• TruNews Headlines – January 30, 2020

    TruNews - Jan 30th 2020 4:06pm EST

    Coronavirus declared a global health emergency. First human-to-human transmission of the disease reported in the U.S. Researchers say they’re developing a vaccine, but it may take up to a year to get one to patients. John Bolton videos torpedo his current claims of Ukraine quid pro quo. Israeli police boost presence at Temple Mount following […]

  • Chinese Officials Struggle to Gain Control Over Coronavirus

    TruNews - Jan 29th 2020 6:00pm EST

    With nearly 7,200 confirmed cases of the Wuhan Pneumonia coronavirus and 162 deaths reported around the world, Chinese officials are now finally acknowledging they face a bigger epidemic than the 2002-03 outbreak of SARS. The governor of the Hubei province, of which Wuhan is the largest city and seat of government, called the situation “particularly […]

  • Plagues and Pestilences: Jesus is Coming to Bundle and Burn the Wicked

    TruNews - Jan 29th 2020 5:15pm EST

    Plagues and Pestilences: Jesus is Coming to Bundle and Burn the Wicked

  • TruNews Headlines – January 29, 2020

    TruNews - Jan 29th 2020 3:37pm EST

    Airlines and nations are suspending air traffic to China over coronavirus fears. Republicans claim Democrats leaked Bolton manuscript to force his testimony. West Virginia governor encourages “Vexit” over Second Amendment and pro-life concerns. Pentagon ramps up hypersonic missile development to counter China. Israeli company will use drag queens in their Super Bowl ad. FOX stonewalls […]

  • President’s Lawyers Conclude Their Arguments to Senate

    TruNews - Jan 28th 2020 6:00pm EST

    President Donald Trump’s impeachment defense lawyers have concluded their opening arguments to the Senate, opening up a process whereby senators can ask their own questions of both sides while they consider calling their own witnesses. Much like the first day of their presentation, lead attorney Jay Sekulow and White House Counsel Pat Cipollone needed very […]

  • Trump’s Plan: Does it Offer Hope or Surrender Terms to Palestinians?

    TruNews - Jan 28th 2020 5:27pm EST

    Trump’s Plan: Does it Offer Hope or Surrender Terms to Palestinians?

  • TruNews Headlines – January 28, 2020

    TruNews - Jan 28th 2020 3:44pm EST

    President Trump announces his “Deal of the Century” Middle East peace plan. Coronavirus fears sparking shortage of medical supplies in the U.S. President’s legal team is wrapping up their arguments. University’s app sparks privacy concerns for students. Paula White under fire for prayer. Teen’s determination to save newborn lives pays off. Doc Burkhart and Kerry […]

  • LIVE: President Trump Unveils Peace Plan

    TruNews - Jan 28th 2020 12:12pm EST

    LIVE: President Trump Unveils Peace Plan

  • Impeachment Trial Day Five: President’s Attorney Continue Destroying Democrats’ Arguments

    TruNews - Jan 27th 2020 7:00pm EST

    Day Five of the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump was a lot more of the same from his attorneys, who have been systematically destroying all of the Democrats’ arguments for his removal from office. Saturday, in an abbreviated preview of their arguments, the president’s lead attorneys argued that: • Disagreeing with the president on […]

  • Messiah Complex: Lev Parnas Delivered Chabad Lubavitch Gift to “Messiah Trump”

    TruNews - Jan 27th 2020 5:28pm EST

    Messiah Complex: Lev Parnas Delivered Chabad Lubavitch Gift to “Messiah Trump”

  • TruNews Headlines – January 27, 2020

    TruNews - Jan 27th 2020 3:46pm EST

    Coronavirus continues to spread around the world. Experts are alarmed at how contagious it is. Did China steal the virus from Canada and weaponize it? Impeachment trial continues with calls for John Bolton to testify. President Trump’s lawyers destroyed Democrats’ arguments in just two hours. Deal of the Century is about to be unveiled. Taliban […]

  • TruNews in Davos: Frail George Soros Denounces President Trump and Predicts Revolutions and Wars in 2020s

    TruNews - Jan 24th 2020 5:22pm EST

    Today on TruNews we discuss the predictions of war and revolution made by infamous billionaire revolutionary George Soros and Historian Yuval Harari. We also address the Coronavirus epidemic and and the guillotine protest in San Juan, Puerto Rico, where we exclusively report a jacobin connection to Democratic socialist U.S. presidential candidate Bernie “off with their […]

  • TruNews Headlines – January 24, 2020

    TruNews - Jan 24th 2020 3:50pm EST

    Coronavirus outbreak worsens. China rushes to build emergency hospital. Republicans losing patience with House Democrats’ impeachment argument. Rudy Giuliani ready to drop evidence on the Bidens. DOJ confirms Carter Page surveillance warrants were obtained with sufficient evidence. President Trump says he’ll release Deal of the Century peace plan by Tuesday. Iowa dad rips Elizabeth Warren […]

  • TruNews in Davos: Is Kushner Linked to MBS Hacking of Bezos’ Phone?

    TruNews - Jan 23rd 2020 5:28pm EST

    Today on TruNews we discuss what may be behind the mysterious cancelation of Jared Kushner, Avi Berkowitz, and Brian Hook from the bipartisan and internationally attended holocaust remembrance forum in Israel. We also address how it could be tied to the alleged conspiracy by Mohammed bin Salman to spy on Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos […]

  • TruNews Headlines – January 23, 2020

    TruNews - Jan 23rd 2020 4:00pm EST

    House Democrats may be turning off anti-Trump Republicans with their coverup claims. Lindsey Graham wants Joe Biden to answer questions about his son, China, and Ukraine. Rand Paul invites the president to his own impeachment trial. President Trump shares viral video mocking impeachment and Adam Schiff. Three Chinese cities now quarantined due to coronavirus epidemic. […]

  • China Announces Quarantine for Wuhan as Thousands Rush to Escape City

    TruNews - Jan 22nd 2020 6:00pm EST

    Thousands have swarmed the airport and rail station in the Chinese city of Wuhan as officials prepare to impose a long-distance travel ban in a bid to contain the coronavirus outbreak that originated there. State-run media outlet CCTV announced Wednesday evening that more than 550 people have been infected by the virus—all but a handful […]

  • TruNews in Davos 2020: Putin’s Rabbi Reveals Trump Peace Plan Details to TruNews

    TruNews - Jan 22nd 2020 5:18pm EST

    Today on TruNews we share an exclusive interview with Russia’s chief rabbi Berel Lazar from the sidelines of the 2020 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. We also discuss President Trump’s comments about the witch hunt impeachment trial, Ivanka Trump’s “inoperable learning record” proposal, and Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff’s answer to the radical socialists who […]

  • TruNews Headlines – January 22, 2020

    TruNews - Jan 22nd 2020 5:11pm EST

    TruNews Headlines – January 22, 2020

  • Trump Impeachment Trial Begins, Fireworks Immediately Ensue

    TruNews - Jan 21st 2020 8:00pm EST

    The impeachment trial of President Donald Trump is now underway in earnest in the Senate—and fireworks immediately ensued. The partisan bickering began just before the start of the day’s impeachment proceedings when Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) used his morning speech to make it clear he’s not going to allow any Democrat shenanigans: “Today, we […]

  • First Case of ‘Wuhan Pneumonia’ Reported in U.S.

    TruNews - Jan 21st 2020 6:00pm EST

    The deadly new virus related to SARS originating from China is spreading beyond the city where it first broke out. Six people are now dead and more than 300 have been infected. The outbreak has been linked to a seafood market in Wuhan in the central part of the country, where about 200 cases have […]

  • TruNews Covers President Trump at Davos 2020

    TruNews - Jan 21st 2020 4:19pm EST

    Today on TruNews we report live from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland and discuss President Trump’s speech to world and business leaders. We also address the Senate impeachment trial and the peaceful 2nd Amendment rights rally in Richmond, Virginia. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall.

  • TruNews Headlines – January 21, 2020

    TruNews - Jan 21st 2020 4:05pm EST

    President Trump’s impeachment trial begins in earnest. While Democrats try to destroy him at home, the president slammed eco-warriors like Greta Thunberg at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Project Veritas drops new video of Sanders staffer talking use of guillotines. China’s coronavirus outbreak is rapidly spreading. Iranian lawmaker puts bounty on President Trump’s head, […]

  • One Arrested at Virginia State Capitol ‘Lobby Day’

    TruNews - Jan 20th 2020 5:00pm EST

    Thousands of people gathered outside the Virginia State Capitol on Monday to protest blackface Gov. Ralph Northam and the Democrats’ efforts to grab guns and curtail their Second Amendment-protected rights. The event was originally planned as the Virginia Citizens Defense League’s annual Lobby Day at the statehouse. However, in light of public outrage over Democrats’ […]

  • Tom Luongo: U.S. Entering Meltdown Stage

    TruNews - Jan 20th 2020 4:44pm EST

    Today on TruNews host Rick Wiles speaks with Tom Luongo, Publisher of the Gold, Goats’N Guns newsletter. We discuss the political stress boiling over in America as President Trump‘s impeachment trial begins, and the real story behind Russian President Vladimir Putin’s government wide shakeup. We also address the endless quantitative easing being pumped into the […]

  • TruNews Headlines – January 20, 2020

    TruNews - Jan 20th 2020 4:18pm EST

    Second Amendment supporters peacefully gather at the Virginia State Capitol to protest Democrats’ gun control bills. Senate prepares for the start of impeachment trial. U.S. and Russian soldiers were in a standoff in northern Syria. After weeks of calm, Hong Kong protests become violent again. North Korea replaces its top diplomat. U.S. general says North […]