• COVID-19 Poses A Greater Threat To Iran’s Ayatollahs Than US Sanctions Do

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 5:00am EDT

    COVID-19 Poses A Greater Threat To Iran’s Ayatollahs Than US Sanctions Do Authored by Con Coughlin via The Gatestone Institute, The Iranian regime’s disastrous handling of the coronavirus pandemic could ultimately pose a greater threat to the survival of the ayatollahs than the impact of Washington’s uncompromising sanctions regime. Up until the coronavirus outbreak, the […]

  • “It’s Like 9/11” – New York Becomes Wuhan As Its Crematories Work Overtime

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 4:30am EDT

    “It’s Like 9/11” – New York Becomes Wuhan As Its Crematories Work Overtime New York City is transforming into Wuhan, China, a sight that we showed readers on Thursday morning of body bags piled up at one Manhattan area hospital. Now there are reports of crematories in the city, extending hours, and burning bodies into the night, […]

  • Internal Documents: Monsanto Knew For Years Their Products Damaged Farms

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 3:55am EDT

    Internal Documents: Monsanto Knew For Years Their Products Damaged Farms Authored by Mac Slavo via SHTFplan.com, According to internal documents, Monsanto and Germany’s BASF knew their products would destroy farms in the United States. The firms disregarded the risks even while they planned on how to profit off farmers who would buy Monsanto’s new seeds […]

  • “Very Challenging” – Norway Wealth Fund Lost Record $113 Billion, Withdraws Money To Fight Virus Crisis

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 3:20am EDT

    “Very Challenging” – Norway Wealth Fund Lost Record $113 Billion, Withdraws Money To Fight Virus Crisis The stock market crash around the world, triggered by coronavirus pandemic, has led to unprecedented losses for the world’s biggest sovereign wealth fund.  According to Bloomberg, Norway’s sovereign wealth fund lost $113 billion in the first quarter. The fund has […]

  • Putin & Trump Versus The New World Order: The Final Battle

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 2:45am EDT

    Putin & Trump Versus The New World Order: The Final Battle Authored by Sylvain LaForest via OrientalReview.org, We live in exciting times. The unknown that lays ahead for all of us is both exhilarating and scary. Exhilarating in the long term, but rather scary in the short term. All empires eventually die and we’re in […]

  • Toilet Paper Producers Roll’ing In The Dough

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 2:10am EDT

    Toilet Paper Producers Roll’ing In The Dough Because not only food, but – most importantly – toilet paper is being stockpiled during the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, producers of precious TP are on a roll. Sales of toilet paper in the U.S. rose by an estimated 60 percent in March compared to the same month last year. […]

  • “Borders Matter” – Austria’s COVID-19 Chronicles

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 1:35am EDT

    “Borders Matter” – Austria’s COVID-19 Chronicles Authored by Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff via The Gatestone Institute, Week 1 in a country in complete shutdown. Austria has been at the forefront of forcing its citizens to “shelter in place” by enacting measures so severe that even the country’s elderly cannot remember anything similar. To snuff out a virus that originated […]

  • March Jobs Preview: The First Negative Print In Ten Years, And Then All Hell Breaks Loose

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 1:00am EDT

    March Jobs Preview: The First Negative Print In Ten Years, And Then All Hell Breaks Loose As RanSquawk notes, the data for March are already stale, given the release of the timelier initial jobless claims data, which showed another record high number of claims, and some 10 million laid off workers in the past 2 […]

  • Mnuchin Says Energy Firms Can Be Bailed Out By The Fed

    ZeroHedge - Apr 3rd 2020 12:11am EDT

    Mnuchin Says Energy Firms Can Be Bailed Out By The Fed As part of the Coronavirus CARES Act, the $2 trillion fiscal stimulus meant to resuscitate the US economy, Congress allocated $454 billion to help underwrite the special lending programs from the Federal Reserve. This could generate up to $4.540 trillion in new lending (assuming […]

  • The State-By-State Toll Of Coronavirus On The Job Market

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 11:40pm EDT

    The State-By-State Toll Of Coronavirus On The Job Market Courtesy of Joseph Brusuelas of the Real Economy Blog and Wallet Hub The widespread layoffs of American workers worsened in the third week of the coronavirus shutdown, with all states (with the exception of the Virgin Islands) now having reported a significant increase in initial jobless […]

  • WHO Targeted In Major COVID-19 Data-Hacking Campaign Believed Tied To Iran

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 11:20pm EDT

    WHO Targeted In Major COVID-19 Data-Hacking Campaign Believed Tied To Iran A new report by Reuters alleges a major attempted hack of the World Health Organization (WHO) during the worldwide coronavirus pandemic linked to Iranian state entities. WHO officials described “a sustained digital bombardment” by hackers described as seeking internal information on the deadly coronavirus, further […]

  • Escobar: Ground-Control To Planet Lockdown – “The Existing World-System Has To Go”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 11:00pm EDT

    Escobar: Ground-Control To Planet Lockdown – “The Existing World-System Has To Go” Authored by Pepe Escobar via The Strategic Culture Foundation, As much as Covid-19 is a circuit breaker, a time bomb and an actual weapon of mass destruction (WMD), a fierce debate is raging worldwide on the wisdom of mass quarantine applied to entire […]

  • New York’s Unemployment Fund Will Be Insolvent In 2 Months

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 10:40pm EDT

    New York’s Unemployment Fund Will Be Insolvent In 2 Months With 92,381 total cases, surging by 8,669 in one day, and resulting in 2,373 deaths, New York has emerged the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic. Just as concerning, is that it is also among the states least prepared to deal with the record surge of […]

  • What Really Caused Oil To Rally By 25%?

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 10:18pm EDT

    What Really Caused Oil To Rally By 25%? Submitted by Nick Cunningham of Just had a great conversation with Russia’s @novakav1. While we normally compete, we agreed that #COVID19 requires unprecedented level of int’l cooperation. Discussed 10mbpd out of global supply. Look forward to speaking with Saudi Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman soon.— Ryan Sitton (@RyanSitton) […]

  • Texas Case Could Produce One Of The First COVID-19 Hate-Crime Charges

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 10:05pm EDT

    Texas Case Could Produce One Of The First COVID-19 Hate-Crime Charges Authored by Jonathan Turley, Jose L. Gomez, 19, may have the dubious distinction of being the first person charged and convicted of a Corona hate crime. Gomez is accused of stabbing three members of a family of four inside a Sam’s Club. The family […]

  • Concerned Citizens Or Rats? Americans Snitch On Local Businesses & Neighbors Amid Shutdowns

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 9:45pm EDT

    Concerned Citizens Or Rats? Americans Snitch On Local Businesses & Neighbors Amid Shutdowns Scott Horton at the Libertarian Institute is alarmed at how fast the rise in corona-moral shaming is translating into Americans snitching to police and town authorities on local small businesses and neighbors… “Umm, umm, ummm! I’m telling on you! I’m gonna get you in […]

  • “Who Are These Parents?” – As COVID-19 Cases Soar, America’s Teenaged ‘Covidiots’ Still Aren’t Obeying Quarantine Orders

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 9:05pm EDT

    “Who Are These Parents?” – As COVID-19 Cases Soar, America’s Teenaged ‘Covidiots’ Still Aren’t Obeying Quarantine Orders Looking back, the fact that most Americans went about their daily lives as if nothing was happening for most of February – heeding the official advice of mayors including NYC’s Bill de Blasio and others – seems almost […]

  • Crypto, QEternity, & “We Won’t Know Hyperinflation’s Happening Until It’s Too Late”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 8:45pm EDT

    Crypto, QEternity, & “We Won’t Know Hyperinflation’s Happening Until It’s Too Late” Authored by Andrew Singer via CoinTelegraph.com, These are perilous times, and it hasn’t escaped anyone’s notice that the United States Federal Reserve is doing its part to alleviate the suffering — which began with the coronavirus pandemic and has spread to the global economy. It’s […]

  • “Pandemic Drones” Can Now Detect Fever and Coughing 

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 8:25pm EDT

    “Pandemic Drones” Can Now Detect Fever and Coughing  The COVID-19 outbreak is proving to be the Trojan horse that justifies the ushering in of the surveillance state. We’ve noted how governments and corporations are quickly deploying big data and spy tools to monitor people during the pandemic. The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on illegal immigration, […]

  • Trump Slams Schumer: “If You Weren’t So Busy With Impeachment Hoax, New York Would Have Been Prepared”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 8:05pm EDT

    Trump Slams Schumer: “If You Weren’t So Busy With Impeachment Hoax, New York Would Have Been Prepared” President Trump and the White House task force delivered another lengthy, and at times rambling, press conference Thursday evening, and after Mnuchin finished speaking about the stimulus bill ‘complications’, we suspect most viewers probably tuned out. But those […]

  • Depression Strikes America, Looting Begins, Panic Searching “Buy Ammo” Hits Record

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 7:45pm EDT

    Depression Strikes America, Looting Begins, Panic Searching “Buy Ammo” Hits Record With a labor market in freefall, ten million Americans have lost their jobs in two weeks. CNN reported Thursday afternoon that stimulus checks for households could take up to 20 weeks, which is creating a perfect storm of possible social unrest.  The Federation of Red […]

  • S&P Reaffirms US At AA+, Outlook Stable

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 7:28pm EDT

    S&P Reaffirms US At AA+, Outlook Stable With the US in deep economic and financial crisis, with the Fed now monetizing more than 100% of debt issuance, and with US debt set to hit $30 trillion from its current $23 trillion in about 2 years, there were growing concerns that this was an opportunity for […]

  • Could The COVID-19 Response Be More Deadly Than The Virus?

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 7:25pm EDT

    Could The COVID-19 Response Be More Deadly Than The Virus? Authored by Kevin Ryan via Off-Guardian.org, The economic, social and public health consequences of these measures could claim millions of victims… The initial, alarming estimates of deaths from the virus COVID-19 were that as many as 2.2 million people would die in the United States. […]

  • “Never Built To Fight A 50-State Pandemic”: DHS Medical Emergency Stockpile Nearly Depleted

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 7:05pm EDT

    “Never Built To Fight A 50-State Pandemic”: DHS Medical Emergency Stockpile Nearly Depleted In yet more dire outbreak-induced medical supplies shortage news, the federal government’s own emergency stockpile of respirator masks, gloves, and ventilators is already nearly depleted. Two Homeland Security Department officials told the Washington Post that crucial supplies kept in the Health and Human Services Department’s Strategic National Stockpile are […]

  • “When The Tide Rolls Out”: Jim Chanos Delivers CNBC Master-Class In Shorting Stocks

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 6:25pm EDT

    “When The Tide Rolls Out”: Jim Chanos Delivers CNBC Master-Class In Shorting Stocks Jim Chanos had a good start to the day today. Hours before his appearance on CNBC, where he weighed in on a number of topics, he had already covered his short on Luckin Coffee. Recall, we reported this morning that Luckin Coffee was […]