• US Sues To Unwind Altria’s $12.8 BN Investment In Juul

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 10:58pm EDT

    US Sues To Unwind Altria’s $12.8 BN Investment In Juul Back when Altria first announced it had jumped on the e-smoking bandwagon by purchasing a 35% stake in vaping startup Juul, we warned that it would end in tears. Little did we know just how many tears, and how much destroyed value less than two […]

  • You Are Being Tracked… More Than Ever Before

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 10:45pm EDT

    You Are Being Tracked… More Than Ever Before Authored by Mac Slavo via SHTFplan.com, The United States government has rolled out incredibly totalitarian measures that amount to human rights violations in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus.  Unfortunately, long after this pandemic is a distance memory, the authoritarian controls will still be […]

  • Banks To Make Billions On Small Business Bailout

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 10:25pm EDT

    Banks To Make Billions On Small Business Bailout As part of the $2 trillion fiscal stimulus package that was signed into law by Donald Trump on Friday, the Small Business Administration will offer $350 billion in loans to US small businesses meant to preserve business solvency as part of the emergency federal response to the […]

  • Corporate Revolvers Reach A Tipping Point: Here Are All The Companies That Have Drawn Down Their Bank Loans

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 10:15pm EDT

    Corporate Revolvers Reach A Tipping Point: Here Are All The Companies That Have Drawn Down Their Bank Loans Over the weekend, when we last looked at the unprecedented frenzy by corporations both big and small to draw down on their revolver as they rushed to take advantage of the last traces of liquidity in a […]

  • Calls Mount For Investigation Into WHO For Participating In China’s Coronavirus Coverup

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 10:05pm EDT

    Calls Mount For Investigation Into WHO For Participating In China’s Coronavirus Coverup Calls are mounting for a Congressional investigation into the World Health Organization’s alleged role in helping China conceal the severity of the coronavirus outbreak. On Tuesday, Florida Senator Rick Scott (R) issued a statement conveying demanding accountability over the WHO’s handling of the […]

  • Is America Preparing For Civil War?

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 9:45pm EDT

    Is America Preparing For Civil War? “The jump has no precedent in recorded history…” is how one analyst described the stunning surge in estimated firearm sales indicated by data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System latest report. While actual gun purchases aren’t tracked in the U.S., the FBI system […]

  • 6.5 Million Initial Jobless Claims Tomorrow?

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 9:25pm EDT

    6.5 Million Initial Jobless Claims Tomorrow? Last week, when consensus was expecting a “modest” 281K initial jobless claims, we said that SouthBay Research’s Andrew Zatlin, who has regularly been the most accurate predictor of labor market prints, expected no less than 2.4 million initial jobless claims. He was off by a million: the actual number […]

  • Pentagon Orders 100,000 Body Bags As FEMA Braces For Onslaught Of COVID-19 Deaths

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 9:05pm EDT

    Pentagon Orders 100,000 Body Bags As FEMA Braces For Onslaught Of COVID-19 Deaths After President Trump’s talk of up to 240k coronavirus-related deaths rattled markets on Wednesday, Bloomberg reported Wednesday evening that the Pentagon is seeking up to 100,000 body bags for FEMA, lending the federal coronavirus response a real natural-disaster feel. Per BBG, the […]

  • Dr. Fauci Given Security Detail After Receiving Unspecified ‘Threats’

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 8:47pm EDT

    Dr. Fauci Given Security Detail After Receiving Unspecified ‘Threats’ It sounds almost unimaginable that anybody in the country right now would wish harm on sweet, innocent Dr. Anthony Fauci, the gifted doctor whose pioneering work on HIV and AIDS has been credited with saving millions of lives, and whose work leading the federal COVID-19 response has […]

  • COVID-19 ‘Miracle Drug’ Goes On FDA Shortage List After Study Confirms Efficacy

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 8:45pm EDT

    COVID-19 ‘Miracle Drug’ Goes On FDA Shortage List After Study Confirms Efficacy Days after the FDA approved the use of hydrochloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19, weekly prescriptions soard from 100k to 300k in one week. Compounding the issue is a study, which shows that the commonly used treatment for lupus, arthritis and other disorders […]

  • Is Italy’s COVID-19 Mortality Rate Even Worse Than Officials Are Letting On?

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 8:25pm EDT

    Is Italy’s COVID-19 Mortality Rate Even Worse Than Officials Are Letting On? As US intelligence agencies dispute China’s surprisingly low mortality stats, and as researchers ponder what’s causing Italy’s outrageous 10%+ mortality rate, one thing is indisputable: mortality rates are climbing even as the number of cases being reported in places like Italy are tapering […]

  • “I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This”: Small Businesses Beg For ‘Speedy’ Stimulus Delivery

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 8:05pm EDT

    “I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This”: Small Businesses Beg For ‘Speedy’ Stimulus Delivery “I have never seen anything like this in my lifetime,” one small business owner was cited in Reuters as saying. The real question now is how long can small and family businesses — which account for some half of all US employment and are fast […]

  • Eight Registered Sex Offenders Released From NY Jail Due To Gov. Cuomo’s Statewide COVID-19 Orders

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 7:45pm EDT

    Eight Registered Sex Offenders Released From NY Jail Due To Gov. Cuomo’s Statewide COVID-19 Orders “We can’t let the cure be worse than the problem,” President Trump emphasized to the press several weeks ago when talking about coronavirus. Perhaps he should have been stressing that message to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo instead. Eight registered […]

  • Japanese VP: The WHO Should Be Renamed The “Chinese Health Organization”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 7:25pm EDT

    Japanese VP: The WHO Should Be Renamed The “Chinese Health Organization” Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, The deputy prime minister of Japan says that the WHO should be renamed the ‘Chinese Health Organization’ for its role in helping Beijing cover-up the severity of the coronavirus outbreak. Referring to a petition which now has almost […]

  • ‘Disappeared’ Wuhan Whistleblower Doc Suddenly Sends Cryptic Message

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 7:05pm EDT

    ‘Disappeared’ Wuhan Whistleblower Doc Suddenly Sends Cryptic Message Chinese whistleblowing Wuhan doctor Ai Fen, who claimed Beijing prevented her from warning the world about COVID-19, has mysteriously disappeared, according to an investigation by 60 Minutes, Australia. Besides Chinese doctor Li Wenliang, Fen was one of the first to notice a steady stream of patients with pneumonia-like symptoms […]

  • How Low Could US Oil Production Actually Go?

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 6:45pm EDT

    How Low Could US Oil Production Actually Go? Authored by David Messler via OilPrice.com, The oil-bears continue their romp across the energy markets with various grades of crude reaching lows not seen in almost twenty years. There will come a point where I can sit down and pen the following words, “We’ve reached bottom, and […]

  • Study Finds That Trump’s ‘Miracle Drug’ Helps Fight COVID-19

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 6:25pm EDT

    Study Finds That Trump’s ‘Miracle Drug’ Helps Fight COVID-19 The New York Times and Washington Post aren’t going to enjoy reporting this. A relatively small study involving coronavirus patients in China has determined that the malaria drugs that President Trump has been pushing as potential coronavirus ‘miracle cures’ actually do seem to work in preventing […]

  • Hawaii Lt. Governor: Everyone Should Wear A Mask When Leaving Home

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 6:05pm EDT

    Hawaii Lt. Governor: Everyone Should Wear A Mask When Leaving Home Everyone should wear a mask when they’re leaving their home during the CCP virus pandemic, according to Hawaii’s Lieutenant Gov. Josh Green, a physician. The statement comes, as The Epoch Times’ Zachary Stieber reports, as experts across the United States are increasingly recommending the same while warning people to […]

  • In Groundbreaking Move, Fed Excludes Treasurys From Leverage Ratio Rule: Here’s What That Means

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 5:43pm EDT

    In Groundbreaking Move, Fed Excludes Treasurys From Leverage Ratio Rule: Here’s What That Means For the past few weeks, most of Wall Street’s Fed watchers and STIR experts such as Zoltan Pozsar and Marc Cabana had lamented that one trick the Fed could pull to ease the tension in the Treasury market and to potentially […]

  • It’s Only A Matter Of Time Until COVID-19 Lockdowns Lead To Civil Unrest And Violent Crime

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 5:25pm EDT

    It’s Only A Matter Of Time Until COVID-19 Lockdowns Lead To Civil Unrest And Violent Crime Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog, The United States of America is basically closed for business, leaving citizens jobless, broke, and without options. We’re facing restrictions on movement the likes of which our nation has never […]

  • Fed Panics As Foreigners Dump A Record $109 Billion In US Treasuries

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 5:04pm EDT

    Fed Panics As Foreigners Dump A Record $109 Billion In US Treasuries Exactly one week ago, when we highlighted the unprecedented surge in Fed Treasury purchases which since March 19 has amounted to $75BN per day until tomorrow when it tapers modestly to $60BN, we said that the Fed’s record ramp in debt monetization “is […]

  • Watch Live: White House Coronavirus Task Force Delivers Wednesday Briefing

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 5:03pm EDT

    Watch Live: White House Coronavirus Task Force Delivers Wednesday Briefing It’s that time again…Trump’s declaration that he expects up to 240k deaths from last night’s presser was widely cited as the reason for Wednesday’s selloff. Let’s see what we hear from the president today. Tyler Durden Wed, 04/01/2020 – 17:03

  • Von Greyerz: 2008/9 “Was Just A Rehearsal”

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 4:45pm EDT

    Von Greyerz: 2008/9 “Was Just A Rehearsal” Authored by Egon von Greyerz via GoldSwitzerland.com, Whoever doesn’t learn to dance in the rain will struggle to survive the virtually non-stop storms that the world will experience in the next few years. The abrupt downturn in the global economy, triggered but not caused by coronavirus, came as […]

  • “One Of The Worst Coverups In Human History”: MSM Attention Turns To Chinese Biolab Near COVID-19 Ground Zero

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 4:25pm EDT

    “One Of The Worst Coverups In Human History”: MSM Attention Turns To Chinese Biolab Near COVID-19 Ground Zero In late January we asked whether a prolific Chinese scientist who was experimenting with bat coronavirus at a level-4 biolab in Wuhan China was responsible for the current outbreak of a virus which is 96% genetically identical […]

  • April Fool’d – Bonds Bid, Stocks Slammed As Rebalance-Bid Evaporates

    ZeroHedge - Apr 1st 2020 4:00pm EDT

    April Fool’d – Bonds Bid, Stocks Slammed As Rebalance-Bid Evaporates With month-/quarter-end rebalancing flows now a thing of the past… Virus-fear is back… Source: Bloomberg But the day started off ugly with a huge sell program… Source: Bloomberg …the biggest negative TICK since Aug 13th 2018… Source: Bloomberg Small Caps led the bloodbathery with a […]