• Activists block trams in protest of ‘climate change’

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 9th 2019 5:00pm EDT

    On Friday, a group of left-wing activists decided to blockade a busy tram intersection in Melbourne’s CBD in protest of ‘climate change’. Being my curious self, I decided to ask them if they saw the irony in their “protest” action. Their answers were hilarious, as usual. I also approached some bystanders who “just wanted to […]

  • Bolshy Boris To Die In A Ditch?

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 9th 2019 8:22am EDT

    Do you trust polling agencies to come up with the right answer? Can they be trusted? Check out more here – https://www.tr.news/bolshy-boris-to-die-in-a-ditch/

  • Bolshy Boris To Die In A Ditch?

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 9th 2019 8:22am EDT

    The never-ending drama of the political tug of war being played out in Parliament puts Eastenders to shame. But is bolshy Boris to die in a ditch in the next episode? Polling Accuracy Politicians and media outlets have used polling agencies to test the political temperature of the UK when it comes down to Brexit, […]

  • Geert Wilders Speaking Truth To Power

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 9th 2019 3:30am EDT

    Geert Wilders speaking plainly about the state of Brexit and the European Union Check us out here – https://www.tr.news/geert-wilders-speaking-truth-to-power/

  • Geert Wilders Speaking Truth To Power

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 9th 2019 3:29am EDT

    Tommy Robinson has some very influential political friends here in the UK and abroad. Today’s video showcases Geert Wilders speaking truth to power. In an age of political correctness and the centralised legislative powers of the European Union, Geert Wilders talks in plain and uncomplicated terms. He provides unambiguous thoughts on the state of Brexit, […]

  • WATCH: Chinese man confronts me about Hong Kong

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 8th 2019 2:55am EDT

    I was in Melbourne’s CBD covering another story when a proud Chinese man approached and confronts me about my latest video on “China and Hong Kong”. So I put the same questions to him as I did to the others I had interviewed in that video; his answers were even worse. WATCH & SHARE our […]

  • WATCH: Climate Change Protest Flop in Melbourne

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 6th 2019 6:20pm EDT

    Yesterday, leftwing protestors promised to “disrupt the entire Melbourne CBD” in a protest against climate change. But it was a major flop. Football-goers attending a big game at the MCG were being warned of mass delays due to the climate activist group, Extinction Rebellion, taking over the city. It turned out to be less than […]

  • David Lammy And Revolutionary Race-Baiting Relativism

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 6th 2019 4:14pm EDT

    Social cohesion is always something we should work towards, but is David Lammy and revolutionary race-baiting relativism the key to achieving that goal? There’s Absolute Truth, And Then There’s David’s Truth The Labour MP for Tottenham is, of course, the one and only David Lammy. David has come under fire many times by courting what […]

  • Is The Judicial System Protecting Muslim Rapists?

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 6th 2019 7:50am EDT

    Tommy Robinson being imprisoned for reporting on Muslim child rapists may have woken some journalists from their slumber. Is the judicial system protecting Muslim rapists? Restricting The Truth Journalism has come under fire; the latest case and conviction of Tommy Robinson perfectly highlights this issue. For those few journalists who want to report the news […]

  • BREXIT Battle: Second Court Backs Boris

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 6th 2019 4:54am EDT

    Boris recently lost a vote in the House of Commons as he attempted to squash a bill that would delay our exit from the European Union. The Brexit civil war wages on. Such Drama A week in politics can seem like a lifetime in this current remoaning climate. The Anti-Brexit Parliamentarian globalist lobby sought to […]

  • Calls For General Election

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 6th 2019 4:51am EDT

    Boris Johnson calls for a general election, does Labour have the bottle to follow through and get that done? Check us out here – https://www.tr.news/the-brexit-civil-war-wages-on/

  • Matthew Wright – Not A Friend Of The White Working Class

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 5th 2019 2:26pm EDT

    For more info check us out here – https://www.tr.news/wright-or-wrong-or-just-plain-lazy/

  • Off His Head Bonkers – Matthew Wright Live TV Meltdown

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 5th 2019 2:25pm EDT

    For context check this article out – https://www.tr.news/wright-or-wrong-or-just-plain-lazy/

  • Wright Or Wrong Or Just Plain Lazy?

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 5th 2019 2:25pm EDT

    Matthew Wright, former presenter of “The Wright Stuff”, chipped in on Twitter to proclaim his virtuous unobtainable morality just like any TV/Radio presenting “celebrity”. Is he wright or wrong or just plain lazy? The Virtues Of Blue Badge Celebrity Having the blue badge against your name on Twitter is empowering and self-aggrandising for some, to […]

  • Victorian Police Sexually Harassed by Immigrants

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 4th 2019 10:00pm EDT

    Half of Victorian women Police Custody Officers (PSO’s) have complained about being sexually harassed at work. Acting assistant commissioner for Victoria Police, Lisa Hardeman, blames ‘hyper-masculine’ culture for the shocking statistic of sexual harassment on Melbourne’s transit police. VIDEO ABOVE: In a cringe-worthy interview, Lisa Hardeman told 3AW’s Neil Mitchel, it’s because of the masculine […]

  • UK Parliament Votes Down No Deal BREXIT

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 4th 2019 6:47am EDT

    Yet again the traitorous class rebelled against democracy. A Parliamentary majority in the House Of Commons voted against a No Deal Brexit. But will that even matter? Democracy dies when left-wing demagogues demand the Brexit referendum be ignored. The will of the British people who overwhelmingly voted to LEAVE the European Union have been misrepresented […]

  • House of Lords to Save Boris & No Deal Brexit?

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 4th 2019 6:46am EDT

    Parliament voted to stop a “No Deal Brexit” but will it succeed? Check us out here – https://www.tr.news/the-traitorous-class-rebelled-against-democracy/

  • Black Van Man Interviews Danny Tommo

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 4th 2019 3:27am EDT

    The venue is Portsmouth – Black Van Man Interviews Danny Tommo. We don’t need to say too much in this introduction other than letting the video’s speak for themselves. Thanks, blessings and respect to Black Van Man for taking the time to do what mainstream media does not. Citizen journalism is the future, its the […]

  • Domestic Terrorists Arrested for Assaulting Straight Pride Event

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 3rd 2019 2:22pm EDT

    Grand Marshal Milo Yiannopoulos leading the straight pride event in Boston. See more here – https://www.tr.news/what-is-offensive-about-straight-pride/

  • What Is Offensive About Straight Pride?

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 3rd 2019 2:15pm EDT

    Milo Yiannopoulos lead as the Grand Marshal of the first annual straight pride event in Boston USA. It didn’t go down too well with a particular ideological demographic, so what is offensive about straight pride? Countering The Counter Culture It is often noted that the “counter-culture” was born out of left-wing activism, maybe that is […]

  • LGBTQ Agenda “Educating” Young Children

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 3rd 2019 5:12am EDT

    The LGBTQ agenda with the help of British politicians have now made LGBTQ relationships a mandatory part of the school curriculum for primary school age children from September 2020. To find out more check this out – https://www.tr.news/how-muslims-object-to-the-lgbtq-curriculum/

  • How Muslims OBJECT To The LGBTQ Curriculum

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 3rd 2019 5:12am EDT

    From September 2020 ALL school curriculums will require pupils from primary school age to learn about LGBTQ relationships. Today we take a look at how Muslims object to the LGBTQ curriculum. Freedom To Object? As a “so-called” functioning democracy where “freedom of speech” is supposed to reign supreme, everyone should have the right to voice […]

  • What do Chinese people think of the Hong Kong protests?

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 3rd 2019 2:52am EDT

    Over the weekend, protesters in Melbourne took to the state library in support of Hong Kong. But not everyone was there to support the cause. WATCH & SHARE what happened when I asked the Chinese communists in the crowd what they think. Please consider supporting our work: Bitcoin Ethereum Bitcoin cash Stellar Donate Bitcoin to […]

  • WATCH Antifa try hijack Hong Kong rally

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 1st 2019 7:49am EDT

    Yesterday in Melbourne, Antifa ‘socialists’ tried to hijack the free Hong Kong rally. WATCH & SHARE what happened next. I was interviewing organisers of the free Hong Kong rally when self-proclaimed anti-fascists interrupted. They told my interviewees not to continue as I am a Nazi, fascist, racist and work with Blair Cottrell. None of the […]

  • Tommy Robinson: The Financial Terrorism Continues

    Tommy Robinson - Sep 1st 2019 7:40am EDT

    Going to court and fighting your case takes up a lot of time and money to defend yourself. Today we look at how the financial terrorism continues to pressure Tommy and his family. If you are a Muslim terrorist, you have the legal winds behind you, supporting you all the way. The state will throw […]