• Operation Vaxx-All Deplorables: Codename; “Satan’s Poker”, by Mike Whitney

    The Unz Review - Mar 10th 2021 6:17pm EST

    What’s going on in Israel? Has anyone figured it out yet? Isn’t Israel the most vaccinated country in the world? It is. Haven’t half of all Israelis already been vaccinated? Yes, they have. Haven’t 90% of all Israelis over 60 (the age-group most likely to die from Covid) already been vaccinated? Yes. Then how did… […]

  • Is the Ukraine on the Brink of War (Again)?, by The Saker

    The Unz Review - Mar 10th 2021 6:02pm EST

    Just a few weeks ago I wrote a column entitled “The Ukraine’s Many Ticking Time Bombs” in which I listed a number of developments presenting a major threat to the Ukraine and, in fact, to all the countries of the region. In this short time the situation has deteriorated rather dramatically. I will therefore begin… […]

  • Prince Harry: the Epitomy of the Deracinated White Male, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - Mar 10th 2021 9:01am EST

    Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, have a large media following as victims of royal family racism. Meghan who reportedly has African-American DNA looks anything but African-American and has a far lighter skin color than the suntanned American blue-eyed blonds I see on the beach in North Florida. They made… […]

  • “Trump Slump”: Waning Liberal Outrage Is Killing Antifa, by Eric Striker

    The Unz Review - Mar 10th 2021 8:01am EST

    The “Trump bump” of liberal outrage that helped propel psychopaths and sadists to positions of cultural authority following the shock 2016 election result is in a free fall. Yesterday, Buzzfeed-owned HuffPost announced that it would be laying off 47 in-house bloggers, a digital media massacre that may be a harbinger of wider industry trends. One… […]

  • We’re Being Endlessly Played by the Media as the Toppling of Piers Morgan Underscores, by Jonathan Cook

    The Unz Review - Mar 10th 2021 8:01am EST

    This is an extraordinary – and dangerous – five minutes of “mainstream” TV. It is five minutes of a black women’s rights activist trashing Piers Morgan to his face and on his own show, Good Morning Britain, as he tries to defend the Royal Family from the fallout of the Meghan and Harry interview. Shola… […]

  • Texas Leads to Freedom, by Israel Shamir

    The Unz Review - Mar 9th 2021 11:16am EST

    The spider discovered a wasp escaping his gossamer web. He is furious. How dare she? The wasp had been caught, bonded, poisoned. She is ready to be killed and eaten. And all of a sudden she wakes up and tears the spider web. You are a Neanderthal, the enraged spider exclaims, and you will end… […]

  • National Justice Exclusive: Justice Department “Civil Rights” Nominee Is Fan of Antifa Troll Who Incites Followers to Murder GOP Congressmen, by Eric Striker

    The Unz Review - Mar 9th 2021 7:46am EST

    While the social media activity of politicians and government officials is constantly being monitored when they are on the right, leftists seldom are faced with such scrutiny. The lack of gatekeeping in the Democratic party has allowed respectable liberals to associate themselves with extremists, and in the case of Justice Department nominee Kristen Clarke, work… […]

  • UK Column: Gilad Atzmon Discusses Israel: A Guinea Pig Nation, by Gilad Atzmon

    The Unz Review - Mar 9th 2021 7:46am EST

    Israel’s covid death doubled since it started its vaccination ‘experiment.’ ‘Silent Birth’ (leida ilemet) is now common in Israel. It refers to babies dying in the womb from Covid 19 or Covid related complications. In this interview with UKC’s David Scott I look into the Israeli mass vaccination campaign, we discuss the most problematic issues… […]

  • Wherefore Art Thou Ghislaine Maxwell?, by Philip Giraldi

    The Unz Review - Mar 9th 2021 12:00am EST

    It is now going on a year and a half since “financier” and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein died, allegedly by hanging himself in a New York City prison. Since that time it has surfaced that there were a number of “administrative” errors in the jail, meaning that Epstein was not being observed or on suicide watch…

  • The Emerging Existential Crisis at the Border, by Pat Buchanan

    The Unz Review - Mar 9th 2021 12:00am EST

    During a Democratic debate in 2020, the candidates were asked if their health care plans would cover “undocumented immigrants.” Each raised his or her hand, including front-runner Joe Biden. From that stage, the message went forth: If the Democrats win this election, then it is amnesty for all and open borders in America. The message…

  • Pod-Living vs. the White Picket Fence, by Robert Stark

    The Unz Review - Mar 8th 2021 12:46pm EST

    The debate over urban planning models is now as polarized as any other culture war issue with a strong partisan divide in support for denser walkable development with democrats being much more sympathetic to the idea. Some on the right view denser urban living as part of a leftist or elite sponsored agenda for us…

  • The New Normal (Phase 2), by C.J. Hopkins

    The Unz Review - Mar 8th 2021 8:46am EST

    So, we’re almost a year into the “New Normal” (a/k/a “pathologized totalitarianism”) and things are still looking … well, pretty totalitarian. Most of Western Europe is still in “lockdown,” or “under curfew,” or in some other state of “health emergency.” Police are fining and arresting people for “being outdoors without a valid reason.” Protest is…

  • The Pink Fog, by Guillaume Durocher

    The Unz Review - Mar 8th 2021 8:16am EST

    A strange phenomenon in postmodern life is the schizophrenic attitude towards differences between men and women. On the one hand, our culture denies that there are any significant psychological differences between men and women which might explain the radically different preferences of the sexes in many sectors. If virtually all UberEats food delivery bikers are…

  • Vaccine Diabolus and the Impending Wave of Rare Neurodegenerative Disorders, by Mike Whitney

    The Unz Review - Mar 7th 2021 11:31pm EST

    The problem with the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine, is not that it’s a vaccine. It’s that it’s not safe. That’s the issue: Safety. This view is shared by a great many professionals who believe that these potentially-toxic concoctions pose a significant threat to the health and well-being of anyone who chooses to get inoculated. Do you…

  • “De Haut En Bas”: the Ruling Class Is Getting Nastier, by John Derbyshire

    The Unz Review - Mar 6th 2021 12:32am EST

    [Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through VDARE.com] The news recently has featured a spate of people behaving badly. It reveals an increasingly prominent class issue: the widening rift between working-class and lower-middle-class people (manual workers, clerks, small business owners, low-level government staff) and their social superiors in the Ruling Class (billionaires,…

  • The Sturgeon-Salmond Feud Threatens to Capsize Scottish Nationalism, by Patrick Cockburn

    The Unz Review - Mar 5th 2021 7:46pm EST

    Most nationalist movements wait until they have achieved independence before having a civil war over who runs the country. But Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond have jumped the gun by opening hostilities while Scottish self-determination is still well over the horizon. Could it remain an unattainable goal thanks to the open warfare between the past…

  • The Power of Progressive Conspiracy Theories, by Gregory Hood

    The Unz Review - Mar 5th 2021 2:16pm EST

    There is a story about Dr. Samuel Johnson and his famous dictionary. Some ladies told him they were glad he had omitted “indelicate and objectionable” words. Dr. Johnson said he was sorry they had looked for them. That could be a story about conservatives and progressives. Progressives are dying to find hate crimes and neo-Nazis…

  • Who Really Imperils the Republic?, by Pat Buchanan

    The Unz Review - Mar 5th 2021 12:00am EST

    “That attack, that siege” of the Capitol, FBI Director Chris Wray told Congress, “was criminal behavior, plain and simple, and it was behavior we at the FBI view as domestic terrorism.” “Domestic terrorism,” said Wray, echoing his boss. For what had been President-elect Joe Biden’s reaction to the Capitol riot? “Don’t dare call them protesters….

  • Dispatches from the New Cold War, by Fred Reed

    The Unz Review - Mar 4th 2021 12:46pm EST

    Today’s characteristically luminous insights will be disordered and structurally horrifying, the sort of essay that would have sent my high-school English teacher into anaphylactic shock. In exculpation I plead laziness. Recently I wrote a column on China’s digital yuan, now in late-stage testing. Bare-bones explanation: You download a digital-wallet app with which you can then…

  • Some Doggie Stories: Even Companion Animals Are Being Politicized, by Philip Giraldi

    The Unz Review - Mar 4th 2021 12:01pm EST

    Why are people spending their time and money rescuing dogs who are the victims of abandonment or abuse being labeled “white supremacists?” In most countries, dogs are regarded either as “working” or as companions and they rarely venture into the realm of politics apart from occasionally serving as props to demonstrate that their owners are…

  • Lorena Gonzales Versus Frank Wilkinson, by Carl Boggs

    The Unz Review - Mar 4th 2021 7:01am EST

    The mounting Democratic assault on free speech is finally producing blowback – most lately, from a bill proposed by California State Senator Melissa Melendez to protect diversity of political belief and affiliation. Her much-overdue legislation (Senate bills 238 and 249) are together known as the Diversity of Thought Act, which seeks to modify both California…

  • Is Trump Really the Answer?, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - Mar 3rd 2021 10:31am EST

    In 2016 I predicted that Trump’s presidency would fail, because Trump had no idea who to appoint to his government and, therefore, would end up staffed with the establishment that he intended to overthrow. That is exactly what occurred. In his entire four years Trump only made one good appointment—General Flynn—and Trump did not have…

  • Comedian Raided By FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force After Jewish Organization Takes Offense to His Jokes, by Eric Striker

    The Unz Review - Mar 3rd 2021 5:46am EST

    A social media comedian was arrested in an explosive FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force raid yesterday morning. Paul N. Miller, a 32-year-old Romani entertainer who uses the moniker “GypsyCrusader,” was snatched from his home in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida ostensibly over committing a gun offense three years ago. Neighbors expressed that they were more terrorized by…

  • Rhymes Against Humanity, by Tobias Langdon

    The Unz Review - Mar 2nd 2021 12:10am EST

    “History never repeats, but it does rhyme.” It’s a good line (though Mark Twain probably never said it). I see history rhyming in modern leftist ideology, which seems to contain blasphemous corruptions of three central Catholic doctrines: miraculous birth, immaculate conception and transubstantiation. Leftists mock and reject these doctrines in their original Christian form, but…

  • Putin Blasts W.E.F. Honchos at Davos Gabfest, by Mike Whitney

    The Unz Review - Mar 2nd 2021 12:00am EST

    Why is Vladimir Putin standing up to the richest and most powerful men in the world? Why is he bad-mouthing their “pet project” Globalization and trash-talking their “Great Reset”? Does he really think these corporate mandarins and “silver spoon” elites are going to listen to what he has to say or does he realize that…