• The Political Cesspool: 20th Anniversary Conference

    Occidental Dissent - May 20th 2024 11:06pm EDT

    When James Edwards asked me to speak at The Political Cesspool’s 20th Anniversary Conference earlier this year, I accepted on the spot and cleared my schedule. I knew that it would be a fantastic event. I knew that the finest people that I have met in the movement would be there. I’ve been critical of […]

  • Paleoconservatism: The Journey From The Margins To The Mainstream

    Occidental Dissent - May 18th 2024 8:23pm EDT

    Editor’s Note: I delivered the following speech at The Political Cesspool 20 Year Anniversary Conference this morning. Mitt Romney: “We are connected to the rest of the world. Our economy is connected to the rest of the world…I laugh at the phrase ‘America First…'” pic.twitter.com/6wS2Yljp8R — Townhall.com (@townhallcom) May 16, 2024 HOLY SMOKES! MUST WATCH! […]

  • Uniparty House Speaker Mike Johnson Easily Survives Motion To Vacate

    Occidental Dissent - May 9th 2024 12:44pm EDT

    Withholding weapons from Israel is a catastrophic policy. This will be devastating and go directly against the will of Congress. pic.twitter.com/iLPK3fyCmn — Speaker Mike Johnson (@SpeakerJohnson) May 9, 2024 Speaker Johnson, addressing today’s Holocaust Remembrance Ceremony at the US Capitol, compares US college campuses to Nazi Germany. He says if you close your eyes, “you […]

  • White Atheist Nationalism Is a Dead End

    Occidental Dissent - May 7th 2024 7:59am EDT

    I have a bone to pick with Jason Kessler. At the outset, I want to stress that it is nothing personal. There has always been White Nationalists who share Jason Kessler’s dismissive view of Christianity. When I first stumbled across the White Nationalist movement in 2001, there were already established leaders in the movement who […]

  • Elon Musk Brings Nick Fuentes Back To Twitter

    Occidental Dissent - May 6th 2024 4:43pm EDT

    Very well, he will be reinstated, provided he does not violate the law, and let him be crushed by the comments and Community Notes. It is better to have anti whatever out in the open to be rebutted than grow simmering in the darkness. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 2, 2024 pic.twitter.com/J3wzRl06MW — Nicholas J. […]

  • Time: Donald Trump on What His Second Term Would Look Like

    Occidental Dissent - May 4th 2024 11:29am EDT

    Scott Greer: “Why Trump Must Win” | VDARE 2024 Conference@ScottMGreer Watch Scott’s full speech from VDARE’s Spring 2024 conference at the Berkeley Springs Castle in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. pic.twitter.com/COwWNLQKPN — VDARE (@vdare) May 2, 2024 I would take this with a grain of salt. I think it is important to have very low expectations. […]

  • Uniparty Ushers In Dreaded Authoritarian “Fascist USA” To “Stand With Israel”

    Occidental Dissent - May 1st 2024 5:17pm EDT

    As many astute observers have noted, dumb leftwing college students can protest pretty much anything on campus and get away with it … capitalism, “white supremacy,” misogyny, “the patriarchy,” transphobia, settler-colonialism, Confederate monuments, Christopher Columbus, etc. No one cares. OUR GREATEST ALLY, however, is sacrosanct. Suddenly, the jack boot of the police state has come […]

  • Eva Vlaar, NatalCon On The Great Replacement

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 29th 2024 11:09pm EDT

    Here it is! The full speech I gave at #CPACHungary that the establishment is losing its absolute mind about. I spoke the forbidden truth: The Great Replacement is no longer a theory – it’s reality. White Europeans are being replaced in their own countries at an ever… pic.twitter.com/L33UE3P6tv — Eva Vlaardingerbroek (@EvaVlaar) April 27, 2024 […]

  • Senate Passes Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan Foreign Aid Bill

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 25th 2024 11:59am EDT

    31 Senate Republicans voted for the $95 billion foreign aid bill pic.twitter.com/SdXoIsPkxX — Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) April 24, 2024 These people truly just repeat all the same WWII analogies on zombified autopilot. They might as well be doing it in their sleep. After reminiscing about striding through Kyiv with John McCain, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) […]

  • Poll Watch: Ukraine Aid Views Are Shaped By Cold War Memories

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 22nd 2024 8:17pm EDT

    Speaker Mike Johnson, on NEWSMAX promoting his war funding bill: “For those of us who are believers, it’s a Biblical admonition to stand with Israel” pic.twitter.com/oBNJxkIQtg — Michael Tracey (@mtracey) April 20, 2024 Speaker Mike Johnson reportedly dropped to his knees in prayer for guidance on how to handle the Ukraine matter. Always fascinating when […]

  • House Approves $95 Billion Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan Aid

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 21st 2024 11:08am EDT

    “Ukraine” chants on the House floor… pic.twitter.com/wmimCXKGiM — ALX ?? (@alx) April 20, 2024 Ukrainian flags fly in the chamber of the UNITED STATES House of Representatives as they vote to send more of your hard-earned money to a corrupt foreign regime. And just like that they shout “UKRAINE! UKRAINE!”while happily working to secure Ukraine’s […]

  • Is There a Right Wing after Postmodernity? “Euronormativity” and Biopoliticized Resistances to the “Counterhegemonic” Left

    Counter Currents - Apr 19th 2024 3:06pm EDT

    Discobolus, a Roman copy of the Greek original from the fifth century BC. Image courtesy of Wikipedia Commons. 2,899 words From a liberal perspective, there exists a logical (and also emotional) resistance to the use of concepts, terminologies, and ideas that are foreign to modernity, since for liberalism, being born detached from the latter, such […]

  • Charlie Kirk: The Civil Rights Act ‘Created A Beast’ That ‘Turned Into An Anti-White Weapon’

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 17th 2024 3:16pm EDT

    I will reiterate my advice. Don’t become an internet edgelord. Just call yourself a conservative populist. Focus on your own personal life and career path. “Become Who You Are” by becoming the policy wonk with the credentials to be hired to work on something like immigration policy or unraveling the civil rights bureaucracy. Eyes on […]

  • Truthout: Collapse of White Nationalist Party Offers Lessons for Anti-Fascist Strategy

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 17th 2024 12:58pm EDT

    Shane Burley, one of our longtime Antifa enemies and the author of Fascism Today: What It Is and How To End It, has a new article out about the collapse of the National Justice Party. Truthout: “2024 began with a declaration of failure from within the white nationalist movement: The National Justice Party (NJP) is […]

  • Ultright

    Amerika.org - Apr 16th 2024 7:32am EDT

    Absolutely no one is satisfied with the conservatives and this is normal. The conservative is the rearguard, trying to delay the enemy long enough for the rest of the soldiers to escape; this is an ancestral role that takes into account that, by the point that things go very badly wrong, most should not escape […]

  • Presidential Harassment! Stormy Daniels Hush Money Case Begins In Manhattan

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 15th 2024 10:23pm EDT

    “Would Trump have lost the 2016 Presidential election if Stormy Daniels had gone public with her story? Prosecutors in Manhattan think maybe so. This question is at the heart of this week’s criminal trial against Trump…” https://t.co/OJbXOIeaaW — Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) April 15, 2024 When I walk into that courtroom, I know I will have […]

  • Tucker Carlson: How Does Israel Treat Christians?

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 10th 2024 10:09am EDT

    Ep. 91 How does the government of Israel treat Christians? In the West, Christian leaders don’t seem interested in knowing the answer. They should be. Here’s the view of a pastor from Bethlehem. pic.twitter.com/Gvo116ojnf — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) April 9, 2024 We lost Richard Spencer and Evan McLaren. We gained people like Tucker Carlson and […]

  • Evan The Punk: Leaving The Alt-Right

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 9th 2024 8:16pm EDT

    Bow before your superiors, plebs … who are broke, unemployed, divorced and live with their parents in their 40s ? pic.twitter.com/ATqyYg6n0v — Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) April 7, 2024 Episode 133 of the @DNWpod is live!@evan_r_mclaren was the executive director of the NPI, Richard Spencer’s white nationalist “think tank”, until he resigned in 2018. We talk […]

  • Donald Trump: Leave Abortion To The States

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 8th 2024 10:53pm EDT

    President Trump’s retreat on the Right to Life is a slap in the face to the millions of pro-life Americans who voted for him in 2016 and 2020. By nominating and standing by the confirmation of conservative justices, the Trump-Pence Administration helped send Roe v. Wade to the… — Mike Pence (@Mike_Pence) April 8, 2024 […]

  • Scott Greer: Has The Dissident Right Gone Mainstream?

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 6th 2024 11:35am EDT

    I mostly agree with this take from Scott Greer. 1. The divide in style and substance between the online and offline Right is now probably greater than the divide between the mainstream Right and the Dissident Right. 2. The Dissident Right is one faction competing for influence in a larger online Right. 3. Some issues […]

  • Rich Lowry: Yes, Fight Anti-White Racism

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 4th 2024 3:36pm EDT

    Glenn Beck wants to cut off aid to Israel. Rich Lowry wants to fight anti-White racism now.

  • Walt Bismarck: Hunter Wallace Is Wrong

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 4th 2024 11:44am EDT

    It will suffice to say here that I recall things differently. The Alt-Right that I remember first emerged in the 2000s when George W. Bush was president and “True Conservatism” was still ascendant. The Center Right was dominant. National Review and The Weekly Standard defined and policed the boundaries of mainstream conservatism. In those days, […]

  • Judd Blevins Ousted From Enid City Council

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 3rd 2024 11:04am EDT

    I see a lot of people on Twitter are drawing the wrong conclusions from this. CNN: When a public official in a small Oklahoma city faced a censure vote that condemned his recent ties to White nationalism, he was saved – at least temporarily – by a Black man. Several residents in Enid blasted city council commissioner […]

  • Matt Walsh Ate Our Lunch

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 2nd 2024 2:22pm EDT

    Greg Abbott signed an executive order calling for “punishment” for “antisemitic rhetoric.” Here’s why that is absurd, wrong, and un-American. pic.twitter.com/ErgAE2Fynb — The Honorable Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) March 29, 2024 The Most Anti-Christian President In History Declares Easter ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’ TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 – 00:23 Opening1:44 – 16:20 The Most Anti-Christian President In History […]

  • Ezra Klein Show: The Rise of Middle Finger Politics

    Occidental Dissent - Apr 1st 2024 9:13pm EDT

    LISTEN HERE I had a good laugh listening to this over the weekend. It is Ezra Klein and John Ganz discussing the rise of rightwing populism from the 1990s to the 2024 campaign. I know David Duke personally. My father-in-law knew Pat Buchanan and Sam Francis. I have been around long enough to remember Murray […]