• Elon Musk Promised New York Ventilators… He Sent 5 Year Old Sleep Apnea Machines Instead

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 9:45am EDT

    Elon Musk Promised New York Ventilators… He Sent 5 Year Old Sleep Apnea Machines Instead After weeks of finding new ways to embarrass himself in the coronavirus news cycle – most recently taking a stab at doctors and saying they were too “scared” to help coronavirus patients – Elon Musk has opened up a new […]

  • Walgreens Plunges After Warning On Slowing Sales, Foot Traffic, Sees “Less Discretionary Spending”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 9:30am EDT

    Walgreens Plunges After Warning On Slowing Sales, Foot Traffic, Sees “Less Discretionary Spending” Up until now vendors of “essential” products such as grocery stores and pharmacies were seen as the sole silver lining in a decimated retail sector, where businesses from restaurants, to lodging, to bars, to cinemas had all effectively shut down is part […]

  • Rabobank: “What The Market Should Be Focusing On Is Whether There Are Still Markets”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 9:20am EDT

    Rabobank: “What The Market Should Be Focusing On Is Whether There Are Still Markets” Submitted by Michael Every of Rabobank As COVID-19 continues to spread worldwide, economies slump, stocks of personal protective equipment and key drugs dwindle in the US, and as Americans buy record numbers of guns, the market focus today is arguably going […]

  • Luckin Coffee Crashes 85% After Admitting “Fabricating $300 Million In Sales”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 9:05am EDT

    Luckin Coffee Crashes 85% After Admitting “Fabricating $300 Million In Sales” Luckin Coffee says its special committee today brought to the attention of the board information indicating that COO Jian Liu and several employees engaged in certain misconduct, including fabricating certain transactions, starting 2Q last year. CNBC’s David Faber estimates the total ‘fake’ revenue was […]

  • US Equity Futures Crash Into Red After Record Jobless Claims

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 8:43am EDT

    US Equity Futures Crash Into Red After Record Jobless Claims Another hope-filled overnight session crushed on the shores of reality… A worse than expected and simply unprecedented surge in jobless claims has sent Dow futures careening back into the red after a strong night…       Tyler Durden Thu, 04/02/2020 – 08:43

  • “US Labor Market Is In Free-Fall” – 10 Million Americans Have Filed For Unemployment In Past 2 Weeks

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 8:31am EDT

    “US Labor Market Is In Free-Fall” – 10 Million Americans Have Filed For Unemployment In Past 2 Weeks After last week’s unprecedented 3.3 million surge in initial jobless claims, this week’s is even more unprecedented-er, adding a stunning 6.648 million (just 100k away from our estimate of 6.5million) for a two-week sum of 10 million […]

  • US Futures Rebound From Plunge As Oil Jumps; All Eyes On Initial Claims

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 8:24am EDT

    US Futures Rebound From Plunge As Oil Jumps; All Eyes On Initial Claims The market rollercoaster is back, if somewhat less stomach-churning, with US equity rebounding from yesterday’s plunge which – now that the pension fund frontrunning trade is over – was the worst start to a new quarter since the Great Depression. Q2 is […]

  • Oil Surges On Report China Buying For Strategic Reserve, Hopes For Saudi-Russia Truce

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 7:57am EDT

    Oil Surges On Report China Buying For Strategic Reserve, Hopes For Saudi-Russia Truce Oil surged as much as 13% this morning following a report that China is planning to start buying cheap crude for its strategic reserves, as well as speculation that President Trump said he thought Saudi Arabia and Russia would resolve their differences […]

  • “Get To Da Choppa”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 7:24am EDT

    “Get To Da Choppa” Submitted by Eleanor Creagh, Australian Market Strategist at Saxo Bank US equity markets recorded a seven-sigma move last week. Under a normal distribution, the expected occurrence of this event is equal to one day in 3,105,395,365 years By the time this goes to print, a lot could have changed already — […]

  • Global Coronavirus Cases Edge Toward 1 Million As Deaths Surge In US & Europe: Live Updates

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 6:36am EDT

    Global Coronavirus Cases Edge Toward 1 Million As Deaths Surge In US & Europe: Live Updates Before we get started today, let’s take a minute to review… 3/10 1,000 3/11 1,267 3/12 1,645 3/13 2,204 3/14 2,826 3/15 3,505 3/16 4,466 3/17 6,135 3/18 8,760 3/19 13,229 3/20 18,763 3/21 25,740 3/22 34,276 3/23 42,663 […]

  • If Germany Rejects ‘Corona-Bonds’, They Must Quit The Eurozone

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 6:10am EDT

    If Germany Rejects ‘Corona-Bonds’, They Must Quit The Eurozone Authored by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog, Germany and their moral poses… a century of Europe cries, “Enough!” It’s hard for those living outside of Europe to understand the resentment towards Germany; Germans themselves often seem totally oblivious – the “German professor” only ever sees […]

  • Watch: Dramatic Footage Of Bodies Piled Up In Manhattan Hospital

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 5:35am EDT

    Watch: Dramatic Footage Of Bodies Piled Up In Manhattan Hospital As bodies pile up at New York City area hospitals, 45 refrigerated tractor-trailers were dispatched to the city to act as temporary morgues last month. We noted last week that morgues in the city were “nearing capacity” and would be full by the first week of April. […]

  • German Infectologist Decimates COVID-19 Doomsday Cult In Open Letter To Merkel

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 5:00am EDT

    German Infectologist Decimates COVID-19 Doomsday Cult In Open Letter To Merkel Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, released a now-viral video in which he calmly explained why nationwide lockdowns are “collective suicide”. Now he has written an open letter to Chancellor Angela Merkel and it is fantastic… Via Anti-Empire.com, A […]

  • Authorities Blast Swedish Teens Over ‘Deliberately Coughing On Elderly’ Virus-Challenge

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 4:15am EDT

    Authorities Blast Swedish Teens Over ‘Deliberately Coughing On Elderly’ Virus-Challenge The ‘Covidiots’ have struck again. Authorities in the Swedish municipality of Eslov have warned residents that millennials are running around town “coughing, sneezing, and spitting beside the elderly in the so-called ‘coronavirus challenge,'” reported RT News. Eslov authorities have demanded parents in the town give their […]

  • Spain Reports More Than Five Times As Many COVID-19 Deaths-Per-Capita As US

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 3:30am EDT

    Spain Reports More Than Five Times As Many COVID-19 Deaths-Per-Capita As US Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute, It’s been a couple of days since my post on deaths per 100,000 in the USA and several other countries. I’m very much a cautious “measure twice, cut once” type of person, so I went […]

  • Panama Introduces Gender-Based Lockdown As COVID-19-Death-Toll Rises

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 2:45am EDT

    Panama Introduces Gender-Based Lockdown As COVID-19-Death-Toll Rises Panama has so far recorded 1,181 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 30 deaths. The Central American country, bordering both the Caribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, between Colombia and Costa Rica, has gone into mandatory lockdown to halt the spread of the virus.  Panama has taken unprecedented measures […]

  • Sweden Begins To Abandon Liberal Coronavirus Approach As Deaths Surge

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 2:00am EDT

    Sweden Begins To Abandon Liberal Coronavirus Approach As Deaths Surge Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, Having been one of the few European countries in the world not to impose a coronavirus lockdown, Sweden is now starting to abandon its liberal approach after a surge in deaths. Up until now, Sweden had kept […]

  • Watch: Riots Erupt In Israel As Police Enforce COVID-19 Quarantine, Synagogues Shuttered

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 1:00am EDT

    Watch: Riots Erupt In Israel As Police Enforce COVID-19 Quarantine, Synagogues Shuttered Israeli media is reporting that riots have broken out in Arab as well as some Jewish neighborhoods of Israel over quarantine enforcement. Particularly violent clashes in Jaffa also erupted after police confronted and tried to detain a man for reportedly breaking quarantine. “Dozens of […]

  • Draconian Lockdown Powers: It’s A Slippery Slope From Handwashing To House Arrest

    ZeroHedge - Apr 2nd 2020 12:05am EDT

    Draconian Lockdown Powers: It’s A Slippery Slope From Handwashing To House Arrest Authored by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” – Viktor Frankl […]

  • Broken Markets: A Visual Odyssey Through All The Market’s Dislocations In 56 Charts

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 11:45pm EDT

    Broken Markets: A Visual Odyssey Through All The Market’s Dislocations In 56 Charts Instead of narrating – often in mind-numbing detail – how broken markets are, for once we will let the charts do the talking. In the visual odyssey through today’s  broken market, we summarize various measures of market dislocation and stress across asset […]

  • Credit Crisis Averted… Monetary Crisis Initiated

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 11:25pm EDT

    Credit Crisis Averted… Monetary Crisis Initiated Via GoldMoney Insights, The Fed seems to have managed to halt the massive dollar squeeze and the associated strength in nominal yields and real-interest rate expectations.  This has led to a reversal of the rather peculiar gold sell-off that started in early March. We think this short-term win for […]

  • China Reports Surge In Divorces As Marriages Crumbled Under Lockdown, Dashing Hopes For ‘Baby Boom’

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 11:05pm EDT

    China Reports Surge In Divorces As Marriages Crumbled Under Lockdown, Dashing Hopes For ‘Baby Boom’ As China lifts its lockdown rules and the country gradually gets ‘back to normal’ following the outbreak of novel coronavirus and COVID-19, Bloomberg News reports that divorce rates have suddenly jumped as the quarantines caused unprecedented levels of interpersonal strike […]

  • US Sues To Unwind Altria’s $12.8 BN Investment In Juul

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 10:58pm EDT

    US Sues To Unwind Altria’s $12.8 BN Investment In Juul Back when Altria first announced it had jumped on the e-smoking bandwagon by purchasing a 35% stake in vaping startup Juul, we warned that it would end in tears. Little did we know just how many tears, and how much destroyed value less than two […]

  • You Are Being Tracked… More Than Ever Before

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 10:45pm EDT

    You Are Being Tracked… More Than Ever Before Authored by Mac Slavo via SHTFplan.com, The United States government has rolled out incredibly totalitarian measures that amount to human rights violations in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus.  Unfortunately, long after this pandemic is a distance memory, the authoritarian controls will still be […]

  • Banks To Make Billions On Small Business Bailout

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 10:25pm EDT

    Banks To Make Billions On Small Business Bailout As part of the $2 trillion fiscal stimulus package that was signed into law by Donald Trump on Friday, the Small Business Administration will offer $350 billion in loans to US small businesses meant to preserve business solvency as part of the emergency federal response to the […]