• More Suggestions for Dealing with Israel, by Philip Giraldi

    The Unz Review - Mar 2nd 2021 12:00am EST

    My article last week that made some suggestions about what ordinary Americans can do to put pressure on Israel and on the lopsided bilateral relationship with Washington that has done so much damage to the United States proved to be quite popular. It also resulted in some comments by readers who saw other issues that…

  • Democrats Imprison First Amendment for Sedition, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - Feb 25th 2021 9:21am EST

    Glenn Greenwald explains the Democrats’ determination to obliterate the First Amendment. The Democrats have resurrected the Third Reich in America: To further stamp out opposition to their one-party rule, the Democrats intend to criminalize American gun owners, thus obliterating the Second Amendment. To relieve the Establishment of the bother of independent citizens is why the…

  • Vaccination Procrastination, by James Thompson

    The Unz Review - Feb 24th 2021 5:08am EST

    On Monday England was given an indication as to how it will eventually get out of lockdown. Gradually, and in very careful stages, seems to be the answer. We are in our third lockdown, and have staggered through two false dawns. What is different now is that vaccinations have been completed on 17.7 million citizens…

  • The Ukraine’s Many Ticking Time Bombs, by The Saker

    The Unz Review - Feb 23rd 2021 7:36pm EST

    While the Ukraine has mostly been out of the news, there were bigger stories out there, things have gone disastrously wrong under “Ze” (Zelenskii) and the Ukraine is now looking at several time bombs which could explode at any minute. Here is a partial list of problems which the Ze administration will have to deal…

  • What to Do About Israel?, by Philip Giraldi

    The Unz Review - Feb 23rd 2021 12:00am EST

    Critics of U.S. policy with and about Israel like myself have been relatively successful in describing the considerable downside in the bilateral status quo. We have demonstrated that the lopsided relationship supports absolutely no U.S. interest and that, on the contrary, considerable damage is done to the American people, to include involvement in armed conflict…

  • Biden: No New Cold Wars or Democracy Crusades, by Pat Buchanan

    The Unz Review - Feb 23rd 2021 12:00am EST

    “What is America’s mission?” is a question that has been debated since George Washington’s Farewell Address in 1797. At last week’s Munich Security Conference, President Joe Biden laid out his vision as to what is America’s mission. And the contrast with the mission enunciated by George W. Bush in his second inaugural could not have…

  • The Art of Being a Spectacularly Misguided Oracle, by Pepe Escobar

    The Unz Review - Feb 22nd 2021 11:12am EST

    The late Dr. Zbig “Grand Chessboard” Brzezinski for some time dispensed wisdom as an oracle of US foreign policy, side by side with the perennial Henry Kissinger – who, in vast swathes of the Global South, is regarded as nothing but a war criminal. Brzezinski never achieved the same notoriety. At best he claimed bragging…

  • Unintended Consequences and the Texas ‘Big Freeze’ Energy Disaster, by Ron Paul

    The Unz Review - Feb 22nd 2021 10:21am EST

    Last week Texas experienced a cold snap that resulted in serious statewide damage, death, and destruction. The collapse of the state’s energy grid left millions of Texans in the dark and freezing for days at a time. Tragically, at least 30 people died. There are many reasons why Texas became like a Third World country,…

  • Review: American History X, by Trevor Lynch

    The Unz Review - Feb 22nd 2021 8:36am EST

    Director Tony Kaye’s anti-skinhead morality tale American History X (1998) is proof that propaganda is far from an exact science. Just as Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket caused a surge in Marine recruitment, American History X actually increases audience sympathies with neo-Nazi skinheads, despite its best efforts to present them as hateful hypocrites and losers….

  • Biden Launches Campaign to Silence Critics of Killer Vaccine, by Mike Whitney

    The Unz Review - Feb 21st 2021 12:21pm EST

    Imagine if an ordinary working man went on a rampage and killed 929 people and maimed 316 others. The media would naturally call such a man a serial killer or a homicidal maniac. Now imagine if a big pharmaceutical company did the same thing by releasing a vaccine that killed and maimed a similar number…

  • It’s Clear the Capitol Riot Was a Dark Day in a Number of Respects, by Patrick Cockburn

    The Unz Review - Feb 21st 2021 10:36am EST

    The invasion of the Capitol on 6 January now stands alongside 9/11 as an act of war against American democracy. Unsurprisingly, news coverage of the incursion has come to resemble war propaganda. All facts, true or false, are pointed in the same direction with the aim of demonising the enemy and anybody who minimises its…

  • France: Macron Government Looks to Outlaw More Anti-Immigration Activist Group, by Eric Striker

    The Unz Review - Feb 20th 2021 2:06pm EST

    Two Jewish organizations in France, CRIF (Representative Council of French Jewish Institutions) and LICRA (International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism), are lobbying the embattled Emmanuel Macron government into beginning the process of outlawing Generation Identitaire (GI), a group that uses art and symbolic gestures to protest against globalization and immigration. According to French media, Macron…

  • Bibi, Pfizer and the Election, by Gilad Atzmon

    The Unz Review - Feb 20th 2021 8:36am EST

    Israel’s biggest news outlet Ynet reported a few hours ago that in the country voluntarily making itself Pfizer’s testing ground, “75.4% of those diagnosed yesterday were under 39. Only 5.5% were over 60. “The number of critical patients dropped to 858 – the lowest since January 4. However, this number is more than double that…

  • Audio Versions Available and Gab Button, by Ron Unz

    The Unz Review - Feb 20th 2021 2:05am EST

    The Life and Legacy of Lt. Gen. William Odom The American Conservative • September 8, 2008 • 2,500 Words American Pravda: Was Rambo Right? The American Conservative • May 25, 2010 • 1,300 Words China’s Rise, America’s Fall The American Conservative • April 17, 2012 • 6,600 Words Chinese Melamine and American Vioxx: A Comparison…

  • Biden’s Great Replacement Acceleration Act, by John Derbyshire

    The Unz Review - Feb 19th 2021 9:51pm EST

    Earlier: Biden’s Treasonous Immigration Bill Opportunity For GOP Leader To Say Two Words “Immigration Moratorium” Thursday this week the Biden administration brought forth a bill on immigration. It comes in two versions, one for the Senate and one for the House, although the texts are well-nigh identical. Both versions are 353 pages long. [READ: Text…

  • The Covid Deception Serves An Undeclared Agenda, by Paul Craig Roberts

    The Unz Review - Feb 19th 2021 10:21am EST

    There is no scientific basis for the measures in place to deal with the alleged Covid Pandemic. Among experts the support for these measures are largely limited to those with financial links with pharmaceutical corporations. Public health bureaucrats, such as Fauci at NIH, are also linked with pharmaceutical corporations. Medical practitioners take their guidance from…

  • Coronapocalypse; Big Pharma’s Doomsday Vaccine #666, by Mike Whitney

    The Unz Review - Feb 19th 2021 10:06am EST

    Here’s your Vaccine puzzler for the day: What do Dr. Barton Williams, Hank Aaron, and 46 elderly residents in a Spanish nursing home all have in common? Answer— They all died shortly after getting the Covid-19 vaccine. But let’s not jump to conclusions, after all, in every case, the media has assured us that the…

  • The Department of Homeland Security Is Paying Deranged Leftists to Find A Way to Make You Change Your Political Beliefs, by Eric Striker

    The Unz Review - Feb 19th 2021 8:36am EST

    Fresh off a summer of prolonged murder and arson organized by leftists, the Department of Homeland Security announced the lucky winners of its “domestic terrorism prevention” grant system last September. One recipient program is at American University’s School of Communications, which got $568,613 from the DHS to partner with Google’s Jigsaw (an AI project that…

  • Is Biden Prepared to Lose Afghanistan?, by Pat Buchanan

    The Unz Review - Feb 19th 2021 12:00am EST

    Is President Joe Biden prepared to preside over the worst U.S. strategic defeat since the fall of Saigon in 1975? For that may be what’s at stake if Biden follows through on the 2020 peace deal with the Taliban to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan by May 1 — just two months from now….

  • The Pale Male Paradox: How White Men Achieve Most and Are Vilified Worst, by Tobias Langdon

    The Unz Review - Feb 18th 2021 7:36pm EST

    It’s one of the most interesting, enlightening and eye-opening books I’ve ever read: Simon Winchester’s Exactly: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World (2018). Winchester tells a story of astonishing ingenuity, intelligence and effort from the steam-engine (44) to the “extreme ultraviolet” laser (296). And it’s almost exclusively a story of stale pale males—of White…

  • The Decline of the West: American Education Surrenders to “Equity”, by Philip Giraldi

    The Unz Review - Feb 18th 2021 1:36pm EST

    It will be difficult or even impossible to go back to a system where learning is actually a discipline that requires hard work and dedication. Public education in the United States, if measured by results, has been producing graduates that are less competent in language skills and dramatically less well taught in the sciences and…

  • Obituary for Rush Limbaugh, by Andrew Anglin

    The Unz Review - Feb 17th 2021 11:37pm EST

    Rush Limbaugh has died. Up until this morning, he was probably the most influential man alive. Despite his direct influence waning, he is a man who shaped an entire generation of conservative thought, for better and worse. He was an American icon, he was a genius, he was a sellout and a glutton who wasn’t…

  • Russia Holds the Key to German Sovereignty, by Pepe Escobar

    The Unz Review - Feb 17th 2021 1:21pm EST

    Last week we traced the necessary historical and geopolitical steps to understand Why Russia is driving the West crazy. And then, last Friday, right before the start of the Year of the Metal Ox, came the bombshell, delivered with customary aplomb by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. In an interview with popular talk show host…

  • AP and Atlantic Council Anoint Me “COVID Conspiracy Super-Spreader”— and Erase Ron Unz, by Kevin Barrett

    The Unz Review - Feb 16th 2021 12:01am EST

    The bad news is that two of the most powerful institutions in America have anointed me a “COVID super-spreader.” The good news is that I stand accused of super-spreading “COVID conspiracy theories,” not the actual disease. But the worse news is that the way things are going, “conspiracy spreaders” may soon be quarantined in COVID…

  • ICC to Investigate Israeli War Crimes, by Philip Giraldi

    The Unz Review - Feb 16th 2021 12:00am EST

    Well, as usual, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague has finally received authorization to proceed with the investigation of possible war crimes and crimes against humanity in Israel-Palestine, to include both the Israel Defense Force (IDF) and also Hamas in Gaza….