• TruNews Headlines – February 11, 2020

    TruNews - Feb 11th 2020 3:14pm EST

    More than 1,000 have died from coronavirus, but expert warns it could get much worse if not contained. New Hampshire Primary is now underway. Abbas forced to drop UN resolution condemning Deal of the Century due to lack of support. Top Iranian official says his country is looking for a “pretext” to “raze Tel Aviv […]

  • China Virus Crisis: Will Coronavirus Destroy Communist Party?

    TruNews - Feb 10th 2020 5:02pm EST

    China Virus Crisis: Will Coronavirus Destroy Communist Party?

  • TruNews Headlines – February 10, 2020

    TruNews - Feb 10th 2020 3:45pm EST

    Despite record-breaking single-day death toll, China loosens coronavirus restrictions. New Hampshire Democrats would rather be hit by a giant meteor than see President Trump re-elected. Joe Biden calls a voter an ugly name. Rudy Giuliani says he has proof of Biden corruption in Ukraine. Political tensions worsen across the U.S. AI-powered drone explores mystery cave […]

  • Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Maps Underwater Labyrinth

    TruNews - Feb 10th 2020 3:39pm EST

    Namibia’s mysterious “Dragon’s Breath Cave” is underneath the Kalahari Desert. The depth of the cave is unknown, but many say it could be more than 100 yards deep. That makes it impossible for human divers to explore. Now a group of researchers from Texas say they’ve done it using an autonomous drone called SUNFISH. SUNFISH […]

  • Cruise Ship with Suspected Coronavirus Cases Docks in New Jersey

    TruNews - Feb 7th 2020 7:00pm EST

    A Royal Caribbean cruise ship with 12 quarantined Chinese passengers exhibiting symptoms of the Wuhan Pneumonia coronavirus docked Friday morning in Bayonne, N.J. Anthem of the Seas arrived in port at approximately 6 a.m. EST and was immediately met by several ambulances and CDC officials. All passengers in quarantine were Chinese nationals. The ship had […]

  • Flu Frenzy: Panic Buying Empties Asian Store Shelves

    TruNews - Feb 7th 2020 5:23pm EST

    Flu Frenzy: Panic Buying Empties Asian Store Shelves

  • Elon Musk’s Neuralink Gets an ‘Awesome’ Upgrade

    TruNews - Feb 7th 2020 4:18pm EST

    Tech billionaire Elon Musk’s plan to turn humans into cyborgs—Neuralink—just got an “awesome” upgrade, he says. He unveiled the brain-to-computer interface last year. Now, he’s showing off how the interface will be connected directly to the brain. This will be done by connecting thousands of flexible “threads” that are no bigger in diameter than a […]

  • TruNews Headlines – February 7, 2020

    TruNews - Feb 7th 2020 4:13pm EST

    Coronavirus is prompting demands for more freedom of speech in China. China’s fifth-largest city now placed on lockdown as death toll continues to climb. Presidents Trump and Xi discuss outbreak. Number of coronavirus cases on Diamond Princess cruise ship soars. NYC park security boots “creepy” coronavirus-detecting robot. Palestinians wounded in clashes with IDF. Russia claims […]

  • Coronavirus vs. 1918 Spanish Flu: Side-by-Side Comparison

    TruNews - Feb 6th 2020 7:00pm EST

    The last major worldwide pandemic that claimed the lives of millions of people was the 1918 Spanish Influenza outbreak. The establishment media has been quick to call those who try to compare China’s reaction to the coronavirus to the methods employed 102 years ago “conspiracy theorists.” Well, judge for yourself with this side-by-side comparison using […]

  • Chinese Anger Growing Over Government Mishandling of Coronavirus Outbreak

    TruNews - Feb 6th 2020 6:00pm EST

    Despite Beijing’s best efforts to slap a hopeful face on the coronavirus outbreak, public sentiment is turning toward anger over the communist government’s inability to contain the outbreak. The monthlong string of bad days for the Chinese government took a serious nosedive early Thursday when it was discovered the doctor who tried in vain to […]

  • Impeachment Fallout: President Trump Rips Speaker Pelosi at Prayer Breakfast

    TruNews - Feb 6th 2020 5:10pm EST

    Impeachment Fallout: President Trump Rips Speaker Pelosi at Prayer Breakfast

  • New ‘Space Race’ Launched, Destination Moon and Mars

    TruNews - Feb 6th 2020 4:07pm EST

    A new space race is brewing, but not the kind we saw in the 1960s between the United States and the Soviet Union. The U.S., China, Russia, and the European Space Agency have all announced plans for permanent moon bases. Between 1968 and 1972, America launched nine missions to the moon, six of which successfully […]

  • TruNews Headlines – February 6, 2020

    TruNews - Feb 6th 2020 3:58pm EST

    Rising coronavirus threat has turned not just Wuhan, but Beijing, into ghost towns. Doctor who tried to warn the world about the outbreak has reportedly died of the coronavirus. Republican files ethics complaint against Nancy Pelosi for ripping up State of the Union speech document. With Iowa Caucus count nearly concluded, DNC chair calls for […]

  • President Trump Begins Post-Impeachment Era

    TruNews - Feb 6th 2020 11:57am EST

    Speaking to the nation from the White House for the first time since the historic impeachment acquittal, President Trump will address how his administration will move forward from this bureaucratic black eye and how he plans to ensure a witch hunt of this magnitude never happens again. Earlier in the day the President spoke at […]

  • Financial Flu: Coronavirus Quickly Sickens Global Economy

    TruNews - Feb 5th 2020 5:43pm EST

    Financial Flu: Coronavirus Quickly Sickens Global Economy

  • NASA’s Parker Solar Probe Shatters Its Own Record

    TruNews - Feb 5th 2020 3:50pm EST

    NASA’s Parker Solar Probe just broke two of its own records—as the fastest-moving human-made object and the closest to the sun. The probe was moving 153 thousand miles per hour and got to within 12 million miles of the sun. In 2024, the probe will eventually get close enough to “touch” the sun.

  • TruNews Headlines – February 5, 2020

    TruNews - Feb 5th 2020 3:40pm EST

    President Trump and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi disrespect each other at State of the Union. Democrats attempt to disrupt the president’s speech. President rallies nation for a “Great American Comeback.” Iowa Democratic Caucus results still not fully released and establishment Dems are worried about Joe Biden’s electability. Chinese pastor urges worldwide body of Christ to […]

  • LIVE UPDATES: Senate Voting on Trump Articles of Impeachment

    TruNews - Feb 5th 2020 3:00pm EST

    3:45 p.m. EST UPDATE — Here is a partial transcript of Sen. Mitt Romney’s Senate floor speech in which he said he will vote to convict President Donald Trump: “The President withheld vital military funds from that government to press them to do so. The President delayed funds for an American ally at war with […]

  • Iowa Democratic Debacle: Is Trump Running Against a Bunch of Zeros?

    TruNews - Feb 4th 2020 5:48pm EST

    Iowa Democratic Debacle: Is Trump Running Against a Bunch of Zeros?

  • Robots Join China’s Fight Against the Coronavirus

    TruNews - Feb 4th 2020 4:09pm EST

    Chinese hospitals are overloaded. Not only that, but healthcare workers face new dangers. Chinese hospitals are addressing those issues with robots.

  • President to Give ‘Great American Comeback’ State of the Union Address

    TruNews - Feb 4th 2020 4:00pm EST

    President Trump will give his annual State of the Union Address to a joint session of Congress tonight beginning at 9 p.m. EST. Ahead of the speech, White House Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley told FOX News the speech will focus on the “Great American Comeback”: “This speech tonight is about the great American comeback. […]

  • TruNews Headlines – February 4, 2020

    TruNews - Feb 4th 2020 3:34pm EST

    Iowa Caucus suffers major malfunction for Democrats. World-renowned biowarfare expert says coronavirus was weaponized. China pushing the spin cycle through its state-run media outlets. Rush Limbaugh announces cancer diagnosis. Iran war drums beating louder, but CENTCOM chief says U.S. doesn’t want a fight. Robots go to work in coronavirus epicenter. TikTok temporarily bans Live Action […]

  • Bioweapons and Coronavirus: Symptoms of New Cold War

    TruNews - Feb 4th 2020 11:57am EST

    In this special report, TruNews correspondent Edward Szall explores the connection between the Coronavirus epidemic and China’s biological warfare program, and how some may be using this virus to infect geopolitics with the spores for a new cold war. Mentions in the report include Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, Keding Cheng, Dr. Peng Zhou, Dr. Dany Shoham, […]

  • LIVE UPDATES: 11 Dems Vie for First 2020 Delegates in Iowa

    TruNews - Feb 3rd 2020 9:00pm EST

    ORIGINAL REPORT — The first step in the presidential nominating process is now underway in Iowa as Republicans and Democrats both gather in homes, churches, schools, and even local businesses to hold their party precinct caucuses. For Democrats, there’s a lot at stake. Although Iowa gets less than 1 percent of the total delegates at […]

  • Coronavirus Plus HIV: Was the China Virus Weaponized?

    TruNews - Feb 3rd 2020 5:18pm EST

    Coronavirus Plus HIV: Was the China Virus Weaponized?