that free speech is important, […]

  • Congress survey Part II results!

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 26th 2021 12:17pm EST

    I’ve updated the original article to include the results (so far) of the survey. There is both good news and bad news. Good news: There is some intelligent life in the House. Bad news: Only 21 people called of the 68,000 who read the article. Nobody will set a number of kids that are killed […]

  • How an experienced medical professional deals with evidence that goes against his belief system

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 26th 2021 12:15am EST

    Today, December 25, I sent my friend Dr. Cohen a message with a link to an article “More VC Nurses Blow Whistle on ‘Overwhelming’ Numbers of Heart Attacks, Clotting, Strokes” which describes what is really going on in hospitals. Here’s an excerpt: “It has never been this busy, and none of it is Covid-19,” Dana […]

  • Good news: WHO approves Novavax

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 25th 2021 8:08pm EST

    ICYMI: On December 17, the WHO has granted the Novavax vaccine Emergency Use Approval. The Novavax vaccine was granted emergency use authorization in November in Indonesia, the first country to do so, and was soon followed by the Philippines. The company has also filed with the U.K. and the European Medicines Agency, with plans to […]

  • LinkedIn has banned me for life for making 3 truthful comments

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 25th 2021 5:34pm EST

    LinkedIn is the sole judge, jury, and executioner of what constitutes “misleading or inaccurate” information and whether you violate their user agreement. They can terminate you at any time, for any reason. You have no recourse. Because I made 3 truthful, accurate statements that some people at LinkedIn considered to be misleading or inaccurate, my […]

  • Vaccine humor page

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 25th 2021 11:47am EST

    CAUTION: Everything here is humor. Once you’re dead from taking all the poisonous vaccine, you won’t ever have to worry about catching COVID again. “It’s beginning to look a lot like genocide, everywhere you go…”

  • Yet another independent study confirms over 150K Americans killed by the COVID vaccines

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 24th 2021 11:29pm EST

    A new independent study using analysis of excess deaths showed that our estimate of the number of excess deaths was consistent with what they found. Here are some quotes from the paper: Results from fitted regression slopes (p<0.05 FDR corrected) suggest a US national average VFR of 0.04% and higher VFR with age (VFR=0.004% in […]

  • VSRF call today: Meet Maddie’s mom, Stephanie de Garay

    Steven Kirsch - Dec 23rd 2021 5:11pm EST

    Join our call this Thursday, December 23rd @7pm Eastern with Stephanie de Garay, mother of vaccine injured Pfizer trial participant Maddie de Garay. Register at www.vacsafety.org A few days ago, I wrote that despite being a past mega-donor to the Democrats, I now realize they don’t share my core values anymore. Steve Kirsch’s newsletter OK, I […]