• 2 Passengers Die Aboard “Coral Princess” Cruise Ship Amid Another COVID-19 “Nightmare At Sea”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 5:25pm EDT

    2 Passengers Die Aboard “Coral Princess” Cruise Ship Amid Another COVID-19 “Nightmare At Sea” Two people on the Coral Princess cruise ship died overnight, after the ship reported 12 positive cases of coronavirus on Thursday, according to an announcement from the ship’s captain, who said the ship likely wouldn’t arrive in South Florida on Saturday as planned, […]

  • Half A Million Chinese People Entered America At The Height Of The COVID-19 Outbreak

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 5:05pm EDT

    Half A Million Chinese People Entered America At The Height Of The COVID-19 Outbreak Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, Around half a million Chinese people, some of them infected with coronavirus, entered America from December to February at the height of the COVID-19 outbreak, new figures show. The numbers, which were obtained […]

  • Tucker Carlson On Fauci’s Quarantine Call: Pushing “National Suicide” While He Has Job Security

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 4:45pm EDT

    Tucker Carlson On Fauci’s Quarantine Call: Pushing “National Suicide” While He Has Job Security Tucker Carlson on Friday night blasted Dr. Anthony Fauci for his lately publicly urging the Trump administration to declare a federally-imposed ‘stay at home’ order across all 50 states, while also underscoring the FOX host still considers the White House coronavirus task force member […]

  • India Drags China To International Court For COVID-19 War

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 4:25pm EDT

    India Drags China To International Court For COVID-19 War Via GreatGameIndia.com, As a direct impact of extensive GreatGameIndia reporting on the sinister aspect of Coronavirus being manufactured as a biological weapon, now India has dragged China to international court for waging COVID-19 War. India’s complaint to the United Nations Human Rights Council seeking compensation from China specifically presents […]

  • This Is Where The World Is On The “Corona Curve” At This Moment

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 4:05pm EDT

    This Is Where The World Is On The “Corona Curve” At This Moment Two weeks ago, we wrote that with 1.7 billion people in the world under quarantine (a number which has since ballooned to over 3 trillion) and “desperate to find out where on the coronavirus “curve” they are to calculate how much more […]

  • The Lesson Of A Crash That Cured Itself

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 3:45pm EDT

    The Lesson Of A Crash That Cured Itself Authored by Wendy McElroy via The Future of Freedom Foundation, “If a government wishes to alleviate, rather than aggravate, a depression, its only valid course is laissez-faire—to leave the economy alone. Only if there is no interference, direct or threatened, with prices, wage rates and business liquidation, […]

  • Watch Live: White House Coronavirus Task Force Delivers Saturday Briefing

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 3:25pm EDT

    Watch Live: White House Coronavirus Task Force Delivers Saturday Briefing As the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases confirmed in the US races toward the 300k mark, President Trump and the rest of the White House coronavirus task force will deliver their latest daily briefing on Saturday. Watch live below. Trump tweeted that it’s set to […]

  • “Failure Could Set The World On Fire” – Kissinger Warns World Leaders Of Epochal Period Post-COVID

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 3:05pm EDT

    “Failure Could Set The World On Fire” – Kissinger Warns World Leaders Of Epochal Period Post-COVID The last time we heard from former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger, he was warning that a permanent conflict between Washington And Beijing would be unwinnable and lead to “catastrophic outcome”… “It’s no longer possible to think that […]

  • They Fought The Fed And Lost: How Powell Triggered A “Spectacular” Short Squeeze In LQD

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 2:40pm EDT

    They Fought The Fed And Lost: How Powell Triggered A “Spectacular” Short Squeeze In LQD Over two years ago, in Jan 2018, we first showed that when it comes to betting on trouble in the investment grade bond market, investors had a preferred instrument for pessimism: shorting the LQD, the largest US investment grace corporate […]

  • Was WHO Director Tedros A Top Member Of Violent Ethiopian Communist Party?

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 2:25pm EDT

    Was WHO Director Tedros A Top Member Of Violent Ethiopian Communist Party? Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, The Director-General of the World Health Organization is a former member of a violent revolutionary communist party in Ethiopia that denied emergency medical treatment to an ethnic group and he is accused of personally overseeing […]

  • The Five Things You Absolutely Cannot Say About COVID-19

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 1:40pm EDT

    The Five Things You Absolutely Cannot Say About COVID-19 Authored by James Corbett via Off-Guardian.org, Pssst. You. Yeah, you. Are you interested in talking about…things? You know, the kind of things that we’re not allowed to talk about anymore? You know, since the…uhhh…“The Event“? You are? Great. I mean, you might have noticed things are […]

  • DHS Ditches Additional Guestworker Visas After Spike In Unemployment

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 1:15pm EDT

    DHS Ditches Additional Guestworker Visas After Spike In Unemployment The Department of Homeland Security has put “on hold” a plan to authorize an additional 35,000 H-2B guestworker visas, meaning businesses can no longer bring on new migrant workers under the program. The move comes after the initial unemployment claims spiked by 10 million in two […]

  • Major Technical Failures Confirm Bear Market Risk

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 12:50pm EDT

    Major Technical Failures Confirm Bear Market Risk Authored by Lance Roberts via RealInvestmentAdvice.com, Major Technical Failures Confirm Bear Market Risk In last week’s discussion, we stated the “bear market” was not yet complete. This was despite the “market rally,” which convinced the media the “bull market was back.” While it was indeed a sharp “reflex rally,” and expected, “bear markets” are not resolved in a […]

  • Sudanese Migrant Kills 2 During Knife Attack In Southeastern France

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 12:35pm EDT

    Sudanese Migrant Kills 2 During Knife Attack In Southeastern France As if a national lockdown to prevent a deadly pandemic from killing hundreds of thousands of people wasn’t terrifying enough, there are now armed asylum seekers marauding around southeastern France, murdering shoppers as they venture out to buy groceries. To wit, a man killed two […]

  • Kobe Bryant Inducted Into Basketball Hall Of Fame

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 12:25pm EDT

    Kobe Bryant Inducted Into Basketball Hall Of Fame Just over two months after dying along with his 13-year-old daughter Gianna in a tragic helicopter crash, Lakers legend Kobe Bryant has been inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Mass. Bryant has been inducted alongside Tim Duncan and Kevin Garnett in what the Washington […]

  • Grieving Chinese Families Can’t Bury Dead, Perform 2,000 Year-Old Tradition

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 12:00pm EDT

    Grieving Chinese Families Can’t Bury Dead, Perform 2,000 Year-Old Tradition While the Chinese Communist Party claims they’ve suffered just 3,300 coronavirus deaths out of more than 60,000 who have died around the world as of this writing, evidence exists that the actual death toll across China is far higher – and could be more than […]

  • The Fed Is Running Out Of Bubbles To Create

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 11:35am EDT

    The Fed Is Running Out Of Bubbles To Create Authored by Kladji Bregu via The Mises Institute, The Fed came out with a series of unprecedented measures on March 22, 2020. They announced the Fed will buy an unlimited amount of Treasurys and mortgage-backed securities (MBS), or as Peter Schiff refers to it, “QE infinity.” This has […]

  • After Record Rally, Oil Faces Collapse As New Feud Erupts Between Saudis And Russia; Monday OPEC+ Meeting Cancelled

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 11:12am EDT

    After Record Rally, Oil Faces Collapse As New Feud Erupts Between Saudis And Russia; Monday OPEC+ Meeting Cancelled In retrospect, trading on a Trump tweet may not have been the best idea. On April 2, in what initially appeared to be a belated April fool’s joke, the US president tweeted “Just spoke to my friend […]

  • UK Suffers Deadliest Day Yet As New Cases Drop Across Europe; Mortality Rate Jumps To Record 10.3%: Live Updates

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 11:02am EDT

    UK Suffers Deadliest Day Yet As New Cases Drop Across Europe; Mortality Rate Jumps To Record 10.3%: Live Updates As the scramble for ventilators & PPE continues across the country, President Trump last night finally invoked the DPA to ban “unscrupulous actors and profiteers” (an apparent reference to 3M, the pillar of American manufacturing that […]

  • In The New Dystopia

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 10:30am EDT

    In The New Dystopia Authored by Sill Solomon via Counterpunch.org, It is difficult to neatly encapsulate the shift that has occurred in our collective perception and experience over the last several weeks. That all semblance of ‘certainty’ and ‘normalcy’ has disappeared seems no longer the main feature—what stands out is the psychological shift underway, proceeding […]

  • Finns Warned World’s Best-Funded Welfare State Collapsing Under Virus-Triggered Mass Unemployment

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 9:55am EDT

    Finns Warned World’s Best-Funded Welfare State Collapsing Under Virus-Triggered Mass Unemployment On March 30, Finland said it would extend its countrywide shutdown until May 13 from April 13. It appears strict social distancing and quarantines are working, but it comes at a massive economic cost. Now we’re beginning to learn that the country’s welfare system […]

  • A Primer For Gold Newbies

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 9:20am EDT

    A Primer For Gold Newbies Authored by Alasdair Macleod via GoldMoney.com, The purpose of this article is purely educational. Increasingly, the wider public is turning to gold in a spontaneous reaction to financial and economic problems that have become suddenly apparent, hastened by the spread of the coronavirus. For everyone now thinking of buying gold […]

  • Drone Delivers Food To Customers In COVID-19 Isolation  

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 8:45am EDT

    Drone Delivers Food To Customers In COVID-19 Isolation   A food truck operator in North Carolina has deployed a drone to deliver sandwiches to customers amid the state’s “stay at home” public health order and other strict social distancing measures that have completely changed how business is conducted in these challenging times. CBS17 Raleigh reports that the […]

  • Former British Supreme Court Justice: “This Is What A Police-State Is Like”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 8:10am EDT

    Former British Supreme Court Justice: “This Is What A Police-State Is Like” Via The Spectator, he former Supreme Court Justice Jonathan Sumption, QC, has denounced the police response to the coronavirus, saying the country is suffering ‘collective hysteria’. This is an edited transcript of his interview with BBC Radio 4’s World at One programme earlier today. BBC interviewer […]

  • Want To Escape? These Are The Countries That Have Escaped COVID-19 So Far?

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 7:35am EDT

    Want To Escape? These Are The Countries That Have Escaped COVID-19 So Far? The COVID-19 pandemic has spread to all corners of the globe and the following infographic shows the last places on Earth remaining unaffected. It is based on countries that have not reported any known COVID-19 cases and that remained absent from the extensive […]