• Former British Supreme Court Justice: “This Is What A Police-State Is Like”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 8:10am EDT

    Former British Supreme Court Justice: “This Is What A Police-State Is Like” Via The Spectator, he former Supreme Court Justice Jonathan Sumption, QC, has denounced the police response to the coronavirus, saying the country is suffering ‘collective hysteria’. This is an edited transcript of his interview with BBC Radio 4’s World at One programme earlier today. BBC interviewer […]

  • Want To Escape? These Are The Countries That Have Escaped COVID-19 So Far?

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 7:35am EDT

    Want To Escape? These Are The Countries That Have Escaped COVID-19 So Far? The COVID-19 pandemic has spread to all corners of the globe and the following infographic shows the last places on Earth remaining unaffected. It is based on countries that have not reported any known COVID-19 cases and that remained absent from the extensive […]

  • China Floods Europe With Defective COVID-19-Fighting Medical Equipment

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 7:00am EDT

    China Floods Europe With Defective COVID-19-Fighting Medical Equipment Authored by Soeren Kern via The Gatestone Institute, As the coronavirus rages across Europe, a growing number of countries are reporting that millions of pieces of medical equipment donated by, or purchased from, China to defeat the pandemic are defective and unusable. The revelations are fueling distrust […]

  • Trump Fires Ukrainegate Inspector General Who Helped Initiate Impeachment

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 12:10am EDT

    Trump Fires Ukrainegate Inspector General Who Helped Initiate Impeachment President Trump on Friday fired the intelligence community inspector general, Michael Atkinson, who brought a hearsay whistleblower complaint to Congressional Democrats, kicking off President Trump’s impeachment.  Atkinson’s closed-door testimony was so troubling to House Republicans that they launched an investigation into his role into what President […]

  • The Shadow War Playing Out Behind The COVID-19 Crisis

    ZeroHedge - Apr 4th 2020 12:00am EDT

    The Shadow War Playing Out Behind The COVID-19 Crisis Authored by Gregory Copley via OilPrice.com, The rush to what is essentially a new wartime footing began consciously and urgently in the first quarter of 2020 between some of the most powerful geopolitical players of the modern era: the United States of America, the People’s Republic […]

  • New York City “Doesn’t Have Any Dogs Left To Foster” In Latest COVID-19-Related Shortage

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 11:40pm EDT

    New York City “Doesn’t Have Any Dogs Left To Foster” In Latest COVID-19-Related Shortage There’s been shortages of all types as New York City deals with the unprecedented lockdown as a result of the coronavirus. But one of the most surprising of these shortages has been dogs and cats. There’s been a “run on pets” […]

  • The US Military Is Preparing For “Worst-Case Contagion Scenarios” (But It’s A Secret)

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 11:20pm EDT

    The US Military Is Preparing For “Worst-Case Contagion Scenarios” (But It’s A Secret) Authored by Eric Felten via RealClearInvestigations.com, The U.S. military is “preparing for worst-case scenarios with respect to the potential spread” of the COVID-19 virus, U.S. Air Force Gen. Tod D. Wolters told reporters Friday. But just what those scenarios are is a military secret. At […]

  • San Francisco Bans Reusable Bags To Counter Virus-Contagion Threat

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 11:00pm EDT

    San Francisco Bans Reusable Bags To Counter Virus-Contagion Threat The San Francisco Bay Area is usually ahead of the curve when it comes to implementing environmentally-friendly policies to save the planet. However, city officials banned reusable shopping bags Wednesday as a way to enforce social distancing protocols imposed by the state government to limit the […]

  • Waves Of Mutilation: Medical Tyranny And The Cashless Society

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 10:40pm EDT

    Waves Of Mutilation: Medical Tyranny And The Cashless Society Authored by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.com, Back in 2014 during the Ebola scare in the US I published an article warning about how a global pandemic could be used by the elites as cover for the implementation of an economic collapse as well as martial law measures in […]

  • Here’s Every Vaccine And Treatment In Development For COVID-19, So Far

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 10:20pm EDT

    Here’s Every Vaccine And Treatment In Development For COVID-19, So Far As the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases continues to skyrocket, healthcare researchers around the world are working tirelessly to discover new life-saving medical innovations. As Visual Capitalist’s Nick Routley notes, the projects these companies are working on can be organized into three distinct groups: […]

  • America, We Have To End The Wars Now

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 10:00pm EDT

    America, We Have To End The Wars Now Authored by Scott Horton via The Libertarian Institute, Can anyone think what our society might have spent six and a half trillion dollars on instead of 20 years of war in the Middle East for nothing? How about the trillion dollars per year we keep spending on the military on top […]

  • Delaware State Police Authorized To Pull Over Out-Of-State Drivers During Pandemic

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 9:40pm EDT

    Delaware State Police Authorized To Pull Over Out-Of-State Drivers During Pandemic Delaware police have been granted the authority to pull over drivers displaying out-of-state tags to ask questions about why they’re on the road, before telling them that “they are required by law to self-quarantine for 14 days while in Delaware, or immediately return to […]

  • In The New Age Of Deception, COVID-19 Has Hastened The Old Collectivism

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 9:20pm EDT

    In The New Age Of Deception, COVID-19 Has Hastened The Old Collectivism Authored by Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com, “…..but the plan insidiously advances.” – ordo ab chao “They are banned from churches and public spaces. They can’t hold hands to pray. LOL!” – The Devil At the very end of last year, I wrote a New Year’s piece entitled “America […]

  • Here’s How You Can 3D-Print Masks At Home 

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 9:00pm EDT

    Here’s How You Can 3D-Print Masks At Home  A little more than a month ago, the US Surgeon General tweeted, “Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!”  […]

  • It’s Time To Track The FDA’s Death Toll

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 8:40pm EDT

    It’s Time To Track The FDA’s Death Toll Authored by James Bovard via The Mises Institute, The Food and Drug Administration helped turn the coronavirus from a deadly peril into a national catastrophe. Long after foreign nations had been ravaged and many cases had been detected in America, the FDA continued blocking private testing. The […]

  • “Don’t Nag Your Husband, Wear Makeup” During Lockdown, Malaysian Government Tells Women

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 8:20pm EDT

    “Don’t Nag Your Husband, Wear Makeup” During Lockdown, Malaysian Government Tells Women The World Health Organization (WHO) expects COVID-19 cases and deaths in Malaysia to peak in mid-April as there are some signs of curve flattening. There are 3,116 confirmed cases and 50 deaths in the Southeast Asian country, by far, the most in the […]

  • Wuhan Residents Believe COVID-19 Is 100 Times Worse Than Chinese Government Says, Report

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 8:00pm EDT

    Wuhan Residents Believe COVID-19 Is 100 Times Worse Than Chinese Government Says, Report Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News, Residents in Wuhan, the origin of the coronavirus outbreak, have told reporters that “nobody believes the official numbers” being touted by the communist Chinese government, and that the general consensus is it could be 100 […]

  • ‪Duterte Orders Philippine Police To Shoot Dead Virus-Lockdown Violators

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 7:40pm EDT

    ‪Duterte Orders Philippine Police To Shoot Dead Virus-Lockdown Violators The Philippines could be on the brink of social chaos, sparked because the virus pandemic forced the government to lockdown 57 million residents, many of which are living in poverty and left jobless in the last month. Social unrest broke out mid-week in a Manila slum […]

  • Jim Grant Warns The Fed “Firemen Are Also The Arsonists”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 7:20pm EDT

    Jim Grant Warns The Fed “Firemen Are Also The Arsonists” Having put put America straight on what we are facing and the consequences of these unelected and unaccountable officials terrifying experiments, Grant’s Interest Rate Observer editor Jim Grant is back with another warning that irresponsible policy from the Federal Reserve made the coronavirus crisis worse […]

  • “I Found The Source Of COVID-19…”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 7:00pm EDT

    “I Found The Source Of COVID-19…” “After living and working in China for over 10 years and speaking fluent Chinese, you get to know a society pretty well… and let me tell you this – if you’re applauding or admiring the political leadership of China, you’re all deluded beyond belief.” That is how “laowhy86” begins […]

  • Facial Recognition Companies Profit From COVID-19 By Adding Thermal Imaging

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 6:40pm EDT

    Facial Recognition Companies Profit From COVID-19 By Adding Thermal Imaging Via MassPrivateI blog, The biometrics industry has never been known to miss an opportunity to make a profit. Especially when it comes at the expense of everyone’s privacy. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, facial recognition companies have been hard at work creating a new sales […]

  • Google Search Activity Shows The U.S. Is Entering A Depression

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 6:20pm EDT

    Google Search Activity Shows The U.S. Is Entering A Depression A record 6.6 million people applied for unemployment benefits this week as the coronavirus crisis forced the biggest number of layoffs around the U.S. in history, a roughly 83-sigma event and one which visualized looks as follows: Updated: Initial jobless claims as number 1/2 pic.twitter.com/VoQ3hye1LT […]

  • Congress Proposes 50% Tax On Guns & Ammo In The US

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 6:00pm EDT

    Congress Proposes 50% Tax On Guns & Ammo In The US Authored by Simon Black via SovereignMan.com, Are you ready for this week’s absurdity? Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, your finances, and your prosperity… and on occasion, poetic justice. Street Gangs […]

  • Biotech CEO Featured In ‘Pandemic’ Documentary May Have COVID-19 Cure

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 5:40pm EDT

    Biotech CEO Featured In ‘Pandemic’ Documentary May Have COVID-19 Cure A San Francisco biotech executive featured in the Netflix documentary “Pandemic” announced this week that he and his team may have a cure for coronavirus which is headed to the US military for testing. Dr. Jacob Glanville of Distributed Bio tweeted on Tuesday that after […]

  • A Boomer Elegy: To Millennials & Gen-X’ers, “I Am Sincerely Sorry”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 5:20pm EDT

    A Boomer Elegy: To Millennials & Gen-X’ers, “I Am Sincerely Sorry” Authored by James Howard Kunstler via Kunstler.com, History will probably record that America’s Baby Boom generation threw one helluva party; Gen X was left with the sorry task of cleanup crew; and the Millennials ended up squatting in the repossessed haunted party-house when it […]