• Trump Organization Seeks Concessions On Loans Backed Personally By President Trump From Deutsche Bank

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 12:47pm EDT

    Trump Organization Seeks Concessions On Loans Backed Personally By President Trump From Deutsche Bank No business is immune to the country’s coronavirus shutdown, including the President’s. In fact, it was was reported yesterday that the Trump Organization is actively seeking out concessions from Deutsche Bank, one of its lenders, due to the pandemic. Representatives from […]

  • BofA: “QE vs Unemployment” Means Soaring Inflation Will Crush The Dollar

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 12:30pm EDT

    BofA: “QE vs Unemployment” Means Soaring Inflation Will Crush The Dollar Here are the key takeaways from Michael Hartnett’s latest Flow Show: Lows on corporate bonds & stocks to hold on extreme bearishness & policy stimulus. Policy ended credit crunch but not yet recession…US dollar, oil, HY bonds will signals worst of recession priced-in. Big […]

  • Grocer Dean & DeLuca Has Filed For Bankruptcy, Hopes To Eventually Re-Open Shuttered Stores

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 12:00pm EDT

    Grocer Dean & DeLuca Has Filed For Bankruptcy, Hopes To Eventually Re-Open Shuttered Stores Today in bankruptcy news that isn’t related to the coronavirus, Dean & DeLuca, the grocery chain that closed its New York stores last year, has officially filed for bankruptcy in Manhattan and now hopes to re-open some of its stores.  The chain […]

  • This Is What Economic Collapse Looks Like

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 11:45am EDT

    This Is What Economic Collapse Looks Like Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog, Approximately ten million Americans have filed new claims for unemployment benefits over the past two weeks.  To put that in perspective, the all-time record for a single week before this coronavirus pandemic hit was just 695,000.  So needless to say, […]

  • Watch: SpaceX’s Latest Starship Test Vehicle Implodes, Crumbles To The Ground, During Cryogenic Testing

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 11:30am EDT

    Watch: SpaceX’s Latest Starship Test Vehicle Implodes, Crumbles To The Ground, During Cryogenic Testing Yet another SpaceX experiment has gone “up in smoke”. Just a month after the company’s SN1 Starship had an unplanned “incident” on the launch pad during testing, the company’s SN3 Starship test vehicle was seen crumbling like a cardboard paper towel […]

  • Millions Of Small Businesses Stunned To Learn They Are Not Eligible For Bailout Loans

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 11:13am EDT

    Millions Of Small Businesses Stunned To Learn They Are Not Eligible For Bailout Loans It’s the first day that America’s small business can apply for the Treasury’s Paycheck Protection Program, i.e., the $350BN program that is part of the bigger $2 trillion bailout package designed to provide small businesses access to capital for payroll and […]

  • How We’ll Beat COVID-19: “Everyone Should Wear A Mask!”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 10:50am EDT

    How We’ll Beat COVID-19: “Everyone Should Wear A Mask!” Via PeakProsperity.com, So many of you asked us to create a short educational clip for why masks are so important, so that you can get others onboard this movement. That was a GREAT idea! Because the most effective single step each of us can take right […]

  • The Fate Of Oil’s Torrid Rally Hinges On Trump’s Meeting With US Shale Producers Today: Here’s Why

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 10:30am EDT

    The Fate Of Oil’s Torrid Rally Hinges On Trump’s Meeting With US Shale Producers Today: Here’s Why Oil has staged a tremendous surge in the past 48 hours, largely on the back of speculation that Trump will “encourage” Saudi Arabia and Russia to pursue output cuts, even though as it subsequently emerged when Trump tweeted […]

  • Molecular Biologist Says Coronavirus Could Have Leaked From Wuhan Biolab

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 10:10am EDT

    Molecular Biologist Says Coronavirus Could Have Leaked From Wuhan Biolab Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News, A molecular biologist proclaimed Thursday that the Chinese coronavirus could have originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and been leaked, leading to it’s horrific spread around the globe. Richard H. Ebright, a professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University, told The Daily […]

  • ISM/PMI Surveys Signal Collapse In US GDP “But Companies Expect Worse To Come”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 10:02am EDT

    ISM/PMI Surveys Signal Collapse In US GDP “But Companies Expect Worse To Come” Following the drops in US Manufacturing survey data (even with ISM’s data skewed by the vendor-delivery-bias issues), expectations were for further deterioration in the services side of the economy in March. Markit’s Services PMI tumbled from 49.4 to 39.8 (but was better […]

  • Shocking Footage Inside NYC Hospital Reveals Outbreak ‘War Zone’ As Patients Pour In

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 9:50am EDT

    Shocking Footage Inside NYC Hospital Reveals Outbreak ‘War Zone’ As Patients Pour In “Well, this is a warzone, a medical warzone,” Dr. Arabia Mollette told CBS New York at Brooklyn’s Brookdale Hospital Medical Center, which has been at maximum capacity after a huge influx of critical COVID-19 patients. “Every day I come, what I see on a […]

  • A Grim Milestone

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 9:30am EDT

    A Grim Milestone Submitted by Michael Every of Rabobank As this working week comes to a close we pass one grim milestone: over a million people world-wide are now infected with COVID-19, and likely already many millions given how poor global testing efforts have been. The disaster is probably only just getting started in countries […]

  • A Feverish Boris Johnson Will Continue To Isolate As COVID-19 Symptoms Worsen

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 9:15am EDT

    A Feverish Boris Johnson Will Continue To Isolate As COVID-19 Symptoms Worsen UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson does not look good. In a short video posted to twitter, the British Prime Minister urged Britons to stay at home, lauding those who have obeyed the national lockdown orders for “saving lives.” Another quick update from me […]

  • When Bulls Are This Over-Anxious To Catch The Rocketship Higher, The Bottom’s Not Close

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 9:01am EDT

    When Bulls Are This Over-Anxious To Catch The Rocketship Higher, The Bottom’s Not Close Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, Everyone with any position in today’s market will be able to say they lived through a real Bear Market. In the echo chamber of a Bull Market, there’s always a reason to get […]

  • Chris Cuomo Hallucinates Dead Father During Night Of Coronavirus Hell

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 8:45am EDT

    Chris Cuomo Hallucinates Dead Father During Night Of Coronavirus Hell CNN’s Chris Cuomo says he endured a night of hell while battling coronavirus – shivering so hard he chipped a tooth and began hallucinating. “This virus came at me. I’ve never seen anything like it,” said the 49-year-old Cuomo – telling viewers he had a […]

  • March Jobs Disaster: 701,000 Jobs Lost As Unemplyment Rate Soars

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 8:35am EDT

    March Jobs Disaster: 701,000 Jobs Lost As Unemplyment Rate Soars Just like that the 113 record straight months of employment growth is over with a bang. While today’s payrolls report was expected to be not quite as terrible as the recent initial claims suggested, especially since the March survey week took place around March 13 […]

  • Trader Warns “Today May Be Trickier Than Many Expect”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 8:20am EDT

    Trader Warns “Today May Be Trickier Than Many Expect” Authored by Richard Breslow via Bloomberg, Markets through the Asia session and into the early hours have been described by some as, “quiet, while traders await non-farm payrolls.” Conversely, others have described it as, “choppy and at times volatile amid nervous trading and jockeying for position.” That […]

  • Futures Slide As European Economy Craters, Dollar Surges: All Eyes On Payrolls

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 8:13am EDT

    Futures Slide As European Economy Craters, Dollar Surges: All Eyes On Payrolls S&P futures have erased much of yesterday’s late day ramp alongside European stocks with investors awaiting data on non-farm payrolls and business activity to assess the extent of the economic hit from the coronavirus pandemic which has now infected more than a million […]

  • Oil Extends Record Surge After OPEC+ Said To Discuss 10MM Bpd Cut

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 7:55am EDT

    Oil Extends Record Surge After OPEC+ Said To Discuss 10MM Bpd Cut Following yesterday’s record surge, oil prices are rebounding from an overnight fade on the heels of yet more hope-filled supply-cut headlines from the OPEC+ coalition. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and allies, a group led by Saudi Arabia and Russia, will reportedly […]

  • In Major Reversal, Singapore Imposes Month-Long Lockdown As Asia Faces “Second Wave” Of COVID-19: Live Updates

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 7:48am EDT

    In Major Reversal, Singapore Imposes Month-Long Lockdown As Asia Faces “Second Wave” Of COVID-19: Live Updates As we arrive at the end of another week, In NYC, subway trains are still crowded with commuters as the MTA is forced to reduce trains and cars as more of its workforce falls ill or simply refuses to […]

  • “Panic Stations”: What Are The LBMA And COMEX Trying To Hide?

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 7:00am EDT

    “Panic Stations”: What Are The LBMA And COMEX Trying To Hide? Submitted by Ronan Manly, Between 1962 and 1968, a cartel of central banks from the US and Europe ran a price manipulation scheme in London, aiming to keep the price of gold at $35 per ounce. They did this by constant intervention into the […]

  • China’s ‘Silicon Valley’ Bans Consumption Of Cats, Dogs

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 6:30am EDT

    China’s ‘Silicon Valley’ Bans Consumption Of Cats, Dogs As officials in Beijing continue their crackdown on the illegal trade in live wild animals sold for human consumption at China’s infamous ‘wet’ markets – which have been blamed for passing the novel coronavirus to humans via bats, snakes or possible pangolins – Shenzen, the southern Chinese […]

  • New York Prisoners Offered PPE & $6/Hour To Dig Mass Graves For COVID-19 Victims

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 6:00am EDT

    New York Prisoners Offered PPE & $6/Hour To Dig Mass Graves For COVID-19 Victims Authored by Alan Macleod via MintPressNews.com, The job is being presented as a voluntary service. But in reality, prisoners have little choice… One month ago, MintPress News reported that, in the case of a particularly bad COVID-19 (coronavirus) epidemic in New York City, authorities […]

  • Experts Fear ‘Suicide Wave’ As The Social Fabric Of America Becomes “Unstitched”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 5:30am EDT

    Experts Fear ‘Suicide Wave’ As The Social Fabric Of America Becomes “Unstitched” Millions of Americans have just lost their jobs in the last several weeks due to the COVID-19 outbreak shutting down large swaths of the US economy. Households are coming under severe financial stress, with no savings, insurmountable debts, and job loss. Many are […]

  • COVID-19 Poses A Greater Threat To Iran’s Ayatollahs Than US Sanctions Do

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 5:00am EDT

    COVID-19 Poses A Greater Threat To Iran’s Ayatollahs Than US Sanctions Do Authored by Con Coughlin via The Gatestone Institute, The Iranian regime’s disastrous handling of the coronavirus pandemic could ultimately pose a greater threat to the survival of the ayatollahs than the impact of Washington’s uncompromising sanctions regime. Up until the coronavirus outbreak, the […]