• In Syria, the War of Hunger Is Taking Over from the War of Guns, by Patrick Cockburn

    The Unz Review - Mar 20th 2021 8:32pm EDT

    Great dollops of hypocrisy invariably accompany expressions of concern by outside powers for the wellbeing of the Syrian people. But even by these low standards, a new record for self-serving dishonesty is being set by the Caesar Civilian Protection Act, the new US law imposing the harshest sanctions in the world on Syria and bringing… […]

  • MRNA: Pure, Unalloyed Evil, by Mike Whitney

    The Unz Review - Mar 20th 2021 4:47pm EDT

    Imagine if you were a software billionaire who believed the world was sliding inexorably towards an apocalyptic climate disaster. So, you earnestly pore through all the latest research and analysis and discover that shutting down the global economy, however dramatic, would not be enough to achieve your goal of zero carbon emissions. So you begin… […]

  • USA V. America, by Eric Striker

    The Unz Review - Mar 20th 2021 7:47am EDT

    Another respected veteran, now labeled a domestic terrorist, has been caught in the FBI’s “1/6” dragnet — the largest criminal investigation in the history of the Justice Department. Jeffrey McKellop, a former Green Beret, gave 22 years of his life up to serve his country. His government is thanking him by threatening to take 20… […]

  • “With Terror and Slaughter Return”—Asian Americans’ Problem Is NOT “White Supremacy”, by John Derbyshire

    The Unz Review - Mar 20th 2021 6:17am EDT

    [Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through VDARE.com] OK, it’s obvious to everyone that the world has gone mad. My helpful suggestion: Kipling explained it all 102 years ago in a poem titled “The Gods of the Copybook Headings.” There’s a reading of it on my personal website. I start off by… […]

  • There Are More Socialists Than Democrats or Republicans. We Should Act Like It, by Ted Rall

    The Unz Review - Mar 19th 2021 10:32pm EDT

    American leftists find themselves at a tactical crossroad. Will the 39% of Americans (and more than half of those under 30) who steadily oppose capitalism stand up for themselves? Will socialists, progressives, communists, leftist anarchists and leftist libertarians boldly fight to build a movement, thus inspiring other allies of the working class to join the… […]

  • Do We Not Have Enough Enemies?, by Pat Buchanan

    The Unz Review - Mar 19th 2021 12:00am EDT

    Asked bluntly by ABC’s George Stephanopoulos if he believes Russian President Vladimir Putin is “a killer,” Joe Biden answered, “Uh, I do.” Biden added that he once told Putin to his face that he had “no soul.” Biden also indicated that new sanctions would be imposed on Russia for the poisoning of dissident Alexei Navalny… […]

  • An Open Letter to President Putin, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - Mar 18th 2021 8:32pm EDT

    Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov responded to Biden’s unacceptable characterization of Russia’s president as a killer by stating that Biden had made it clear that “he doesn’t want to normalize relations.” In the Kremlin does hope burn eternal? It has been obvious to me for many years that Washington does not want normal relations with Russia… […]

  • Who’s Miseducating America’s Elites?, by Eric Striker

    The Unz Review - Mar 18th 2021 11:32am EDT

    As American academia finishes transitioning into an even more intellectually repressive nightmare, talented professors are quitting and the value of a college education has plummeted. Ivy League schools naturally set the tempo for less prestigious colleges. Gender ideology and critical race theory begins to metastasize once the factories churning out tomorrow’s elites institutionally embrace such… […]

  • Uncle Shmuel Is Truly Brain Dead…, by The Saker

    The Unz Review - Mar 17th 2021 5:48pm EDT

    By now, you have all heard it. Here is the official transcript: GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Director of National Intelligence came out with a report today saying that Vladimir Putin authorized operations during the election to under — denigrate you, support President Trump, undermine our elections, divide our society. What price must he pay? PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN:… […]

  • Washington Has Resurrected the Specter of Nuclear Armageddon, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - Mar 17th 2021 5:48pm EDT

    During the 20th century Cold War with the Soviet Union, there were US Soviet experts who were concerned that the Cold War was partly contrived and, therefore, needlessly dangerous. Stephen Cohen at Princeton University, for example, believed that exaggerating the threat was as dangerous as underestimating it. On the other hand, Richard Pipes at Harvard… […]

  • Brazil’s Lula in a Wilderness of Mirrors, by Pepe Escobar

    The Unz Review - Mar 17th 2021 1:17pm EDT

    A surprising Supreme Court decision that, while not definitive, restores Lula’s political rights has hit Brazil like a semiotic bomb and plunged the nation into a reality show being played in a wilderness of shattered mirrors. At first, it looked like three key variables would remain immutable. The Brazilian military run the show – and… […]

  • The Lockdown, the Vaccine, and the Corruption Endemic in Modern Democracy, by Andrew Anglin

    The Unz Review - Mar 16th 2021 11:47pm EDT

    We’ve got some new information about Pfizer, the pharmaceutical company that has designed one of the deadly coronavirus vaccines from The Intercept’s Lee Fang. He’s gotten ahold of internal documents, which were intended for investors. Currently, Pfizer claims that you need two injections of the “vaccine” in order for it to work. However, Fang has… […]

  • America’s National Humiliation by Eurasia, by Max Parry

    The Unz Review - Mar 16th 2021 8:32am EDT

    As American economic power continues to decline, a division has emerged within the U.S. political establishment as to which of its designated adversaries is to blame for the country’s woes — Russia, or China. The dispute came to a head during each of the last two presidential elections, with the Democratic Party first blaming Moscow… […]

  • Who and What Killed George Floyd?, by Pat Buchanan

    The Unz Review - Mar 16th 2021 12:00am EDT

    Friday, as the jury was being empaneled for the trial of fired police officer Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis City Council voted 13-0 to approve a record $27 million civil settlement with the family of George Floyd over his death in police custody. The jury will not likely miss this message sent by the city fathers:… […]

  • The Intellectually Superior Perpetual Victim Again on Display, by Philip Giraldi

    The Unz Review - Mar 16th 2021 12:00am EDT

    Those who have followed developments in the Middle East would likely agree that Israel covers up its war crimes and other human rights violations by regularly invoking its own victimhood. Whether the subject is U.S. aid to the Jewish state or media coverage of the illegal expansion of Israel into the West Bank, one will… […]

  • Is Josh Hawley the Compromise? Prospects for A (Teddy) Roosevelt-Type Right In America, by James Kirkpatrick

    The Unz Review - Mar 15th 2021 12:32am EDT

    Earlier (July 2019): Will Senator Josh Hawley Be MAGA 2.0? It’s a good sign when the Regime Media have their knives out for one politician. It means they are afraid—in this case, of Missouri’s Senator Josh Hawley. Hawley was one of the few Republican senators who fought for President Trump following the disputed election. However,… […]

  • American Pravda: Covid-19, Its Impact and Origins After One Year, by Ron Unz

    The Unz Review - Mar 15th 2021 12:00am EDT

    Winston Churchill famously observed that in wartime the truth must be surrounded by a bodyguard of lies. Many of my own long and most controversial articles have followed a somewhat analogous presentation, with the opening sections that sometimes run hundreds of words or longer often being rather innocuous or even somewhat off-topic. These are intended… […]

  • The Biden-Noem Smackdown: “Imposter” Joe Meets Kristi “The Lionhearted”, by Mike Whitney

    The Unz Review - Mar 14th 2021 12:02pm EDT

    Did you catch Biden’s speech on Thursday? I did. I foolishly thought Biden would use the opportunity to address the 90 million-or-so Americans who think the election was stolen and that Biden is not really the president. But, no, the niggling issue of “legitimacy” never even came up, nor did any of the ten other… […]

  • The Chauvin Case—David vs. Goliath in Minneapolis…and In America, by John Derbyshire

    The Unz Review - Mar 13th 2021 9:32am EST

    [Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through VDARE.com] Earlier (May 30, 2020): Even Right Abandoning Accused Minneapolis Cop—But They Shouldn’t Jury selection began this week for the conviction…Oops, sorry: I mean the trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin on charges that he murdered the Holy Blessed Martyr George Floyd in Minneapolis… […]

  • God for Harry, England and St George, by James Thompson

    The Unz Review - Mar 13th 2021 9:25am EST

    A Royal Family is a projective test: it is designed to be an emblem of a nation with which all citizens can identify. They need to see enough in that family to be able to imagine themselves being part of it. This family, by dint of some historical achievement, is chosen as the prime example… […]

  • Test and Trace Is the Dead Elephant in the Room, Its Stench Growing, by Patrick Cockburn

    The Unz Review - Mar 13th 2021 7:17am EST

    As Britain enters a post-pandemic era, its struggle with Covid-19 reveals a country that is a complicated mix of strengths and weaknesses. On the one hand, Britain has developed, manufactured and distributed effective vaccines quicker than any other nation. On the other, it has constructed the biggest gravy train in British history, one that pays… […]

  • Muslim Tufts University Dental Student Forced to Renounce Palestinian Cause to Get Off Jewish Blacklist, by Eric Striker

    The Unz Review - Mar 12th 2021 8:47pm EST

    An Arab-American once active in Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) has been intimidated by Jews into renouncing his beliefs. Adam Elayan, who is a dental student at Tufts University, found himself on the infamous Canary Mission blacklist over Tweets supporting the Palestinian cause many years ago. Canary Mission, which is funded by shadowy wealthy… […]

  • Is a Cold War II with China Inevitable?, by Pat Buchanan

    The Unz Review - Mar 12th 2021 12:00am EST

    Today, the four premier leaders of The Quad — the U.S., Australia, India and Japan — conduct their first summit, by teleconference. The Quad, or Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, is an informal strategy forum of the major Indo-Pacific democracies that some wish to see evolve into an Asian NATO to contain China, as NATO contained the… […]

  • SoundCloud and Downloadable EBooks, by Ron Unz

    The Unz Review - Mar 11th 2021 3:17pm EST

    I’ve been quite pleased with the positive response to the audio versions of my articles which I produced and made freely available on this website, now totaling more than 100 in number, and including multipart versions of a half dozen of the longest ones. This collection represents the spoken form of more than 500,000 words… […]

  • Feds Indict Own Informant As Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Case Unravels, by Eric Striker

    The Unz Review - Mar 11th 2021 11:47am EST

    Federal prosecutors are charging a key informant in the case against a group of Michigan militia members who the FBI claims were plotting to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer last fall. Stephen J. Robeson, a 58-year-old man from Wisconsin, was indicted on March 3rd by a grand jury for being a felon in possession of a… […]