• The Case for Trump 2024: “Worse Is Better” Is Tomorrow

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 25th 2024 9:43am EDT

    Be a real American. Be a Nazi. pic.twitter.com/fAODDwANnA — BiggerNeater1589 (@RLidgeway) June 11, 2024 In the 2020 election, I was exhausted with Donald Trump and was ready to move on from the Trump era and bought into a limited version of the “worse is better” accelerationist argument. Donald Trump lost the 2020 election because he […]

  • The Case for Trump 2024: Trump’s Indomitable Will

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 24th 2024 10:21am EDT

    .@TuckerCarlson reflects on Trump’s transformation after being shot: “This was no longer a man… this was the leader of a nation.” pic.twitter.com/zbJfgiai5Z — Russell Brand (@rustyrockets) July 19, 2024 Make America Great Again. pic.twitter.com/ZKsp3UHYQg — MAZE (@mazemoore) July 14, 2024 In the 2020 election, I was extremely blackpilled and exhausted after four years of the […]

  • New York Attorney General Letitia James Destroys VDARE

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 24th 2024 8:08am EDT

    PETER BRIMELOW: Why We’ve Suspended VDARE and I’ve Resigned After 25 Years pic.twitter.com/tnWSz3L0xs — VDARE (@vdare) July 23, 2024 If you want a picture of America’s future, imagine a cackling HR girlboss’s stiletto stamping on an American male’s face — forever. pic.twitter.com/9vuYiTGz1L — Jack (@Unfelled_) July 23, 2024 Joy Reid, the race lady at MSNBC, […]

  • The Case for Trump 2024: Activist Brain

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 23rd 2024 10:53am EDT

    Nick and people like him so often feel “betrayed” because they’ve always deluded themselves into thinking MAGA was their movement, being infiltrated and watered-down by normies, when it’s always been the normies’ movement, and groyper types are hangers-on along for the ride. https://t.co/9yEeulOBVj — Martyr Made (@martyrmade) July 19, 2024 Destiny was banned from Twitch […]

  • The Case for Trump 2024: Fun

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 22nd 2024 10:19am EDT

    four minutes of Kamala Harris saying “what can be, unburdened by what has been” pic.twitter.com/YsFg7WRTv8 — Women Posting W’s (@womenpostingws) July 17, 2024 Fuck it. I’m excited. Pissing your pants over electing a Black/AAPI woman president ignores the fact that we could elect a Black/AAPI woman president. — Elie Mystal (@ElieNYC) July 21, 2024 ? […]

  • The Case for Trump 2024: The Alt-Right

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 21st 2024 10:04am EDT

    FLIP FLOP FUENTES says he is NOT voting for Trump! This comes after days ago, acting like he would take a bullet for Trump. https://t.co/p0ksZy1qBo pic.twitter.com/oZaX2hNrlo — Bean World (@Beansoy_World) July 19, 2024 Definitely Trump The combined political instincts and judgment of Spencer, Fuentes and Jordan Cooper do not lie pic.twitter.com/wzOftD6dOA — Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) […]

  • The Case for Trump 2024: Trump’s Personality Cult

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 20th 2024 11:44am EDT

    Why do I like this ad so much. This is a very different campaign than he’s ever run before. pic.twitter.com/uJxmZ8uRUt — Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) July 18, 2024 Trump: “I’m not supposed to be here tonight” Crowd: “Yes you are!” Trump: “I stand before you in this arena only by the grace of almighty God. […]

  • Trump / Vance 2024

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 15th 2024 9:33pm EDT

    BREAKING: Per WSJ, Elon Musk plans to support Donald Trump’s campaign by giving $45 million a month to a new super PAC. — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) July 16, 2024 BREAKING: Donald Trump announces U.S. Senator J.D. Vance as his running mate pic.twitter.com/uTEsynPpZs — BNO News (@BNONews) July 15, 2024 ??VANCE IS THE VP PICK?? pic.twitter.com/9LTxCoXw3v […]

  • Poll Watch: Post-Debate Polls Reveal Biden Plunge

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 2nd 2024 7:55pm EDT

    He read, “END OF QUOTE” out loud again at the end. Joe Biden is gone.pic.twitter.com/YWQi1oCpjH — Chase Geiser (@realchasegeiser) July 2, 2024 VIDEO: President Biden reading ‘say that again’ off teleprompter pic.twitter.com/y6OeYjbIn5 — The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) July 2, 2024 The leaks are not an accident. And they will get worse. Everyone needs to take […]

  • Axios: Supreme Court Rules Donald Trump Has Immunity For “Official Acts”

    Occidental Dissent - Jul 1st 2024 9:28pm EDT

    pic.twitter.com/jtFJkINY2S — Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) July 1, 2024 Joe CHOKED! ? pic.twitter.com/e4rmjcRL8P — Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) June 30, 2024 He read, “END OF QUOTE” out loud again at the end. Joe Biden is gone.pic.twitter.com/YWQi1oCpjH — Chase Geiser (@realchasegeiser) July 2, 2024 Donald Trump leads Joe Biden by 0.9% based on an average of 8 […]

  • I’m Voting For Trump In 2024

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 29th 2024 10:40am EDT

    The Trump immigration chart pic.twitter.com/gcDuATffXr — ?? ???? ????? ??????? ?? (@Baklava_USA) June 29, 2024 Donald Trump’s newest ad is just Joe Biden talking at the debate last night. Trump doesn’t say a word: pic.twitter.com/GXMfLFk8tg — Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) June 28, 2024 Four minutes of Kamala. I defy you to listen to it without cracking […]

  • First 2024 Presidential Debate

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 27th 2024 11:09am EDT

    Trump’s lead in the RCP National Average (+1.5%) now bigger than it’s been in three months. pic.twitter.com/Bv3UdiEWQM — Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) June 27, 2024 2008 18-29 year olds, who are 34-45 today, voted for Obama by 33 points. In the NYT poll, 30-44 year olds are Trump +5. From this to MAGA in just 16 […]

  • AFPAC IV Cancelled In Detroit

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 16th 2024 2:32pm EDT

    AFPAC canceled. Whelp. Guess I’ll hit the juneteenth festival. pic.twitter.com/Q15VCby0B9 — I,Hypocrite (@lporiginalg) June 15, 2024 I will always support the right for Whites and help fight against their demonization and genocide. Even if you don’t want me to. — Tenryo???? (@TenryoTheLight) June 16, 2024 The real leader of America First. pic.twitter.com/gj7Q4jP5bV — Daily Grifter […]

  • Renaissance Horizon: European Election Results

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 11th 2024 10:52am EDT

    A few years ago, I would have been more excited about this, but a buffet of disappointments – BREXIT, Meloni in Italy, Le Pen’s relationship with AfD, etc. – has chilled my interest in European nationalist parties. I now look at the European nationalist parties like MAGA in the United States. It is good and […]

  • Tucker Carlson Interviews Rep. Thomas Massie

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 8th 2024 12:08pm EDT

    Rep. Thomas Massie doesn’t care what you think of him, which is pretty great. (3:19) Where Does US Debt End?(10:32) Why Massie Voted 15 Times Against Funding Israel(14:53) AIPAC(34:04) Mitch McConnell(42:25) Area 51(50:32) Massie’s Relationship with Trump(57:09) Kill… pic.twitter.com/VBOiWjq056 — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 7, 2024 Congressman Thomas Massie reveals to Tucker Carlson that his […]

  • Joe Biden Celebrates 80th D-Day Anniversary In Normandy

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 6th 2024 11:44am EDT

    The Greatest Generation #DDay pic.twitter.com/7rsmXutepF — Ahab (@Ahab4K) June 6, 2024 100 year old Marine breaks down “This is not the country we fought for!” “This is not what those boys died for” pic.twitter.com/t96nkydI3s — Jack Poso ?? (@JackPosobiec) June 6, 2024 WWII VET: “I feel like a foreigner in my own country lots of […]

  • Why Does the Left Win?

    Amerika.org - Jun 4th 2024 2:29pm EDT

    Too much discussion on the Right focuses on why we seem to usually lose as history curves steadily toward the Left. Too few mention that we are already in collapse and this curve to the Left consists of those trying to make peace with their doom instead of resisting it. Conservatives tend to ask what […]

  • Time: President Biden on World Leadership, War and the 2024 Election

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 4th 2024 10:53am EDT

    As this interview makes clear, Trump is still preferable to Biden in spite of his underwhelming first term. Trump didn’t preside over a genocide in Gaza or the war in Ukraine.  Time: Biden leads the U.S. as the American century is fading into an uncertain future, a changing world of threats, opportunities, and power shifts. […]

  • National Review: Is Judge Merchan Crazy Enough To Give Trump Jail Time

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 3rd 2024 10:22pm EDT

    We could be a month away from this. Sure, it is unlikely to happen given the nature of the crime and Trump’s lack of a criminal record, but this whole case was contrived by Alvin Bragg to “get Trump.” The same is true of all the other cases. Now that Trump has been found guilty […]

  • Warren Balogh: 20th Anniversary Speech

    Occidental Dissent - Jun 2nd 2024 4:15pm EDT

    Editor’s Note: Warren Balogh delivered the following speech at The Political Cesspool’s 20 Year Anniversary Conference. I had a wonderful time meeting him and his lovely wife Emily. Before I say anything else, I want to congratulate James on his monumental achievement of 20years of The Political Cesspool. I also want to congratulate Keith Alexander […]

  • New York Times: How China Pulled So Far Ahead On Industrial Policy

    Occidental Dissent - May 28th 2024 5:31pm EDT

    In my speech at The Political Cesspool: 20 Year Anniversary Conference, I name dropped Pat Buchanan’s 1998 book The Great Betrayal: How American Sovereignty and Social Justice Are Being Sacrificed To The Gods of the Global Economy as a key influence on my political views. I brought up Joe Biden’s recent 100% tariff rate on […]

  • Nikki Haley Endorses Trump

    Occidental Dissent - May 24th 2024 11:47am EDT

    During a speech announcing that she is voting for Donald Trump, Nikki Haley says “Israel is conducting its war of self-defense more humanely than any army in history.” pic.twitter.com/CvADclyTyO — Quds News Network (@QudsNen) May 22, 2024 NIKKI HALEY: “I will be voting for Trump.” pic.twitter.com/WqGFt2WSCC — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) May 22, 2024 As with Ron […]

  • Walt Right: Dixie, the Alt-Right and Charlottesville

    Occidental Dissent - May 24th 2024 11:16am EDT

    I had a great time chatting with Walt Bismarck. You should bookmark his Substack. I have become a daily visitor. In a lot of ways, Walt reminds me of myself in an earlier phase of life. I had spent about 7 or 8 years identifying as a White Nationalist and posting on internet. I was […]

  • View From The Right: The Paleoconservative Triumph

    Occidental Dissent - May 22nd 2024 5:15pm EDT

    The Paleoconservative Triumph https://t.co/yY4DYA244N — Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) May 22, 2024 Amren: Download: I sat down with my old friend Gregory Hood yesterday afternoon to discuss the slow but steady ascendance of paleoconservatism on the Right over the past twenty years. We agree on the need to drop antiquated labels in favor of identifying as […]

  • Poll Watch: Half of Americans Oppose Immigrant Detention Camps

    Occidental Dissent - May 21st 2024 10:49pm EDT

    Continuing with the theme of my speech … 56% of American voters support mass deportations of illegal aliens. 36% of American voters are cool with rounding up all illegal aliens and putting them in concentration camps before deporting them en masse. 20% are squeamish about the optics. 85% of Republican voters and 61% of Independent […]